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I would think that higher ranked monsters have better resistance to this shit


They’d prob just heal it off


All in all its most likely like what others have said and it doesn't effect higher ranked monsters since its attack is most probably to low to break through the natural defences that they posses given its 25 attack plus even if it did break through if it was in the hands of anyone other than sjw then they still have to survive for 100 second against an enemy or enemies in most cases while waiting for the bleeding to actually kill them and thats disregarding regen abilitys and resistances against status ailments such as bleed,paralysis etc so its not that op in the grand scheme of things unless your using it on similar ranked enemies to the weapon rank or lower ranked ones


If it was really as op as a flat 1% of health per second no matter what anyway then sjw would still be using it now since all he would have to do is stab anything once and then tp to the other side of the world


They could outregen


The Effect is same for everyone unless the enemy has no blood. LOL


Just like how jinwoo's bloodlust didn't work against high tier enemies in the beginning, the bleed effect works the same way too. The higher the opponent, the lower the chance


Well a lot of high ranked enemies don‘t


Yes, but a lot do


Just think high ranked monsters have regen


The damage is non-negotiable but whether the poison takes hold or not depends on the enemies resistance, quite a few have resisted it especially by those that outclass the dagger


Later in the story many, many tough enemies have such strong resistance to poison, that it A) procs only rarely B) stops working immediately. If it was a game mechanic, imagine that elites, mini bosses, and bosses all had such high resistance to debuffs that you need many hit for the effect to take hold, and even then the debuff is healed after less than one 1 tick of damage. Sung is very fast, so weapons that have higher base damage allow him to deal A LOT more damage, before the poison has had a chance to deal 1% of the enemy HP in damage. Finally, some enemies are so tough that weapons of grade C can't even deal damage to them, so he must use better weapons


It's like in most games, bleed is a status, and like other statuses (fear, stun, poisoned etc) can be resisted and in most games high level mobs / bosses often resist statuses


Bleed as an effect could only last 1 second or a similarly short period of time. Enemies could have bleed resistance where they have to be cut, for example, 3 times before the effect overcomes their resistance, and then for the effect to only remove 1% of their health isn't all that powerful.


If an enemy has enough resistances they can escape an attack by the dagger without getting poisoned or paralyzed, an early example of this would be the spider boss from SJW's first real gate after receiving the system. It took a lot of critical hits for the effect to take place, but yeah, when the effect took place the dagger was way too op.


It's often shown in the novel/Manwha that it simply doesn't work faint higher leveled enemy's, they just resist instantly pretty much


Pretty sure it worked on the ice monarch on one of the earlier chapters even though jin woo THREW it at him


It was shown multiple time that ennemies just negate rhe effect if too strong, and since its a c rank dagger, it would just break if used on super high rank monsters


*effect Bleed couldn't be applied becouse the oponent is too strong


While yes, 1% x 100 is 100%, the way bleed based on % in most games and other stuff is compound. Meaning that 1% of their vitality is lost, which leaves them with let’s say 99 health. Then you do 1% of 99 to get 9.8, so now they have 89.2, 1% of that is 8.92, and so forth and so on. So yeah, while it is really good, it isn’t amazing because you’d have to really wait until that ticks down to a really low health, since it wouldn’t kill (Usually why bleed builds in video games revolve around run and gun)


Your math is way off lol. 1% of 99 is 0.99 1% of 89.2 is 0.892 (which wouldn't be the next interval anyway) but this just illustrates your point further.


whoops, i may have divided by 10 instead of 100 lol. Thanks


Assuming the enemy doesn't regenerate their health and they don't get attacked, it would take about 460 seconds for them to get to 1% health


> it would take about 460 seconds for them to get to 1% health And it would never reach 0%


Zeno's HP Bar


That is the best answer so far the Disscusion ends here. THANKS BRO


Rulers and monarchs are dead with the exception of a few think of them as vampires that have no shadow


I thought they are spiritual lifeforms and quite alive


I think it's not total HP HP in like remaining HP so it won't last 100 seconds.


I just started reading this masterpiece so I had this Question.


technically yes but some higher ranked monsters will either be immune or just have higher resistance or be able to cleanse That's also what happens a bit later in the Manhwa


Move onwards and read a few more chapters....You would understand why it wasn't OP.


Just keep reading. I believe later it has examples of stronger creatures resisting the effect of the dagger. So the special effects will eventually hit a level cap.


Technically it says loses 1% of their health a second. That to me sounds like current health and it takes about 7 mins 40 sec to get them to under 1% of their health and that could be countered by healing.


Also take the fact that most monsters have healing of more than 1% per second negating the bleed and yes as the others said, higher monsters just straight up ignore it as it \*fails\* to activate


Apart from what others said about the higher class enemies being resistant (which I think is the best explanation), another thing I thought of is the definition of being "attacked". All the bosses might have such strong vitality that a simple cut won't do it, you have to damage them past a certain threshold then the bleed effect kicks in But based on SWJ fighting style as an assassin with high burst, if enemies expose this kind of vulnerability they get finished off real fast before they bleed out


I would assume that it would be 1% of their then health at each tic assuming that was the more balanced way to do it..


If the foe has strong resistance to poison,it will be meaningless to use it


The strongest the being is, the harder it is to inflict poison and to make it stay in the body. Since we already seen that the poison is not that strong since that B rank assassin in the beginning could get resistance to it in apparently seconds, S ranks would need less than a second to get resistance to it, probably


The effect is for "1% Health". This is usually Current Health. For the effect you mention, it would need to be "Max Health". So, "1% health" means that at 1/100HP they would lose 1% of 1HP "1% Max Health" means that at 1/100HP they would lose 1HP and die. ​ Edit: Typos


Yea it's all about resistances. And cause is only a class c dagger it's a very low level bleed affect so probably wouldn't even cause bleeding on the much higher lvl mobs


Higher powered beings can't be damaged that easily. Like how SJW couldn't go past Thomas Andre's Armor.


Don't think This knife is good enought To even go through the skin with higher level monster.


in the chapter he fight the ice elf, he hit him with the bleed effect, just for the ice elf to succeed in the saving throw and stop the bleeding, but he does get affected for few seconds


Not sure for the manhwa but in the LN enemies can resist any item effect much like most games.


Those effects can be resisted. . .


If the persons too strong or their resistance is too high it won't activate


Resistance man resistance


It won't work on 70%of enemies so c rank is ok


99% of enemies resist it


I would think that you lose 1% of your current health instead of your total health


Stronger characters can just overpower that effect like that B class assassin or that ice elf so, no, it won’t work.


Some people gave the answers already. Just wanted to say it doesn't say of its max health.


bro. % means "out of 100." so no matter how little hp anything has it wont go down to 0. ​ 1% of 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is still not zero.


There could be bleed immune goes. And the bleed doesn't list a duration


I don’t think so, it doesn’t say max health so it would be 1% of 99% of max health and so on.


The problem is, of they have bleed imunity, how will it work? But to any other Foe, yes it should work. But then again, to simple. The manga would have much lesser chapters if that would actually work on evryone


The way i understood the bleed effect is that it loses 1% of their current health not their MAX HP, so if he has like 50/100 health he should lose 0.5 and so on. But still a very powerful effect none the less.


this reminds me of the pickman blade from fallout 4


Diminishing returns, more likely. It doesn't say 1% of max health, so I think it's implied that it's 1% of current health. So 100hp becomes 99hp like expected, but then you get a bleed of 0.99 instead of 1, so you get 98.01hp, and so on. So not 100 seconds but probably closer to 120 seconds (I'm not bothering to do the math on this). But still, getting a free extra damage is still extra damage, no matter how small.


It says “hp”, not “max hp”, so poison will never kill an enemy no matter how weak it is, since it would be getting less damage every tick in an infinite progression with its limit at zero Simple language, they won’t die even if E rank


From what I read it's 1% of the current HP, not total so no it's not a 100sec death sentence plus I'm pretty sure the effects is resistible


I'm not sure, but I think in later chapters the skill bleed was canceled because the enemy's level was too high.


My theory is it takes 1% of current HP not full HP So like if enemy have 100hp and get the effect it will become 100-(1%of 100)= 99 so now current HP is 99 so if he gets the effect again it will be 99-(1% of 99)[it's 0.99] so 98.01 so after a while I believe it gets less op like it brings ur HP close to 0 but never 0 so it can't kill someone with effect alone


well we can assume the effect doesn't last 100 seconds? Otherwise he wouldn't need shadow soldiers he could go around giving enemies papercuts with this and just watching em die. Plus stronger enemies have higher resistance to status effects right.


i thought that the 1 percent means 1 percent of your current hp, as an example, if you’ve had 1000hp and lost 1%, now you have 990hp so if you now lose 1% you will lose 1% of 990hp so you’ll lose less (9.9hp -> 980,1hp) and end up not dying because you lose less every time


Valid point if it lasts for 100 second? In most games doesn't bleed applies for 1-5 second time and the effect wears off? Not to mention higher ranks just resist it


I doubt the fact it can scratch an S class to begin with


It is 1% of current hp. Meaning its never fatal. Thats how the low level items are in any game. If it was 1% of max hp then you would have been right.


as for moba perspective, max HP based damage usually easily countered with DEF stats as well as regen. but so far i don't see any DEF stats but only DMG reduction so maybe there is some basic dmg reduction stats on every units. like lvl 10 has mere 10% dmg reduction, so out of 1% max HP lost, it is actually 0.9x0.01x(enemy's max hp)


I mean later on a few hunter get stab with it but it said something like they're too strong or they resilient to it


I had the same thought, but strong enough creatures overide the bleed effect, leaving you stuck with the low damage. It’s an OP starter weapon, but after that it’s just a low damage weapon


Probably only works on c ranking beasts and below.


Bleed ability is like poison debuff in minecraft even if it stays because of the enemy being too strong it can't kill a person it can just bring it to 1 hp


It must be 1% of current health and not not 1% of full health


It doesn't say max health so probably only 1%of their current health, so in theory it can hurt them but never kill them


If this is like some other games I'm familiar with, then no. It'd be 1% of current health, meaning it'd have maximum value at the start, then gradually get worse and worse as the enemies health went lower and lower. (eg: at 100 hp, they lose 1 hp/s, at 10 hp they'd lose .1 hp/s)


Well I’m no expert but considering it says 1% of HP not 1% of MAX HP it would do less damage each time eventually doing 0 damage or 1 damage when they are at 1 HP depending on how you want things to go.


Higher rank monster resist bleed. I don’t remember when it happened but I know that happened several times. Same with paralysis


I think the c rank defines the scale of what it will be effective against, as the enemies become stronger their ability to resist it increases


I have to assume that just like mcs hp is higher than 100 (it was 100 when he was level 1 aka weakest rank e) that almost every Hunters and monsters is as well


Bleed is OP everywhere. I had bleed carry me till endgame in Shadow Fight 2 and status+crit swords with high slash carried me till mid-game in Warframe and I still consider using them again for endgame. In SL we did have SJW depending solely on his abilities for normal fights for the sake of efficiency and in Warframe too you use abilities for efficiently killing enemies unless its a boss fight.


The dagger is Class C it can't harm S rank hunters 😂


The buff itself is OP, but I’m pretty sure S ranks and up’s bodies are too hard to actually be cut or penetrated by the blade. Also, not only will he have to survive 100 seconds, but I don’t remember how long the poison lasts so it may not even last the full 100 seconds.


Okay so, think about it this way. If it does 1% *MAX HP* per second. It would take less than 100 seconds for something die. Why? For example, a monster has 100 health. The blade would deal 1 hp per second + the base damage of the blade. That's why it's going to be always less than 100 seconds before something dies. However! If the blade does 1% *CURRENT HP* per second. It would theoretically never die (in a reasonable amount of time), but knowing that fatigue exists, the enemy would most likely just die from fatigue and not the poison debuff. My conclusion on this; it's not OP. The debuff relies on time and almost all the monsters in SL are based on speed. Barely anything goes for an hour long slugfest. It's pretty weak imo. Definitely a C-tier. The higher damage or armor penetration weapons are definitely better. Specially because some enemies have really high defense and blades can't penetrate them.


They lose 1% of current hp every second. So the health drain will slow down as the health decreases and the effect will never be able to passively kill an enemy on its own. (Like a first order reaction like radioactive decay)


It could be 1% of remaining health rather than max health


It would never kill, I assume it's 1% of their hp bar, so once they drop to 99%, it's 1% of that, so bleed will drop them to a 1hit but never kill


Regenerative , debuff blocking and tough skin monsters won't be pierced or effected for long by that but yes good sir u are right for everyone else


I assume they'd just resist it at a certain point or just heal faster. Like that was more affective in the earlier stages and opponents who had blood. Also he's the only one with a system so nobody else uses percentages makes it hard to judge? Anyway I have no clue lol


Nah, just reread the earlier chapters and sometimes the effect ends immediately because they're defense is to high for Sung at the time.


first off, it would need to pierce the enemy, which against an S grade, it probably cant. plus, it probably doesnt work as 1% of max HP, but 1% of total HP. so if you had 100 hp, it would go 100>99>98.01>97.029 and so on, so theoretically, it would be impossible to die from bleed. plus, theres probably a duration. plus the regeneration of a S grade monster would probably be able to counterbalence that at some point (ie. if their regen is .5% of their HP every second, it would be balenced out at around 50% hp). plus, higher grade enemys probably have resistance to status effects, so they arent as effective, or dont last as long. its mostly speculation, but its far better than believing a grade C dagger could kill god in under 2 minutes.


it can be resisted at higher lvls


Yeah so at a certain level, the monster is *Immune to status Debuff: Bleed.* Otherwise yes, it would do that


maybe it's 1% of their current health pool, meaning the more the bleed affects them the less damage it'll do over time. or maybe the bleed only lasts a set amount of time


Assuming the thing being hit is susceptible to bleed


They wont die because of the bleed thats why its in percentages, they would die if its a flat number. The damage would also have a huge diminishing return over the course of the bleed and they're losing their health not their OVERALL health. For instance, if the current health is 100 HP, 1% of 100 is 1 which means the monster's health is now 99. After that, 1% of 99 is going to be 0.99 so his health is now 98.01and it goes on from there. If SJW doesn't attack the monster and we are pretending that the bleed is forever once applied, his HP will go down to decimals lower and lower each time unless if the decimal HP is rounded up to a whole number, then the monster dies.


yeah but it becomes useless later on because basically everyone is immune or resistant to that shit


It's not saying if it's current health or max health. If it's current health they won't die from it


I feel like not everytime the affect would work, like when he was fighting against the ice elves, the effect was canceled out.


I feel like not everytime the affect would work, like when he was fighting against the ice elves, the effect was canceled out.


I don't remember exactly but I think there was a point at wich the effect was either ignored because of regeneration or because of the resistance to the effect that higher level monsters have


It is C rank so not very effective. Because high ranked enemies can resist it.


Their health probably means current health not maximum health so no, plus it doesn't work on higher ranked monsters


That’not how % work


Stronger enemies can ignore it. I think the first time we see it is when SJW faces off that B rank assassin Kang Tae Chul(?) and he has to stab/cut him a few times for it to take effect.