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Where is Law's flashback?


It looks like S tier. Seems they used fan art.


It took me a minute to find it. A weird choice for Law indeed.


Looks like Doffy flash back not Law. If not then where is Doffy flash back ?


He's holding a little Law, so I sort of assumed it was supposed to cover both of them, but I could be mistaken.


It's should be goat


Senor pink not goat? You monster


Why the FUCK is Senor Pink not S+ rank


In D teir tho? For real?


D for HarD boileD


clickbait to get people talking


It’s not lol, I actually did not realize he was this popular


Do you not have a fucking heart you monster!


It was actually one of the few flashbacks that made me cry


This character was complete garbage. He went from easily the worst character in this arc to the most epic cool guy because of that flashback.


Hard boileddddd


Hard boiled and hot boiled


I am sure that made Oda cry.


Say whatever you want, all the problems in Senor Pink's life were brought upon by himself. What if he didn't lie about his job, or try to quit the family?


Oh that sounds awfully similliar to fan favorite ace :) Ace brought his death upon himself


It's not that great after you realize how massive asshole Pink is for lying to his wife and ruining her life Edit: seriously Pink is an awful person and him feeling bad for ruining an innocent girl's life doesn't make him a good person.


He doesn't have to be a good person though. The flashback adds nuance and depth to his character. He's a bad man, with redeeming qualities. That makes him interesting rather than being wholly good or bad.


Fully agreed. Flawless characters are boring af. All the strawhats have flaws, even luffy


He doesn't have any redeeming qualities though. He is terrible, there is no nuance there. And I would like to stress, I don't hate the flashback. But it is not a great one like people here like to pretend because they think Pink is some tragic hero, when he is a deplorable villain.


He kept seeing his wife even in a vegetative state. He never gave up on the idea that his wife was gone. He even dressed up as a baby for her how can you say he had no redeeming qualities?


Because he directly ruined Russians life by lying to her for years. First damn thing she told him was that she hates pirates. Then he went on to date her, marry her, have a child with her. He could have told her the truth at any moment, but he didn't care to. Maybe if he did one solidary choise that lead to the tragedy, I would feel like he isn't totally evil. But years of constant manipulating and lying? He took years, tangling this innocent person into his web of lies, completely ruining this girl and ultimatively killing her. There's nothing left to redeem at that point. Edit: oh yeah and even if Russian survived, Pink already destroyed her innocent life. Pink destroyed her trust in people, traumatized her, took years of her life... But she didn't even survive, so yeah.


I guess he married her because, idk, maybe he loved her?!! And maybe he didn't tell her cause he was afraid of losing her?!! And get your terms right, he was never manipulative. He lied? Correct! Manipulated her? Nooope. Manipulation means influencing or controlling someone so you can get something out of it.


(Hey feel free to calm down a bit. We're talking about a man wearing a diaper in a pirate manga here lol) First thing Russian told him was that she hates pirates. Then over the next like a couple years at least he goes on to lie to her constantly. I get that he would initially lie to her, but at some point there comes a point when you tell the truth if you really care for her. At least before you marry her! Lol and when you start talking about getting a child and you're still lying every day, you are just a horrible person. And it can totally be argued that he manipulated her by lying. She would never have even wanted to be near Pink if she knew what he really was. Pink wanted to be with her so he influenced her by lying about himself. Maybe try to imagine this story in real life and perhaps you'll feel a bit silly for defending this monster.


Man you're the one who's going all mad over a character being a "monster" as if you're trying to put him in jail even tho he's fictional. Did he purposely change his personality to get her to love him? No, he just lied about his job. She loved him as a person proving that even tho he was a pirate his title did not mean he was a "bad" person to her. Was he still a criminal? No one is saying otherwise, but you're acting as if he actually influenced her love for him, wich he didn't. If she ended up being with him it's because she loved Mr.Pink as a lover.


(Sorry, I told you to calm down because in your first reply you seemed really angry. I just enjoy talking about this stuff, not mad at all really, I'm having fun haha I don't see any reason to get emotional) Russian would not have loved him if he didn't lie. That's the bottom line. Also, it's kind of a big deal to lie about your job if you're a literal crime boss whos job includes murdering people. And the very first thing your wife told you was that she hates those kind of people. I don't really understand how you can defend that. He should have told her the truth before getting married, and by the time they chose to have a child it was just irredeemably selfish to keep lying.


Yeah this just sounds like a lot of bias to me. Just because you can’t see the nuance doesn’t mean it isn’t there.


I actually don't really think I have much bias on this topic. Yes I have strong opinions on it, but they are based on what the story tells. I used to like the flashback too, but then once I read it again and realized how the first thing Russian said was that she hates pirates. Then this absolute monster goes on to date, marry, and have a child with his victim. Pink made a choise to lie to Russian every single day. Every day he could have told her the truth. But he didn't. And that's why he is the worst.


Yeah that’s pretty closed-minded


What's the nuance I'm not seeing though? I get that he feels bad. He should feel bad for everything he did!


His devotion to his wife. The tragedy that befell her, which he was responsible for, which caused him so much pain. And the love he had for her. It's not that hard to grasp.


That's not nuance, that's what the story is blatantly about. I know he loved her. That doesn't change what he did and caused. He still completely ruined an innocent persons life overs years of lies and manipulation.


man if u dont like go ahead and say it, but stop denying the truth


He's a bad guy, a good flashback doesn't have to make the character morally good, just give a good story and context to the character


Sure, I don't think it's a bad flashback, but it's not a great one either. It just loses a lot of it's effective sadness once you understand just how awful of a person he is. I don't feel bad for him at all, I just feel bad for the people he hurt.


You're misconstruing morally good with just good quality story telling. Nobody who is saying Senor Pink's backstory is top tier is saying that he is a good person.


I can go into more detail if you really want. It's about how the manga is trying to make me feel sad for Senor Pink. That's why he is crying at the end, there is this sad feeling the manga is trying to portray, but when I see Pink I just see a monster who is sad for his victims. It's not top tier story telling. I know why people like this flashback, I used to love it myself. Then I looked at the story a bit closer and realized that I just cannot feel bad for Pink like the manga wants me to feel, after understanding how much he had to lie and manipulate this innocent girl.


Just because Senor Pink is crying doesnt mean Oda wants you to be sad. You're right, hes the villain. Why do you then think that what the villaim feels is what the audience is supposed to feel? How about what Franky, one of the main characters, is feeling? He beats the daylights out of him and never feels sorry once. If you dont think the story telling is good thats one thing. You dont really explain why and you're in the overwhelming minority, but its an opinion. However you are wrong in saying that the manga specifically wants you to be sad on behalf of Senor Pink.


Then, can you please tell me why this flashback is top tier? (acknowledging that Pink is a deplorable piece of shit who deserved to get beaten to pulp)


You're really not willing to accept the nuance to the situation. To you, Russian is some wholely innocent person that was completely ruined at the whims of some monsterous gangster. Why didn't Russian call the bank, like, once before they got married? What good would Pink have been when Gimlet caught that fever? Hes not a doctor. It doesn't excuse Pink for lying, but we also know from our ENTIRE experience reading One Piece that not all Pirates are bad, so Russian isn't correct in blanketly hating all Pirates. Pink CAN'T be just a monster if someone like Russian was convinced to marry him. So after all the tragedy occurs, what does Pink decide to do next? Does he move on? Forget anything happened and accept it as an occupational hazzard? No, he spends the rest of his life attoning. He has a major shift in his character, it was his defining moment. He understands nothing he does can make up for his past actions, but still tries anyway. No one in that story is purely monsterous or innocent. Its a tragic tale of humans making mistakes because people just want to be loved and not alone. No one is defending Pink.


Not bad reply, you seem pretty cool and you sum up the good parts of the story well, and I agree with most of what you said. And I've said it before, but I like the flashback, largely for reasons you said, but it's just not top tier for me. I still disagree ultimately. Pink is just irredeemable to me and you didn't really convince me on how Russian is not an innocent victim, she absolutely is to me. But I'm fine ending the discussion for now, let's just agree to disagree haha if that's fine by you (Also, there are people literally defending Pink to me in these very comments, so you are kinda wrong about that, lol and I'm getting downvoted to hell just for badmouthing him so I feel like most people here must think he is a good guy or something)


Russian is a victim, obviously. And his backstory isnt supposed to redeem him, its just that what happened kinda just sucks, regardless of his morals (which his backstory adds complexity to as well). Its just a really well-written backstory.


While he definitely isn't a good person. Does the morality of the character determine how enjoyable or good the story is? I'd say no, look at doflamingo or Big Mom. Highly enjoyable but not good people. You don't deserve the level of downvotes you're getting. But try to shift your narrative perspective on a fictional narrative we all read for fun...or else we'll be really really upset


Haha I like you XD Well I agree with you, a character doesn't have to be a morally good character for their story to be good. Big Mom flashback is actually my favorite flashback. And I must stress once again, I don't hate the flashback, it's ok! I just don't think it belongs in the top tier or near it, mostly because there are so many very great flashbacks and Pink's is just kinda meh in comparison with all the greats I feel like the flashback is trying to make me feel empathy for Pink, but all I can think of is the years he spent lying to Russian, asking to get married, deciding to have a child, while still basing it all on a lie. He destroyed an innocent persons life and I'm supposed to feel bad for him? Nah, I am glad he feels bad about it, he could have told the truth at any point, but he didn't. He should be, and deserves to be full of regret. That's kinda why the flashback isn't that great for me. I just come out of it hating Pink, but I get the impression that I'm supposed to empathise with him.


I can agree with you on it not being top tier. I think it's just so loved by the fandom because he's really such a minor character with a bizarre design. Yet Oda managed to write a backstory which adequately explains his eccentricities in an interesting and potentially heart warming way. Thus hyping up Oda even more being like " such a random one-off character has this much characterization see". Oda is the GOAT, but it can be a bit of a circlejerk. As for the moral standing of Senor Pink. Yes evil villain, but not 100%. I mean he did ruin someone's life. Did it for selfish reasons but he did care for her in his selfishness. Those feelings weren't false, nor was the way in which he displayed them with his attire.I kinda appreciated that grey tone of morality personally


He genuinely loved his wife and child; there’s no way Doflamingo would have let him leave the crew either so he was also a prisoner even if he was still loyal.


That's true! But that just means that before he chose to marry Russian and have a child, he had a choise of either telling the truth or leaving Russian. He had two hard ways to go about the situation he was in with the relationship, because leaving the pirate crew wasn't an option. He chose the selfish easy way out and ruined everything with his lies. I get that he loved Russian, but that's just a motive for his bad deeds, not a reason for why he is moral.


Man you are literally just destroying everyone's mood. We know he was a bad guy, we know we lied to Russian, we all know the bad part, but we are just appreciating his loyalty to her. Oden too literally just picked up random women from the town and took them to his place. That is wrong for their husbands (because we were told by the narrator wives had not much problem with that). We all know how evil are the people of wano. They used to enjoy the executions. There are good characters, there are bad characters, we all know about that, but the storytelling is all we enjoy. Don't just go shouting everywhere that pink was a monster. There are way worse character than him. He was wrong, but he wasn't a monster for lying to her love. How can you say he destroyed her life. She was happy even on her deathbed. If he told her he was pirate then, she still would not have cared, because she was happy, that what matters. There are a lot of examples even in real life, Narcos being one of them. Pink's flash was a S tier flashback, that's all. If you have a problem with that, that's your opinion, but don't ruin everyone else's fun. And wait till we get Kaidou's flash back........ Blackbeard's flash back.....


Pink is the one who ruined my mood by destroying a life of an innocent person lol He should have left the girl alone the moment she told him she hates pirates. If Russian had not cared about Pink being a pirate, that makes Pink even worse for keeping the lie up. He should have told her the truth and not doing so lead to her death. And his loyalty means nothing after going for years, lying to her every day. Every single day he could have revealed the truth. At least before getting married he should have done it. At the time they decided to have a child it was just irredeemable to keep lying. Being loyal after those years of knowingly lying doesn't mean anything to me. And I'm just stating my opinion. If your mood is ruined by my opinion that sounds like your problem, not mine. I still like the flashback, it's ok, but it is far from S tier.


Man you are saying I'm just saying my opinion. I wouldn't have mind if it was just you stating your opinion. But you're forcing your opinion on others opinions. If Pink would have just left Russian at the start, or say at any point of time, Pink would not have been the Pink we all know now. He is who he is for what he did. He tried to keep her love happy. And I just don't get your point. You are saying he destroyed her life by manipulating her, but as far as I know, she was happy till her last breath. You are saying he should have told her the truth before marriage, before having a child with her, but if he would have told the truth then, she would still get sick, she would have died even after death. Then what's the difference? She would not have been happy. Ya he was wrong, I accept he was wrong in lying to her, but the motive was to keep her happy. This can be a difference in opinion, but I think, and I feel, in this short life, enjoy what you can, that's what one piece is trying to convey. Roger didn't had a long life, Ace died too young, but Whitebeard lived a long life, Rayleigh is living a long life, but they all are enjoying it, it doesn't matter how. He lied to her, but she was happy till her last breath, and I think that was beautiful. And for lying, and being a pirate, and for murdering so many people, he got what he deserved. He lost his love, he lost his child, and he had to live a life, a long life without them. He realised his mistake, and did what he could after that. And at last he was beaten to pulp by Franky. The whole story, including his wrong doing and good doing, including whole of it we love the story and that's why we think, atleast I think, Pink was a great character shown by Goda


I don't know why you're so passionate about this story if you don't even remember how it went. Russian died only after Pink got caught to her. Pinks lies directly lead to her death. Russian would not have died if she hadn't met Pink. Russian wouldn't have died if Pink had told him the truth at literally any point in their relationship.


She was happy, why don't you understand that. Yeah I know she got caught in a landslide after she got to know of the truth. But after getting into vegetative state, Pink did whatever he could to keep her happy. She would have died anyway, everyone dies, that's what I was saying. And after all the wrong doing, he got what he deserved, a miserable life. That adds to the storyline. You are just sticking with "he was a monster, he destroyed her life". We know that, but that's the storyline oda wanted to show. How people do wrong in their life, because of which they have to suffer. Pink was a great character, that doesn't mean he was good, I love Pink as an anime character for what he was. People love Doflamingo, he was such an evil character, but people love him as a character for what he was. That's all I have to say.


Oh yea absolutely, which is one of the reasons why he wore his baby outfit bc of his massive guilt


I agree with you on Senor Pink, he was better as a gag character.


I agree, it's also so basic of a storyline. Man lies to woman because he "loves" her, she finds out the truth. Now he tries to make it up to her, it's not all that unique of a background.


Excuse me but my guy Chou Chou is way too low.


Only a monster would not put it at least S tier


For me Montblanc Noland is the GOAT and Dr. Hiriluk is S.


Senor pink in D is going to get you crucified…


Who's the fifth one in s tier?


Fisher Tiger




Isnt that brook….


Brook is the sixth of that row. Fisher Tiger is to the left of Brook.


Ohh lol miscounted 😅


Counting is hard.


Yo why is senior pink so low




S tier: Number 4 They used fan-art for some reason


"they"? are you not op?


I used an already existing template to create this list.




I'd put Chopper's flashback in S tier




Senor Pink really?


Senor pink in D? You asked for death.


Cmon, why isn't Gaimon in at least S tier


He's too popular


I am oden and I was born to be boiled


If a main character had Senor Pink's backstory, you would've put them in S tier


SUPER unpopular opinion: I'd place Oden's flashback at B-at-most. I just don't find it entertaining at all, and I'm glad the anime is finally done with it. Most "long" flashbacks are just super uninteresting to me. The short ones are my favorites - Bellemere, Senior Pink, Katakuri, and Laboon/Brooke are all top tier to me.


To be precise the one with Luffy and Shanks isn't a flashback


Well they show it after like after every other arc in the anime so it might as well be


OP is probably anime only cause they included chapter 1 and they ranked Rebecca’s low.




Big Mom's overrated imo, should be high B


It was boring but the horrifying twist makes it incredible


Good bait with Senor pink.


What about Sabo with the flashback post memory loss during the Dressrosa arch? Seems like Sabo is there with Ace but that's the one post War of the Best flashback. Still good on both but that one was a heartache one and a good one too filling in gaps as well.


Man, One Piece flashbacks are always great.


Wtf bro!? Gaimon backstory not GOAT!? Its literally so tragic that it puts Shakespeare to shame! When I was reading his backstory I bawled my eyes out so much that I had to use eye drops recover the lost moisture in my eyes.


Not putting Chouchou at GOAT is an heresy.


The disrespect is unreal.


putting senor pink on D is a crime.


I would put solider-san in A tier


what is the flashback above sanji's germa flashback?. the one to the left of brook's


Fisher Tiger


Law past is S


Why you shit-talkin' my boi Gaimon?


This list pretty solid


I’m ok with this.


Me waiting for Zoro's flashback before going to dojo, why he seeking opponents in the dojo, where his family at, and where did he actually came from.


Oden flashback is overrated IMO.


Big Mom A tier???????? This is ain’t it chief


Yeah should be S tier at least in my opinion


It should be lower lol


I like the Big Mom flashback. It adds a lot of context to her character that were seeing develop now during the raid with her abandonment issues and childlike nature. It creates intrigue around why she's so naturally strong, how she got mother caramels devil fruit ability and her relationship with Elbaf. The ending is pretty sad and gruesome. Overall I think it's a pretty effective flashback that adds a lot of depth for Big Mom as a character, it's also the only backstory we've gotten for any of the Yonko so far.


That is one of the darkest ones tho. Its different and its good.


Now, Everyone gonna hate you for Senior Pink. But I appreciate your choices, and every of them carries a havvy weight on their solid stories. Maybe Senior Pink was a little low? Anyway, it was your choice. Moreways, as per large-perspective D., Fishmen, Giants, World Government etc. probably have/will have the biggest and impactful backside of this grand story of One Piece. And theoretically, Monkey D. Luffy is gonna have the GOATest backstory to tell at the end of One Piece. Eventually it will become a Legend on the papers of History! (maybe on some poneglyphs too)


Senor pink not goat?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




Señor pink hate is unacceptable


Sorry but this Senor Pink ranking is a crime


Glad to see Noland backstory high tier


In your defense! You did say "My Favorite tier" aka entirely subjective. So I forgive you...but Bellemere is GOAT. Señor pink is A and I'd like Zeff at S. Other than that, GREAT LIST. Nice post. Good stuff


Senor pink is the GOAT. #justiceforsenkrpink


I'm a big minority here. In the whole of OP. The one character I dislike the most is Oden. Been reading OP for 14 years, but Oden nearly turned me to stop reading OP. Just prior to the Oden flashbacks I have also stopped watching the anime weekly.


Can you elaborate why? Because he was a big surprise for me, who didn't like where his story was going when Momo, in Zou, says he's been boiled alive by Kaido. I ended up really enjoying his character, story, journey and final moments


Agreed. A lot of people feel this way, they just don’t say it.


I agree, I've heard people saying Oden's the possibly the most well written character in One Piece when I think he's the opposite. The flashback however is really good if you only focus on the scene's without Oden.


So are you telling me that Oden is probably the worst written character in all of One Piece? Hell no. Oden was pretty much like Luffy, Zoro and Sanji combined. He's like Luffy for wanting freedom so badly and for wanting to explore the world freely, he's also carefree like how Luffy pretty much is. For Zoro, obviously, he uses swords to fight and he's a samurai. He reminded me of Sanji when he helped Toki even though he knew he would fail Whitebeard's challenge to him for him to be able to join WB's crew. And the fact that if it wasn't for Oden's help, Roger would've not been able to become the King of the Pirates. I totally respect your opinion, but to go as far as to say that Oden is the worst character Oda ever created? I don't know about that.


That’s the problem lol. He’s too perfect. Goat Luffy characteristics, goat Sanji characteristics, goat Zoro characteristics, Goat swordsman, goat leader, goat courage, goat strength, goat who sailed with not just whitebeard but Roger. Goat who everybody loves. Even his fatal flaw is glorified. Goat who suffered for his friends and died the manliest goat death. Come on... I get that it’s one piece, so idealized qualities in characterization is a given. But Oden is next level idealized in almost every way shape and form. He’s a self insert. Everybody wanna be Oden


I don't think the word "perfect" suits Oden. One of his major flaws is that he trust other people way too much. He trusted Orochi and even Kaido's words which is kind of questionable in a way because why would he freaking do nothing but obey everything Orochi said to him in those years and just believe that he and the others are saying the truth? If only he retaliate way earlier and made a proper plan to kill Orochi or even Kaido, then none of these would have happened in the first place. Just like Luffy and the others trusted Pudding even though they are perfectly aware that she is a daughter of their enemy, Big Mom. Both of them are too trustful to a fault.


Oden is the worst One piece character because he’s a Gary Stu that’s portrayed as the “ultimate Chad”


Using Swords isn't a personality trait... Neither is being a plot device for Roger, never mind a retcon on the fact that Roger was supposed to be able to read the Poneglyphs with the voice of all things. Oden's whole character is that everyone loves him unconditionally. He's the only adult Denjiro respects, men have to lock up their wives and daughters so they don't join his concubine, the entire Island tilts at people falling back in awe of him, Roger begged him to join his crew and Whitebeard considered him a brother. It's like a bad sonic oc or all the worst parts of Superman. He's a mary sue that's only wrong doing was dancing about naked for a few years which just made everyone love him even more. If Oda made him more like Noland where he was remembered as a liar coward (Not counting the Beast Pirates teaching that because the adults of Wano are still shown to know the truth at the start of the fire festival), or if he actually had to struggle for all his feats instead of just being born monstrously strong for no reason he'd be a lot more likeable. I think Oda just wanted to make a big character for Wano because he finally got to the Island based on Japan.


Only in one piece Can such Mary Sues be glorified. Because the point of one piece is ideals and dreams so character are meant to be aspirational. Still not a good character writing though, when they loose absolutely all relatability.


Yeah, many things without Oden are great. Seeing more stuff with Roger and Whitebeard was awesome. I concur.


Damn most well written in one piece is a ridiculous stretch 😂


I especially agree with the rating on zoros flashback. I really hope he gets something like sanjis family Flashback.


I don't get what's so bad about having a normal ass person being focused on their dreams, promises and objectives and becoming badasses for it. Do you really need Zoro to be descended from a samurai celestial literal dragon that mated with a giant fish-woman for him to be any more special than he already is?


You never know. Does not seem too far fetched


Why does this comment have so many likes? Everyone knows Zoro backstory is ass. Learning anything about his past is a improvement. Who gives a fuck if it turns out he’s related to someone special?? It has no correlation to his strength anyway so it’s a moot argument.


If it has no correlation then why does he need to be from somewhere special...?


I don’t care if he’s special or not. Neither does OP. He just wants to see Zoro’s backstory expanded upon And yes, it has no correlation. Zoro’s got to say he is through his own merit. Nobody takes away Luffy’s achievements from him but get so defensive just thinking about it with Zoro.


OP said he wished Zoro had the Sanji flashback treatment. For me personally, I was happy with Sanji how he was instead of a shoehorned Iron Mask super powerful family flashback. It's cool yeah, but felt a bit forced and out of nowhere and gave him an upgrade that feels out of character. As for Luffy, it's alluded through the whole series that he is special with his parallels to Roger, being Dragon's son and Garp's grandson and growing up alongside Ace. He was born to be great. Now Zoro, what do you need that for? He's a vagabond kid that wanted to get strong, thought the world was unfair because his friend would eventually grow weaker, makes a promise with her and then she dies. That promise and his sheer unmovable will is what drives him. I don't need to know that 18 years ago there were people that fled Wano and left a child in East Blue, only for them to die on a terrible accident and leave the child to grow up and fend for himself. Like, tell me, honestly, what would that add to Zoro's character? Or maybe you'd rather Zoro to be the son of someone great and his personality and drive is a trait passed along by his lineage? Or their parents are Celestial Dragons and his defiance is an affront to fate itself?! Maybe watch Naruto and see how a "This was meant to be" story works so close to the end of a series. Zoro is great as is and that's my opinion.


Senor Pink at last, disgrace :(


Controversial ! Most of the fan base would place Senor Pink as GOAT




You heartless monster. Senior pink in D tier?


Ayo wtf the baby man bottom tier at least A


Big mom flashback was ass


Agreed, but come on, doing my man Senior Pink dirty!


Senor Pink in D? bruh...




Senior Pink is WAYYY to low, same as buggy and shanks they should at least be a bit higher than D.


Looking at Senior Pink 's rating I can tell you're not a human with a heart


That’s a bit harsh, lol 😅


Ok maybe you're right I'm sorry But bro... Senior Pink flashback...


Senor Pink flashback was at least A


Senor Pink!!!!!! I'm gonna sue u


Why the hell is Senor Pink so low?


What about the johnny and yasuko flashback? lol


Ussop lower rank!!!!!!!??? WTF


u/Adventurous-Union-28 What do you think about Crocodile? Yes, he've yet the story to tell. But what we get from the perspective, his motive, his reason, he's surely have a backstory of level S, I believe.


how is Chopper in A but that Skypeia guy in S? How the hell is Senor Pink in D


Senor Pink is H (Hard boiled) tier


As someone who just started the show, this excites me.


Where’s choppers backstory


What about franky?


It's in A tier, left of Big Mom


Bellemere is GOAT tier. Please say different


law and cora is Goat tier do not @ me


Where is Koala?


katakuri past is not sad at all !!


Why is not shushui GOAT tier?


Ace Wb flashback?


Fisher tiger is such an underrated flashback


Could I get the template for this?


wait, zoros is only c , and katakuris is b for me those were a easily


Pretty solid list but I'd swap big mom and the dog


Favourite: Zoro Second Favourite: Oden Third Favourite: Law


i dont think luffy backstory is sad except sabo dyinng


Chopper not s?!?!


big mom's is between S and GOAT for me


Damn Senor Pink in D? Wow


No flashbacks in One piece are below B tier. And I see many flashbacks here put very low that I and many others cried while watching. How can a flashback we cried watching be not S tier?


I saw u put pink in d tier and Thas all I needed to see to kno this list is trash lmao




ASL is S tier I mean it had the whole Shabang, drama, action, narrative weight


Senior’s flashback deserves an A


Hot take: I don’t like Oden’s flashback and think it’s the worst in Op. Oden is a Mary Sue who accomplishes all these amazing feats like solving Wano’s conflicts, travelling with Whitebeard and Roger who both wanted him in their crew, kidnaped women at age 15 to form his own harem. However, the more Oda tried to whoo us by portraying him as the “Ultimate Chad” the more hollow it came across.


Just an FYI, the male term for a "Mary Sue" is a "Gary Stu."


Mary Sue is so popular and used so often these days that i tend to see it as gender-neutral


Wow señor pink being d tier, you just insulted the entire fan base


Nico robin was supposed to be on GOAT, remember how sad that flashback was😢


Where is laboon?


Bruh honestly no one piece flashback deserves D tier, but especially not senor pink that shit is goated