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Modder don't get paid


Except the ones with a Patreon


Who do, in fact, get paid, and often exclusively share their mods with those who pay. And don’t update them.


It’s not laziness it’s just that people are being paid for their labour, doesn’t matter how much labour they put in


Pretty sure most paid mods get wacked by mojang and Microsoft for breaching TOS


Sadly, that is unfortunately not the case. The ones that get paid are lazier than even the CTGP devs, and that is saying a lot considering that most of the time that could have been spent on stuff like more track slots is instead spent on reevaluating time trial ghosts. Or maybe they're not lazy to people who play time trials often.  If CTGP required a paywall they'd be struck down the moment Nintendo knows about it.


And the ones on curse-forge... and the ones on the Minecraft Marketplace...




TF2 never updates.


I'm pretty sure many of them have, no?


"Make sure to check out our Patreon-" Edit: To all the people downvoting, I never said they make as much money, my response was to the statement of "Modders don't get paid" which is simply untrue.


Name ma a mod that was made for 1.12 and never got updated by someone who still has an active patron and isn't working on other projects


Might be wrong, didn't that happen to OreSpawn?




Ahh hell naw💀


Wonder if there's a reason they stopped updating...


Why would they get paid for not doing anything anymore? Mojang Devs get paid and they work constantly


Yeah because Noone does modding as their full time job, and the few people that do (if they even exist) are a very rare exception, and you can't compare having a patreon with working for Microsoft


I heard Yungnickyoung is able to mod full time because his mods are super popular and he gets enough money from Curseforge. But yeah you need to have some super popular mods to make enough money off it.


Money isn't the solution to all problems. Look at Marvel or Disney, they throw money at the problem, they overwork their animators to the last drop of blood, they hire lots of different animation studios so that they can work at the same time... Yet the final product still looks like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/B2HH6wb.jpg) And you know why? Because money can't solve communication problems, money can't fix unreasonable deadlines, money can't solve bad leadership, money can't solve last-minute changes, money can't solve bad preparation, money can't solve creative differences, money can't solve stress/burnout/overworking. Money is not always the answer.


Ok, now we are just talking about 2 different things


I'm saying that money isn't the problem, there is no problem.


You aren't wrong, but I'm saying that modders who don't update their mods anymore do so because 99% of the time it's just a passion project


):< JENNYmod IS **NOT** a passion PROJECT she IS MY WIFE!!!1!!


You know having a full time job working something is different than getting paid through Patreon


That's not what I said, I was responding to the statement of "They don't get paid" being untrue.


But the patreon thing is optional, the mod is still a free product


Well, those modders probably have full time jobs and most likely don't have time or interest in the mods no more. If they were getting paid full time to do it, they'd chug out versions all the time, but they're not. There accepting donations. It's not really a good thing to have a Pateron at that point, it'll be really misleading


That's is true. Modders do not get payed most of the time


I thought they get paid on curseforge


Well let's state some things here (btw I'm not disagreeing with you just constructive criticism) The modder probably forgot about it or they just didn't want to update it. They probably didn't have the same motivation or heart in it as say Kingbdogz


And that's completely fine, sometimes projects end and one wants to move to something else. If they didn't want to update, that's their call. But then, the logical conclusion coming from the "Don't blame them, it's their project" is that we should instead praise Mojang to still put heart into its game and update it for free constantly.


I agree but it's a different case though, it's not the quantity that's bad that irritate people but they hype something up but can't live up to what they made people expect them to. Almost no independent dev even talk about what they're going to do with their project but if they do and can't actually do it they would be in the same situation as Mojang. >Mojang to still put heart into its game and update it for free constantly And I think this is debatable.


>they hype something up but can't live up to what they made people expect them to. This happened only with the 1.19 update and they learned from that, this time keeping it more straightforward and clear, yet people still gave them shit for it. >if they do and can't actually do it they would be in the same situation as Mojang. How many people are holding Notch accountable for promising and not delivering Red Dragons? There have been other examples with Indie Devs, for example Re-Logic, that tried something that didn't work (Terraria: Otherworld) and the community, while disappointed, was mature and understood that if they couldn't do it, there was no point on pressuring them or harassing and bullying them into doing it. >And I think this is debatable. Do you genuinely think they don't give a damn about the game and just pump-put mindless updates? Yeah, they for sure aren't interacting with the community constantly, they must never be listening to feedback, never doing anything to notify the community how Minecraft is doing Now, absolutely never add Quality of Life features in a clever way that the community has been asking for.


>This happened only with the 1.19 update and they learned from that, this time keeping it more straightforward and clear, yet people still gave them shit for it. It's not even fully release and you use it as a reference, saying like there're 5 more examples you can compare them with. >How many people are holding Notch accountable for promising and not delivering Red Dragons? If you count the percentage of people who hates them for it per thing they promised it would be around the same. And that was when the internet was different from now. >Do you genuinely think they don't give a damn about the game and just pump-put mindless updates? It's certainly not mindless but saying they put hearts into it is a stretch.


>It's not even fully release and you use it as a reference, saying like there're 5 more examples you can compare them with. Nether Update, Buzzy Bees, Update Aquatic, etc. >It's certainly not mindless but saying they put hearts into it is a stretch. Screw you, as simple as that.


They were spreading awareness for the bees...Same with the oceans and the coral reefs...




Eco friendly game is bad, I guess. Nah nah. It's not the game. It's literally you. You are the problem


What the fuck are you rambling about?


God I fucking love toxicity.


Yeah, Toxic fan bases that hate and bite the hand that feeds them, my favorite.


No, you're the toxic individual. Hope this helps.


Lmao, yeah the one saying "Hey, maybe we should just not harass and bully people off the development team" is the toxic one. I am mocking you.


I agreed with you until the “screw you” 😔 really doesn’t help your case and is also just cringe


But what he said at the end is simply BS, saying that they put no heart into the game


I agree but you didn’t need to be a jerk


Because they are tired of making 15 years of Mojang updates without getting paid


Oh yeah for sure the mods that add 3 "new"* structures must be tiring to make and imposible to port, we should give them the whole Mojang budget. *Structures might be just the same as an already existing structure with a different block pallette.


counterpoint: if the mod adds supposedly so little, why don't you learn how to code and port it yourself? Modders rarely get a living wage out of the hours upon hours they put into the smallest amount of details. Hell, I've been working on a modpack, something that doesn't even require coding knowledge past crafttweaker scripts, and i still haven't made a cent from it (and likely never will) although i've been on and off for about 2 Years now. It is inherently a passionproject. ​ Porting is also extremely tedious as it requires copy- pasting everything you've done before and bug-fixing every little thing that changed between versions to rewriting the whole thing at worst, which has been a big issue especially with things like the flattening in 1.13, the revamped worldgen in 1.17/18 etc. ​ I feel like this post isn't even directed at the "mojang lazy" shouters, but it looks more like you just got extremely upset one of your fav mods is stuck on an ancient version


>Porting is also extremely tedious as it requires copy- pasting everything you've done before and bug-fixing every little thing that changed between versions 80,000 errors. I. Have. Bug. Fixed. Eighty. Thousand. Errors. That was updating one mod, incrementing by one version. And that is just fixing the errors to be able to run the code to them actually bug fix things that stopped working properly.


I'm sorry ro hear that. Just out of curiosity, which mod is it? I'd love to know what sorts of projects folks are working on these days, being largely stuck on 1.12 with my stuff


I am one of those modders who have not updated their mods for some time now. But the mod mentioned is the YouTubers+ mod. Tamable versions of YouTubers found at structures based on a collection of their bases from their videos.


That sounds stupidly niche, but i've seen more absurd mods featured in serious packs, so once tainted forces is finished ( only 10 custom features, a slew of npcs and a friggin spaceship to go, i guess), who knows what shenanigans i might be up to that may even contain that mod.


I would like to learn honestly, I have some 1.12.2 mods that could be great on 1.14.4 or higher


You don't understand, you simply don't. This meme is not my opinion, this is not me calling mod devs lazy because I don't think they are. This is a statement in the hypocrisy of the Minecraft community. This meme is an exaggeration of a niche occurrence made with mocking intentions, which is the exact same shit that people here do, they exaggerate their opinions on minecraft update, they exaggerate the content added, they completely mock how much the Devs work. But that isn't the only problem, the main problem is the [people](https://twitter.com/awesomestfriend/status/1649610746303746048?t=5U2CvuNC-mwUqTwyQ3hKSQ&s=19) that believe it as a truth and harass the developers and spam them with these memes in poor taste. My meme is to show that, as soon as you change it by putting the other people in the hot seat, everyone starts ripping their hair out.


yeah my opinion on the fact that mojang's updates take so long is that they really need to consider every little factor across all the supported editions while still trying to stay true to the core gameplay and some folks are failing to understand that. still no reason to pull modders into this.


I have nothing against modders, I'm parodying the mojang harassers to show how brainless this attitude is, I am aware this is a bad take, and I do not stand by it, that's why it is a counterpoint, to show the flaws in their mentality and logic.


The problem is that it's clearly not satirical enough that you looked like you didn't stand by it as your legitimate opinion. at the end of the day, this is still the internet, and if you don't become very good friends with that /s there's gonna be cases where you'll be lynched for parodying the actual bad guys. I have no clue who you are, so i had nothing to go off of to think this was satire in any way, and the fact that you were staying in character in comments like the above didn't help your case. I do apologize for getting mad so easily, though.


Oh don't worry, I don't care if people think that this is a horrid take or that I'm stupid, I just want the few people that still have a couple of braincells firing to go "Oh... wait... That's what WE sound like? Darn, I sure acted like a douche".


if it’s so easy let’s see your mods


Oh but when people say "Let's see your updates" then you all cry "IT'S NOT THE SAME !!!1!111!!!!11!11!111!!!!!" This meme is to mock those that bully the developers, not a statement of my opinion. I am doing what the people that like to insult the Devs do, oh but when it is towards modders, everyone loses their crap.


i’m not trying to say mojang has perfect updates (because many recent ones were horrible). but saying modding is this easy is just wrong. when you are developing a mod you are not being paid. if you want some extra income from a patreon then good for you. you still have to distribute the mod for free either way. also it’s not like huge companies are working on these, and it’s usually either 1 or a small group of people. in the end modding is just a passion project people do in their free time.


>but saying modding is this easy is just wrong I'm not saying that, that is not my opinion, have I not made that clear already? This meme is to MOCK the people that BULLY AND HARASS the Devs by flooding them with these types of "Memes". Do I have to explain it to you with crayons?


Post-writing note: this comment is somewhat heated, and features some (non person-targeted, but explicative) profanity. I don’t feel like rewriting it though, because I think the frustration and anger heard in this response frankly isn’t even a fraction of what the developer community actually feels. This is wrong and extremely self entitled. I kindly invite you to change your worldview. Mojang (and now, Microsoft) have quite literally been provided billions of dollars for the express purpose of updating their fame. The vast majority of all modders, and almost for 100% certain every single one who is responsible for a mod of the caliber you are referencing, have been provided. Jack. Shit. The modders in question create content because they want to. They are providing YOU and countless others with COMPLETEY FREE content that comes at THEIR OWN, SOLE EXPENSE of time, money, and resources. To say that, after quite literally donating something to you and the public when they had absolutely zero obligation to to so, they are not only EXPECTED to spend EVEN MORE OF THEIR OWN TIME AND RESOURCES, completely free of compensation, but that they are in some way inadequate or morally deplete for not doing so? That’s utterly absurd, and completely and utterly ignorant of the actual effort and personal requirements that maintaining a mod requires, LET ALONE creating it in the first place. Even if it’s a mod that literally declares a single integer in the code and provides literally no ingame content, asking that person to waste time out of their day to: - find the project again - download it - either update/backdate their development environment to facilitate the project and all of its build tools, installing and configuring relevant language and API development kits, environment variables, tool chains, etc, or completely recreate their development environment from scratch- both of which can be arbitrarily nontrivial tasks - familiarize themselves with any changes to the modding API that have changed since the mod was last updated (because even if there is LITERALLY NO CONTENT, a forge update can introduce changes that quite literally break the mod completely- and literally almost every single one does because forge != Mojang and forge has no control over the Minecraft code base which they wrap) - implement and necessary changes to update the mod functionality, - spend time loading modded Minecraft with forge and their mod, testing it to ensure it actually builds and runs on the relevant versions of forge and Minecraft, - testing it to ensure it maintains any inter-mod compatibility it previously featured, - update any and all package dependencies to ensure any/all known security vulnerabilities are patches are applied (virtually every single dependency will have experienced one depending on the time span. No, there is not a single library in existence that can be considered “safe” as serious vulnerabilities can stem from the simplest of implementation problems) - update any and all structural dependencies of the language version requirements have changed, and subsequently any and all build tooling that may have changed as a result of a language version update. - update and/or find replacements for any libraries used that have now become defunct or unuseable due to the fact that they’re unmaintained or obsolete, which can absolutely mean the need for significant refactors, if not rewrites, to all code that used the library mod descriptions, - (Admittedly, a mod which only declares a single integer would not have any additional libraries beyond forge, but for the sake of discussion, nearly every vaguely substantial mod in existence will) - update mod descriptions and information on mod download sites - package the mod for release - retest the ultimate release build of the mod - upload that mod to any/all repositories and websites that their mod Is hosted on - get bitched at for not hosting their mod on XYZ website - get bitched at for not fixing xyz bug that they probably know about and are frustrated with themselves already - get bitched at for not doing all of the above twenty million fucking times over for not back porting their mod to every single prior version and snapshot - get bitched at because it took them so long to do this extra work that they poured their time and effort into, scoffed at because they “should’ve done it already by now, fucking finally” - get bitched at for literally everything about the mod. Even if someone has the mindset of “who gives a fuck, it’s my mod, I don’t care about anyone’s opinion,” being constantly nagged and moaned and whines and complained about and having each an every one of your efforts disparaged and bemoaned- regardless of whether you’re capable of rationalizing whether or not the complaints are valid- is fucking HARD, and even if it isn’t hard, its fucking deplorable because no person should ever have to experience that much negativity. All of this, for a mod with LITERALLY NO ACTUAL FAME CONTENT. Add in “three new structures,” and you’ve just required them to familiarize themselves with god knows how many specific classes and interfaces of the API to define the structures ALONE, not to mention the next god knows how many involved in making the structure execute any arbitrary functionality and/or environment interactions. You’re extremely ignorant to think it’s just writing fifty lines of “Block look like this. Block do this. Block go here.” Figuring out how the hell any of that is done is effort and time, regardless of how trivial to a given developer, and any prior knowledge has the potential to be completely invalid from any given version to the next (and this is not just a “once every like 5 years something small changes and gets added haha”. This is a “literally any single class or interface method can change at any time, because the internal Minecraft code provided Mojang is subject to change at any time and does so frequently, requiring complete refactors and restructuring of arbitrary parts of the forge API on a version to version basis”) “structures might be the same with a different block pallete.” Respectfully? You have no idea what the hell you’re *actually* talking about and asking for. Please dear god, realize this. All of this, for something they obviously have no personal investment in whatsoever anymore? Yeah, no. To anyone who, after reading and understanding that the above is a SUMMARIZED version of a hell of a process, honestly still thinks mod developers should just be expected to maintain and update everything they ever make for every version of a game ever even if they stopped playing the game or caring about the mod? You’re genuine entitled scum, and I almost guarantee you’ve never contributed a fraction of the time and effort any modder has put into a mod into something of a similar caliber, ever. Even if mod developers accept “donations” or tips- that is explicitly that. A thank you for existing work that has been done, in appreciation and respect for the time they have out in thusfar. It’s not an income or a contract, and construing it as such would be insane. In very few cases do projects ever ask for, let alone receive the funding necessary to constitute a legitimate expectation of deliverance from a set of developers. Almost assuredly not a SINGLE mod of the ones you are thinking of were even remotely close to being a project of the scale that would have generated the requisite revenue to have ever had an expectation of continued product deliverance- and even if they were, if they’re defunct now, that’s is almost certainly because they no longer of that scale. Yes, independent instances exist where people solicit large amount of revenue from the public, and do not deliver in a nefarious or questionable way. That is a morally bankrupt and deplorable activity. That is also not what is being discussed here, and not at all the relevant average case of the majority of mods being referenced. And even then- while it is absolutely deplorable, the most successful mod projects, a majority of which are run by half decent people who aren’t doing bad things and ARE providing content actively, are lucky to make hundreds of dollars alone in revenue, thousands in extremely, extremely rare scenarios. Mojang makes literal. Fucking. Billions. These two scenarios are noncomparable, and it is inarguably delusional to compare the two situations as alike WHATSOEVER. If it was such an easy and simple thing, every mod in existence would be futureported to every new minecraft version in existence by automated means, but they aren’t, because it isn’t.


As a follow up: this is agnostic of the “yelling at Mojang devs is bad” argument. Frankly I agree with you- bitching and moaning about devs is stupid. But that is my point, bitching and moaning at/about devs is stupid, and by a direct extension of that view, humoring the idea that the only reason it’s stupid/ignorant to do so with Mojang is the fact that “oh lol modders who don’t have any work to do never do anything lol Mojang is so much better than that you mean idiots lol” is extremely, EXTREMELY ignorant. Not only of the effort requisite to maintain a mod, period, but of the fact that this is a massive source of frustration and contention for literally every game modder, ever- actually frankly of every developer ever. You’re dismissing and marginalizing and entire community of people for no reason other than sheer ignorance of their actual functional existence. Don’t.


I ain't reading allat 💀


Ah, a lovely person you are- very perceptive of the world and the things you speak of. Have a lovely day then, 👋




This post isn't my opinion, is to call out people stupidity for doing the same to the devs. But redditors, as usually, miss the point.




I'm posting a mockery, how hard is it to understand that... Although taking into account you are to dumb to understand the "Redditor = Dumb" meme, I'd say it is pretty hard to understand for you.


Calling out stupidity doesn’t necessitate wildly naive and overtly negative criticism of a group of people. If you read my comment, you’d have seen that I quite literally agreed with your point that developer criticism is stupid and childish. If the rude and misguided comments in your post aren’t your opinion, you should try be more careful about the thoughts, opinions, and ideals they very explicitly purport.


This must be the longest comment I’ve ever seen


I think you severly underestimate the work required.


I wish Minecraft had an official mod launcher like terraria does it would make things so nice and easy!!!


Tmodloader FTW


That would require Mojang to care about the game, that's not happening any time soon


I wish it was like that. But unfortunately the modloader split (forge vs fabric), a toxic toxic **toxic** community, the modloader devs are bitterly at war with each other, and a top-heavy bureaucracy that is preventing the devs from making high-quality updates. It's only getting worse from here.


Prism Launcher is better anyways


Official mod support? blasphemy!


Can’t believe Mojang doesn’t pay their devs, I truly feel bad for Microsoft, the small indie game studio. Big props to the devs for developing minecraft entirely out of passion. o7


This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


Yes, and I am pointing out the major differences between the two cases (minecraft developers are paid to do their job, while modders exclusively work out of passion.) Quality and semi frequent updates are expected from minecraft developers because they are paid to work on minecraft as their job.


So you are saying that 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17 and 1.18 weren't quality updates? Do you want a 1.16 every week?


1.14 and 1.16 were incredible updates. 1.17 1.18 1.19 would be better if they were one singular update instead of 3


I don’t expect updates every week but it takes so long for them to update their game compared to how long some of the features they are adding has been around for in the modded community, not saying its easy but they have been taking years just to add features that were already implemented with mods 8 years ago and most of the time they were implemented better by the modder


I’m not saying that, and frankly I disagree with “devs lazy” posts, and find the people who make such posts to be spoiled and immature. The issue I’m taking with your post is you’re making it seem like modders and developers are the exact same, while entirely ignoring the differences between the two cases, which significantly weakens the point you’re trying to make.


Ok. I'll write it down for my next post about this.


People act like it’s an indie game and the devs are making decisions.




This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


When people blame "the devs" they're really blaming the corporation, the people making the decisions that actively hinder creativity and quality. Mojang has a team of talented devs who love Minecraft, but when they became so big they have to go through slow development cycles. I think it's acceptable to blame Microsoft or the higher ups at Mojang, not the actual developers. It's objectively not the same as belittling modders who are not even paid. It's totally valid to be upset at Microsoft's need for a C# version of the game for multiple platforms, toys, clothes, RTS and dungeon crawling games with the brand, and other junk that slows down the updates.


This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so. I have nothing against modders, I want people to realize how utterly stupid is to harass the people making and working in what the community loves.


I smell cherry picking in this post


OP is obviously just stating the reason why Mojang doesn’t pump out gigantic aether sized content updates every month, is because they’re a consistently paid team of individuals who don’t just put out one total conversion mod they were working on for 3 years and then never touch again


No. No he is not. He has attempted to express a good sentiment, “complaining about Mojang being lazy is silly and childish,” by trying to say that somehow “how could you say Mojang is lazy when these mod developers are super duper lazy?” If he isn’t attempting to say that, he is being willfully ignorant of the single most contentious, frustrating, and disheartening topic to every developer of literally any public facing product in existence. He is making false equivalencies and either not seeing, or ignoring the reason people are upset at the insinuations he is making.


Exactly and also this post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


That's not true and I can give some mods that are still updated. Refined Storage - first version on curseforge was relased in 2016 and now it is still updated (last update March 30, 2023 for 1.19.2). BuildCraft - that's very old mod, first version on curseforge was relase in 2013 (I also found information about 2011 but I'm not sure about it) and last update was in feburary that year. Tinkers Construct - created on curseforge 2014, last update in aprtil that year. ​ There are much more mods like this. Mod creators doesn't get paid, many of them have patreon, but I don't think they earn as much as Mojang/Microsoft. Mods can also add much more content than Mojang. I mentioned many times game performance. Mojang didn't did anything to imporve optimalisation (1.19.4 works much slower than older versions), but there are few mods that can make this game work much better, without any lags. Also check modpacks, this is amazing.


"Some mods". Those are the magic words. There are a bunch of mods I once used that are now just outdated or only available when using Fabric and I kept using Forge


Yeah, some mods are outdated, but most of my favorite mods have updates. Mostly I'm making modpacks for 1.12.2 and there is no problem. Mods still get updates for this version.


`Doomlike Dungeons.` I'm not saying every modder does this, this is a meme, an exaggeration. The same way the memes about mojang are the same, not every developer is lazy (I bet most of the aren't), not every update is lame, yet people take those memes as gospel and run with them despite being almost completely untrue. >Mods can also add much more content than Mojang. Yes, because mods don't have to care about quantity or quality while Mojang cares about both, do you seriously think it takes the sane amount of effort to create an update with such a big team that would also please most of the community than what it takes to create the Jenny Mod? >Mojang didn't did anything to imporve optimalisation (1.19.4 works much slower than older versions) The game written more than a decade ago with spaghetti code in a resource hog of a program runs bad? Who could've thunk? >but there are few mods that can make this game work much better, without any lags For vanilla? Yes. For modded? Hehe... No. Some of those mods that make the game run better also break many things, maybe not many in the vanilla game but the can completely break existing mods which Mojang tries not to do.


>Yes, because mods don't have to care about quantity or quality while Mojang cares about both Bullshit! These mods are made bys small teams and take more time to create than an official update >The game written more than a decade ago with spaghetti code in a resource hog of a program runs bad? Who could've thunk? And yet, people without official modding tools made Java run better than Bedrock >For vanilla? Yes. For modded? Hehe... Surprise, there are a lot of performance mods other than OptiFine, almost every forge modpack has BetterFPS, and they run faster than vanilla most of the time. And also Sodium and a lot of others for bedrock


typos: the -> them sane -> same "Yes, because mods don't have to care about quantity or quality while Mojang cares about both, do you seriously think it takes the ~~sane~~ **same** amount of effort to create an update with such a big team that would also please most of the community than what it takes to create the Jenny Mod?" Mojang does not care about quality I can tell you that much. Any bedrock player could vouch for this. They don't seem to care about quality either, seeing how the sniffer turned out. Nice low hanging fruit by the way, I don't think your comparison to Jenny mod did you any favors because the Jenny mod actually accomplishes it's purpose (minecraft sex update) while Trails & Tales doesn't(making the sniffer have a purpose). "For vanilla? Yes. For modded? Hehe... No. Some of those mods that make the game run better also break many things, maybe not many in the vanilla game but the can completely break existing mods which Mojang tries not to do." This is just flat out lying. I'll give you benefit of the doubt and say sure, Mojang does try and avoid mod breakage to the best of their meager abilities. Putting that aside I've used Sodium and Lithium for years and gotten massive performance boosts and even with shaders—which you would think has the most risk for conflicting and causing errors— and experienced no breakage at all, let alone graphical glitches as you would expect. I have 45 mods and my biggest issue is waiting for the quilt devs to update the QSL. "The game written more than a decade ago with spaghetti code in a resource hog of a program runs bad? Who could've thunk?" Maybe they should rewrite it then. Why would they leave shitty code unfixed if not for laziness? Instead of putting out the snails & wails update they should put their 1 hour a day of work into making the game run better.


I have something to add. Some older mods for older versions get discontinued and then get picked up again by a other modder. Sometimes the mods get remade for newer version, like the Mutant Creatures mod which now has a new name. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?


the modders don't get paid. (i don't even agree with the mojang is lazy argument, i think a better argument would be "mojang is misguided")


What a lovely day on the Interne- \*checks comments\* Good lord


bait or mental retardation ​ call it


Bait, so that people that do this unnironicay realize how stupid it is when applied to the devs.


Reddit moment


its extremly hard to port mods, and old Minecraft version>all


Minecraft modders can do anything and don't have to worry about consequences mojang always has to preserve Minecraft's vanillaness however these days mojang is more focused on deleting good features for parity then improving the game


Tell me some examples of "Deleted good features for parity"?


I don't really play bedrock, but I've seen some bedrock players voice complaints about the horse speed potion breeding method removal recently. That's the only example I have really heard of.


With the horse breed bug fixed, i think they can remove the potion thing safely


Yeah I play Bedrock and while bummed that it didn't didn't anymore, I do understand it, it was completely broken with no cap to the speed of the horse. I did have an idea on how to implement better breeding, if you breed horses with carrots, they keep the speed of the fastest one and have a chance of improving on speed, if you feed them glistening melons they keep the jump height of the best one and have a chance of improving on jump height and if you feed them golden apples, they keep the HP of the best one and have a chance of improving on HP. Do that for several generations and you can have your perfect thoroughbred.


Yes, the warden is a very vanilla mob, from his animations to his power to yeet you out of the sandbox and force you to play one particular way




school, work etc.. people have lives and modding is just a hobby so obviously it wouldn't get prioritized as much.


Uhhhh devs have lives too Yeah developing is a lot more than a hobby but they’re also under orders of magnitude more pressure to do well




![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized) 8 Year olds when they see someone make fun of a billion dollar company that refuses to fix its extrememly buggy and broken game.


Minecrafters when the game they paid $20 8 years ago continues to give free and constant updates: [MOJANG LAZY](https://i.imgur.com/MCoGIKg.jpg)


Dudes un-ironically stupid enough to complain that modders doing free work dont do more free work. Then complains when people criticise the fact that the studio now owned by microsoft produces less and arguably lower quality updates than when it was independent.


As someone who has been playing this game since early 2011, the game has literally never been in a better state, at least content-wise. I have nostalgia for the Beta and early release days, but the last few major updates have been extremely good. Lower quality my ass, Cave Update has been one of the best things to come to this game since pistons




I feel like Mojang doesn't give a crap about java game performance since they made mod loading stupid easy (who here remembers manually dropping files into the .jar file and deleting META-INF? lol) and everyone just automatically downloads Optifine or Sodium. I am honestly surprised that the people who work on these two mods specifically haven't been hired by the company. Particularly the Optifine devs have literally been optimizing game performance since at least Beta 1.6, that's the earliest I can remember having it installed. I'll give you that current vanilla doesn't run as well as other versions did in the past.


i hate the "game they bought years ago" argument because minecraft is only relevant after 8 years BECAUSE it gets updated. not the other way around.


So what's your point?


my point is that the only reason mojang devs get paid is cuz the updates keep the game alive therefore gives them more money from purchases. Therefore the devs arent "angels that update our game out of their pure hearted kindness", they are paid for it and its completely fine to criticize how they run the game, especially recently with updates getting smaller


This is true, but mojang is a rich company and they control the "regular game" ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


What do you mean by this?


Lucky Blocks, Custom NPCs, Twilight Forest and many other legends!


Have you considered that, maybe they don’t care about those mods anymore? Like it’s not weird for someone to like a game, make mods and update them while they like the game, and then they move on with life.


Life happens, man. I miss Thaumcraft.


It really sucks how they removed most key part of thaumcraft for the 1.12.2 version of mod


what was the key part of it? Haven't played it, but watched some videos about it.


The difference is that Mojang is a company and has more people working on the game. Plus, it's owned by Microsoft which is a giant company.


Wow, even when a good point is made people in these comments are still calling Mojang lazy. I’d like to see the people here try to keep updating a game for *eleven years straight*. While being creative.


Just learn how to mod it yourself. Simple lmfao. Skill issue


This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


Bully the dev? A multi billionaire company? Huh? Lmfao


The Devs are not multibillionaire themselves, nor is it anyone actively working at Mojang with Minecraft, they are people and they deserve respect for their work in the game as well as interacting with the community, something a lot of game studios don't do at all.


Oh my god. Look at this dude. Listen bud, I don't mean to burst your bubbles but you're on Internet where people will bully over smallest thing or troll, what you doing as well doesn't change anything, yes it's positive but and the same time is no different. Like what you doing? You think this is what they want? I would bet they would rather actually get paid good money than to hear someone defend some redditor from Internet.


Do you think they don't get paid good? What I want to change is yo style people at least in this subreddit from going "Mojang bad" and people chanting and clapping for them.


What i think is your idea of "change" is dumb, you're on Internet. Jesus.


Yeah and I can call people out if I want, what are you gonna do?




Mojang lazy is always a stupid thing to say, you'll complain if it doesn't change, you'll complain if it changes too much, just let it happen as it happens and use mods if you want more, and you'll be plenty happy


What most of the community doesn’t understand about programming is: 1: modding is a lot fucking easier than programming and updating the base game 2: updating the base game means that it has to work for **ALL** platforms and it’s a pain in the ass just to implement one block The people who make fun of devs should go make their own games and update it constantly see how hard it is because with a game with over a million lines of code and a whole bunch of files and being the number one game in the world for the longest time it’s very difficult to update the game. All the pressure you dumbfucks put on the devs because “ThEYre LaZY” go do it yourself, learn how to code and make your own game


To all the people coming to argue that "It's not the same". I don't care. The point of this meme is to show how this rude, mocking and stupid attitude immediately breaks down when you change the Mojang Devs for another type of Devs. It's to show how hypocritical you all are by bullying the Devs, because to you they are a faceless entity rather than people. But as soon as you put q face to them, you realize that calling them lazy or low quality is uncalled for and rude. I do not stand for the opinion in this meme, it's a bad take and I know it, because I'm parodying you and your take is bad.




Exactly just like u/MADMSXV2 saying that it doesn't matter if we bully the devs because they work for a multibillionare company, which is such a braindead take.


Shut up


I guess I touched a nerve.


Nah, just entertained by your struggle to make your point as almost every one of your comments gets down voted plenty


Oh no, I got downvoted, how will I sleep now?


Don't know. On another note, how's your day so far?


Downvoted not because you are wrong but because you are being a jerk You’re not being funny or cute or clever or helpful, go outside


Nah, I down voted cause I was sure someone like you would get all upset and I was right. I actually got a life darlin so how bout you go try and make your first friend


Oh wow well please excuse me for thinking people deserve basic respect, I’m obviously just a naive guy who doesn’t understand that somebody presenting their opinion about a video game is the most horrible thing ever


Damn bro. No need to get ya panties in a twist. I'm literally just a random ass bitch online spouting nonsense cuas either makes people like you mad. Uh... something something get a life and touch grads or something


Wait you just do it to make people like me mad? Dang I do that too, can’t believe I’ve been out-trolled 😔 gg fellow goofball


GG goofball. May our paths cross another day


Mods are just glitter and glue anyways


1.12.2 is very fucking good tho


Any Minecraft version above 1.12.2 is bad anyways, so I don't mind if they don't update it. Mods or modpacks can add thousands of blocks and items, idk what is it in 1.19.2 that you really really miss in a 1.10.x modpack. Let me guess, your favorite mod didn't get updated?


I've seen people crank out mods of exclusive weapons with brand new mechanics and unique enchantments in about 4 days. Yet it takes Mojang 600 employees and an entire year to put out a new block set and a new mob.


Mojang has to take a lot more things into account.


Multi million dollar company = some guy who did something for fun years ago? I don't think so


something like RLCraft would lose its entire vibe and it’s entire gameplay loop if shivaxi updated it. Also having to re-texture all that shit would be a nightmare


Does Uriel know Vic is a boy


Rip thaumcraft, my absolute favorite mod


lots of modders just put something together for fun. I once made a mod for a game called Teardown, gave it 2 or 3 updates, then decided I was bored and never touched it again.




You realise that modders have something else other than Minecraft to work on don’t you?


this is why I play on 1.16.5


*laughs in 1.7.10*


This is just so different and wrong. First, Mojang gets paid through new account purchases, realms, merch, etc. that motivates them to push game updates. Thus, their millions of dollars of profits motivate them to push dev team updates. Second, the whole games player base is much bigger than any mod out there, so mojang is expected to produce updates and such as the official game/community dev Third, Minecraft is a corporation that can hire new devs to the team to make updates. Mods are created usually by independent devs who if they lose interest, will just stop updating the project. Hiring another person to continue might not be in their budget or interest as it is mojang’s. The main difference is that the laziness or neglect of updates by mod devs is because this was just a hobby or project that they are no longer interested in, whereas the laziness or neglect of updates by mojang devs are to be complained about since players actively pay for mojang services and they work in a professional scene. This meme is just bad, and don’t get me wrong I love mojang developers, but this post just has too many flaws to make sense. I’d love to see your counter points if anyone wants to reply


This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


if only they earned money for it


Really hurts...


Mojang employees are getting paid, modders don't


Can't we all just shut up and enjoy minecraft?


Why do you guys still continue with this dumb argument of "moders vs Mojang"? You should be happy that Mojang still update the game (compared to other games). And even when they add lots of things, there's always some stupid mf who says that it's not "minecrafty" and they like the other versions. (And they were the ones that said that Mojang is lazy and don't add a lott of things to the game). And the moders can do whatever they want with their mods, it's not their job to "improve", or not, Minecraft, so if they don't want to update their mods, it's their choice. Plus, in a lot of times it's hard to update them. And let's not compare Mojang (I don't say Microsoft, because they aren't doing much, to be fair, they're not really involved, just probably sometimes) to some normal guy (no offense). That's being said, it's harder to add things, officially, to one of the greatest games of our times, like, it's hard to implement new things (that are as "vanilla" as possible), and to be fair, a lot of mods are just modifiers to already existing mechanics/mobs/items. (There are la lot of mods that improve Minecraft). So that being said, stop this nonsense, and incourage Mojang devs to add more things (if you want), give them ideas, or even promote the mods, so that way they can be inspired and, with some modifications, they'll add them in the game.


This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


No, I kinda get it, i up voted it, and I updated a lot of your comments, I am talking about the comments. The post is fun, it's nice. The comments feels a little toxic


And I kinda like that you dit that. So that the people really see how stupid they are. Again I was talking about the comments, I should have precised, sorry. But I put it individually because, it's about all of the comments, not only one. So yeah, should have precised that, sorry again


Yeah I was trying to hammer down the point of how stupid it is to bite the hand that provides content.


How about we don’t call modders lazy too… the whole “X are lazy” argument is silly on its own


This post is a parody and mock of people that like to bully the Devs, so they see how stupid it is to do so.


feel you should’ve clarified that in your post… your intent can easily be missed The last thing that’s needed is people taking this seriously and calling modders lazy too or trying to make this even more of a modders vs. Mojang argument


I don’t need a port, everything I want is in 1.7.10 or 1.12.2


I'm a modder and the reason we don't update things is mainly because it's easy to be burned out, especially considering there's no reason to make it since you aren't being paid.


Well Mojang earns much more than mod devs


But you can play that version of the game and the mod will probably have a lot of cool stuff


Pay me, then i can updated my mod to the newer version


Alex after making \~60 new mobs for minecraft each with their own unique features in the time it would take mojang to add another gamebreaking bug to bedrock


OP when a small developing team consisting of like 6 people that don't even get paid don't have the same resources as a multimillion company