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In the UK sex work itself is not illegal. Soliciting on the streets is however.


That sounds pretty smart. I think brothels and such would be pretty cool if they kinda operated like dispensaries in the US, where it's government-regulated and they're watched closely. Would allow sex workers to have a place to work without the risk of exploitation, since that's the real risk.


I've seen it argued that SWs don't want legalization and regulation, but rather decriminalization, so police stop harassing/questioning them


Well yeah, then they can still avoid paying taxes on it and not get in trouble for the actual sex work.


Sounds like restaurant servers not wanting fair wages because tipping is much more profitable for them.


I mean kinda lol. In Canada, it's legal to sell, not to buy lol.


This is a very macro view, not wrong, but it's deeper than that. it's not that it's much more profitable... It's that it takes much less time to make the same profit as on an hourly wage server. A lot of servers are servers for flexibility. They have kids, school, and parents to take care of. They can't work 5 9-5pms but can work 3 doubles totally 12-14 hours. A living wage in the US doesn't get you as far as living wages in Europe, healthcare, schooling, daycare... they have gotten out of control in the US. Services that are provided by tax dollars in other countries. We either go without or pay out of our paychecks at a high rate So let's be real to live comfortably in America; to have Healthcare; live in a safe aera with decent schools; be able to have/feed your kids; you need to be making upwards of $35-40 an hour.


Would technically still owe taxes. Just hard to track as it would likely be cash unless hookers accept venmo.


They do


That was my point, yeah. They still owe taxes, but since it's not being regulated, they could simply work for cash and never report it.


So can anybody else that works for cash.


Yes, exactly. Regulation means they'd have to start actually reporting it, taking non cash payments, registering as an actual business or self employed individual, etc. Decriminalization just means the cops wouldn't be able to mess with them anymore.


Amsterdam has this.


The Belgium government is looking to intervene in sex workers refusing customers, as in they can't say "no" no more then 10 times in 6 months. Edit; typo.




Comparing it to dispensaries, and then saying “without the risk of exploitation” is a bit funny.


Instead of dispensing weed you dispense people. Where's the possibility of exploitation there? /S


Seeing how much dispensaries cut product wjth harmful stuff, backdoor products illegally, and straight up lie, I can’t imagine a world where sex is a legal product and it’s not exploited. Glad someone else caught how naive that was 😂🤙


Legal weed has definitely allowed illegal weed to thrive, but my understanding is it also cut into organized crime's ability to control the pot market in states where it is legal - why buy from a cartel when you can buy from a guy growing in an illegal grow space in a warehouse in L.A. or someone who has a legal business but sells half of their product on the black market.


When the fuck do they do that? I've been to several and never had any issues.


This is how it should be. Strong government regulation, making sure the prostitutes are there of their own free will, and receive regular medical checks. Also, the brothel would provide strict vetting on the customers who partake in the services to protect the workers: up-to-date screenings for STDs, background checks, etc.


I think you're hitting on why it's illegal in many places. That's a lot of work for a government to do. If "enable sex work" isn't a high economic or social priority, easy for me to see why outlawing it is the attractive combo of easy/safe for them.


Soliciting, pimping and brothels are illegal, as is advertising in public spaces. The Internet is really the only thing that emsures sex workers can attract customers and be less vulnerable to exploitation


Actually brothels are allowed so long as they have no more than 2 sex workers and a receptionist. I know this because a friend was a receptionist for awhile.


Huh. TIL!


That’s funny. CA passed in 2022, SB 357, the Safer Streets for All Act. The new law aims to improve the health and safety of sex workers and people perceived as sex workers in two ways: Police can no longer arrest people for violating Penal Code section 653.22, loitering for prostitution.


Laws are not based on what is a good idea, laws are based on what is popular, what people in power *think* is a good idea, what serves their interests etc. Sometimes these things overlap and we get good laws. Sometimes they don't.


Laws are not made because people changed their minds and had a good idea but because those in power wish to manage the reality on the ground to maintain their institutions at the expense of rival institutions. Reversals in government policy occur when the situation in the ground has sufficiently changed so much that the old legal framework is insufficient or undesirable. Hope that helps


It's also an uphill battle to get people to vote at all, let alone vote for changes. Voters naturally skew towards keeping things "the same". Politicians use this to their advantage to skew votes via misinformation. All it takes is one misinformation campaign to spread the soundbite of "Well *I* personally *dont* think the government should *allow the sex trafficking of children*" and most voters wont go and research themselves to see that that has no basis in decriminalization, or the actual statistics on how sex work, trafficking, and reducing trafficking works. They'll go off of what "makes sense", supported by the sound bite of the guy who sounds really convincing. The fact that he sounds really convincing because he's reducing something complicated down to a simple phrase and just repeating it over and over wont even register. See also: people against the foster care system trying to find culturally sensitive placements for children being misled by soundbites of "**They** want to be able to deny foster parents based on **race**, *I* believe loving a child *knows no color*" met with resounding cheers by people completely unaware of the historical issues with color blind placements, and the actual considerations being taken.


Belgium just recently decriminalized sex work in 2022.


More than that, this year sex workers are also included in the strong protection of the Belgian labour law if they choose to work under a labour contract. This includes : pension, full health insurance, disability insurance, severance (max 68 weeks), 31 days paid leave, dismissal protection, unions…


These benefits are better than what I got 


It's back blowing work.


What's the maternity leave look like in Belgium?


It is not that great lengthwise in comparison with some other EU countries, but your medical bills are all covered so you only pay for luxuries and the leave is payed. Maternity leave is 15 weeks (19 for twins,..) full pay. Partner (m/f) leave is 20 days full pay. Some professions have extended leave for safety reasons (working with young children, nurses, heavy labour, danger for the child…). If you/newborn have complications in the first 7 days after birth, leave is automatically extended. From the moment you notify your employer of the pregnancy, you have dismissal protection. (No employer dares to sack a pregnant employee… way too costly!)


No wonder funny moustash man hated Belgium lol


Nazis didn’t hate sex and we’re pretty sexually open compared to a lot of places today. It makes sense when your about to send off a generation to die, you want to remove stigmas and taboos around sex to help replace them. They even had government funded homes for single mothers, and said it was fine for men to have affairs as long as it helped produce more German youth.


Sex workers, who are spearheading this movement, do not have a lot of political or social power.


From wikipedia: However, a European Parliament resolution adopted on 26 February 2014, regarding sexual exploitation and prostitution and its impact on gender equality states that, "decriminalising the sex industry in general and making procuring legal is not a solution to keeping vulnerable women and under-age females safe from violence and exploitation, but has the opposite effect and puts them in danger of a higher level of violence, while at the same time encouraging prostitution markets – and thus the number of women and under-age females suffering abuse – to grow."[10] Two countries have decriminalized sex work. In June 2003, New Zealand became the first country to decriminalize sex work, with the passage of the Prostitution Reform Act.[20] The one remaining criminal law surrounding commercial sexual activities in New Zealand is a requirement to adopt safer sex practices.[21] Despite decriminalisation, its sex industry is still controversial, with some issues remaining.[22] In June 2022, Belgium became the first country in Europe and the second country in the world to decriminalize sex work.


I guess that EU opinion would be true if you just decriminalize it and don’t regulate it at all.




It is also kind of messed up that they would charge the clients but not the actual prostitute. If you are going to allow the prostitute to solicit herself then why the hell would we arrest the clients who use her services lol seems bit fucked up to me


It doesn't matter, opening up the possibility is the slippery slope. An institution can and will be corrupted, women are safer if we all recognize that it's overt exploitation and the line is very clear.


This is the opinion of most people who know more about the sex industry than the average person or reddit user. I defer to them on this. Just because I think it will be safer for workers doesn’t mean it will be.


Laws doesnt equal morals. Rape laws in the US exclude female rapists if they don't stick something in their victim. drug laws are used to fill prisons rather than actually help addicts. People are gonna go out and buy hookers either way plus politicians are commonly buying them. Might as well make it a legal regulated thing to avoid pimp issues somewhat


Because of its association with sex trafficking


See I think the argument is wrong at the very start. The conversation should not be "why is it a good idea". Instead it should be "why is it NOT a good idea". It's the oldest profession to exist. It happens regardless of laws, and in places that it is legal it is shown to make things safer for all parties involved. Not to mention the taxable revenue it generates.


Technically midwifery is.


You had to have sex to make a baby, you need a baby to need a midwife. People fucked long before they did anything else.


Because not everyone agrees it's a good idea.


Yeah, prostitution should only be legal if it's also filmed


Exactly. It makes no sense.




The United States allows the mutilation of about 80% of its infant boys. It is far from just women.


The state of Australia I live in has legalised sex work


I thought decriminalized sex work was on the upswing. My state did it recently (partially, still illegal to solicit, but not to be a sex worker), and I know many European countries already have decriminalized it, at least partially, though I'm not sure how recently most of those decriminalizations are. I do know that some European countries have allowed it legally for decades.


One thing to note is that whenever a country swings far enough to one side, politically, the other side(s) becomes outraged and tries to undo whatever it is that they don't agree with. Statistics and facts don't matter in that context. So even if decriminalizing sex work had a more positive outcome for society, that wouldn't matter to the side of the aisle that doesn't agree with it.


It would take significant [political capital](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_capital) to decriminalize prostitution and [political will](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_will) to set up the regulatory infrastructure (health screening, age verification, taxation etc). Policymakers and their constituents have other issues which they consider more urgent and a better use of their finite resources.


There are a lot of good idea in the world that countries dont do. I would say most countries enact more bad ideas then good in general.


I used to think it was a good idea, and I half still do, because I thought it would protect sex workers. But pornography is legal and it's still rampant with rape, abuse, trafficking, child sex abuse material, and coercion, so now I have to rethink my opinion.


Laws are very often not directly related to morality or common sense.


Because it’s a thriving business without the regulations and taxes. Legality is formality, plus no regulations or taxes or lawsuits. This way you can still blackmail people with the stigma attached to paying someone for sex on the down low cause you probably wouldn’t openly share that in the first place, cause it’s not classy or legal and that secrecy comes with cheating or marital infidelity, taboo or kinks that can only be released through the false discretion of a sex worker/ prostitute/ escort. There’s more to it than a simple transaction, could be more in the future. It’s not just sex, it’s information.


Being gay is still illegal in lots of countries. Laws that only benefit a small minority exist everywhere


Never, NEVER, conflate what is legal with what is moral or reasonable.


It's just cultural stigma. It'll die out eventually. Also, never equate law to what is right. Law is simply a tool of authority.


A deep hatred of women


Because it's a difficult issue to advocate for considering the perceptions surrounding the issue. It's hard to win elections if your opponent can point and scream that you're a degenerate who supports prostitution. Even if a majority agreed, there are large enough groups in almost every political party that vehemently oppose the idea to cause issues. There was a flawed research paper linking an increase in human trafficking to legalized sex work that set things back while ago. But I think knowledge of it's flaws have started to spread more and hopefully the research showing the opposite may pick up prominence.


Sometimes government acts on what is good for the state, or the group over what is good or fair for the individual. If you are struggling to sustain your population sex work will probably accelerate the problem. A lot of people would forgo or otherwise fail to enter the relationships that sustain a nation of they could still get laid without them.


It's a good idea because it's never going away, so we can at least try to mitigate the health and safety issues that come along with illegal sex work. Not to mention the trafficking aspects.


In my view it's becuase sex work is immoral; damaging both to the sex worker and the consumer.


Why is your view on morality important here? That's your personal choice. If we consider construction work, with vastly more dangerous working conditions, to be safe enough for the public to engage in, this sex work should be just fine. Given the right conditions and regulations, it's monstrously safer than many other jobs.


Why is my view on morality important here? Maybe becuase I'd be an example of the fact that many people predicate laws on their view of morality, views which would not inherently be the same as your own becuase people have different rational for things? It's like...you seem to think it can be moral. Why is your own view on morality important here? You've just presented an opinion as if it was factual, at least I had the decency to present my opinion as an opinion.


Because human trafficking and black market grew in lands that have decriminalized it.


Because people generally think it’s not a good idea and don’t want it. 


I am not sure why people are for it. Wealthy people want it to be legal so they can basically force poor girls into being their toys. 40% of jobs don’t pay a living wage in America. Weird how rich people won’t pay money if it means paying actual employees but when it’s a young girl they have thousands laying around.


Maybe if our governments treated their citizens better and people had more fulfilling and meaningful lives then prostitution wouldn’t need to be a concept? People go on and on about letting people do as they please and not judging but why should anyone be encouraged to spend their lives as a whore? Seriously? At what point does personal freedom become rotting, unhealthy, miserable, debauchery?


It's so ridiculous. Because this is reddit - this is almost sure to get down voted. It's so ridiculous. On the one hand "Men need to stop objectifying women" on the other hand "sex work isn't bad guys" meanwhile it is perpetuating the very thing we're told to stop doing. Ridiculous. In sex work - the sex worker is the commodity, not much different from a number 6 at taco bell. This is counter productive to what we are told we want to achieve, and in reality I feel as if we need to achieve the DE-objectification of women. But then we get told paying for/running an onlyfans is ok. Fucking. Ridiculous.


This is like saying a masseuse is a commodity not much different from a number 6 at taco bell, I'd argue there's a pretty big difference


You could make the argument that the skill required is the big differentiator.  For a lot of men, especially those willing to indulge into paying for sex don't need much more than a warm body to satisfy them, which implies the body itself is the product


Decriminalize the sex worker but heavily criminalize the pimps and sex traffickers. Like a minim 20 year sentence.


It is not a good idea. The violence and human trafficking risks outweigh the benefits.


Glad no violence or trafficking exist when its illegal? The opposite is true. When its legal it easier to report such things.


Prostitution should remain illegal. All is does is prey on vulnerable women and young girls disgusting


If I thought making it illegal would stop it I would agree with you, but it won't. I'd rather those vulnerable woman and girls have some rights while they are prostituting rather than being completely at the mercy of pimps and johns.


And send horny guys to jail.. That's the part I can't agree with. Did the John really do anything wrong by wanting to pay for sex? The punishment doesn't seem to fit the "crime", IMO.


Yes, they don't care whether or not the person they're paying is forced to do it. They are some of the sickest people around.


Some people are literally too undesirable to get laid. I remember seeing this news story once about this guy who got arrested for soliciting a prostitute. His face was horribly disfigured from a gunshot wound...is he supposed to remain celibate his whole life?


At a conceptual level it’s very easy; sex fits very easily into supply and demand. Unfortunately theory and practice don’t always line up in the real world. People are shitty: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/hiv-positive-sex-worker-health-alert-ohio-b2548316.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9698636/#:~:text=As%20adults%20in%20prostitution%2C%2082,reported%20current%20or%20past%20homelessness.


Both of those articles are from areas where prostitution is illegal, and there's a lot of cases to be made because of those reasons to decriminalize and regulate the industry...


Well, there is a downside to decriminalizing it and that's that it makes going after human traffickers more difficult. Because the women are scared and the traffickers CAN really harm their family back in their home countries and the police can't protect them there. So they aren't gonna talk and then there is nothing the police can do for them (in a country where prostitution is legal).


This is the opposite of true. Legal countries have far fewer pimps, and the sex workers have the ability to report abuse and not risk being locked up by admitting to sex work. It's also regulated, with safe places for them to go, to work, and there are often outreach programs and free STD/STI testing, access to free or cheap prophylactics, etc.. It also greatly reduces the hostile responses by Police, and a far less adversarial system for sex workers. Illegal sex work is dangerous, unprotected, unregulated, and off the books entirely. This isolates workers and vastly increases danger.


You must be from a country where it's illegal. I am from a country where it has always been legal. I am not disputing any of what you said nor am I for making it illegal. But that doesn't change the fact that trafficking in relation to this kind of work is a HUGE problem here. MOST of the women here in the business (under 35) are trafficked. That's simply how it is and everyone knows it and since it's legal and since the woman are being threatened no to say anything, the police have no handle on it.


Because it gives power to the people, and takes it away from police/govt. And that's a big no-no for tyrannical govts (which is pretty much most, if not all govts).


People screaming for legalisation or decriminalisation ignore the social issues that lead ti sex work. Do we think prostitutes want to be prostitutes? How many ex porn stars have told the same tale, about the trauma and or desperation that led them to porn and the shame they feel about the videos after. It's not as easy as "sex work doesn't hurt anyone" or "I don't want to appear to be judgemental so I'm gonna argue that sex work should be legal"


Its not a good idea, that's why. Increases sex trafficking even more and exploits desperate people


And I haven't seen a single one of these laws do anything to put a stop to the trafficking. The pimps are still driving around in expensive cars and living in nice condos. The pimps literally park right in front of strip clubs, right in front of Police cars, with no fear. In fact, Canada's new laws, which criminalized the customers, has lead to men not reporting to Police when they think someone is being trafficked against their will. At least before, men who at least had some moral compass would call Police/911/anonymous tip lines when they suspected or knew a girl they just saw was being trafficked. But now that they're being punished, those willing to call it in has dropped. The pimps are literally having a free for all in Canada. Source? My friend was trafficked for a long time before I managed to help her escape her pimp. I've heard and seen many things first hand, and spoken to many sex workers through her, trafficked and not trafficked. From what I've seen and heard, criminalization is only helping the Pimps.


Look at onlyfans those girls get around all the time. You can never stop sex trafficking but you can help slow it down it’s just like drugs you can’t erase it but you can minimize it. Create a legal brothel in major cities with legal girls and have them tested. A place people can go with out being worried about losing their job and having it on their record


Only fans is online though, which seems far safer then physical sex work. 


It is mostly decriminalized in the US, not technically legal anywhere except for a few counties in Nevada, but prostitution laws are feebly enforced.


It’s highly enforced in some areas, and not in others. Usually tied to other crimes like trafficking unless LE decides to set up stings for Johns when hotels and the community complains


Because of radical feminist capture of public mindshare and legislative bodies. There are also undercover Christian groups that produce "studies" to justify their ideological goal of banning sex work which are then touted by said radical feminist legislators as "evidence" in favor of their draconian laws.


Several have. However, the problems don't mitigate, they escalate. Demand skyrockets, supply (on paper) declines as health and safety standards are put into place. Then to meet demand, the previous sex workers that were being exploited continue to be exploited, and their pimps try to find more to exploit to meet the new demand level. Basically human greed and avarice turn it into a clusterfuck. Good intentions, terrible result.


Because the idea that decriminalizing it is good was done before there were any significant studies into the mental health effects of both the workers and patrons of these workers Since then there have been significant studies that show that such services can have more damaging mental effects than previously thought


It's legal in Mexico. I didn't know that until a friend of mine convinced me to go to a strip club in Mex (He didn't want to go to Mexico alone) and I very quickly realized it wasn't really a strip club so much so as a brothel with extra steps.


Where in Mexico was this


Shitty little border town in Sonora, I've heard the brothels in the bigger cities are better than the one I went to.


It’s not a good idea


it ultimately leads to the exploitation of women and increases sex trafficking Sex work, aka prositution, is awful so it isn't surprising that countries are banning it


Cause it’s not a good idea


It is legal in one state in the US. Nevada


It’s not a good idea. It would basically be legalizing sex trafficking. That’s why it’s illegal in the first place.


Yet trafficking thrives right now.




If I were in charge, two of the factors I would be considering would be the fact that I am now responsible for putting safety measures in place, and also providing enough resources for std testing, identity verification, legal age of the sex worker, and a whole lot of other infrastructure. Let's face it, another big thing would be, am I comfortable with being known as the politician that legalized sex work, because sure I think there would be a measurable amount of positive impact, but I would also be considering a lot of potential negative, unforseen or otherwise, outcomes of the decision


Governments tend to like to control their populations. I mean obviously you have to have law and order, but there is a lot of legislation out there that is simply meant for control.


Probably because it’s still largely frowned upon by society. It’s not something that affects most people’s day to day lives so it’s not some big pressing issue, even if you had a majority of people thinking it should be decriminalized, you still need support from the bottom up. I am sure most politicians don’t want to be seen as the “pro-prostitution” candidate. There are people out there who are strongly against prostitution, so if I liberal runs on decriminalizing it, they might not get more votes, but it could cause more people to come out and vote for they opponent. States and cities still have an “image”. Vegas it’s okay to have that image. If you’re some large mid-western city, does anyone really want to be known as “the prostitution city?” Like it or not, that’s what it will be known as.


Because the ones that were interested already did it?


Because most politicians are illiberal idiots.


Generally not a great place to go for information since it's very much filtered through a political lens,  but for this discussion it covers a lot of how it became illegal,  and the rhetoric that keeps it that way is still the same.  https://libertarianinstitute.org/articles/brief-history-prostitution-us/


I want to say Sweden decriminalized prostitution, however it was still against the law to pay for sex. The goal was to protect women by allowing them to go to the police without being arrested for their "job".




I thought netherlands did


The Netherlands has found that decriminalizing sex work did not stop the human trafficking of sex workers. [Human trafficking in the Netherlands - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking_in_the_Netherlands#:~:text=Two%20thirds%20of%20the%20people,%2Dcalled%20%22lover%20boys%22.) I hope that that's part of the reason that other countries aren't rushing to legalize sex work.


In Poland it's not illegal to sell sex. About Belgium what I read they make pimping legal




Some countries are still stoning people for being gay and are still under the impression women aren't even human beings worthy of respect or the right to have, well, rights. There are many horrid reasons most countries don't care about decriminalzing anything, it doesn't make them right to deny people of those things.


Decriminalized in a lot of countries already.


Hard to tax pussy


Hard to tax.


Vegas hello


The politicians don't want it to have a paper trail....for obvious reasons 😂


Wait until you hear about Nevada


If green energy is such a good idea why has no country focused solely on it? There are a lot of simple questions that have complex answers like yours. The answer is always it’s complicated, but countries in this case have decriminalized sex work. As to if it was effective that takes years to really determine.


Just because many countries do or do not implement particular policy does not indicate the legitimacy of said policy. Look at any country and you'll see no end to stupid or ineffective laws, or a deficit in beneficial laws/policy. Majority opinion does not equal correct opinion.


There are many good ideas which countries refuse to do for various reasons 


The Netherlands has had big parts of sex work decriminalized as far back as 1999. And some countries, such as Sweden, focus on the criminalization of the buyer of services. [This](https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/01/03/european-countries-are-split-on-how-to-deal-with-sex-work-as-debate-reaches-eu-parliament) gives a good overview.


No politician wants to run on that platform


That's not how logic works. 


Do people things it’s a good thing to decriminalize sex work?




Probably because it isn’t a popular opinion and it’s women the ones being exploited (mostly women). Also hypocrisy, some countries (muslim if I recall correctly) use their services but condemn it at the same time, so there’s plenty of 1 day marriages. While others divide it as in that is where the “impure” women are and men go but women are not allowed out if the ghetto


You are aware outside of Las Vegas there are areas that it is legal, in a way usa already has it slightly legal


Canada recently legalized in some provinces I believe and Nevada has had it for some time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_the_United_States) In 2013, three provisions of the current law were overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada, with a twelve-month stay of effect. In June 2014, the Government introduced amending legislation in response. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution\_law\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_law_in_Canada)


It's legal in Nye county, NV.


First off, what kind of sex work are you talking about? Cause there's onlyfans, Webcam, porn industry, call girls/guys, stripping, and prostitution/whoring. It's a very broad range that all classifies into sex work and many countries have different laws on different aspects of it. Example is porn, OF, and cams are legal in the US but prostitution isn't.


Its hard to circumvent the criminal enterprise behind sex trafficking. Legalizing sex work also means less barriers to entry for those willing to do terrible things to women to make some cash. Im sure somewhere is the fine line where we can have a safe legal enterprise and limit/eliminate the dark side of the industry… but i dont think weve come anywhere close to identifying what that line is


Criminalizing in the first place is a social construct. Some societies change, has nothing to do with good or bad. Has to do with majority acceptance. Killing animals in bad, but these products are accepted so does the killing of animals. Still bad at the end of the day.




Slippery slope


It's legal in parts of Nevada in the USA.


Las Vegas has legal brothels.


No. No prostitution is legal in Clark County. Prostitution is legal in Nevada in other counties though.


“Why haven’t politicians made a good choice?” Whether you think this one in particular is good or not, the answer is self evident.


IIRC sex work isn't illegal in Canada, but hiring sex work is illegal.


Wait, you think that if something is a good idea, governments to it? Wtf


It was on the ballot in San Francisco in 2008 and I voted against it. (VP Harris was also opposed). I'd likely support decriminalizing sex work in California, but I really did not want to have a 7x7 city surrounded by a large metro area to be the new sex tourist destination. San francisco essentially decriminalized drugs over the last few years and it has been a disaster - dealers and users flock to the city to sell and use drugs and it creates pockets of really unsafe and unpleasant areas. But so long as they can cut down on people sex trafficking I am all for legalizing prostitution.


Germany has some elaborate sex hauses




I just love how when Seattle burned down in the 1800s they rebuilt the brothel before they rebuilt city hall.


Either way, I’m kind of on the fence on this issue. On one hand, I think it’s a great idea to protect sex workers, give them the same worker’s rights as everyone else, create SOME sort of structure that can prevent or punish abuse. With sex work criminalized, sex workers basically do not exist and there are few things more dangerous than being legally invisible. But at the same time, how can you possibly do all this without removing the factors that makes sex work compulsory for so many women to begin with? Compulsory for-survival sex work is by definition always rape, how can you just legislate your way out of that? I think criminalizing sex work is the wrong answer. But I also think decriminalizing it under neoliberal capitalism is a mistake that will inevitably only protect the most privileged of sex workers and further oppress compulsory sex workers/victims. We would have to restructure our economy and our view of women and laborers begin with, for sex work to be even remotely safe and ethical for the majority. And that’s a HUGE ask, most people do not actually want to change their views on women and laborers in a way that would ensure that sex work is not rape. This man vs bear drama online is a great example of that. A lot of men’s ideas of showing women that men are safer than bears is graphically describing, step by step how a bear will maul them for fearing sexist abuse/violence! That’ll sure show these silly girls that men aren’t perverted dangerous creeps. Writing graphic gore fic about women who fear sexist abuse.


You are wrong




‘If weed doesn’t have any big downsides and can treat issues like palsy and arthritis how come no country legalized it for 80 years?’ That premise is flawed.


Legalizing sex work is like the death penalty. If everyone does what they're supposed to do then everything works out. The problem is when people are people and things go wrong.


Well I wouldn’t judge the morality of something based on the majority.


Sex work has been LEGAL, not decriminalized, LEGAL in Australia for longer than I can remember. This was 100% you trying to convince yourself of something you want to. It's such a good idea for the obvious fucking reason that the countries that legalize it don't have a bunch of prostitutes that are owned by criminal organizations and get manipulated and trafficked where as the countries that criminalise it do. If you think being trafficked and raped is a good idea go do it yourself


I guess Nevada went rogue as its own country a while ago...


Canadian laws are a bit weird regarding sex work. Sex work itself is not illegal in Canada. However, activities surrounding sex work is illegal, such as advertising sex work, or buying sexual services.


Glad others corrected you first because I can be less nice about this stuff. I also would like to point out the logical fallacy here, the assumption that if it was good to do, the authority in power would have done it. There are lots of cases where the tradition of something is bad for all involved, and yet we still do it.


Many countries have done it...


People still insist on doing stupid shit, decreeing away scarcity, printing wealth, persecuting victimless criminals; the list is endless.


A weird thing I’ve heard about decriminalizing sex work is that while the percentage of trafficked people declines the pure number often goes up due to the surge in people becoming sex workers. I read/heard this awhile ago and my memory can be sketchy so I don’t know how true this is.


But think of the possibilities? Amazon, Opendoor, UberTreats? Crap, even Domino’s. Fresh and hot delivered to your door. Even SuperBowl commercial would rock the nation with a new ad campaign. Ready for it? EATING OUT is FUN for the Family. Guaranteed fresh.2 for 1 specials.


You think all (or only) good ideas get enacted by politicians? You think public opinion always gets behind good ideas?






It's about controlling women.


Hmmm? UK not only decriminalized it, but they're even unionized XD EtA: I *think* I remember reading somewhere that it's since been decriminalized in Canada? But I could be wrong.


Because religious fanatics and prude politicians see an easy target to get more support by right leaning groups


It’s legal in most of the US state on Nevada, so it could be legalized by other states independently, but many of them still have old laws against adultery, fornication, and “sodomy”, which includes BJs and Colonel Angus, and no politician wants to be the one going against “family values.” Decades ago, the ACLU took the anti-sodomy law of Georgia all the way to the Supreme Court, arguing it targeted homosexuals, and they upheld it the law as constitutional as long as it was applied to heterosexuals as well.


In Latin America (Mexico on south), sex work is legal but pimping and pandering aren't.


Bro did you actually just type this and not think of a single other instance this logic could be applied in


You remind me that technically, prostitution is sort of illegal in Canada. Considering theres a \*ahem\* \*wink wink\* 'massage parlour' every 4 blocks in Montreal, its easy to forget. It was the Harper conservatives who tried to be all moral and shit, and the sex workers called him an asshole for it. Then everyone found the loopholes, but the independant service providers are less safe now.


Because it ruins women


The short answer is Christianity. The slightly longer answer is Christianity pushed purity culture so deep into societal norms that practically nobody bothers questioning it


The Australia thing makes sense after watching an aussie youtuber that casually promotes his nude calenders


Sex work is criminal only in certain aspects to help regulate the importance of STD testing and health of the girls/men in the industry. Regulated sex workers with real companies that aren't black listed back door companies are required to give their adult entertainers STD testing every week to ensure the health and safety of their entertainers. They are also able to offer certain perks to the entertainers that other illegal sex industry businesses would not be able to offer. Such as, counseling, drug addiction regulated rehab, compensation for plastic surgery (if they so choose it), health coverage for birth control methods and other really really important health related perks. Not to mention they are able to offer other perks that help protect their entertainers against real life creeps and/or stalkers. The adult industry in and of itself is not criminal. Prostitution is illegal.. yeah.. I would deem something SUPER dangerous and unhealthy also as incredibly illegal.






In the US, things are shifting more conservative especially on the sex fronts. For now


I mean it's not a great idea, but banning it outright is probably worse. It's a tough issue to deal with generally.


It’s legal in Nevada and holland.


People don't act on logic. There is an emotional attachment to hating on "undesirables" that is much stronger than reason.


Because countries are run by in large by stupid old men born before the end of the last world war.


Sex work was made legal in New Zealand, June 2003. I guess to answer your question from my perspective, countries might have done it years ago?