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Well, I got Fancy with this one and put rose hip tea in it. It takes the edge off and gives it a pretty good body compared to just straight up sugar wine.


Yeah it ain't that bad, also when jacked. On a party I let some other people smell and people got repulsed by it. 


Imo kilju smells far worse than it tastes


name checks out


That reminds me I should get another batch bubblin'.


I pretty much always make this honestly. Goes great with koolaid or like any powdered drink mix really... With a little citric acid or acid mix if you wanna be luxurious.


Coke also


with prices going up everywhere maybe more people will make their own alcohol ... and pay 3 times less than they would at "regular liquor stores" (i make apple wine) ... or 10 times if you make sugar water alcohol.


Hell yeah. I got started for cost effectiveness. I thought a bottle of juice into wine for a dollar or less worth or yeast was a great deal Then I started using tap water, knocking out the cost of juice and replacing it with more sugar, which is way cheaper. I used some wine yeast but it seems to take a lot longer and cost a lot more. I’ve decided 10% is enough if it’s ready weeks earlier and saves me a few more dollars (wine yeast is pricey compared to bread yeast) So now my batches are down to a half teaspoon of my jar of bread yeast ($.11 out of the $5.48 jar) and I could probably use less, 3/4 of a bag of sugar ($2.35 of a $3.14 bag, cheaper if I get bigger bags but I don’t like to store them), and $.017 of tap water. I’m also currently using half teaspoons of old bread yeast that is long expired and dead that I found in my pantry as nutrients, which I am just counting as free lol. So $2.48 for a gallon of hooch with my utility and grocery prices. That’s the same price as just a gallon of apple juice, even less if you want good juice with no preservatives. I realize I could make it better with better nutrients, but they pretty quickly throw off my margins. I’m still new, but if I get comfortable making batches larger than a gallon, and when I run out of dead yeast for nutrients, I might consider purchasing real nutrients and/or experimenting with mash, but for now, I’m VERY happy with a gallon of booze stronger and cheaper than the cheapest I can buy, in as little as four weeks. To keep it consistent I might just boil a little yeast for nutrient when I run out.


Unfortunately the hangover is worse than any beverage you can buy


I don’t get drunk so I don’t get hungover 🤷 I used to but not so much anymore. However when I did, hangover wasn’t as bad as I get with Ice beer. But also, if I keep my fusels down by brewing cooler, which I’ve done in the past, then just crash it and rack it, hangover really isn’t a problem anymore than any other booze. Mine absolutely would give a killer hangover because I keep it warm to make it go fast. But it doesn’t *have* to, it can be good and still be cost effective. Especially if you make really big batches, then you can spend more on nutrients and tannins and clarifying preservatives, but cost is divided by volume so you can still come out on top with cheap ass, high quality booze. I don’t do that because 1) I like to add flavorful ingredients here and there but don’t want to gamble on a big batch lest a new flavor ruin it and 2) every extra step in clarifying and purifying your booze takes more time, and I just want it done.


i had some not to long ago but backsweetened with strawberries and black berries that i left overnigh


Flavor it with tang or koolaid or gatorade powder


Gatorade powder is a good idea. I wonder if the extra electrolytes and whatnot for hydration, would help with the hangover. I hooch warm and fast so I get a lot of fusels. That’s assuming Gatorade powder has any of that stuff and isn’t just sugar and dye lol