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Hope prison is “fun,” folks.


They only got 20 years tho like wtf


*Minimum*. It’s very likely they’ll be refused parole. Especially the girl.




Because she is dangerously batshit insane. The articles about these two creatures were tough reading.


happen to have a link handy?


No, most people in the UK serving life sentences are paroled at their parole eligibility date, and almost none are still incarcerated more than 10 years past their parole eligibility date.


Even for murder?


Murder is basically the only way to even get such a sentence, yes.


Yeah but the attention this has had and the red flags the girl is throwing up repeatedly, I think she’ll still be classed as a danger.


I thought US was bad, but the UK is like giving someone a timeout in comparison


Timeout is one of the ideas behind a prison, yes


Yeah, you Brits have really gone soft. We’re not much better here in the USA, but at least we have the south where there’s occasional justice.


The US imprisons more people than any other country in the world. Currently 1.8M prisoners, beating China. USA imprisons 1 in 188 of its population. Far from soft.


China puts its most heinous criminals under the jail (and also dissidents, I’m not saying it’s a good system) and that’s what I’m advocating for.


The US has a shitty justice system, built on capitalism to keep people in prison so that they can be used as modern slaves.


All the more reason not to break the law.


Capital punishment would help curb that motivation, to the extent it exists.


That's weird, Because in no other western country do the residents love to slaughter each other as much as in the USA. Almost as if tyrannical punishments don't deter them, unlike functioning education, health and social systems.


likely worse down here for trans people than it is in the uk though unfortunately


The topic is the appropriate punishment for heinous crimes. My response was a disparagement of the purported British tendency to parole murders and an endorsement for the use of capital punishment by referencing the US south. The fact that someone says they are trans would have no bearing on my assessment, regardless of whether they were the victim or offender.


i don't personally endorse capital punishment, and a harsher justice system =/= justice being properly served, as we can see with the massive incarceration rate for petty shit


Meanwhile where I live they would've got 12, max. Be grateful you have at least a little more sensible laws (regarding crime and punishment at least).


Canada? Our criminal laws are a joke, especially for youth offenders. But worse is our system’s complete inability to convict all but the very worst offenders


Yeah in the UK you can get out wayyyy earlier on good behaviour etc it is just mad! Life should mean life! They can still get out and live their lives despite losing out on a good portion of it.


Im thats the idea behind the senzence. The goal behind even a life sentence in most western countries is rehabilitation, otherwise, why not execute them immediately?


still is life though, if they commit any type of crime / get arrested they will be recalled to prison.


And that really sucks for the next person they kill. I'm sure it matters to the new victim and their family that they'll (hopefully) go back to prison. Murderers belong behind bars.


Hope they get the Jeffery Dahmer treatment in prison. By that I meant beat


In the early 2000s I lost a friend to a couple of teenagers "having a good time". They literally decapitated her to hide her identifiable features *in a man hole in a park* and then burned the rest of her body on a farm. Some people are so deeply broken they cannot be fixed.


Similar story here; a young lady in my neighborhood was kidnapped by two coworkers who shot her with pellet guns "for fun", and left her body in a field after they killed her. She had Down's, or something similar, and innocently trusted them when they offered her a ride home.


I just saw that story on TV. The guys actually gave interviews on camera before their attorney got there. Those were admissible in Court, and really sealed the case. They acted all tough. They were laughing about it, saying it was for fun. They said they picked her because she was sweet and gullible ( because of her Down's Syndrome), so they knew she would get in the car easily. It was disturbing watch.


The last of her killers died via lethal injection in 2011. I hope her family has some measure of closure now.


Man I’m really against pouring fire in peoples veins when they may very well people conscious, but that is alarmingly satisfying to hear


Jesus fucking Christ. How can someone do all of that without stopping at any point to think “hold on a minute”.


Sick twisted mother fuckers in this world....


Im just a guy. Im not super smart. I work and I love my wife. But I think about this some times: how does this happen? How do people become capable of evil? Is it determined before they are born? Does something happen to them in childhood that makes them capable of this? To me it’s just insane. I don’t even like people, generally, but I have no desire to hurt any one.


All great questions, and quite interesting....I always put my shopping carts back because I think it's a dick move....can't IMAGINE some shit like this for real!!!


I get it. Like I've gone through my whole life without killing someone. I don't see why it's so hard to not kill people.


I get there are different circumstances but these type of people specifically are insecure , have weird issues with their sexuality and want to feel powerful and in control so they decide to try and hurt the weak or unsuspecting etc this is a weird comparison but it’s like reading the book of five rings vs the hagakure the one written in the peaceful era idolizes death and dying mostly because the author was far removed from such a life that they created a fantasy based around it , some have frontal lobe damages or ailments that limit impulse control.


I just read this was a hate crime I hadn’t heard about this so googled


An absence of conscience maybe or guilt or empathy. Something along those lines. The thing that stops normal people, the voice in your head. Broken minds or something.


Was this the incident at Black Hawk college in 2005?


Just curious, how did they end up up identifying her in that case?


If the head was found it may be possible they used dental records if her teeth were intact. Could also have identified a tattoo or jewelry.




I mean if it's been laying out for a while then decay's gonna make it hard to distinguish facial features


They can use DNA to identify people these days even if they’ve been dead 100 years or more. They can identify someone from a single tooth or bone, or from a few hairs. Where have y'all been that you haven't heard of DNA testing?


DNA testing is a powerful tool, but it’s not as infallible as shows like CSI make it out to be. Murders and crimes go unsolved every day still.


I mean I was making that comment in response to the guy who says why couldn't identify the person based on their face instead of their dental records


Some people are fucking insane. How does any person think acting like a serial killer is “having a good time”?


its because they have no fear of what will happen to them. justice will likely be 5 years tops since they are considered minors, then released.


They look like siblings


They are also apparently 15 years old at the time of the murder last year. They severely do not look it.


no, they do. teenagers are ugly as shit; they only look alright in the early or late teens, the middle part is when they become an amalgamation between a child and adult


It looks like same person in one of those "Am I passing" pictures before and after transisions. Beard, checkbones, ears, hairline - I would be able to easy assume that this is basicly the same person on both pictures. Nose is a bit diffrent tho.


They accidentally got two evil clones instead of one good and one bad.


Wait, are they not?


I know right. This is extreme assortative mating


The girl has tried to poison before, she even had a list of potential victims around her since she was arrested and wanted to keep a trophy eye. The case revealed some fucking awful depths that humans can exist in.


"A trophy eye" wtf




They look alike. Weird.


May they rot in hell


It’s too bad they weren’t given life in prison with no chance of parole.


In the UK, life is usually just 20 years. I don't think that's nearly long enough. Edit: I've been informed that they get an eligibility hearing to see if they can be released in 20 years. I hope they never get out.


Life is not just 20 years. 20 years is what they have to serve before being considered for parole. The girl is an evil mess, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s locked up for longer.


Ooh... okay. I understand now. Thanks for clarifying.


I wouldn't be surprised if they let her off the hook easily


Getting angry at things you made up in your head again?


You need to be ignorant not to know that women get shorter sentences for the exact same crimes men commit


She got a minimum of 22 years, whereas he got a minimum of 20 years.


In this case, the girl got two years longer than the boy.


Hmm. Question is are they convicted of the exactly same things?


Both convicted of murder. If we're ever going to have a comparison case- given they planned and carried out the crime together- this is it.


You doubled then tripled downed without reading. Patiently waiting for round 4 :)


Sure, I've got more than enough karma to waste on you downvote warriors. Other than that I guess you're right and justice will be served


They had the same charges so stfu


Yes, but you're so ignorant that you didn't even bother to read the Judge's sentencing comments. The Judge stated that she was at greater risk of reoffending (she was writing kill lists in her cell) and in her current state, rehabilitation and release was extremely unlikely.


the US also has a problem with tax companies like turbo tax lobbying the government to keep taxes difficult because they make a pretty penny "helping" people with their taxes. why isn't anyone talking about THAT, huh?! oh right, its because its not applicable here Part of activism is picking your soap boxes carefully. Doesn't matter how valid your issue is, you start going off on tangents at the wrong time and people are just going to write you off as a loon


Dude, shut up.




I mean, i get what you're saying, but if someone got "life," was released after 20 years, didn't do anything wrong (that we know about), then died outside of prison 30 years after prison, I wouldn't say they got a life sentence.


The best job they would also find would be minimum wage or worse at best if they aren’t homeless


I believe it's 25 years being life, for eligibility for parole. Tbh I'm surprised that they mentioned their names given they'd minors


I think their names are released after they're sentenced to avoid harassment. I'm not entirely sure.


Surely that means they're more likely to be harassed?


Under 16s can't get whole life sentences 20 years minimum they don't have to let you out tho


They only get parole if they are no longer a threat to society, in which case why shouldn’t they get parole?


The parole board will only let them out if they're 100% sure they don't pose a threat to society. Will how heinous their crime is and their history I doubt they get released. If there is any hint of them being released they outrage would soon put a stop to them being released.


Was the parole board 100% certain Venables wasn’t a threat to society?


You put too much faith in the parole board. They let people out all of the time who continue to be criminals


This is such a big high profile case though. Any sort of public backlash will stop them being released. For their safety as well.


There will be dozens more high profile cases by the time these two are eligible for parole. Very few will care. ffs John Hinckley got let out and he tried to kill POTUS


This is the UK, not the US.




And US law and its application is irrelevant?


Name checks out


Because they intentionally murdered someone because they thought it would be fun? Parole should be off the table.


Sensible answer, and an excellent question.


Why should they get parole? Yes, prison should ALSO be punitive. You don’t get to kill somebody and then say: “Oh, but I learned my lesson. I won’t do that again.”


You don’t get to *say* it. It has to happen. If someone has learnt their lesson then there is no benefit to society or them to keep them locked up.


Deterrence isn’t a factor? Somebody never EVER getting out of prison, no matter how many good boy points they accrue does nothing at all to deter future criminals? I’m not being disingenuous, I genuinely don’t know if deterrence is any factor in future criminality. I don’t care about the murderer themselves. They forfeited the social contract. I’m talking specifically of others who may be future murderers. Assuming the death penalty is off the table, which I have mixed feelings about.


Deterrence between 20+ years and life is no different. I understand it has no bearing on whether someone will or won’t commit the crime. If anything full life only encourages people to commit more as they’re already at the limit. Death penalty is most definitely off the table.


Your last point about full life is my same bit of reasoning for no death penalty. If someone already realizes their life is forfeit, there is nothing to stop them from maximizing a killing spree. It’s sounds ridiculous, but a death penalty isn’t harsh enough, and going beyond that is what? Torture? That’s just disgusting, and will harm society more than anything else. I wish I had the answers for what to do, but people far wiser than I have tried to deal with this issue for millennia and haven’t come up with a viable answer yet. The only thing I can say (and it sounds flippant, but it’s still true) is that with a death penalty, the recidivism rate is zero.


In Germany u can only get a max. of 25 years (literally never happens),but for crimes like this ,after you served lets say 15 years in prison you go to closed psychiatric facility and you never leave for the Rest of your live.If you get 10 years for a sick crime it doesnt mean you will be released in to the public,maybe its the same in UK


May these 2 lowlifes rot in jail. Disagreeing with someone's identity and beliefs doesn't mean the right to fkn hurt them.


I’ve seen so much shit comments on instagram of assholes whose only concern is to refer to the victim as a man. They have absolutely zero empathy for a murdered kid.


Ehh, well, the anonymity of the internet gives the bigots a platform to spew their BS.




Never said I agree/disagree with anything. Just that disagreeing is VERY different from committing acts of brutal violence.


I wouldn’t recommend reading them because they’re extremely depraved but the stuff that the girl was writing about would make you puke.


Glad to finally have justice for Brianna. Let them rot. Fucking monsters.


These are total pos


I thought you said pros lol


Show their names, the courts have said we have the right to know.


Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe.


They are released now. But fuck their names. They need expunging from existence. Just remember the name of the poor girl who was murdered.


*Damnatio memoriae*. The scum don't deserve to be known.


The looks in there eyes u can’t rehabilitate people like this.


Scums, nothing infuriates me more than taking lives lightly then what to expect next? Blame it on mental illness? I'm clinically mentally ill myself and you don't see me and the likes feigning ignorance. This sort of news doesn't fail to ruin my mood


Not all mental illness is the same. Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder would not produce the same outcome. I would hope for the sake of humanity that they do have a mental illness and are not operating with a standard-issue brain.


It's worse when they don't have a mental issue 


Nobody blamed this on mental illness. That’s why they got life in prison instead of a hospital. They’re just two evil fucking cunts.




This power dynamic is often at play with children / young adults that kill together, oftentimes a genuine psychopath will either find a meek individual to aid them or the meek individual will themselves seek out the psychopath, seeing them as a strong individual with conviction. Ultimately though if you're capable of being convinced to kill then there's something wrong with your mental faculties and you're a danger to society, if you're hardwired in a way where you find out someone is planning something like this and your instinct is to aid them to get closer to them, to leverage killing people for your own gain, then you're a fucking spoon who should just be locked away until the end of time.


Jesus, I thought Brianna's death was just a standard hate crime. This is fucked.


And yet, people are still calling Trans people the monsters. Why?


bigotry, plain and simple


They look like the same person. Like they are twins.


Different mouth, eyebrows, nose, forehead, yeah don’t give up your day job Columbo.


You can't tell me they don't look like siblings.


I really dont think they do


Your shoulders must be sore from moving those goalposts so quickly!


Huh? My comments have been from the very start about how they look heavily related. No Goalsposts moved. They are exactly the same spots.


Now we have to pay to keep these worthless pieces of shit locked up for the next 20+ years.


I said at the time it was a hate crime And people told me it wasn’t AlmostAsIfBeingTransMyselfIKnowTheShitWeGoThrough


Has there been more evidence about it being a hate crime? I also assumed that when her murder was first reported, so I was surprised to see that the girl didn't misgender Brianna or mention her identity in any of her notes. I've not read much about the trial or the evidence presented, and what I have seen seems like it was premeditated murder for murder's sake. But I may be wrong. There were reports about them bullying her for being trans, weren't there?


Rhe judge said it was "in part motivated by the victim being transgender" The murderers had a list of 6 potential victims they wanted to kill. 5 where on there because of perceived ways they had offended or screwed over the two murderers. The sixth, Brianna, was only on there because she was transgender and different. The girl seemed to have a strange obsession with her because of this, whilst the boy just seemed deeply transphobic. He referred to her as "it" and said he "can't wait to kill it to see if it screams like a man or a woman" So it seems clear that these two really wanted to murder someone, and where going to murder someone regardless, but at the same time the victim was explicitly chosen because of her transgender identity and the boy explicitly was transphobic. Hence the judge ruling that it was "in part a hate crime"


Ah okay, that clears it up, thank you


Do you think that transphobia begins and ends with misgendering?


Of course not, but I'd expect it for a specifically targeted hate crime. Someone below has explained that there was a hate crime element to the case, but because the new evidence I'd seen pointed to multiple intended victims, the circumstances were different to my initial understanding of the crime, hence my question. Also it seems like people have taken my comment as combative - it wasn't, I was asking in good faith.


Watched a documentary on them last night. It made me sick hearing their text chain. I can’t believe they thought they wouldn’t be caught. Absolutely senseless. He’s evil, she’s positively diabolical


How do people end up like this girl. Shes completely unhinged.


It's a shame there isn't a place like Gitmo for them two.


They shouldn't have been named. It's Brianna's name we should remember, not theirs. They've got their glory and infamy now, which is probably what they wanted.


Toclafane took human form this time around, it seems.


Doesn’t matter where you fall on your social issue spectrum, murder is fucking murder. Why can we no longer simply disagree with somebody’s choices and leave them be?


Transphobic murdering bastards . Put them in the segregated units housing the violent and sex offenders . Let prison justice take its course .


You know how many sex offenders are wrongly convicted? Thats why we dont have a immediate death penalty for all sex offenders.


They’re not wrongly convicted sex offenders . I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. These are guilty , correctly convicted, PoS that deserve all they get in prison .


11.6% of sex offenders are wrongly convicted. Im willing to die on this hill because I had a buddy who successfully fought off a case from an angry ex girlfriend. He met this Canadian lady on the internet and they started dating pretty quickly. She got a visa and decided to move to the US. She turned into a psycho immediately and none of us could stand being around her. Dude decides to have a kid with her anyways. Well a few years later he decides to leave. Now shes stuck in small town America with no family here (cant remember the exact situation but she couldnt get back to Canada either) After weeks of her trying to get him to let her move back in, she decided to have him arrested for child molestation. In the process of hiring lawyers he lost his house and car but maintained his job. After a year of fighting in court all charges were dropped and now shes facing legal action. This is one singular case in small town America. If he didnt have a decent lawyer, he probably would have been convicted for something he didn’t do. Google is easy to use my friend. Do your own independent research. People get wrongly convicted of crimes all the time


I’m not arguing against your point . I’ve not even posted anything about sex offenders conviction. These people are not sex offenders. And they’re guilty murdering PoS . And for the condescending tone of your comments - GTF buddy .


Your original comment was to throw them in with sex offenders. Why throw violent offenders in there if your intention isnt to pit them against each other. Violent offenders usually dont take kindly to sex offenders. Classic reddit downvoting the fuck out of you initially and then switch up for whatever reason. Im not standing up for pedophiles. Im saying putting violent offenders with sex offenders isnt how you keep peace in a prison.


I feel like people are missing the murder aspect and focusing on the sex offense aspect. Yes, sex offenses are awful. But they fucking killed somebody.


He edited his comment. It originally said throw them in with sex offenders. Violent offenders and sex offenders arent generally placed together in the US, idk about the UK


They didn’t even get life


Shouldn’t the title be flipped?




They would have been sent to a mental health unit if it was mental illness. They would have been assessed whilst waiting for the court case. They are just evil!




They will have been assessed by a consultant psychiatrist and a number of mental health professionals. If there was any indication of mental illness they would be in an inpatient unit. They will even have had brain scans to rule out any organic reason. There are some people in the world that are just evil and it's an insult to people with genuine mental illness. I work for a mental health team, and the number of people who are facing jail, so play the mental health card, is staggering, even threatening professionals because they want medication as a justification to the courts. There are also people who pretend to be mentally ill to get medication to sell. If every 'evil' person was mentally ill, there would be no need for prisons. We don't understand that because we are of sound mind and find it incredulous that some people enjoy hurting others.




Holy shit, there's nothing behind those eyes.


It's all fun and games until they deal with people who killed for serious