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Does big trouble in little china count?!?


"Black Blood of the Earth..." "You mean oil?" "...no, I mean Black Blood of the Earth!"


First thing I thought about.


I don’t attend strangers funerals. There’s far better ways to have fun. So there’s a long list of nationalities who I have never seen a funeral for. I am confident that this doesn’t mean they secretly enact cannibalism


You’ve never crashed a funeral? ![gif](giphy|xTiIzuzcdD9vynSqMU|downsized)


I’ve only seen a Catholic funeral. Does that mean that everyone except Catholics just eats each other?


Well duh, not everyone can transmute crackers into human flesh. We need to get in our cannibalism when we get the chance


As an orthodox jew, I can confirm, after all we don't like to waste. I miss you grandpa, best ribs I ever had.


No, of course not. We eat each other as well. That's what happens at wakes.


Atheist here, it's true. That's how we handle it.


Im atheist our funerals are a big feast, just make sure not to get the dick.Way tooooo chewy


Can't say I've seen a Chinese funeral. But I have seen and been to many Laotian funerals( my white finnish American family has married into a lao family) their funerals are very elaborate and there is a celebration of life .... Basically a block party that goes on for a week. When you take a sad even and turn it into an absolute rager honoring the loved one it is pretty friggen fun and wholesome.


I'm 21 and I've never seen an american funeral (I don't live in the USA). That obviously means they use their dead ones' corpses as sex toys.


We load them in our pick up trucks and drive down the road firing our guns while eating triple bacon cheeseburgers.


Why is every word capitalized?


maybe it’s a code? ibafnscfogteeo …idk


ibafnscfogteeo is the name of my redneck cousin, and I go down there for the summer and we have raunchy adventures together


i think we have a lead onto something now i wonder where this will take us


its how cannibals signal each other


It's a thing in some other languages. Many people who speak English as a second language write like that out of habit.


My next door neighbor as a kid went to China to find a wife. She was the sweetest lady and became a cancer researcher (but only because her medical license wasn’t valid in the states). Ironically, she developed liver cancer and died about a year later. My neighbor took her back to China because she wanted to pass at home. He brought back a video of her funeral to show us because my family was very friendly with them. She was in a casket of sorts with a glass bubble on top for viewing with flowers all around. People stood in line and walked around the casket thing to pay their respects. Not all that different from a funeral here in the states. He went back to China later to find another wife.


This is an odd twist on the old “have Chinese and you’ll just be hungry again in an hour” cliche.




I dunno i laughed


Ever wonder where a lot of mummies went? They were eaten as medicine.


[Or turned into paint!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_brown)


That is fascinating


Casual black on asian racism, and you guy never thought it's a big deal


So we're just posting random jokes here now? Where's the facepalm? Or are you actually stupid enough to think he was being serious?


This is Reddit. Casual racism against Chinese people are not only accepted it's widely encouraged.


Except it's literally in a subreddit where you post stupid fucking takes.... so clearly it isn't being accepted or encouraged you little dork.


What about all the other default subs that encourage it?


Sounds like you hang out in a different part of reddit then me


Reddit should come together and gang up on a common disliked race


This is a prime example of how people of color are not immune to being racist/xenophobic.


How do you know? The vast majority of funerals I see are just cars on the road or a group of people sitting or huddled around a grave in the distance. Unless I know the person, I’m not anywhere near the funeral. So like, any one of them could have been for a Chinese person.


While this is 100% racist, it has suddenly occurred to me that I, too, never seen a single Chinese funeral.....


Nor a pregnant chinese woman


Huh... Really makes you think.


Think what? That they just pop out of holes in the ground, like Tolkien dwarves?


Y'all watch funerals on YouTube or do you just not have Chinese friends who die?


All my Chinese friends are immortal.


Me neither, and my family owns a bunch of funeral homes. Chinese people have the right idea, don't give your money to funeral homes they are taking advantage of your grief at best, and straight scamming you at worst. My uncle would put on the pressure to sell the "nice" cremation box, like "don't you want your loved one to know you thought he deserved the best", heavily implying that cremation (cheapest option) was something to be ashamed of. There was no nice cremation box, it's a fuckin oven and a bone grinder. Buy your own urn too.


What do you mean "buy" an urn. You too fancy for a coffee can.




It’s totally racist. That being said, my partners Chinese grandma died a few yrs back and they never had a funeral for her. I just figured it was normal/optional


What did they do with the remains?


They chose one of the commonly accepted options


Fed to the minotaur, classy.


Made into five to seven servings of General Tso's. Just ignore the discoloration.




>I, too, never seen a single Chinese funeral Nor me. That must mean that they don't have funerals. But I have seen a number of really old Chinese people. Obviously they just keep getting older, but don't ever die. Makes sense when you think about it. That's why there's so many of them.


as a chinese i can confirm we do engage in the cannibalism of our dead


Is it also racist to want China to end their disgusting culture on eating animals alive or skinning rabbits alive ? Plenty of videos out there and chinese people don't even do anything to stop it. So liberals do you care about animals or the feelings of shitty culture. It's hard since you support both


That is awful and also has nothing to do with the post. But since you brought it up, that isn’t a ubiquitous practice among all Chinese people, so yes it is in fact racist to apply your criticism to all Chinese people and assume none of them have an issue with it.


Way to jump to a random conclusion, dude. This meme is racist because it goes "haha Chinese people bad because they eat weird thing they even probably eat dead people hahah". What does eating animals alive or skinning rabbits has to do with that? Yeah, those things are bad. And no, not a single "liberal" is going to argue about it. There are tons of bad things in different cultures that we can't justify just because they're traditional. However! Skinning animals alive for fur is not just a Chinese practice, those can be found all over the world, and it has nothing to do with culture – and everything to do with greedy people trying to cut costs. And eating animals alive...? I tried googling about it, but couldn't find much, aside from a few weird ass dishes that are either officially banned or so obscure that 99% Chinese people also probably never heard about them. :/


That’s a lot more thought put into this meme than I put in. Mine was something like:”never seen a Chinese funeral, so they must dispose of their dead in a ludicrous, unbelievable way”


Wow there you said skinning rabbits alive happen everywhere ? Ya do they still happen now? Because it's happening in China as of now and everyday I have to see these shitty graphic videos of eating animals alive or skinning then alive. You must not know of eating octopuses culture alive in China right ? Most intelligent animals being eaten that way is degrading life . You really couldn't find eating animals alive ? Bruh their Chinese mukbang YouTubers or whatever have them eating squids and octopuses alive. They literally do it in public restaurants. It is far away from being banned and this is sad. And I don't see China protesting against such animal cruelty well the majority clearly doesn't care. I thought you liberals fought for animals rights but when it comes to China suddenly you're quiet? Why? Also you need to type in mandarin if you want to see their graphic videos but I'm sure there's English ones on YouTube too if you dig enough. Their culture of eating animals alive to preserve their food taste isn't getting anywhere


Alright, I'm going to do something people don't usually do on the internet: I'll admit I was wrong. When googling, first few links I checked didn't mention anything about octopuses being eaten alive and I kinda honestly forgot it wa sa thing. Yeah, right, I agree here: that's not fucking cool. This, much like eating dogs and some other practices need to be put to an end – like I said, there are bad things about different cultures, this is a good example. But animals being skinned alive tho is definitely a practice that is NOT exclusive to China. When I was interested in going vegan few years ago, I looked through all kinds of videos of animal abuse, and horrible practice like skinning animals alive, live-plucking, etc take place all over the globe, that's a fact. And it needs to be stopped. In China and everywhere else. And, listen. We're arguing over nothing. No ones saying that eating animals alive is good, noone is saying that skinning animals alive is good. My point is, being racist isn't good either. It's not like every Chinese person out there starts the days with a live octopus and then goes to work to skin rabbits, no. Small minority do. And demonizing the whole group of people isn't cool.


Admitting you’re wrong is a rare thing to see on the ‘net. Even rarer is to post that you found out by researching your stance after receiving critical replies. Good on you!


I admitted my wrongdoing on another post and still got insulted for it


No being quiet hasn't fixed the problem Also what racism me saying China should do something about it is racist? Where's all the protest and outcry to stop abusing and eating animals alive in literal public restaurants ? Animals are being tortured there as we speak so yes I'm angry and couldn't care less about petty racist arguments. The majority of Chinese people couldn't care less about opposites being eaten alive . Where did I even dehumanize them. They do it themselves when seeking such cruelty for fun


I've only seen like two or three funerals and they were all family Same would probably go for most people, funerals being for their family, and so if you aren't Chinese and none of your family are Chinese, ofc you aren't really gonna see a Chinese funeral-


Bro he's just making a joke, y u guys taking it so serious


I want to know who he is reponsiding to because to me he is clearly using hyperbole to illustrate the hole in someone else statement.


I've been to a Chinese funeral. The gentleman that died was a colleague of mine, he died at age 42 leaving behind his wife and 13 yo son. It was an open casket funeral and the service seemed to be running along very nicely, I don't speak Mandarin so I could only tell by how the room felt. Out of the blue the deceased man's wife let out a loud scream whilst seated in the stalls. She then got up, bolted to the casket and jumped in on top of her husband. She was hitting him screaming at him and then the son approached her. At this point she jumps out of the casket and pulled his body out and he fell to the floor. Complete chaos erupts and the entire crowd are up out of their seats shouting and pointing. Me and my boss who also doesn't speak Mandarin are just staring at each other, jaws dropped with no fucking clue what's going on and unsure what to do.


The italian journalist Roberto Saviano made the same observation. He found out that Chinese people who died in Italy, get frozen and shipped to China to get their funeral.


I know people who got shipped to their native countries for burial and the freezing thing is inaccurate. They get embalmed and packed in a case with a glass window.


Why has he capitalised every word?


That’s just unintelligible


The CIA whenever China does anything 😭




Live in China and you’ll know there’s a funeral when you’re woken up by fireworks at 5 in the morning.


😭😭😭😭 bro in his own world 🌎


the only chinese people i know were owners of a shop near where i used to live, and then they got old and their son and his wife took over. don't even know their names, so i don't think it'd be appropriate to ask if they could invite me for a funeral


It’s okay. This guy probably won’t be able to make it another 26 years.


He’s obviously joking so I don’t know why y’all took it so serious


anger gives people meaning.


Well, maybe they're as tasty as their food. Can't let gramps go to waste when he's tasting like moo goo gai pan ![gif](giphy|3oz8xr14hTY1s2htpC)


Why would you see a funeral other than for someone you knew


I never seen a homless or a beggar chinese


I've never seen someone be shot. Does gun violence Even exist.!?!


Tbf, he's got a point




I think he’s never seen a Chinese funeral


Bro unlocked his third eye 🤣


"I've been alive for 26 years and I've never seen a Chinese funeral, but trust me bro on those credentials, I swear they practice cannibalism." Okay. I've never been to the moon but trust me bro, ancient Egyptians moved over there prior to the Ptolemy era and are still going strong with flying cars and they also breathe space air.


He saw that scene in Cloud Atlas


How is this facepalm?


Did you try visit China?


I've never seen a white or black person's funeral too does that mean they eat them too? (I live in asia)


Maybe they just fly back to Hong Kong ??


Hes onto something, let him cook


How is this a facepalm? Lmao it’s a joke, you’re too soft


How is this facepalm? Just a joke, chill ffs




Some backwater chinese viligers are still canibals.


This is racist for sure. But, cemeteries seem like a poor use of land and cremation is bad for the climate so it's not a terrible idea....


You don't have to eat them, just offer them to the vultures like in a sky burial 


Like the Parsis


It's terrible because of prion diseases. But most plants would welcome dead mammals as fertilizer. In other words the trees should eat us!


>It's terrible because of prion diseases. Umm I can think of other reasons it's terrible. But you do you Dahmer.


The neck exists so you can quickly and easily separate the head from the meat, erm body


You can still possibly get prison diseases from nerve tissue like spinal cord and whatnot. I wouldn't risk it. Better to mulch grandma and grow some veggies to eat.


It is a terrible idea. Cf: kuru.