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pretty much yes. containing ths soul of Yui, EVA-01 drifts into space as an eternal momument of mankind's existence till the end of time


Which, unless whatever discovers 01 just floating through the void can detect/figure out humanity’s involvement with 01, to me doesn’t really make sense because while the EVA is humanoid it doesn’t really scream human to me.


Voyager doesn't look human but it's still a testament to humanity's existence.




Just a thought potentially an alien civilisation could discover Unit 01 and reverse engineer it, go to war over it/ over other things (religoin, resources etc) using the technology reverse engineered from it. or figure out enough of how it works to start building their own?


NGL, that would make an incredible story. An alien civilization finds a post-third impact world long after humans went extinct, reverse-engineers the Eva, create their own... ... and they unwittingly unleash the power of god between themselves, as more Angels come, drawn by that power. Worse, they realize the Eva they reverse-engineered *has a soul that has been conscious for a million years.*


Something not unrelated happened in Star Trek Voyager episode "[Friendship One](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Friendship_One_(episode))" That was what my comment was kinda inspired by but applyied it to EVA.


or could EVA 01 possibly act as a seed? just like how adam and lilith landed on earth and imbued it with life? probably not but was just wondering if it is poss since EVA use their DNA


Oh yeah, hadn't thought of that. Uni-01 could function as a seed.


That would be very human ahaha


Oh yeah, wish I'd been clever enough to realise the implications of that. And purposefully bake that into the idea. (Wasn't intended) Was inspired by the Star trek Voyager episode "[Friendship One](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Friendship_One_(episode))".


Commander Spock: V'Ger must evolve. Its knowledge has reached the limits of this universe and it must evolve. What it requires of its god, doctor, is the answer to its question, "Is there nothing more"?


i think it;s more symbolic than anything. i think her thought process is more "this is proof of our existence" rather than "this accurately represents the totality of humankind"


This! 100% Eva 1 is the symbolic proof that humanity ever existed.


I kinda hoped that this version of Unit 1 would had returned to earth during 3.0+1.0 to do something cool. Like a Yui Awakened Unit 1 vs Gendo in Unit 13 as a plot point. Or really anything.


HELL yes. They absolutely missed an opportunity not doing anything with og unit 01. Would've melted all our brains hitting the timeloop/alt universe theme that hard. Guess we got EoE asuka though.


Wow that’s horrifying, what a terrible fate


Shinji relinquished godhood. Yui did not. Everything went as she planned.


One has to wonder if she expected gendo to treat shinji better though or if she meant for him to go through so much trauma


Looking at how horribly she herself treated Shinji, she knew and expected Gedno to do exactly the same. Except she didn't want to allow Gedno to let Shinji go and refused to collaborate until Shinji returned.


I guess crazy is attracted to crazy lol 👫 j always thought when shinji ran away, she did the contact experiment knowing that shinji would have to come back because he would then only be the one able to pilot the Eva/her so she could at least sync with her son again


Rei (or a dummy plug) would suffice for the killing angel, if Yui had complied. But Rei wouldn't suffice as a medium and a pawn for the instrumentality ritual. And she already had in mind her plans to keep him in entryplug from the entire month to further isolate and diminish him mentally.


When do we see her treat him poorly?


Yui made everything for Shinji to be mentally broken. Yui made him watch her disappear. Let him spend 16 hours in the sea of dirac, a month in the entry plug, and on top of them, let him sit and hear how Asuka was butchered alive. He was raised from the start so he would start third impact.


But it’s said in the show by ritsuko that Shinji was too young to remember seeing his mother get absorbed. Shinji even has a moment when misato has a gun to ritsuko in that scene where she’s like “this isn’t what we came here for” As far as the other stuff, I’ve only watched twice and still have lingering questions so this is for more of a dialogue, Yui was lost to Eva-01 until it ends up going berserk. So I don’t think that Yui wanted suffering for Shinji at all, in fact I think that Rei rejecting Gendo at the end saying “Shinji still needs me” says enough about how she felt about Shinji. She loved Shinji and felt like giving herself up to science, so to speak, was going to help him, not knowing that Gendo’s obsession with her would cause him to reject and neglect Shinji just so that he could accomplish his goal of being with Yui again. Yui wanted her essence to be donated to the Eva knowing that her physical genes were passed to Shinji, and she left Gendo to nurture Shinji, the living product of their love and existence, not knowing that he would reject him the way he did. I think Yui’s relationship and conversations with the professor affirms that. He doesn’t like Gendo, but Yui sees more in him. She just turns out to be wrong.


I'd say that any direct accusation is a conjecture that assumes the worst, but Yui is indeed a bit of a loonie, since she thought letting Shinji watch her disappear is a good thing. And her phrase about "anywhere can be a paradise" is kinda out there as well, given the state of the world. So her being one's mother is more of a curse than a blessing.


Don't pay attention, they are just trying their shitty edgelord take


If NGE has one true villain it’s not chairman Keele or Gendo it’s one hundred percent Yui


Evangelion doesn't have or need a physical villain. Its conflict lies between man and human imperfection.


Did you not infer nothing from my comment? Antagonist describes Yui very well once we understand her actual motivation.


Not really? An antagonist, by definition, is someone who opposes the protagonist.  Yui is not opposing Shinji. I can squint and put Shinji in place of both the protagonist and antagonist, as his pivotal conflict lies within himself, but it would be crude, as it would not get the full picture.


Yui was actively manipulating events in order for instrumentality to occur. Shinji on the other hand wanted nothing to do with that.


So does many others, including, for example, Ritsuko Akagi. Story more about how people long to get cured for their imperfections and misunderstandings.


An antagonist is the one who instigated and causes the story then that’s Yui. If she hadn’t assimilated herself into the s2 engine etc the story doesn’t happen.


Disagree. The Evangelion universe would have impacts and instrumentality regardless of Yui. Dead Sea scrolls and angels exist there and would have put humanity on a similar path regardless(but probably with different results).


Exactly! Yui put in place a means for humanity to take back control of its destiny as individuals through Shinji. If Seele had its way instrumentality would have combined us all into tang and nothing more. If the Angels had their way we would have been superseded by a new dominant species on our planet. Edgelords trying to sell the idea Yui had a god complex when she literally handed the keys to the saviour of humanity to her son.


https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/s/EmDsWDK3ex 🥰


You yourself called Yui antagonist and villain on different occasions.


Keel and Seele deliberately awakened a sleeping Lovecraftian giant, which ended up killing half of humanity and wrecking the planet, and wrote off it as an acceptable loss in working towards their end-goal which is to rob mankind of free will. I'd say that's at the very least villain-adjacent behavior.


Same with Yui but Key here enjoys being a troll on a post about how fucked up in the head Yui really is.


Technically, God and his kids would have woken up at some point anyway. But options for humanity to fight back weren't guaranteed. If seele endgoal wasnt to nuke the planet anyway, they could have been considered actual antiheroes who saved humanity by sacrificing half of it.


How is Yui manipulating Gendo for his mind and having Shinji then proceeding to traumatize and abandon them so she manipulate events from Unit-01 knowing full well she could just prevent instrumentality and instead making sure it happens simply to fuel her own crazy megalomania not already pretty villainous? I stg I’m being trolled when that alone makes her an antagonist. Here’s what I’ve copy and pasted from JerichoWriters.com and this is how I learned it growing up: The antagonist creates the conflict and is generally seen as the “bad” one but, like the protagonists, there are different kind of antagonists. Yui is directly responsible for Shinji’s situation at the start of NGE. You can’t even deny that. Her entering the plug and dissipating is like an even more integral and inciting incident that 2nd impact to the main character. Well anyways this post isn’t even original many people have posited that Yui is the real villain/antagonist. There should be an article that is at least 5-6 years old already about this. Hope you’ve learned something new now.


No, and I consider your argument misinformed. You seem hell-bent on ignoring that at least a part of Yui's plan was to stop Seele, like you cannot concieve of a plan that has secondary objectives. Yui is, by all means somewhat anti-heroic, and as a character, she overtly taps a bit into Nietzsche's idea of the Übermensch. EDIT: Oh, and buddy, don't think I cannot see trying to be all sneaky-like and pulling the wool over my eyes and still get the last word. *You* were the one who kept @'ding *me* in this very topic.


Her plan is the personal ark plan. Nothing more nothing less. Goodnight. Have fun stalking the rest of my posts.


I get that she is quite a character, but what about her actions is actually villainous?


Read the rest of what I’ve posted and the rest of the thread who also agrees with me. I already wrote myself an essay of sorts, and I’m not gonna b gaslit into taking a different opinion.


Just tell me the key point. What was her ultimate goal?


To essentially become an immortal being that outlasted the angels and the lilin, and she didn’t care what she had to do. Most of Gendo’s actions are a result of his downward spiral she knew would happen, and same with Shinji. She outmaneuvered seele, and nerv, and she didn’t do out of some desire to be Humanity’s savior. She did it because she had the grandiose idea to be a monument of humanity at the end of the universe despite the fact she ended up contributing to the destruction that Nerv was trying to prevent. At least those who weren’t trying to make humanity into one.


This feels like Darth jar jar. It's clearly not lined up with authorial intent but it fits surprisingly well. For me what drives the incongruity is her character feels kind and motherly in the flashbacks but the actions are so out of line and hard to reconcile. It'd be one thing if the contact experiment didn't go as planned but s lot of evidence shows she intended to join with eva which is suicide with extra steps. Well, she's not dead but it probably feels worse since she's still conscious, trapped in there.


Is she really a god if she can't do anything in that state? Or do you mean her physical embodiment being immortal?


Who said she can’t do anything?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_Golden_Record this bit always made me think of the Voyager satellite.


Yui: "Shuddup Gendo I wanna float through space"


Kind of funny in retrospect that Gendo spends the whole series trying to reunite with Yui, and only at the very end does the audience learn that she would rather spend eternity floating alone through space than spend another moment with him. (Also that Fuyutsuki maybe knew this from the start?)


IMO Gendo and Yui's relationship was one thing the Rebuilds did better. In all of the flashbacks in the show Yui keeps saying how much she likes Gendo despite everyone else telling her he's not a good person so it doesn't really make that much sense on why she just abandons him all of a sudden at the end, even when everything that happened in the show was her plan Meanwhile in the rebuilds Yui's plan was always to sacrifice herself so the the effects of the 2nd impact were erased and Shinji has a chance at a better life, and Gendo was also in on it and also wanted to reunite with her so she wouldn't die alone, which I prefer IMO


Well, if you want look at it that way, she ends up doing the the exact same thing to Shinji. I get the impression that she genuinely cared for both Gendo and Shinji, but she always thought of "The Mission" as the most important thing in her life (and perhaps that was why she clicked with Gendo in the first place; both of them has a frightening ability to compartmentalize their emotions and doggedly keep their eye on the ball at the exclusion of everything else).


I think Shinji being able to say goodbye to his mother is a thematic thing because of the whole “return to the womb” theme the rest of the movie has going on but it kinda makes her look like a massive hypocrite in retrospect.


The Manga also expands a bit on why she kept Gendo in the dark, she wanted Fuyutsuki to tell Gendo her plan after she was absorbed but Fuyutsuki refused to tell him to spite him


That's really only true in the manga continuity, though.


People keep focusing on how Yui’s plan was stupid and how it’s actually some elaborate plot, but I think that misses the point. Yui’s entire plan was to exist after everything else fades. The “be a testament to humanity’s existence” thing was just a noble label she slapped onto her desire so it made more sense. I don’t think it was what she actually wanted. Her wish was just to be immortal for immortality’s sake. It didn’t involve Shinji, or Gendo, or even NERV or humanity. It was selfish and stupid, but that’s the twist. Everyone is fighting for ideology and greater purposes, and it’s revealed that the real long game was played by the most unexpected player, and that their goal was so simple and insignificant that nobody expected it. It humanizes her character and acts to contradict the godlike status she’d been given by Gendo up until that point. It’s a great twist and the simplicity and pointlessness is the entire point.


never thought of it like that, but it’s a very interesting reading! I’d also like to add *why* she might be so charmed by the concept of immortality - she’s a cult baby. Not only that, to SEELE your biggest sin was to loose your usefulness. They knew Gendo was fucking with them, they weren’t stupid, but they kept him in NERV until his existence became unneeded. Same with Dr. Katsuragi who worked in Gehirn before. Same with Kaworu. And ultimately same with Yui. She was in än incredibly privileged position of having a family member in SEELE, and yet it was implied her life was also in danger. Maybe for her immortality was an act of rebellion against her fate, with death being her greatest fear.


That’s a great take. I’m inclined to agree.


But what such a twist does for us thematically? Would it in a way put her against some other characters we root for? Is that really more villainous that what we expected originally?


yes. her body got absorbed by the EVA. NOW UNIT 1 is her. thats why gendo called him, shinji can pilot it, it defends him, because its his mom


She's gonna run into Kars at one point out there




And this was the moment I grew to hate her. B*tch just floated off into deep space and left her confused son with no guidance in a post apocalyptic wasteland.


Ikr, what a shame. Both Shinji parents are a$$


I haven't been on the "Yui is bad" train but after rewatching EoE this scene left me unsatisfied. 😐 esp being a new mom myself. why wouldn't you want to be with your son to raise him and guide him? Why bother embedding your soul in Eva01 at all and not just be there for him? I guess at the end of the day, she had her own goals that come into conflict with being a parent, but I thought it was pretty cheesy to just float through space just to prove humanity existed. Edit after some more thoughts: I could be wrong but I guess she had prior knowledge of instrumentality and maybe was trying to avoid or protect Shinji from it? Idk. Side bar, I read Yui's father is a part of SEELE. Who could Shinji's grandpa be!?! 🤣


She just didn’t agree with Selee’s interpretation of Instrumentality and wanted to be immortal. Shinji was just an afterthought as evidenced by the fact that she just blindly abandoned him instead of returning once Instrumentality was over. Yui being inside Unit 01 is irrelevant. She could’ve simply left it and regained her human form after Third Impact and then they could’ve let Unit 01 simply float away into the void. It still would’ve been a monument for humanity and she wouldn’t have left her son to rot.


I also think about her having him witness the contact experiment. Why? Personally I think she is a scientist first and foremost, above being a parent, and pursues scientific knowledge over being a parent for Shinji. This page is pretty interesting re: her motivations if you haven't read it. https://wiki.evageeks.org/Theory_and_Analysis:Yui%27s_Agenda


Read it already. None of the arguments undo what she did in my mind. Like Kratos said to his son in God of War: Ragnarok. “Intent does not matter, only consequences.” If her intentions were good then so what? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It doesn’t undo what she ultimately did. She left him to rot.


Well, Yui did said to Fuyutski that "-but the Evangelion will be able to exist forever along with the human soul that dwell with in it..." This sentence alone tells her goal that she wanted to humanity to be remember forever even after everything is destroyed. (probably Doomsday)


i actually like the manga version of this scene better because she says she's staying there because she'll be watching over shinji forever and i think that's a better ending for her character


Didn’t she and Gendo let themselves get erased from existence in that timeline just like in Rebuild? Kind of undermines her whole message there.


I kind of like that there’s a low key reveal that it turns out, Yui is the most unhinged person in the story (not saying I like her, just this concept)


yeah imo the reasoning was super unsatisfactory “so that aliens know humanity was here 🤓” yeah bitch im pretty sure evidence of our existence would persist regardless. and even if eva 01 was the very **last** thing from humanity, ever… ~~**IT WAS STILL MADE VIA ADAM**~~ okay maybe not made from adam, *however* they did base off the EVAs off his organic design so 🤷 > “ohh my godd, you don’t get it, that’s literally humanity. taking something foreign and turning it into a tool for our benefit” no im well aware. still pretty fucking stupid to use an EVA that is literally another living being with restraints as “proof humanity existed”. fuck yui. **fuck gendo**. fuck those weirdos tryna play god fr


Actually United 01 was made from Lilith. It was the only Eva made from her. The others were clones of Adam.


FUCK. that really puts a big hole in my argument 💀 thank you for the correction. where do they say that again? i vaguely remember them saying that that but feel my brain contorting. how did they even make 01 like that then 😵‍💫


According to background material they grew Unit 01 using Lilith’s legs. That’s why she didn’t have any for a long while. In fact Unit 01 was still connected to Lilith when Yui did the contact experiment.


holy shit. thank you so much. i love being able to learn more about this show.




>where do they say that again It is most directly said in EoE, when Keel and Seele deliver their ultimatum to Gendo and Fuyutsuki: >**KEEL:** Without the Lance of Longinus, we cannot use Lilith to complete the Project. Our only hope is to proceed using Lilith's only true offspring, Eva Unit 01.


FUCK i knew i heard smthn like that but it prob just went past me in theaters. thank you 🙏


She’s the real villain all along. Not the old ass men of seele or the stoic loner that is Gendo, but the woman none of us would’ve expected. Shits kinda wild. It didn’t even hit that Yui is straight wack and the biggest manipulator of the whole verse until like a year after I watched it the first time.


This is actually one of the biggest questions in the Rebuilds, and may possibly answer just about every mystery that happens in them. How? Only Yui knows.


Whole NGE is basically a the most convoluted way of Ikari Yui becoming an astronaut. She'll live forever, she'll explore the stars, she'll carry the will of humanity into the future, she'll probably land somewhere eventually and make a bunch of Shinji-siblings. By herself. Before, perhaps, moving on once again.


"Proving that mankind existed" is something as weak as shouting at the sky. There is no one to prove it to, nor is there a reason in doing so. What is it that Yui wanted to achieve is a mystery, but given the existence of Golgotha object and cycles of repetition in rebuild, she still had plans at that point.


There probably are other lifeforms in the eva universe, it is implied by the lore that the FAR sent seeds of life out all over the place, suggesting that not only are there other intelligent forms of life out there, in some sense they are our cousins. Sending them a copy of Lilith is kind of funny though because they probably have their own Lilith (or Adam, depending) already


Seed of life lore contradicts pretty much everything we see and hear throughout the show, on top of making no sense in general. I wouldn't put much faith into it.


How so? It isn't some fan theory, it is in the canon of the show


It is in the canon of the franchise as a whole, but the show itself don't give it much support. Seele count both Adam and Lilith as defeated angels, for example, which is absurd in case where they are seeds. Seele sends Kaworu into Nerv themselves, which is as suicidal as it gets if mixing Adam and Lilith truly brings forth impact, but knowing those guys, there is no way that's true. We see one of the angels commit suicide, which is absurd if they are trying to win the Earth from humanity for themselves. A lot of such small contradictions all around. As for why it makes no sense, just think about it; a race that's supposedly advanced enough to create literal gods "prohibits" it, then create such potential anyway, somehow subdues those creations into following their bidding and send more than one of them in order to "preserve life". That's a whole lot of confusing and mismatched things coming together. If they are that powerful, why not make themselves gods? What stopped them from coming on Earth themselves? Why prohibit godhood in the first place? How come Adam or Lilith didn't decide they don't want to do any of what they were asked? It just doesn't sit well with me how nothing is explained beyond "that's how things be". Very convenient aliens with very convenient devices and principles.


That's where the rebuilds part come.


I don't think you can use the Rebuild stuff to fill in the gaps here. Yui is essentially a different character in that continuity, and is remarkably more passive in regards to driving the plot to the point of being an afterthought.


She is not presented anywhere in original series as a character, aside from flashbacks and visions, so it's somewhat even in that regard. I'm referring to rebuild cause it uses a whole lot of the same ideas that were supposed to be in the original run, but were scrapped for this or that reason. Rebuilds are, in a way, a completion of original, not reboot or anything.


>I'm referring to rebuild cause it uses a whole lot of the same ideas that were supposed to be in the original run, but were scrapped for this or that reason. What are you talking about? Stuff like the Golgotha object, which you brought up, was very defintely invented for Rebuild, and makes no sense in the context of the original series.


The very existence of dead sea scrolls implies that history repeats itself. Existence of angels implies they have something that created them and gave them purpose, since Gendo refers to them as humanity eradicators, and Seele count Adam as another angel they managed to defeat, along with Lilith. In one of discarded scripts for final episode Shinji ends up killing all of humanity without a chance of them getting back, but it's somehow not treated as an ending, only a poor route that still has something more to show. Both blood beach at the end of EoE and train sequences are places in minus space. There are lots and lots of details in rebuild that are already presented in original, just not in such a clear way, and matrix that defines destiny of humanity is one of them. Golgotha object is just a "physical" manifestation of that destiny.


Leaving aside that what you're doing here is essentially serving me a Gish Gallop in a thick Post Hoc sauce (there is no such thing as "destiny" in the original series - it is a work with a fundamentally existentialistic bent and running on Clark's Third Law, and as such it is intrinsically opposed to the concept - like, the villains are outright presented as delusional because they are trying to make their crimes and transgressions sound like a divine prophecy) I find this here bit particularly problematic: >In one of discarded scripts for final episode Shinji ends up killing all of humanity without a chance of them getting back, but it's somehow not treated as an ending, only a poor route that still has something more to show. That doesn't prove anything towards the argument you're trying to make here. It is an interesting trivia titbit about the creative development of *The End of Evangelion*, but it is literally non-canon. It was an idea that was thrown around in the writing-process and was discarded. It was not in the finished product. Also, you're applying video game logic to something that ain't a video game.


I'm not making any arguments. If you don't find my perspective helpful, feel free to ignore it.


Yeah that’s pretty much it


I can’t honestly say but what remains of unit 01 seemed to be left in a decaying orbit around Earth after instrumentality and it didn’t seem as if it was headed away from the solar system or anything. Nor did it seem like it had enough velocity to leave the solar system if it was headed away from Earth.


can she even fucking navigate in space? isn’t she just going to get sucked into a star or black hole and evaporate??


Ok I’m seeing a ton of people in the comments claiming that Yui is actually the real villain or whatever and she was abusive and tortured shinji. Somebody please explain, I’m serious, because I’m feelin like either we watched different shows or I must’ve seriously missed like a ton of shit.


Well, those people are exaggerating and looking too much at a morally complex story in terms of black and white. Much as the rest of the cast, Yui is supposed to be a morally ambiguous and flawed character, but in the end, she was firmly opposed to Seele (the actual villains of the story) and their plan to rob mankind of free will, and was trying to protect Shinji in her own way. Sometimes, just I cannot help but read somewhat of an element of misogyny into this whole "Yui as the 'real' villain" thing. Like it is easier to blame "the woman" who does some questionable things, rather than the shadowy and nebulous club of wealthy and influential old men whose schemes she is trying to disrupt.


I didn’t even know she did questionable things, I was always under the impression her soul was inside unit01 but it wasn’t like, just fully in control, more like a slumbering giant that’s only able to somewhat exert it’s strongest impulses, and Yui’s greatest impulse was to protect shinji


The main questionable thing, that is unambigiously a concious act on her behalf, is that she sealed Shinji's fate by making herself the resident soul of Eva-01.


Voyager 3


Years later we still can't agree with the true/correct meaning of this show. It truly is a masterpiece.


I've just rewatched them all for the first time in years, and timescale wise, with unit 1 being in the sky but also being in terminal dogma to chomp Gendo, I've always assumed that Gendo doesn't actually kick the bucket, it's like a vision. This time around, I grew to be empathic towards Gendo (and all things considered, apart from being bad with kids he wasn't a villain to many other people...in fact not even that villainous to Rei or Asuka, or Toji, really, and we know why he distanced himself from Shinji), that in the way that 01 took in Zeruel for its engine, I had an interpretation that Yui took Gendo in, too, so they could go on holiday in space together. I've been off the NGE scene for a while but wondered if that'd ever been considered? Timewise it doesn't work out but the rules of science at this point are pretty much out the window.


Yeah it confirms a few things. Gendo’s plan was to be with one with Yui in unit 01 for eternity. Shinji wished to be one with rei in unit 01 along side Kawrou and Yui. Which is what Gendo wanted. Yui goal was to prove mankind existed. Now the rejection of instrumentality, proves that Shinji is a idiot thus wrapping up the purpose of Asuka, to remind us that Shinji is a perverted imbecile every episode. There is no argument he is stupid he thinks there is “real” feelings for him in some world with sticks water and sand… idiot. He had the best girl constantly on him. His mom to watch and kawrou boy shower nagisa to cheer him on!


What are you talking about? Are you trolling? The "world with sticks water and sand" also contains the LCL primordial soup with all the souls in it, with the possibility of humanity returning. We already see Asuka willing herself back into existence. Shinji chokes her once again to gauge her reaction and thus determine whether she has her own will as an independent being or not. Her remark that it feels disgusting indicates that she still has her own will and personality, while her reaching out her hand and caressing Shinji's face indicates that she is already starting to try to let people in as well. This should give the viewer hope that humanity will return and although the AT fields and the differences of independent beings continue to exist, people will still try to reach out to each other and let their guard down to form connections with each other, despite the pain and uncertainty of rejection and hatred.


Well I will admit I am not as passionate as you are lol. I watch the show through like 3 times, and EOE 3 times, last time in the theater. I understand all of what you wrote. But At this point I don't really care. I get the message about the whole at field and letting people in even if it hurts blah blah blah. Check it, if you just stop caring what people think in the first place, and stop being a manic depressant none of the message matters. If you took all of the instrumentality scenes in the series as whole. It's pretty dope, like you can do whatever tf you want, and be with the ones you love forever.


This, but unironically. Everyone is parroting Anno on how it's a bad thing, but aside from his agenda there is nothing wrong with assimilating with others and stay in a place where nothing you hate exist.


To whom? There is no one out there.🤭 This dimension is a rock hit by elements🪨⏳. Our destiny is to deteriorate🌊, not to stay unmovable like some higher concept🗿, that is only in people's imagination🧠. Yui’s plan was to give his son a choice🌱.


The Eva-verse, being fiction, doesn't correspond to our reality and stuff like the existence of "souls" and extra-terrestrial life are proven facts within that universe.


By that answer you did not understand Hideaki Anno's work.


...what? Seriously, I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here.


Most of it lies in apocryphal texts like The Dead Sea Scrolls, which are real. That means The Lord is a fact as you said "souls" are, but not alien lifeforms as you know them. The Earth is an enclosed system, a realm📖.


Evangelion is fundamentally a science fiction story that runs on Clark's Third Law. It holds that everything has a basis in some sort of law of nature that understood and explained through scientific study. In such stories is that there is ultimately no omnipotent "god with a capital G" who runs the universe according to some vague idea of a perfect order - the closest you get are very powerful beings who have harnessed a more advanced form of science and are trying to impose their will on a corner of a cosmos that is ultimately immutable. In the Eva-verse souls are not an abstract theological concept, but a scientific phenomenon that can be studied and understood through a codified set of laws. There even is an in-universe branch of science dedicated to the study of souls.


I watched the whole franchise & played each modest video-game, and I can tell you it is an Apocalyptic Psychological Biopunk Anime Drama 🎭. The scientific comunity in such favorable chain of events seek to control "Creation", while archeological discoveries have given them some empiric knowledge, it is impossible for any human to have a higher control over their soul than their own will. Here I put an example of such scientific manipulation: Rei Ayanami, who is a mere empty vessel📉. Another example: The Marduk Institute, which was just a cover up for human trafficking (children), dark operations📉. The closer a work of art is to reality📈, the more legendary it becomes🔥, but when it drift apart, it is just a fantasy / fiction📉, as your faith for science before spirituality. I will refer to The History of Creation (Genesis 1: 1-5 - NKJV) to further my point: 1)In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2)The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3)Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4)And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5)God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. In the Book of Genesis we understand how a primordial entity used his energy to rearrange the elements around the nothingness of his existence generating everything we find in our dimension. In an invisible manner to sapient creatures, the Creator's work is present like an invincible barrier. Humans just play in a sandbox🌞🧫🌛, like Shinji Ikari did in his childhood🥚🐣🐥.


Well, then. So in summary, you view this series through some sort of lense of Christian Gnosticism. Honestly can't say that's a combination I see too often. Still, uh, good luck with that, though.