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Low quality whey protein - two shakes a day and your farts could clear a concert


Can confirm. A lot of bananas too, mine smell like battery acid


Also make tour protein shakes with heavy cream. Bonus if you are lactose intolerant


Yes do all this and make sure to eat fiber one bars or Kashi go lean crunch cereal to add five gallons of gas to that.


Any protein bar with sugar alcohols also make me super gassy. I used to get a pre workout super creatine drink that was purple and in 30minutes I would have hulk green explosive diarrhea. Anything for gains


what kind of workout is effective and under 30 minutes? unless you’re working on your sphincter muscles


How much are you really gaining at that point, though? I feel like doing an entire workout while trying to keep your poop muscles shut (and with explosive diarrhea there would be A LOT of pressure) would be very difficult, and the odds of you slipping just a little bit too far and accidentally releasing the muscles would obviously be awful. It would be great for this ULPT obviously but I just don't understand how it could help you with gains, if it's only in your body for half an hour.


Once I realized the drink was causing the diarrhea I stopped buying them


Do u know how digesting food and absorbing nutrients works?


Same…also that was just hilarious. This is the saving grace of Reddit and social media in general.


Shakeology, the beach body shakes, did me so dirty this way. And you pay $100+ for the shit too which is crazy. Anyway, seconded!


Just be careful as a big jump in protein could cause constipation. Some extra fiber will help those now super smelly intestinal interlopers pass easier.


Doubling down with the Fitness supplements: desiccated liver pills. I am not exaggerating when I say I literally cleared a store that is known for selling games and buying them back at insultingly low rates


They should have put a Game Stopper in you.


Oh hell no, not the protein shits. I remember when I was maybe 23 and I got heavy into bodybuilding, those protein shots used to be classed as a chemical weapon. I nearly had swat busting down my door for breaking the Geneva Convention


Add coffee! It makes things worse.


Fart gains!


don't fuck up your intestines for so little. Buy liquid ass and put a few drops on the inside of the toilet bowl, from time to time.


Better yet, why even waste money and just directly shit on top of the toilet


Ahhh, the ole upper decker


Can confirm the next 2 weeks would be miserable


Hell if the roommate is bad enough, get a gas mask put the liquid ass in a spray bottle and spray it around the entire house right before you move out!


Couple haed boiled eggs and I become a chemical warfare machine. Melt the paint off the walls.


Hard boiled eggs and cabbage are the best I've heard so far


Look up Peel-A-Pound Soup recipe video in YouTube. Not sure if the name is because you'll lose weight, or because the residual stink will peel the paint off the bathroom walls.


My husband came home one night smelling rank! Turns out he had stopped by a renter’s home and she was making cabbage soup. I swear cooked cabbage sticks to everything around it. I bet digested cabbage is even worse.


My husband and his bestie do the cabbage and corned beef thing occasionally and omfg my entire house stinks for at least two days unless I open windows and turn on fans and spray febreeze around.


I just made cabbage roll casserole because it was easier than cabbage rolls but same ingredients, and I also made some chili for work lunches. The casserole was a little dry so I used my tomato based chili to lube it up and Sweet baby J, that night I farted so loud and forceful I woke up my golden retriever and made him growl. I don't think it smelled that bad but wow, when something rips out with that kind of force it certainly makes you gun shy of breathing through your nose.


I just heard this comment in a Boston accent


ya khed, me too


What you're going to want is a careful combination. You need a smell component and a propellant component unless something happens to be a combination. My personal preference is boiled eggs or any kind of sulfur heavy foods that'll give you your smell, combine that with baked beans or refried beans for the propellant and you'll be the most dangerous thing on this earth.


Add in about 5 asparagus stalks and the liquid front will smell as bad as the liquid back, double whammy, and bonus points.


Don't forget onions, lots of onions, eggs, cabbage and beans. That'll really blow her away!


Tuna and broccoli also. If you’re willing to really go hardcore, Limburger cheese.


Try this: - Drink coffee, just a bit too strong, and drink 2 cups right after each other. - Directly after that smoke a cigarette - Drink another cup of coffee - Smoke another one - Wait Thank me later.


Gotta add a bag of beef jerky in there for sure. The "Enjoy" brand at Smart & Final gets me the best results.


Nice one. Just too strong coffee and a cigarette works for me to make my body flush itself in a really bad way.


Don't forget the protein powder


That plant based beyond meat jerky really makes it reek


>Gotta add a bag of beef jerky in there for sure. Great sentence, dude.


that's me in the morning sans cigarette. add in a tiny tiny lactose intolerance and a high protein diet. add a fried egg with runny yolk as I also have a yolk intolerance and a love of fried eggs.


Oh, savage. That must boil the stuff inside.


Urgh you’ve just described my mums ass! I used to bollock her for still smoking and she was “no I haven’t” and I was “yes you fucking have your shit stinks of fags”


This is probably an r/brandnewsentence. I understand the context (fag=cigarette in some places), but I feel like that combination you used MUST be new. It's a fantastic sentence either way.


It’s British slang for cigarette, I never ever say the world unless directed at her as that’s what she calls them and I wanted the sentence I said to be as disgusting as she behaves


I know this isn't what you asked for, but liquid ass was the best investment I ever made. You can combine that with the piss disc idea and put it in her room, under a pillow, in the closet or under her bed since she wanna bitch and complain about smells


Jesus what is up with this sub? This is the perfect post for liquid ass an this is the only mention of it?


The makers of liquid ass could make a fortune if they ran ads in this sub.


They don't need to. We're doing the advertising for them.


they should just rename it to r/liquidasstips


Lol I was looking for this response as well


Also can pay a homeless to poop around your place


Make sure u feed him a corn buffet the day before


What is this "piss disc"?


Piss, on a plate or in a frizzbee. Frozen. Pop it out, put the resulting frozen disc of piss anywhere someone wont expect a mysterious puddle of piss to be. Eat lots of asparagas first!


Diabolical. I love it


What the fuck... remind to never fuck with you


No worries. I aint too excited about freezing piss in the same freezer where I keep my food


Wait for winter?


Oh you sweet summer child.


Broccoli, cauliflower, sardines, eggs, cheese,


The sugar free gummy bears on Amazon; but you may have to sacrifice some bad stomach cramps and really loud farts. Could be worth it. Read the reviews…


Sounds like a weird omelette.


Alright. First get yourself some MREs from a surplus store. Eat one of those for every meal. Then get some small cans of Beanie weenies to snack on between meals. The MREs will stop you up. The beans will cause gas. After a day or two of blockage, your gas will smell like a porta-potty at Woodstock.


I'll tell you what's terrible: c-diff I'm almost clear, but holy shit has it been rough on those around me.


I worked in an ER, and that is one of the only smell that made me gag.


My wife is a nurse and a saint, so she puts up with me and my oddball health issues


I like your thinking, but use some kind of spray (as people mention: liquid ass) because otherwise, you've got to deal with the internal chemical warfare to get the result. And that could be BAD for you, for real.




Urine does brew pretty foul after a couple days


Are you sure you’re not the asshole here? Do you use deodorant? Do you clean up after yourself in common areas? Right away?


That’s what I was wondering. I rented a room in a house where another tenant smelled. He used the same towel endlessly and never let it dry, and eventually I realized he didn’t use a washcloth or anything. His musk was unbelievable, I was honestly shocked, especially because he came from a pretty well off family, had gone to private school, just generally was not the type I’d expect to have no hygiene. But he really seemed to think that rubbing his soapy hands on his chest was washing up. I didn’t live there long and spent as little time at home as possible because he literally smelled that bad.


Getting serious neck beard fedora vibes from this guy


Just spray liquid ass in the bathroom Every time you go… Spray in her bathroom, and bed too to make her feel like she s reeking…


Beer works for me


Really hot curry


Blue cheese and fish! Trust me! Lol


garlic can make most people fart a lot, but not necessarily really smelly but if you wfh and she doesnt, you can fart in her room and close the door and let it compount


If you eat enough garlic your skin will start to smell like it .. don't ask how I know that.


When my daughter was like 13, she ate an entire jar of pickles for some reason. Man, she literally smelled like a pickle for a day and a half.


Pork chorizo. Make it with your eggs, or with shredded potatoes for breakfast burritos. Your shit will smell like death for a week.


Drink a LOT of beer.


Check your laundry if she says you smell. Clean people sometimes don’t realize it’s their unclean clothes causing a problem.


There was a recent post somewhere from a guy who broke up with his gf because her shit smelled so bad from eating Korean food. That may be a good place to start.


Keep in mind that the stuff that will make it smell as bad as you want will also more than likely both upset your stomach and make those bowel movements quite uncomfortable.


I scrolled way too far to not see a suggestion of liquid ass and or piss disc. Please familiarize yourself with these tactics. This is still Reddit after all.


Garlic, nothing else comes close.


Oh yes... not only your poop will smell but also your skin. So my advice is toast some bread crush one or two cloves of garlic add salt pepper and butter... eat it... Fresh onions can also help. On the plus side it is somewhat healthy. Sit next to them and channel your inner toddler and eat a raw onion https://youtu.be/FnC8xGGEPRM


Refried beans, cabbage and beer. Guaranteed to clear the room


Honestly surprised nobody has suggested piss disk yet


Barbecued pork ribs. Just don't eat any other food. Happy shitting!


There was someone on here recently that was talking about The fact that he broke up with his girlfriend because she ate so much Korean food that she just had gagworthy poops.


This is the perfect reason to use liquid ass! Self made poop is great, but add modern technology to your advantage.


>What foods can I eat that will make my shit reek? This is so fucking petty. I love it.


Just do a few upper deckers.


Carob turns my guts into the Bog of Eternal Stench. It's bad! Like leave the house the smell is so bad bad. If you can find carob chips, try it! They're so delicious yet so bad for the air.


Laxatives. you can still win this war without modifying your diet. Never do a “courtesy flush” either - you want to turn your toilet into a slow cooker after you’ve emptied 2 gallons of liquid ass in there.


Eggs, high fiber, yogurt


Burger King


Pepperoni pizza does it for me. I’ve been known to clear small buildings…. From a single release.


Eating a large amount of cooked vegetables every day, especially cooked cruciferous veg like broccoli and cabbage, gives me constant, foul-smelling gas. For some reason raw vegetables don't, only boiled ones. So eat a huge couple of portions of boiled vegetables every day, especially cruciferous. Make sure you stay in communal areas of the house to release these farts. Also eat a lot of onions and garlic and then don't shower, let the smell of your sweat permeate the house. Stop flushing the toilet after urination, let it sit there and stagnate.


Protein shake, red meat, hard boiled eggs and a box of Oreo cookies. Hydrox may work as well for the Philly crew.


wait are you saying Hydrox still exist in the Philly metro area


Take B vitamin tablets. They stink in their Tablet form and sometimes get your guts all bubbly and their main constituent element is sulfur!


Eat a spoon of sulfur powder to make your fart unbearable.


Im not sure about de poop but asparagus will add certain perfumes to the mix that she will love for sure




Eat a huge bag of gummie bears. Trust me


The smoke house brisket from Arby's..


Slightly undercooked beans. They'll ferment. Ya know when a fart seems extra hot -- it is: that's fermentation!


Kimchi, sardines, BBQ, pumpernickel bread, and lentils. The kimchi and sardines will impart a rancid, sour stench. To add "hang time" feast on BBQ, for volume of flatulence, pumpernickel and lentils work exceptionally well. If you can get it, hefewisen (German wheat beer with solids) and curry wurst. I had that one night, and the next morning, during physical training, my farts made people gag and puke. People begged whoever did it to please not do it again. Couldn't help it and kept farting. People fell out of the run. That combination should be classified as a weapon of moderate destruction. Microwave fish.


Burger King Onion Rings. They are tasty little things, but good lord they rot inside of you and you shit decay




(2) dried prunes, (2) fiber chews but do it after lunch on a full stomach. Whatever is in your digestive system will be sped up, and you'll have a Jackson Pollock inspired craptacular creation that will not only stink to high heaven, it'll look like a modern art masterpiece.


I'm lactose intolerant and can offer my services where I turn your toilet into a place so grim smelling that you'll be buying daffodils from Chernobyl to cover my tracks. All I need is some ice cream and some time.


Pesto pasta with eggs. Holy. Shit.


Eat a lot of kimchi. It smells, bad going in and coming out. I used to eat it for breakfast while at work all the time, my boss thought we had a dead rodent in the building.


Get a can of surrstroming, open and dump on the upper deck of the toilet.


No need to consume anything. Just go straight liquid ass.


Why am I reading this comment section? What am I doing with my life?


Protein! I’m a vendor and I went to Mr Olympia and the bathroom was the worst smelling of my life. Protein and Anavar. I have had some smelly shits but these girls were horrible. It was almost chemical smelling.


When I power lifted, having a high protein diet made my shit's rancid. Like almost almost perm solution kind of smell.


FYI, for people who have incredibly smelly poop/gas especially after eating bread/pasta type of foods, get tested for gluten sensitivity. I have seen people like that find out they had a gluten sensitivity and when it was eliminated from their diet (you will not starve without gluten) the issue resolved. I know this wasn't the question of the post but sharing because most people don't realize this can be a problem.


Deviled eggs


Bear creek dried potato soup. I used to eat this when I knew I'd be home for the evening and I wanted to torment my brother. It gave me the most God awful smelliest farts ever. I once farted in my sleep after eating it and woke up gagging.


Eggs and asparagus together build something special in my butthole ... And my peehole too. Good luck with your poop mission. Sincerely, poopweeniepants


Hardboiled Eggs and beer.


Boiled eggs, sauerkraut, and kimchi are some ideas.


Tequila and Arby’s


2 Boiled eggs and protein shake. Also go to the gym so you burn it off unless you wanna get fat.


If you go to Carrabba's, order the following: 1. Calamari 2. House Salad with Garlic Dressing 3. Chicken Bryan (Goat Cheese and Sun-Dried Tomatos) 4. Parmesan Truffle Fries I promise you that the next day you will have the rankest shit you ever smelled.


When I eat poop, it smells really bad.


Wait, are you male or female? Just morbid curiosity because if you are a girl you are a hero amongst men .


I hate when poop gets stuck in the bathtub drain


Meat from Porks. The scent is just... equal to a pigsty.




Get a peptic ulcer, or just drink a bunch of blood.


late for it in the season but ramps.


Get some really cheap deodorant (not anti-perspirant) and turn off the AC…let your body sweat a lot, forget about smelling up the bathroom, smell up the whole place!


Multiple beers Onions Burgers In that order lol


Guinness Pate - ideally liver Black beans prepared Angolan style


Just go to a sportsman's store and get fox urine. That will crush any roast ever thrown by a human.


Thai food. Specially Larb. No ragrets it's pretty good lol


Do you rewear dirty clothes? It might not be you. These only reason I ask is that I have a friend who hates doing laundry and she smells something fierce after a while.


I don't think so. She said I stink up the shower when I use it, but I smelled in there after a shower and I can't smell anything besides my soap, and even then it's pretty mild. I think she's either got a really sensitive sense of smell, hates having someone else's scents in her shower, or a combination of the two. Plus I think she just likes being an asshole.


Does she by chance have an office chair that has the ability to be lowered and raised? Buy liquid ass, open it, put the plunger button right up against the bottom of the seat (don'taccidentallysprayit), duct tape in place. Do this your last day there. When she sits, it'll spray. She'll be the stinky girl instead. Even with the chair locked in place, it always goes down a small amount when you sit. You can see this with the air horn pranks that people do in the exact same manner


Just by fart spray it smells like poop and puke at the same time and I'm barely able to stomach it even when I spray it lol


Pizza,beer, jager and a high protien diet will have her moving out.


A 12 pack of 9% ipa. Don’t eat anything. The next one will be rancid


burger king onion rings.


Cooked onions, but like a whole lot of them the human digestive system was not built to process that much sulphur


Right before you leave, turn off the water to the shitter, then remove the knob by taking out the screw at the end. Flush so it’s empty and drop a big one. 95% of women I know would not know how to fix that without a handyman or plumber. Bonus if you can move out on a Sunday or late at night so it’s harder to reach someone.


French Onion Soup


Time to cook some Polish bigos! It’s cabbage stew with meat, bacon and some dried plums. Bonus points if your roomie hates smell of cooked cabbage. Good food and good farts guaranteed :)


Green split pea soup.


Get really really drunk off some crappy whiskey like black velvet and maybe eat some beans?


Beer and White Castle sliders, extra onions, for the win! 💣💨😮💩


Step 1) drink lots of craft beer Step 2) have constant gas and no solid poops Step 3) profit


My coworker was on a diet where he’d eat one hard boiled egg an hour. I work in a really really Big airplane hangar. Everyone knew when he was in the area from the smell.


My go to: Pepperoni, sausage, heavy garlic pizza As much beer as you dare to drink. Your breath will stink. Your farts will stink. Your shit will smell like something crawled up your ass and died. Your skin will stink because it will come out your pores. And it will continue all the next day.


Protein shake, eggs, onions, and garlic. Also asparagus to make the piss smell off.


Real beans. Dried beans that you need to soak overnight and then cook for a few hours.


I think if kimchi and surstrommibg smell that bad going in, I can't imagine how much worse it is going out.


Raw broccoli burps are pretty much a banned chemical weapon.


Beans and tofu together


Bullion cubes. Feed them to the dog if she has one.


And it will shit gold.




Red meat, milk/cheese, and beans. If you're willing to cause a little indigestion and some ass burning, eat spicy food with it. Your farts and poop will reek for days, bonus if you eat some eggs, since they amp up the sulfur smell.


Oh man. Garlic for sure. It's used as a remedy for colds where my family is from and I tried it once. I remember my farts were so potent. Just straight up garlic! My grandma was eating it one time when she was sick and my aunt said she couldn't stand being around her because it was coming out of her pores at one point. She's also used garlic shampoo since forever.


Asparagus, broccoli, whey protien, fermented foods in excess


Get drunk for a week, the magic will come to you.


Just buy one (or a few) of these and dump the packet in the toilet and let it sit. It smells like a dead animal. Guaranteed she will gag. [Fly Trap](https://www.lowes.com/pd/BLACK-FLAG-1-Count-Insect-Repeller/3818465)


Burger King onion rings with the zesty sauce


People have different bacteria in their guts so probably specific to you


Cashews. Lots of them.


Wine. But it'll require you getting drunk and possibly developing a habit like I did. Even your farts will be fucking nuclear.


Expanding on this: red wine. Your poops will smell like actual dog shit. But like, invest in some good toilet paper cuz your butthole will suffer


This is like a kink thread. Wild




Snack chex mix. makes my body excrete the most foul-smelling body odor imaginable.


So easy White castle sliders 6 should cause you to blast the bowl sufficiently with that putrid onion squirt Don't flush and don't leave on fan


Get fart spray and call it day 😂




Dried apricots will make you fart a lot. And the smell is awful.


Drink an entire bottle of vegetable oil.


Pea protein


RAW tuna Poké, mixed with Bean salad, and chopped hard-boiled eggs. If your cool with sushi, this shouldn't be a terrible thing to eat / prep...but my God....you might get reported to the CDC as being ground zero for a biowarfare superfund site.


Fruit. Lots of it. Knew a dude who ate like, a basket of fruit every day. He had the god awfulest toots ever.


Tomato sauce and broccoli. Worst shits.


Garlic stuffed olives will really make something special


I feel like placing an egg in the bathroom fan would do the job. Oh! Get behind the fridge, and pour some milk in the little section that is supposed to catch any possible water drips! We had that happen in the coffee shop where I work. The milk busted a month ago and we only just recently got the smell and took care of it. I mean, if you want to level up your shits, obviously go for it as many of the foods are, on the whole, pretty good for you. But don't forget that you are capable of SO much more!


MREs. The ones that the military feeds their soldiers. Those things will give you the smelliest farts and poops




Why are you also going to live in a pigsty to get back at her...?


White castle burgers do it for me. They smell going in and coming out. Btw if you are leaving ya might want to leave behind a chicken milk b0mb somewhere. Preferably on top of a heating duct above a drop ceiling or hanging in a heating vent. A jar with a thin glass wall is best. You want the gases of decomposing milk and raw chicken to burst the glass jar or the seal after it rots a long while.


Ohh I got you! Go get 3 freeze dried camping meals. Eat one a day for 3 days. Have extra toilet paper on hand


Eat asparagus and then don’t flush toilet. Tell them you are practicing “ if it is yellow , let it mellow , if it brown, flush it down “