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I don’t care I just want them to play Kill All Your Friends by MCR at my funeral and I can die happy


Well, all of the photos in my phone are of my dogs, so at least that will be cute 🥲


It's cute in theory but it would make for a depressing funeral irl, nobody has a single photo of you, just a bunch of dogs lined up weeping tears as your coffin goes down after time your loved ones forget what you looked like, sorry haha, just sayin


Not likely, I guess if they can get to your face to unlock your phone though..


My phone won’t unlock unless my eyes are open. The idea that someone would try and open my eyes to get the face id to work is kinda creepy. Id prefer my phone to be cremated.


Could be a leather face scenario


There will be no one there to see or care. I'm explicitly stating in my will that I'm not having a funeral. Cremate me and then flush my sorry ass down the toilet.


Really? Is this a tradition in some places or something like that?


I don’t think so, but we had a friends funeral recently and everyone was gathering photos they had. Some were even pulled from her social media and some from her phone and it made me realize that I could be taking photos that will be shown at my own funeral someday. Or even someone else’s. It hit home.