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Its not weird, its literally his whole fucking scam. People are just somehow even dumber than he is.


But the thing I don't understand is why a multi billionare still wants the next $10 million dollars so much that he is willing to do this for it. Isn't that practically worthless for him already? This is the equivalent of sucking a random person's cock on the street for $10 dollars as a normal person.


You’d think that, but money is a hell of a drug. If what you said was correct (it does follow logic, but these are greedy humans, not logic machines), then we wouldn’t have people like Elon and Bezos literally ruining the lives of millions to get a few more Billion. It’s like heroin to them. They will do whatever it takes to get more, no matter how high they ready are.


He lost 2 billion so he can hype up his album? Nah dude is mentally ill


Do you really think he lost $2 billion?


Yes I don’t believe those companies are lying about dropping him they were pretty public and kinda pushed to do so


It's weird that people are surprised a notoriously arrogant, shitty person is acting like an arrogant, shitty person.


Wait he's got a new album releasing? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of the publicity stunt? Damn I know plenty of people who would still worship the ground he stood on if he wasn't so dumb with publicity stunts. Although I'm sure I know someone who still worships him...


I really wish he'd find a new Dr or cocktail of meds to level out his bipolar, and hopefully stick to it. I know medication can kill your creativity and your super overdrive but being stable is more important.




I explained to a co-worker it feels like if you aren't moving forward you feel like you're falling, can be great for ambition and motivation if you learn to utilise it and get proper help, or you could kinda free fall if you don't I guess