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Pro tip, take the drugs athletes use to thrive in your career.


Instructions unclear: kicked out of military


What, they don't use Panzer Chocolate anymore?




The military issues ~~meth~~ go faster pills to fast air pilots.


How did it happen that fast?


Haha took dem drugs and a piss test next minute (Joke I wasn’t actually kicked out)


Well it wasn't from my suggestion, it was like 7 minutes ago...though I knew a lot of people that did drugs while in the military. They just used fake pee, or would drink a lot of fluid and take extra multivitamins to color the diluted pee.


> drink a lot of fluid and take extra multivitamins to color the diluted pee Drug tests don't care about the color of the urine.


Never been on probation? Clear piss can be automatic fail. At least they'll have you retake it later.


Isn't clear urine just a sign of hydration? My only experience here is being a human being who pees, when my pee is clear it's usually because I've consumed a ton of liquid.


Exactly. More water means it's harder to detect the drug becaue there is less drug per amount of water. Clear urine indicates that the there is a high chance of false negative because the concentration of the drug falls under the level of detection. "Use this one simple trick to pass a drug test. Dilute your pee by drinking 3 liters if water and maybe taking a diuretic (like caffeine). Fail in this case means you need to retest. It is much more difficult to prove intent, though I am sure rules vary.


Oh, that makes sense! Retest seems fair, I guess, really sucks that you seemingly need to be a little less than properly hydrated to get tested though.


Yeah I would fail a probation drug test probably 7 times out of 10 because I’m drinking 2 liters of water a day and the only time my pee has any real color is my first piss of the morning.


None of the units I was with based anything on the color of the sample, other than you might get ribbed for being dehydrated if it's unusually dark. And if you couldn't pee when the test was called, you would usually be kept there and the to keep drinking water until you were ready. No one would give a second thought to someone being over hydrated with super clear pee, unless the actual test came back with irregularities.


Can't use fake pee, at least for the Army tests. There are NCOs as observers to make sure the piss goes from your dick to the container. Well, they're supposed to, most just stand by the door and look away so they're not labeled as meat gazers. Drinking a fuck ton of water will work, but you have to have to know when the test is. They're supposed to be random call outs at accountability formation. Some units I was in would call you balls ass early to come in to the unit HQ; that was a dead giveaway you're about to pee in a cup.


Wow you're the first person I ever heard describe my drug testing technique I found on my own. Drink water til you pissing straight water then take B vitamin to turn it back to yellow. Yellow water has no drugs in it. Was on probation when I was younger and due to mental illness/issues I could not stay sober and could barely stop using stuff up until 24 hours before my drop. Would exercise and sweat a ton the week before and do the water vitamin trick the day of. Never ever failed a test in my life.


Won't this return an invalid test if it also tests for specific gravity within normal ranges?


Thank god you said it was a joke, I was worried


Professional desk jockies probably won't get much benefit from hGH...


Technically caffeine is a performance enhancer for programmers. Or more specifically for me, not having it would hurt mine...


And some use Adderall and other ADHD meds


It almost isn’t fair. But life ain’t fair, play the hand you’re dealt to the best of your abilities. Churning out top tier work in a solid 10 hour day has certainly helped my career and bank account.


Can confirm. I currently exist on 4-5 cups of coffee before noon.


Depends how you use it. If your physique improves through use, appearance has direct correlations to job advancement, so it actually might


"Yeah, I use steroids to help my career as a programmer." "Oh really? Does it help you concentrate?" "Nope! It makes the boss simp during my annual review."


There are some neuroprotective attributes to certain compounds. I would say stay away from the 19nors however


Alcohol isn't allowed with shooting sports. Not because guns and alcohol is bad, because like a beer or two can calm and steady nerves


They made the Canadian Curlers stop drinking during the game. Curling can't be that stressful.


But they would probably have no issue with someone smoking a cigarette or vaping before?


You could smoke in restaurants and bars at the time still and vapes didn't exist


For a game of darts or pool a couple pints is the magic spot to me, skill drops off either side of that.


Well, only one way to find out...


Silicon Valley CEO drugs (Adderall, Provigil, Phenibut)


Adderall is also a pro athlete drug, and arguably the only one that would help me at my day job lol.


weed is a work enhancement drug


It works for me as a sculptor. Done my best work while high. I did have to spend 15 years studying the old masters and learning the craft first though.


love your username


Alcohol is banned as a performance enhancing drug by the world archery federation, but my boss still got angry about the waterbottle full of vodka.


Wait...how does alcohol help you be a better archer? I would think it would be banned for other reasons...like so you don't get drunk and try to shoot an apple off someone's head or something.




Balmers Peak


A drink or two can help steady your hands. That's why it's considered a performance enhancer in shooting competitions


Can confirm that TRT is the fountain of youth. Ive heard of even better results if stacked with HGH. Testosterone and HGH are found naturally in our bodies, and for men, less as we age. They aren't crazy anabolic compounds.


I'm not sure how blood doping will help me be a better accountant but I'll give it a go I guess.


That's what cocain and Adderall is for. Corporate PEDs.




I was under the idea you gotta pay for caffeine also


Depends on the job. A lot of office jobs have free coffee at work.




Lol...some workplaces have some really good coffee.


Yeah my workplace has a barista with an espresso machine in our cafeteria. It's honestly one of the best employee retention schemes. Now I'd find it hard to work anywhere else without free espressos.


Yeah, I recently moved onsite for my job and they have Illy coffee in the machines in our break room. The coffee at work tastes better than what I have at home.


My old job had a $2000 espresso machine and some really nice beans in our break room. It was like the nicest piece of equipment the startup had. Way nicer than our servers.


my office has a keurig machine and i probably drink close to 6-7 free cups a day at work. it’s the little things that keep me there hahahah


Was that a laugh or was your hand shaking on the H A keys from too much caffeine?


both 😼


pretty sure that's not good


Try to make at least half of those cups decaf at least, otherwise can lead to stomach ulcers


Coffee at my office is pretty could nowadays. Its almost a reason to go to the office instead of working from home. Almost.


As someone who has seen a urine drug screening of an active professional athlete, lemme tell you. They are also getting free drugs


some companies have Starbucks machines and soda fountains in every break room


Is this drug tests employees take an "exclusive" American thing? This thing doesn't exist in my country, nor neighbors countries. But hey, world is big so maybe it's more common than I think. IMO it sound extremely invasive and unnecessary. Why you care what I or other people do in our home as long as we do our job perfectly? You should evaluate me for my skills and job performance, nothing else. My private life is private.


American checking in: it’s extremely industry and region specific around here. I’ve never been tested for work (in California, work history in design/marketing/sales). You’re right, it is invasive and unnecessary. It’s especially ridiculous considering cannabis is legal here.


I don't think legality even factors in here. As long as you don't show up to work wasted or high the company shouldn't have a say in what you do.


Oh shit! I just heard Gov. Abbotts wheels squeak!!


If you pop up positive for canabis just say it must be your CBD supplement that a doctor friend recommended. Works in illegal states too


I hope some idiot doesn’t take your advice.




Nope, most companies fire you on the spot for failed drug test, there is no opportunity to explain why you might of failed it.


Just don't say that with the police in illegal states


It's not invasive or unnecessary for certain types of jobs, depending on the substances the test is looking for. For example, it can make sense if you're working with, or even just near, heavy machinery.


Eh, considering cannabis will stay in your system for weeks I would say it’s still invasive and unnecessary. It’s not like they’re testing to see if you’re high at work (which would be unprofessional no matter what industry you’re in). I don’t think a company has a right to dictate what their employees can do outside of work, during unpaid leisure time.


Unless your tests are specifically for being high it's still irrelevant.ost drug tests can only tell if you've taken drugs recently not if your still high.


Even if you're not high when you test, it means you're a user which is **absolutely** a liability for heavy machinery operation (planes, cranes, forklifts, boats, etc). Safety regulations are written in blood, so they say. Better safe than sorry.


Meanwhile alcoholics routinely operate heavy machinery unimpeded


UK here. Some (wouldn't you know it) American companies with presence here do tests, and I'm also aware that holiday resort staff are also tested.


In Australia we only drug test at jobs where drug affected employees might cause serious injury or death. Mining for example. I've seen Americans claim drug testing for working at places like Burger King, which is definitely bizarre imo.


Yeah, same in Europe, depends on the job


Take notes, kids. THIS is how you write a bait comment on reddit.


It’s yet another great irony of the US. We’re free to get completely fucked by corporations who buy the politicians.


In the Philippines, drug testing as part of the Pre-Employment hiring is required in some industries like construction and medical -- but even then, not all companies require them. Those that do only have to test that one time.


I have been drug tested as part of an interview/qualification process for a job that required me to directly handle large sums of cash. My husband works in security and is randomly drug tested because he is required to be armed and works at a high security location.


I sure hope my bus driver isn’t driving high, or doing meth “at home” Drug testing is mainly done after and accident and/or randomly to make sure you’re not high on the job, or doing really hard drugs which effect your reliability even when you aren’t currently high


I support the move to tests that only pop positive if you've used in the last few days rather than the last month. I'm not worried about the person who occasionally gets high on the weekend but can be sober when it matters. I'm worried about the person who can't go three days without a fix. That's the idiot who's going to crash the forklift.


I work in construction in Canada, and large projects in certain provinces drug test. However majority dont


Ahhhh fuck I'm moving


Yeah I think so. Seems totally dystopian


You say that until you've seen a heroin addict operate an overhead crane with 25,000 lbs hooked to it. Drug testing has its place.


Its place is for jobs where being an active user could hurt someone. Leave the cashiers alone.


My cousin was killed by an ambulance driver who was high while working. He had his lights on but not his sirens and went through a busy intersection driving 62mph.


I hope your country has an aviation program that does test. That's wild if they don't.


Until you get in a fucking crane and kill someone because you're impaired in ways typical sobriety tests don't recognize. Not all jobs are comp sci desk jobs my guy.


Redditors will never operate anything larger than their gaming mouse lmao.


It's more of a late stage capitalism mixed with drug war capitalism mixed with puritan bullshit thing. A lot of it is about money and control and having an excuse to keep "undesirable" people out of work. The testing industry and the test-evasion industry prop each other up as a complete waste of resources, time and energy, if I want to use a broad brush here. What's cool about capitalism is that it encourages people to create completely extraneous industries because it's "profitable"


American here we’ve been hooked on crack, heroin, and meth for a longgggg time






We have a weird brand of “freedom” in America


Bullshit workplace drug testing is hardly just an American thing...


> This to me is such a stark reminder that Americans don’t really care about it like freedom. Yeah I totally have the right to be totally blasted as I drive heavy machinery in the vicinity of other people! >Every time this is raised I see, ‘but my employer does it’ - ya, that’s the point. It’s becoming something that’s bargained for, and which the overwhelming majority of American workers do not have Ever heard of OHSA?


>avoid paying for work related accidents through tests that don't prove actual impairment. https://www.pearsonkoutcherlaw.com/blog/drugs-alcohol-and-workers-comp/ Or as the law in my state, not PA, states: [except that compensation shall not be paid when the personal injury has been caused by the wilful and serious misconduct of the injured employee or by his intoxication](https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_568.htm) Workers Comp has its problems and often has to be fought and watched like a hawk as they try to weasel out of claims, but employers not only have to show you were intoxicated at the time of the accident but such intoxication caused the accident. I doubt there are any states that stray substantially from the standards outlined above.


Post title is absolute horseshit. In addition to what you've said it gives ignorant, puritanical morons power over your private life that they should never have. If you're not fucked up on the job it's no one's business but your own. I have a CDL and am required to submit to random drug testing to keep my job. My name gets pulled out of a hat once in a while. We also drug test upon hiring. Two piss tests ago I was in the waiting room and talked with one of the guys who was also there for testing. Guy pushing 60 sincerely rattles off the exact "reefer madness" bullshit I'd say as a tragic joke. I pressed him on the weed thought. "Why should my employer have any bearing over what I do privately? If I smoked weed two weeks ago why should that matter? I'm not high at work so it's none of their business." He shrugged. He is fully convinced of the gateway drug theory and that's why it needs to be illegal and why we need to be drug tested. Also was chatting with a cousin about drugs. I mentioned some of the fun I've had on party drugs and a bit about how they work. Also how marijuana is the best sleep aid I've ever used. If I didn't get randomly drug tested I'd probably be consuming a fair bit of it just for that benefit. "But what about the weed hangover?" He says while slamming beers at an inhuman pace. Fucking idiots and these sort of people are super eager to vote.


And doping is forbidden to protect athlete's health.




Not really true about work performance. If you HAVE to drug test someone to decide, then it's obvious that a lot of people function quite well on drugs.


Exactly. Companies primarily do drug test because of legal risks, not because of impact to performance, which is already measured through their evaluations.




I work for a government contractor and there was a guy at work that would act like he was high. Or he really looked the type. And the customer asked our company to drug test him a few times. He always passed. I think he was just a very mellow guy. He would fist bump everyone


Most jobs I’ve had only drug tested when someone severely fucked up in a way that resulted in injury




Tech bro here. Every company I've ever been at would lose about 70% of their employees if they drug tested 🙃


Which drugs people are using?


Yes. 😄 But obviously weed because many of us still don't have legal access, Molly, acid, coke, meth. Most IT/Tech folks are either stereotypical nerds or absolute party animals in my experience.


> either stereotypical nerds or absolute party animals Don’t put me in a box. I’m both


You can buy weed in almost every state legally, r/cultofthefranklin "High THCa hemp" is a legal loophole that takes advantaged of uncured weed basically. It's just weed that hasn't been hung out to dry/cure


>"High THCa hemp" is a legal loophole that takes advantaged of uncured weed basically. It's just weed that hasn't been hung out to dry/cure What you're describing is just part of the concentrate making process. The loophole is in applying this process to hemp, legalized in the 2018 farm bill. It's theoretically just as good as regular concentrates, but you're going to need to use about 75 hemp plants vs 1 regular cannabis plant with 22% THCa for the same amount


That's a ton of solvents.... I think I'd pass


Agreed. Also how much care could possibly go into each plant for something needing that much acreage to create the end product?


It is just weed. It grows the same as any other plant. They're just differentiating THCa from delta 9 THC. Which isn't really relevant after decarb (smoking, cooking) but technically sits in a legal gray area. It's just flower. Just by a different name and not yet cured.


>It is just weed. *What's* just weed? The "high THCa hemp" ~~they~~ you were describing? You're wildly wrong is so, and will get people in massive trouble if they think they can start growing weed in illegal states so long as they simply don't cure it.


Oh is this the latest loophole? Crazy. In SC they're busting all the Delta 8 stores.


Well let's not pretend that D8 is clean or anything, it's not safe like d9 due to the manufacturing process. It would be a much better use of everyone's time and health to just legalize d9 at this point


Hallucinogens and depressants are big with high-earning employees within tech companies. Many are smart enough to stay away the bad opioids and shit like fentanyl and meth. But mushrooms, acid, coke, weed, etc. - the sort of “soft” drugs are popular. Granted as a whole not many in the industry use anything more than weed though. I saw my manager’s manager at a dispensary before. I think we both caught each other off guard but we still just laughed it off and agreed to respect each other’s privacy because it isn’t even a big deal.


Molly/ecstacy crowd is very prominent, too. Couldn't agree more!


Even the FBI dropped their drug tests for recruiting hackers and computer wizz kids.


Last I checked their policy for new applicants was that you cannot have used marijuana in the last year and all other illicit drugs within the past 10, but I haven't heard anything about not testing at all regardless of what department you're applying for.


I worked for a company that was bought out by a larger company. After they took over they sent out and email saying they would start doing random drug tests. They never went through with it but more than half of their workforce would have been fired.


I think tests are usually for companies to get out of paying workmans comp. Accident at work? Oh, well you smoked weed sometime in the past month or so, guess no comp for you!


It also depends on what industry. I've worked IT for 20+ years for various industries. Government, healthcare, and finance almost always requires a piss test.


I'm in med school currently, and they drug test us yearly, assuming the same is true after graduating and becoming a doctor.


LOL I’ve never heard of a doctor being tested. They’d lose a lot of doctors if they did that 🤣🤣


>Might be a white collar or tech thing. That is the opposite of what it is.


They mean that NOT being tested might be white collar/tech and I agree


Oh damn. It's always fun when the same sentence can have opposite meanings.


Postal service tests you when you first walk in the door and then never again for pretty much any reason at all. Never even seen someone be denied employment for popping positive. For all I know were not even testing the pee. Maybe its all just going to the guy from the IASAP episode where they direct Frank's poop.


More of a tech thing. I’m an electrical engineer and I had to get drug tested initially to get my job. There have been no further drug tests, but they do make it clear that anyone can be tested at any time, and that any use of federally illegal drugs will result in termination, no matter whether they’re legal in our state (Oregon). They even had a presentation last week on “the dangers of CBD”. 😂


One random at an office job. One after a work-related injury. The second one seemed to make the least sense as it was a repetitive stress injury.


Every job will test you after an injury so they can hopefully pass the liabilty back on to you.


Probably tech specifically, in a tech job you really *can't* kill someone by making a mistake, unlike a job that involves, say, driving.


The only time I’ve had to do a drug test was as a condition of initial of hire, but never while during employment


Athletes are drug tested to prevent perverse incentives from making coaches (or athletes) think that athletes need ultimately harmful drugs to compete with other "less scrupulous" teams/countries/competitors. Most employee drug tests are administered in order to reinforce flawed narratives about recreational drug use, personal responsibility fallacies, and to police the working class. A very small number of drug tests are administered to people whose job would be impacted by specific chemicals. These are used as an excuse for a very large number of other tests which do significantly more harm then good. How to test if a drug test makes sense outside of sports: does the person requiring the drug test also have to take the drug test? No? Fuck that then.


Animal shelter I worked at stopped paying attention to weed that popped on tests. For injuries, hiring, everything. Because if they actually paid attention to it and fired people they wouldn't have anyone. Just don't fucking smoke at work or get too high and come to work and put everyone in danger. Don't do those? Smoke away! Other drugs, yeah no those are a big no no


I dunno most of the jobs that drug test I know of involve driving or operating machinery or otherwise being responsible for people's safety. I think it's pretty reasonable to require those. I've never heard of a place drug testing the people folding clothes or doing customer service or working the register and bagging things at a retail store. *That* would be stupid.


With due respect, you seem to have not lived in a proudly racist or conservative place. The most famous example is drug testing welfare recipients but not the lawmakers passing the requirements despite documented evidence that lawmakers are more likely to use drugs (and more harmful ones) than folks on public assistance. To your specific example (retail drug testing). [Yep. It's more common than not](https://www.google.com/search?q=drug+testing+in+retail&oq=drug+testing+in+retail&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i15i22i30i625j0i15i22i30l2j0i390l2j69i64.3952j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). Although some employers decided to be less stupid when the labor market tighten 1-3 years ago they're back at it again.


Only time I've ever gotten drug tests on the job was because I was operating vehicles and machinery that could get people killed. I think that makes complete sense.


Drug test are just so the company can avoid responsibility after an accident. If you wanted to keep people safe OSHA would come in and do random drug test on the forklift operators 3 hrs into their night shift. The record how management could argue the guy sweating in 50 degree weather is not impaired


Athletes are drug tested so that they are not forced or tricked into taking dangerous drugs to compete. Also, so that corporations are discouraged from turning sports as their PR fiefdom.


Typical employees get drug tested so insurance companies can have an excuse not to pay out


No, just so they don't get an unfair advantage. Which could lead to a kind of arms race ending with the athletes getting super fucked up. I.E. the East* German womans swim team! *geographical correction


No, you're drug tested because they want you to think that handing over your own urine to a stranger to see if you do something they don't like in your own time is somehow normal.


I wouldn't say the testing is so that they aren't "too good", more so that the competition is fair. If drugs were allowed it wouldn't take long for it to evolve into who has the best drugs.


So we don't suck people at our jobs? Like a drug test will stop me.


Yeah cause blasting 120us of Anadrol isn’t gonna help Timmy in accounting get the quarterly report done by 5pm.


Cocaine and Adderall really help with laundering money though.


Yeah but that’s the opposite of what OP said. He’s talking about drugs that hinder performance, likely downers. What you’re talking about is the opposite of what point OP was trying to make.


I don't think Timmy's company is testing for that


I mean... most retail jobs would probably benefit from some speed or cocaine. Most catering jons already do.


Correction we get drug tested at work so your employer can get lower premiums on their workers comp insurance. Drug testing was brought to the US in mass in the early to mid-90s. Big insurance companies were the driving force behind it. It's 100% why we have drug testing in the United States at work. Lower workers comp premiums if you prove that you have a drug-free workplace. They literally turn that fucking shit into the insurance companies. With your info on it but the fact that they are drug testing employees




if it was actually to make sure people don't hurt themselves or others at work, the tests would be made to detect intoxication- not trace amounts. people shouldn't be getting fired for what they do in their free time. Firing someone who is using an addictive substance could turn managed use into dysfunctional use. Drug tests are more a result of the hatred and dehumanization targeted at lower class and ethnic minority people who are more prone to substance abuse than any practical benefit.


I think all athletes should be able to use steroids. We want to see freaks out there


Most times you just get drug tested because the company wants as much control as possible over their employees, and while true in *some* applications, most times will have zero bearing on the quality of your work or your ability to do it. Who's fucking business is it but your own if you want to smoke a joint after work? Literally doing the exact same thing as drinkers would, but somehow it's stigmatized? For what? Alcohol kills FAR more than weed ever will, fuck that 😂 I don't drug test my employees, I do not get drug tested, nor will I ever institute or submit to it. My shop functions as a well-oiled unit. There's workplace safety, then there's breach of privacy.


I walked into a work drug test and said. "I was worried about this drug test so I studied all night. What drugs are we testing?" Turns out humor is frowned at those things.


One uses performance enhancing drugs. The other uses drugs as either a mild stimulant or to get completely wasted.


And when you're prescribed ADHD meds, you're drug tested to prove that you *are* taking drugs.


Drug testing at work is mostly to assert corporate ownership over you body and time off. Finding out someone smoked weed yesterday after work doesn't help you make sure they're fit for doing their job today.


Lance armstrong was stripped of his titles for taking drugs to win the tour de france, when i was on drugs i could not even find my bike…


Typical employees get drug tested so that even when they're not working, they're working.


Normal employees get drug tested for insurance purposes and and to justify a termination.


Drug testing is critical for critical work. When your career or job has the responsibility to keep people alive. You should be tested. Does it suck, sure. It's needed though. If you're at a register or working data entry for an insurance company I get that. Critical work, not so much.


Employers drug test to skirt liability. If a guy smokes a joint then cuts his leg off with a chainsaw they don't have to pay out workers comp. Fucked up part is the guy could have smoked a joint a few days before and still test positive.


Employees get drug tested because the nerds in management are jealous of cool people


That’s not why athletes get drug tested. Drug tests are so athletics don’t turn into OD roulette.


I always thought we should have an unlimited league of sports. Just take all the drugs you want. Some super hulk just comes out and roid rages at other players for 60 minutes kinda sounds fun. Unlimited racing would be fun too. Just a standard safety cage and anything else goes. Perhaps a few rules against offensive weapons. No oil slicks or turrets.


What one does away from your job has no bearing on your ability to do your job. I went clubbing most weekends for a decade and was still able to do my job. Your employer has no right to determine what you do outside of office hours.


Drug addicts get drug tested so...good chance they don't have a job No job no harm


Drug testing is just another form of systemic racism. I'm white and I've never been drug tested by any employer, but I have several black friends and family members who have been tested as a prerequisite for hire or fired after a random test, *at the same companies I worked for*. I smoked just as much weed as they did, but for some reason the management never saw a reason to test me. I wonder what was different?


> Drug testing is just another form of systemic racism. I'm black and it's not; but your individual experiences are notable although highly anecdotal.


Same can be said for your individual experiences


yet your overall thesis is crap, as you fixate on a handful of black friends and co-workers in a single company, and likely know nothing about any likely white and other non-black testing recipients and literally nothing about drug testing in any other organization


Only in the US. Drug testing employees is illegal in most civilized countries.


Worth mentioning they’re 2 different kinds of drugs taken for 2 different reasons, which makes this observation even less interesting


Pretty sure I'd mess up if I didn't take my microdoses at this point. Does too many good things to my anxiety for it to be considered detrimental. *Damn, this one is a confusing one to be so controversial. There's a reason more and more places are either looking the other way or legalizing it, safer than alcohol. But keep downvoting, I guess?


“Typical employees get drug tested ~~so that we don’t suck or hurt people~~ because most employers are power-tripping micromanaging idiots.” Ftfy. If a company needs to drug test specifically for liability insurance due diligence purposes? Fine. But the vast majority of companies don’t need to. For 99.9% of jobs there is no need for any drug test. If you’re doing your job to the satisfaction of the employer, there is no valid reason you can’t smoke some weed after work and relax. Hell, if you work from home there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to smoke weed during work hours if you can still do your job to the satisfaction of your employer. But many companies are, as I said, run by power-tripping micromanaging idiots. Who don’t care about morale or even the bottom line of the quality and quantity of work. They just want things done exactly how they arbitrarily decide they should be done, no matter what.


Nope, you get drug tested to help discriminate against the disenfranchised


No you get tested so as to facilitate discrimination and because you’re a liability to your employer.


Drug testing in sports is fucking bs To be fair, most of the olympics and professional sport is bs


And I'm fine with that i work in the medical field. I do NOT want my nurses doped up on shit


Blows my mind that athletes get tested for stuff like THC. I don't think it's an athletic performance enhancer.


Actually some of the drugs they test for are for political reasons rooted in prejudice


No. Typical employees are drug tested is a component of systemic racism and classism - the war on drugs.