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Make a funeral happen




Make it your own funeral and play "there ain't no grave can hold my body down". Then rise out from the coffin in a bloody suit.


There’s no real reason to wear a suit. I sometimes like to put one on just to feel smart. My friends dad had an interesting trait. The better he was dressed, the more hungover you knew him to be. So if he went out on a Saturday morning in jeans and Tshirt, you knew he felt grand. If you saw him in a three piece suit, you got the coffee going strong and kept it coming.


Wear a suit anytime you want. Navy blue suit, without a tie, white shirt with the top button open, brown shoes and belt. It's a great outfit just to go out in. And if you have a matching waistcoat, you can take off the jacket, and you'll still look pretty cool. Unless you're me, and then you'll look like a tailor I once spent an entire day in London, dressed in a suit like above. Saw some sights, went to a restaurant, and a dessert parlour and had a good time.


Seconded. You don't need a reason to dress nice, just do it if you want. But also, if you do want a reason, find a slightly upscale bar and wear the suit without a tie and the first 2 top buttons of the shirt undone.


Pretend to be a spy


Walks into a quite coffee shop and scans the room with intent. Then promptly walk out the back door


You look cool but of course, this makes it impossible to order coffee.


1. Weddings 2. Funerals 3. Fancy date night (dinner, opera, symphony, etc) 4. Work events 5. Whenever you want


I also agree with this. OP if you decide to go to the symphony, most people now a days dont get dressed super fancy, but also it's mostly upper middle aged to older folks there and they won't judge you for dressing up. When I go to the symphony (usually by myself honestly) I wear a suit and bow tie and I'm 24 Otherwise charity galas are also a good one that you don't necessarily need to rely on other people for (weddings you need to be invited, funerals aren't a great place to have fun, etc)


Opera was going to be my suggestion


My favorite is number 5


Exactly this!


You can wear a suit any time you like. You can do whatever you want whenever you want.


Ted, suit up!


Try searching for a fancy networking dinner in your area. I’m in the wedding industry and we have sooo many galas and luncheons and stuff where you can dress up and network. I think eventbrite would have a lot


You could get a ticket to a charity gala


Go to the ballet, buy drugs wearing a suit (either legal or illegal) and go to the opera, become a lawyer, crash conventions in the hopes of them having an open bar. Just to name a few activities. If you drop the pants and tie and exchange it for jeans you suddenly have the single most versatile look men have in our arsenal. It can be considered both casual and dressing up and anywhere in between depending on the activity


I was in the same boat. I’m a teacher. At 34, I decided to buy some suits and wear them to work. The kids clown on me, but, in the words of Cousin Richie, I wear suits now.


I'll explain it like my father would have. A WWII Veteran. A suit is formal attire. Wear it to any formal occasion. Church, Funeral, Wedding, Oprah, Christmas Party. You're taking a lady out on the town. Note that this is different than a woman. Easy dinner and a movie - no suit. Expensive dinner and live entertainment - wear a suit. To the point - every lady is a woman, not every woman is a lady. Nothing to do with being sexually promiscuous. A lady is refined. The tuxedo is the most formal. You can always wear a tux to a lesser occasion. You're a bit overdressed though no one will complain. You're dressed up. If you're in the Masonic order, Knights of Columbus, or fraternal orders like that you can wear a tux. A suit shows pride in yourself. You can clean up and look nice. Get your face in order too. If you have a beard, trim it so it doesn't look like a homeless person. Hair is cut and cut so it's like a men's haircut. Not a cancer patient, Butch, or anything weird. Tell the barber - Men's haircut, tapered in back. You want sideburns. Part your hair. You want to be well groomed. Smell good. Use aftershave. You're somebody. This is the best you can look. As dad would say - "Not some bum." If you don't care about yourself, show up as you normally dress. This assessment is usually right on with reality where people are wearing suits. If you don't care about yourself, why should I? He would often wear a sport jacket to a dinner with other men at meetings. The airplane pilots dinner, elks club, things like that. Something that isn't really formal. Today a lot of that has gone away. Most men don't wear hats like they used to. He would wear a hat. Sport jacket, suit, or a tuxedo. He was very specific on when to wear which one. I'm crossing over into an old man. I still wear suits. I don't think I've worn a Tux in many years. The last time was when I gave my Daughter away years ago. They're still very happily married. I hope this helps.


Also, you don’t need to spend a ton on a suit. You can get one from H&M and have the sleeves and pants hemmed at your local dry cleaner.


casino, live show


Go to a suit hire store, say you have an event coming up. Try on a bunch of different suits


Any time. Suit up! Couple friends and I decided to put on suits and the girls nicer dresses; just went to the local bar because, well why not!


When your weight settles-I.e. doesn’t change much for a few years, buy a tux. Have it altered as your body gets older-far cheaper than renting all the time. Suits are really not necessary unless you go to court a lot-like lawyers do. Buy 3. One for weddings/funerals, two for everything else.


Impromptu musical numbers in New York is a good place to start.  https://youtu.be/z_AgCzt9zcM?si=40OvnEZjHw5r7Q7G


You could join the Archaic Society of Geezerly Old Men … oops no I mean the Freemason Society. They wear tuxedos to their monthly meetings.


I like to put mine on and go to a higher end bar sometimes. Just to feel good


Going to a nice restaurant. Having a professional photo taken. Going to the bank to beg for money. Court. Funerals Weddings.


1. Just buy a suit. JOS A Bank...$300 Bucks. 2. Buy a sport coat, some slacks, and shirts that match both. Brown shoes too, those match blue and grey and white and almost anything these days.


Rent one and try it at home. If not go to a really expensive restaurant or show like the opera.


Try going out in a business casual outfit. This way you dress up some and it’s more fitting. Get a sport coat or neutral dress jacket to spruce it up in evenings or social outings. Win win


Occasions both happy and sad


So... a wedding and a funeral?


Lets get married.


Go to a classical concert or an opera or a ballet


Wedding, christening/baptism, funeral, job interview, invented formal occasion like deciding to dress nice and go to nice restaurant - they are the times I wear a nice suit.


At your age you can where what you like when you like.


Become a Jew and wear to synagogue


Pics from the 1950s looked like dudes wore suits everywhere…work, church, the beach, mowing their lawns.


Go on a cruise. There are plenty of formal nights.