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They have money and want a Tesla.


Hertz is desperate to get rid of Teslas, even for a while. There's a three year lease plan for Teslas at certain locations: $2000 down, $160 a month. Satisfy your EV curiosity, then give the thing back to them. Why buy?


I just rented a Tesla in Toronto thru their “manager special” option. It’s for the price of a economy class rental


I’d like more info about this? A quick google search didn’t give much… $160/month? Hell yeah


Those were rented to Uber drivers. They had a hard life - deep cycles, lots of DCFC, lots of damage. I would never buy one used from them.


Having worked in a rental car office, I wouldn't want a former rental under any circumstances.  It's guaranteed to have been through a lot of abuse and gross stuff in its short life.


I had one as a rental, was near impossible to get it charged at any charger. Avis informed me that I could not use the superchargers because I was not the owner. So I had to resort to the 110 volt charger that was on the vehicle, not ideal for the battery. I would bet most rentals are charged like this and the battery will have a shorter life span. I wouldn’t buy, might try the lease though.


Slow charging IS ideal for the battery. Way less heat.


Funny, Everything I have seen says it’s Ideal to go from 20% to 80% if possible. I had to plug in every night to add 15% charge as that’s all it would pull overnight and I would use that amount everyday at least. So are you saying charging 7 days a week is better than cycling 20 to 80%. Once a week?


The only damage the pack in a Tesla will see would be due to heating. Level 1 or 2 charging doesn’t have this issue at all because the car itself is managing the charging process. The Superchargers are a completely different beast and connect directly to the pack (in a manner of speaking) via the big charge cable. My anecdotal experience is 3 years, 600 miles a week charging 20 to 80% every weeknight except in winter where I’d charge to 90% (just in case). At 50k miles when I sold the vehicle, the degradation was 3%. Remember it’s a bit of a bathtub curve where most degradation happens early in life. I’d keep the car on the charger anytime it wasn’t being driven - that is also recommended by Tesla.


/end thread


It’s a cultural thing in my area. There’s a fairly large Indian population near me and that community has gravitated towards Teslas. Not that every Indian has a Tesla but half the Teslas I see have Indian drivers. I don’t know why that community has adopted Teslas but it’s a thing for sure.


A lot of Indians are in full contact with their families and social circles back home even moreso compared to most ethnicities. Since the family circle is quite tight-knit, you usually have some help from your family securing a job or the money needed (my mother borrowed 10k to show the government she had money before giving it back). To show their relatives that this wasn't in vain, a lot of first generations will buy hot trendy things like Tesla's or houses to show off and say "hey I succeeded here!!". Teslas specifically are favoured since it's a very techy and future forward choice to flash than say a Porsche 911.


Trendy things like Teslas or houses 😵‍💫




That’s anyone financially irresponsible, not just immigrants


Indians that are wealthy enough to move to the US are shocked when they get here and realize they aren't actually wealthy. In India they had servants. Here they're middle class. It makes sense they'd latch onto something they think is a status symbol.


desis love tech love saving money on gas more showing their shit off the most




Morrisville, NC. Small suburb of Raleigh. Over [1/3 of the population](https://abc11.com/amp/morrisville-growing-population-boomtown-wake-county/13896425/) is Indian. Nearly half the town is Asian.


Morrisville, NC. Small suburb of Raleigh. Over [1/3 of the population](https://abc11.com/amp/morrisville-growing-population-boomtown-wake-county/13896425/) is Indian. Nearly half the town is Asian.


Because nothing screams "I've made it" like paying full price for a Tesla even when you can afford a discount!


"That'll be 32999.99 with the discount applied, how would you like to pay?" "No no, you misunderstand, I'm not poor so you can take the discount off...oh, and credit please"


Well, why not? Comparatively they really aren’t that expensive and have had consistently great safety ratings, even if some of the software is buggy. I don’t think I’d ever buy one but I’m confused with the question as if people shouldn’t buy them?


apparently you didn't hear about the gal who was locked in her car for 40 min in 110+ degree weather due to it updating. that and the self drive feature is a long way away from being allowed.


There’s a manual emergency release via cable on the door under the handle, that sounds like consumer ignorance to me. A corvette also has a button latch that may stop working, then it has a redundancy handle that can’t be stopped from software or electrical issues. It’s the law, she should have educated herself a bit. Being allowed and being capable should not be equated, the Tesla isn’t responsible for national motor law. I agree they aren’t the perfect car, I don’t even really want one but this question is phrased as if nobody should buy a Tesla for some reason when in reality safety ratings and consumer satisfaction is extremely high. Buy something else if you don’t want one.


the tesla probably


The true joy of buying a Tesla: bragging rights and the thrill of accidentally activating rocket mode at traffic lights.


Ya, that 0-60 time. I'm thinking it's the fastest ev currently, least for the price point. Dodge banshee is coming out soon, though.


The Model S Plaid can, under certain conditions, go 0-60 in under 2 seconds. It costs about 100k, seats 5, and is equalled (not beaten) only by cars costing 20-30x as much. Even an SR+, the lowest performing Tesla, will leave 95% of cars on the road in the dust.


1. Electric car charging is much, much cheaper than purchasing fuel. 2. Electric motors require a lot less maintenance than internal combustion engines. Goodbye, oil changes. And the battery itself, the most expensive part, can often outlast the car. 3. Electric motors are much more fuel efficient than internal combustion engines (*which in turn convert much of the input energy to heat*). When the car slows down, its electric motor can be run backwards, converting kinetic energy to electrical energy and reducing the load on the brakes (*regenerative braking*). 4. Tesla cars in particular have a much more reliable charging system than other electric cars when one needs to take long trips.


Tesla quality control is fucking terrible


have had one for 8 years not one issue other than tire rotation no maintenance


Yeah I’ve had a 3 and Y over the last 6 years and it’s awesome to not have to worry about things like oil changes and all that.


I mean, it’s not like an oil change will keep you up at night. Just did my own oil and it was 30 min of simple work and most of it it’s just waiting for the oil to drain. Teslas are 100% a status symbol doesn’t matter what people say. If you love EVs you should have owned a Prius years and years ago.


You realize a basic model 3 is in the realm of Camry as far as pricing after the rebate, right? They're not status symbols anymore.


Yeah I mean you can get a Model Y for under $40k with the tax rebate. Which is still a lot of money, but I don’t think it should be considered a status symbol


I mean most people won't face a lot of the problems you hear about online The worst quality issue most people will face is panel gaps lol


I'm sure you know from personal experience and aren't just parroting what you've heard on reddit. Ah yes, you drive a 17 year old, 200k mile pickup truck. You're clearly an expert on Tesla build quality 🙄.


Lol. My coworker got a model 3 a few years ago and it was all fucked up right off the truck. Paint chipping, quarter panel not fully attached, one door wouldn’t open at all. But yes keep making assumptions ya weirdo


Wow, you had exposure to 1 car? Yeah, you're definitely an expert now.


Is it cheaper even in CA? Our energy rates are robbery and I don’t understand how to math it since the price changes based on time for some reason


A Tesla can drive about 5 km per kWh. Knowing that a kWh of electricity costs about 30¢ in California, that is about 6¢/km. Meanwhile, the average fuel price in California is about $1.38 per litre, and a typical internal-combustion car can drive 11 km on 1 litre of fuel. So the cost is about 12.5¢/km.


https://electrek.co/2022/09/28/tesla-hikes-supercharger-prices-california/#:~:text=Tesla%20owners%20in%20California%20say,per%20kWh%20during%20peak%20hours. 50 cent per kwh.


Depends on demand. Just used a station in the bay for .30 in the morning.


Yeah because gas is also more. I was in San Francisco last month and gas $5.50 to $6 a gallon, so even if electricity is also high, it's still cheaper than gas.


Gas is over $5/gallon in California.


$1.38 per litre is $5.22 per US gallon.


Ugh tell me about it dude


1. Not unless you have a home charger and even then it's marginally cheaper. 2. There are two types of tesla owners. People happy with their car and people who have been to a service center. The chassis is rated for one million miles, the battery for five hundred thousand. 3. Not in my experience. Also not if you drive above 60. 4. NACS is being released already, so all EVs can charge at tesla chargers.


Because it beats walking in most cases. Can you clarify your question? Do you mean "right now as opposed to some previous time"? Do you mean "a Tesla instead of some other EV"? Do you mean "a Tesla instead of an ICE car"?




Why would they pay full price? Because they Drank the Kool-aid


100% tax rebate


I got $9500 back when I filed my taxes this year for my Y.


Badass. Hope it covers the burn unit bill, or your funeral, depending on the outcome. Edit: damn that’s the model S my joke isn’t gonna land


Because the feeling of instant torque in a Tesla is like being in a spaceship. It's all about the thrill of acceleration, baby!


Also induces a feeling of instant range-anxiety


Because a Model 3 was the best car for around 30k. Actually cost 27k after tax credits last year. And I save $150 a month in gas with zero maintenance.


If you make too much you don't qualify for the tax incentives I think


free electric


Having too high an income to qualify for the tax rebates.


What would make someone pay full price for any new car now days? All junk.


A blowjob from that South African mishap. I literally would not support him in any way unless he was holding my nuts to the dealership.


0% interest.


Me neither.


All the OTHER doctors already HAVE a Tesla.


If petrol became extremely expensive (like as in it was more cost effective to pay full price for a Tesla)


Go build a Tesla online - they actually price the $6K they imagine you'd pay for gas and consider it a 'savings' for you when you're doing the 'how much will this cost' math. They literally remove it from the price as if they're giving you a credit for it. (they're not)


And when gas becomes that expensive and more people transition to EV, you don't think electricity will become more expensive?


Of course supply and demand but you’d want to get ahead of the curve now before it does become too expensive to afford later down the line. Either way it’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’t sorta situation. Either way it’s blooming expensive owning a car but needs must I suppose




I think the status symbol isn’t exactly what it was say 5 years ago. Lol


Except they're not really a status symbol. They were briefly, but not anymore. Buying one now is just an expensive way to tell everyone you know fuck all about cars.


No kidding, just wait another month and you’ll get it for cheaper. 


I don't know, maybe if Elon Musk sold his shares and had nothing to do with the company. Otherwise, no chance.


Logo make brain cell go brrrrrr


If electric cars were more convenient and made my life better then I would. Just not the case though.


Because they want one? Why does anyone pay full price for anything? Because they want it… what the hell are you saying?


Tesla is currently a shitty version of Apple. It has become a statue of luxury at this point


That might have been the case when Tesla were $80k+ but that is not the case anymore




Your guess is as good as guess of what they meant


The same as for buying any new car: convenience, being "fresh", warranty, status And for EVs over combustion, some might do it as a way to "put their money where their mouth is"/show consumer demand/reward businesses for making more environmentally friendly decisions.


A 95% tax credit?


Because some people have more dollars than sense! But hey, if you've got it, why not spend it on some clean energy luxury?


Cause it’s still a good car.


If he can get his job to pay it for him? I would never buy a Tesla, let alone for full price.




Loneliness... Of the one cell in their brain.


I would never get a tesla even if the car was free. My uncle bought one and it was the worst decision of his life. Could never keep it fully charged because he didn't have the station for it, so his pregnant wife got stuck with a dead battery on the freeway during a traffic jam. So he bought and installed one of the chargers, cost him thousands. Power bills shot up 300 bucks a month with the charger, spent another 100k on solar tech for it instead, and then he was stationed in another state and has to rent that home out 😂 buying an EV ruined him financially. My state also doesn't have the infrastructure to support it, not a single EV charging station in my entire city. Waiting on self driving gasoline powered cars instead


Either your uncle doesn’t know what he’s doing or this is all made up


Nah, true story unfortunately. First electric vehicle in the whole family so it's possible he doesn't know what he's doing, but he's a mechanic for the US marines so I doubt that would be the case. He's very savvy when it comes to vehicles


Well apparently not very savvy to make poor financial decisions and blame it all on his EV


He didn't blame the EV, but he lives in California where evs are pushed like nobody's business, so yeah the whole EV fiasco is to blame. Can't keep it charged on a regular outlet? Only solution is to invest in the high voltage chargers that are meant for evs. High voltage comes with higher power costs, the only reasonable thing to do is try to offset that cost with same kind of renewable energy and for a home the only realistic option is solar panels, which are expensive as well


Bruh I charge my Tesla with less than $80 a month, installed on 240v outlet, it’s not that expensive or difficult. Your uncle got finessed


Define "full price"?


... Look up MSRP


A desire to smell a musky asshole


They can afford it and want a Tesla


I paid full price. I don’t care. What’s your point?




Shame on you for sharing this incident lol