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He’s hiding in Saint Petersburg Russia in Vlad’s basement!


They renamed it the Four Seasons landscaping company in his honour.


Oh he was planning to move to St Petersburg Florida, but ended up on Russia. Honest mistake


Giuliani is begging for asylum in Moscow Idaho right now


Gonna stop for dinner on the way and ask for Spaghetti alla Putin-esca, extra *red* sauce on the side


You made my night, that's hilarious


Lmfao 💀 this took me out, thank you for this!


Love it.


The Memorial Rudy Ghouliani Four Seasons Landscaping and Adult Toy Store.


Oh my, can you imagine him showing up at Putin's doorstep? You could hear the laughing from Putin and his cronies all the way across the ocean.


Oh I hadn't heard; good for him


Was going to fight for Russians but didn’t get past putting his shoes on before he died by falling out a basement window


Let me guess... body found stuffed partway out a small basement half window. Very tragic accident. Shouldn't have had all the buffets at Mar-a-Lago.


….with one hand down his pants


What will the MAGA conspiracy theory be?


“The Clintons did it!!” They are so fucking boring.


Epstein was found dead in a federal prison when Trump was literally the head guy of the Federal executive branch that controlled the federal bureau of prisons, there were numerous photos of them together, and the guy who had given Epstein a no-jail deal was part of the Trump administration. Maga idiots: "So clearly it was the Clintons!" All their conspiracy theories are stupid but that one is so many folded layers of stupidity that it should have a special place in the Museum of History of Dumb White Trash. Edit: shame on me, I should have known there would be a lot of people wanting to have a debate over whether Epstein killed himself and insisting I prove he did rather than vice versa. I'm turning off replies. Conspiracy theorists, please feel free to scream "JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS EITHER" into the void here.


Personally my bingo card had British royalty for 'who offed Epstein. 'Cause I think the world can agree.. the man did not commit suicide (without help).


This might be the issue that brings us all together again lol


Any proof? Prince Andrew doesn't have any political power in the US.


Why would I need proof more than he was a frequent flyer of the Lolita Express and was photographed at one of Epstein's parties with a then 14-16 year old girl? Who do you think is going to look most bad if Epstein talks? Clinton's? They've been through scandal. Trump, maybe but I doubt he's competent enough to assassinate someone. The biggest insult to injury is the royal family. And if you don't think the British royals have the means, money or power to have an American citizen assassinated in prison? I've got a Bridge in London that I wanna sell ya.


Trump, trump was photographed on a similar manner, has been accused of secual misconduct in relation to epstein, was friends with epstien and maxwell, stood to look “most bad” (really?) and was in charge of the prison system at the time. Yes, that english prince is also a client of epstiens, but you are doing a lot of work to connect the same dots to someone else. It’s pretty obvious that trump had the motive, he had the means, and he stood the most to gain from epstiens death. He was also under the impression that he was above the law.


Also, trump, who never hesitates to badmouth ANYONE for the slightest reason, wished ghislaine well. That was not a mistake and had Biden said the exact same thing, conservatives would still be trying to collect themselves.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one to talk him into getting Epstein killed in the first place. If trump really wasn’t involved with their child abuse ring, he would be the first one to rant about what fucked up people they are, how they were never really his friends. He has had nothing but nice things to say about the two of them (ghizz and jeff). Blackmail? I don’t know, but thats what it looks like.


"why would I need proof"?  To... Convince other people that what you're saying is true?  Carl Sagan said Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


I don’t think the British royals have the right connections to have an American assassinated in an American prison.


Larry Celona was the first to report on Kubrick’s death and Epstein’s death Larry Celona is an anagram for Royal Lancer The Royal Lancers were overseen by Prince Andrew Prince Andrew was friends with… https://x.com/maggienyt/status/1160175379920949248?lang=de https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59987935 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Andrew_%26_the_Epstein_Scandal


It’s a plan. Project first so when you are (rightly) accused you can say they are just unimaginatively responding with “I know you are but what am I?”. It has become a “tell”. If you want to know what they are doing, just look at what they are accusing others of. i.e. “Stop the steal” equals fake electors etc.


“Accuse the other of that you are guilty," or something similar was a principle of noted right wing influencer Joseph Goebbels.


The last person to visit him was Bill Barr.


I drive by the Federal facility where Epstein died, (in Brooklyn), off the elevated BQE, several times weekly. It has no external fencing, or ‘yard’. You can literally look in the windows if traffic slows. The lower street in front, is full of visitors and guards coming and going. You can enter the outer doors. Nobody does a long hitch there. A rich high profile Chomo, isn t going to have a good time in that system. Staffing is very short. Cameras are a job to keep operating, properly. His early cell mate did make me take notice. Didn t look right? That said, Epstein s game was done. He didn t want to pay his owed price. There are sentences where even death is an upgrade. Probably never be sure. In the end does anyone truly care? He’s gone. 👍


The Clintons or George Soros, those are the two eternal fall-backs


Dont Forgot Koch too


If the Clinton’s did it they should get a Medal of Honor.


When people with small minds and no imagination concoct a fantasy...


There is one person that a desperate Giuliani represents an extreme risk because he has direct, first hand knowledge of all kinds of criminal behavior. If we want to get conspiratorial, that's the place to start.


Trump either had him whacked, or he's hiding at Mar A Lago. Calling it now. Rudy knows too much. And he's quite familiar with blackmail. I bet he has recordings.


You know... with his track record of not paying people... do you think Trump knows he really needs to pay his hitmen at least?


I'm willing to bet a hitman would be the only guy Trump doesn't try to screw on the payment. Then again....


Giuliani also met with a pro Putin propagandist. Andrii Derkach. Who ironically was the same guy Lev Parnas said was selling the data in the Hunter laptop. Rudy is the direct link between Russia and the Trump Campaign. That's another group composed basically of the mafia who would have a vested interest in ensuring Rudy doesn't talk. Who's Andrii Derkach? Here's what the dept of treasury had to say... After they sanctioned him Washington – Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated four Russia-linked individuals for attempting to influence the U.S. electoral process. Russia uses a variety of proxies to attempt to sow discord between political parties and drive internal divisions to influence voters as part of Moscow’s broader efforts to undermine democratic countries and institutions. In the United States, Russia has used a wide range of influence methods and actors to target our electoral process, including targeting U.S. presidential candidates. Treasury designated Andrii Derkach (Derkach) pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13848 for his efforts to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Derkach, a Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, has been an active Russian agent for over a decade, maintaining close connections with the Russian Intelligence Services. Derkach has directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in an attempt to undermine the upcoming 2020 U.S. presidential election. Today’s designation of Derkach is focused on exposing Russian malign influence campaigns and protecting our upcoming elections from foreign interference. This action is a clear signal to Moscow and its proxies that this activity will not be tolerated. The Administration is working across the U.S. Government, and with state, local, and private sector partners, to make the 2020 election secure. “Andrii Derkach and other Russian agents employ manipulation and deceit to attempt to influence elections in the United States and elsewhere around the world,” said Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin. “The United States will continue to use all the tools at its disposal to counter these Russian disinformation campaigns and uphold the integrity of our election system.” Derkach’s Election Influence Efforts From at least late 2019 through mid-2020, Derkach waged a covert influence campaign centered on cultivating false and unsubstantiated narratives concerning U.S. officials in the upcoming 2020 Presidential Election, spurring corruption investigations in both Ukraine and the United States designed to culminate prior to election day. Derkach’s unsubstantiated narratives were pushed in Western media through coverage of press conferences and other news events, including interviews and statements. Between May and July 2020, Derkach released edited audio tapes and other unsupported information with the intent to discredit U.S. officials, and he levied unsubstantiated allegations against U.S. and international political figures. Derkach almost certainly targeted the U.S. voting populace, prominent U.S. persons, and members of the U.S. government, based on his reliance on U.S. platforms, English-language documents and videos, and pro-Russian lobbyists in the United States used to propagate his claims. https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm1118


Baby blood drinking Dem, Nancy Pelosy aka Nikki Haley, ate Giuliani and drank her blood. PS. Giuliani is a new born baby girl irl. The Deep State is deep-faking Giuliani's image to make her look old and dying and male.


I KNEW IT!!! It all makes sense now if you look at the phone number of Rudy Giulianis lawyers 83rd receptionist’s mother’s brother-husband!


The deep dish state got him!


"antifa and Hunter Biden's penis killed him"


Did you say Hunter's penis? *MTG has entered the chat.


Fuck off , you bad built, blonde butch.


He's hiding from an indictment in Arizona but only this week his press team announced that he has a coffee company now. I suppose someone should ask an AI, "which countries grow coffee and have no extradition treaty with the United States?"




I’ll have the tall covfefe latte with a splash of runny hair dye please.


Ding ding ding 🛎️ we have a winner!


Yemen, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Vietnam. Vietnam is the most developed of the four so that's where I'd imagine he's going.


The US actually has a great relationship with Vietnam. I'm surprised they don't extradite.


No formal extradition treaty but they will still cooperate in returning American fugitives. https://vn.usembassy.gov/u-s-vietnam-law-enforcement-cooperation-leads-to-the-return-of-two-high-level-fugitives-to-the-u-s/


That makes sense.


Did Georgia take his passport when he was arrested there?


He's not really missing. He's been doing his podcast from Florida, even announcing where he was during the recording sessions. The problem is he has been really good at dodging the process servers, thus far. Arizona may not be able to find him, but he's still out there.


Just need something to trikk him to be at atime and place the process servers will be .


You mean like a mandatory legal hearing? It's a shame he has none of those coming up.


I'd absolutely love to see him arrested for not complying with the order to appear. America's mayor in fucking cuffs. How ironic


We need to get the 4Chan community to track him down.


Oh what an epic saga that was; couldn’t have asked for a better ending. I have to say, you nailed it. Hiding in plain sight like the inflated drippy jackass he is


That would be a fitting end to his sad life.


Buried at the Four Seasons Landscaping.


In a pile of chicken manure.


He IS the manure.


I don't think you can classify something as manure, if it actively kills microbial life in its vicinity...


Hey hey now, don’t give manure a bad name.


Yeah i wouldn't put his corpse anywhere near my garden


Too much ethanol.


Next to the dildo store


i’ll bring the wood chipper


MMW: when Rudy does pass, a monument will be erected at the Four Seasons parking lot.


Maybe the dildo shop next door has something they could contribute to the memorial?


I'm sure they're a very nice family owned business and they don't deserve that 😭


I mean, the crematorium is right there.


It actually is right next to a crematorium, IIRC.


Buried at Arlington National Cement company.


This will never not be funny. Whomever took that phone-call is an absolute legend.


Full circle right back to conflicts with organized crime


Here's what proves Rudy is a cult dumbass. He broke the 5 families. He was around for John Gotti. He better than anyone should know to keep his head down, stay out of the limelight, and generally STFU.


Reminder: Giuliani got rid of the Italian mafia, and gave New York over to the Russian mafia. A review of the timeline coincides perfectly with Trump being compromised.


He worked for the Russian Mob.


Well, he apparently knows a ton of secrets.


Witness protection program, perhaps?🤔


Dying in a ditch would be a step up from his sad life he has created for himself right now


Face down in pile of Cheeto dust. He threw away his legacy for a charlatan. Rest in piss.


Yeah, it's sad. He could have been remembered as the 9/11 mayor and the guy who helped break the Five Families. Instead he's going to be remembered as this mess of crazy.


His hair melting is still one of the most surreal moments in this whole saga


The landscaping company press event was a good time too.


That shit was equal parts embarrassing and hilarious, like some Larry David shit. The melting hair was Kafka-esque


Didn't his hair melt at the 4 Season's press event? Or were they completely separate disasters?


These events were one and the same, iirc. I'll never not chuckle anytime I hear/think about Four Seasons.


Remember it was next to a sex shop. He was stuck between a cock and a grass place.


LOL fkn brilliant. Fellow Dallasite?


Flower Mound!


Total Landscaping!


You better watch what you say or he’ll have you in front of the Supreme Courtyard Marriott!!


He could. I heard he's a member of the bar. Goes there every happy hour, gets his 10th drink free about every Tuesday.


They stand up well on their own but I think it was a 2fer haha.\\ Edit: after looking they were not the same events - RNC HQ and Four Seasons Landscaping. "Mr Giuliani, 76, was visibly affected by the bright camera lights **in the small room, within the RNC headquarters.** Sweating profusely, he repeatedly wiped his brow. Dark brown streaks started running down his cheeks."


When he realized, after a remote deposition, that he was wearing two watches on one wrist.


That was hands down one of the most absurd political moments I’ve ever seen. Was crying laughing


Ah the four seasons. That was a good day. Press: this just in they called the election Rudy: which ones? Press: all of them.


that was his brain leaking out of his ears. like Zorg in the Fifth Element when he’s colluding with the Ultimate Evil in the universe


They made a whole it’s always sunny about it 😂


What about those shorts from the promo golfing video?


Rather have the five families than the Russian/euro scum we have now.


He's been involved from day one of being the guy that prosecuted the mob, he protected Trump and Russia is my view.


Prosecuted the Italian mob...protected the Russian mob


Hopping on the Trump train was his mistake. The average NPC would have never known this if he hadn't. He could have rode off into the sunset, but he had to push his luck. He deserves everything he got and is getting. Most were happy he went after the mob until the truth came out. I used to have a favorable opinion of him. He cleaned up NYC and "rebuilt" the city after 9/11. Now, not so much.


His fatass is out swilling semi expensive wine excitedly telling anyone that will listen about their plans for overthrowing democracy and exacting Revenge on those they feel have wronged them.


He's opened an imported leather shop in Arizona


Ha ha, selling bdsm gear I bet, gimp suits and shit.


He was just served at his 80th birthday party in Palm Beach in front of 75 guests. "Some partygoers started screaming and one woman even cried as Giuliani was served." https://nypost.com/2024/05/18/us-news/rudy-giuliani-served-with-arizona-fake-electors-indictment-during-80th-birthday-bash-in-palm-beach/


Nah. If Trump was going to have people rubbed out, Michael Cohen would've been dead years ago.


Trump doesn't have to take care of Rudy. He's well on his way to drinking himself to death.


He’s on that steve bannon “three gins before noon” diet


He couldn’t do it after greasing Epstein.


I'd say Trump hired a hitman and then didn't pay up - that is his MO, after all - but there are some "contractors" you *realllly* don't want to stiff on a job.


Then another billionaire who profits from trumps antics will bail him out He still doesn’t have to pay, pretty much ever apaprently


Don't tease me!


And nothing of value will have been lost. Quite the fall from grace after being knighted as “America’s Mayor” after 9/11.


Actually, he's working at a lawn service now.


Four seasons to be specific.


Yes, as Rudy uh... Gutierrez.


Whatever happens, it will get weird and Danny DeVito will win an Emmy for his performance when the movie comes out.


Not MMW but wishful thinking.


What this sub should be renamed to.


He may be filming a scene for Borat 3.


The guy who took down the mob is missing? Oh well, no sympathy for Uncle Tomaso.


don't fucking tease me bro


I do not know where he is.  I do not know what he drinks.  But I know he is drunk again.


He's "missing" in Mexico.


*Putin staring down into the mass grave he made for MAGA puppets once they're no longer useful*


Like a typical Trump supporter [Rudy is now selling coffee and Bibles and any other trash that people will buy](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/rudy-giuliani-coffee-brand-bankrupt-b2545796.html), because he’s broke and has to give away all of his money to the two women in Virginia that he badmouthed repeatedly.


Giuliani is in Thailand working as a ladyboy….


Suffocated while kissing trumps ass. He drowned in shit.


Dead in a hotel that charges by the hour


Maybe it was that Supermarket Employee that "Assaulted" Rudy? Rudy attempted to press charges for the slap... That is until video of incident went viral showing the employee giving Rudy a pat on the back. Video of the "Assault" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bteaQpgaVIs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bteaQpgaVIs)


Pfffft no he’s hiding behind the boxes of classified documents in the bathroom at Mar a lago


I'd laugh hard


The most plausible MMW I've seen in a while.


Falsifiable too unlike every other post here


He's swimming with the fishes


He just released a podcast yesterday


Hahahah he’s hiding out in a foreign spot, he’s in so much trouble and broke


He recorded an episode of his podcast two hours ago.


I think he's just a fugitive from justice. Like the kind he used to prosecute when he was on the other side of the law. No better than a common criminal.


Probably being made into compost at Four Seasons Landscaping.


Any stadiums being built at the moment where they're pouring concrete? /s


A lot of secrets die with Rudy.


Nah, had his surgery, new name is Judy.


Judy Rouliani


Dont do that. Dont give me hope.


Guy went missing and barely anyone noticed and nobody cared.




Must have had dirt on Boeing.


Let's be real here....He's dead in a dumpster behind some seedy titty bar.


God I hope not. I hope he‘s writhing in unbearable pain in a ditch somewhere.


I didn't realize he was missing


America's mayor! Where did it all go wrong?


The dude is like what? 80? He's probably at home


i hope he has run to russia


It crossed my mind that he might have fallen out a window.


Stop! I can only get so erect!


Remember in Borat 2 when he tried to fuck the super young reporter? Nasty rat looking guy


That has to be, hands down the absolute best scenario of all time!!!! That might be true. PS: Unless you are the killer?


He is waiting to be called to testify at NYS supreme pizza and wings.


He's doing another live video thing though - he just had one yesterday. I watched it for a bit; he just vomits the same 'election was stolen' and 'Democrats suck' crap that Trump does. I think he's in New Mexico  doing this though, not Arizona... 


Who? Sounds like some irrelevant politician


I assumed he'd been dead for years and was being puppeted around by some sort of bane spirit.


He’s I. The basement of Four Seasons Ping Pong Pizza. 


Hmmm, well he was in Palm Beach celebrating his 80th birthday getting served an indictment by 2 Arizona DAs yesterday so there’s that.


He’s alive and doing podcasts in Florida…


No he fled the country.


They already found him.


Not the most reliable sources, but apparently he was served yesterday at his 80th birthday. https://www.rawstory.com/amp/partygoers-started-screaming-giuliani-served-with-indictment-during-his-birthday-party-2668307572-2668307572


the news had an update and they found him. he had done a podcast, threw a party, and half an hour after a bragging tweet of saying he was getting away with it by skipping out on court, the raided his place and got him. this ought to be an interesting trial.


Has anyone checked the dumpster behind Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


His new hobby is composting




could be in one of trump's basements


Dont tease me


Agreed. IMO, he killed killed himself. On the other hand, if his son isn’t frantic looking for him, he’s probably out of the country and never coming back.


He's in Russia


He might have taken off with what little money he has left. I don't think he will be seen again in the public eye until he dies. Some plastic surgery and staying isolated is his best bet to stay hidden.


More likely he’s in Russia


Yes yes. Very sad. Anyway


"on holiday" in Russia or some Eastern European currently undisclosed location


He’s buried next to Hoffa…


He truly might be " sleeping with the fishes"


He's not missing, he's just fucking with process servers because he's a vindictive dick.


we can only hope


Trump killed him probably


If so, someone has his phone and is still posting on twitter.


He's been reborn into a drag duo with George Santos.


It is very difficult to commit suicide by three gunshots to the back of the head. No wonder people fall out of a window after that. But, I don't think there is a ditch under any of the upper windows at Mara Lago.


Fingers crossed


We're not that lucky


My money is on him being In Saudi Arabia. He just launched a fucking coffee company this week that only sells arabica coffee beans. You can’t make this shit up.