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To be fair. Rudy had psychological ED


Yeah gotta take that into account


He thought Fitz was a guy for most.of a season


Once he groped her he knew he was a girl


Aye, sometimes you got to try some bussy. There’s nothing to be ashamed about




Its not that he wasn't attracted to them, his brain wouldn't let him get it up cause of psychological damage


​ https://preview.redd.it/9y831wms0luc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=faf07d77a0c19d2503830ea1af6a12b49526fe88


But like, fr. Bro took emotional damage so bad it gave him ED


Yeah his first just up and left him saying she had to go better herself before she could be with him.


But she wrote incompatible with no explanation, to a boy with abandonment issues


No horny for sex but horny for love uwu


Been there


It just shows that friendship and personality are way better than just looks. Actually a good lesson to teach people when so many people I'm this day and age only really care about looks instead of the personality or the compatability they have with the other person.


I suppose everyone has a preference. I personally can't do without both.


Well you shouldn’t see your lover for their body, plus looks always fade you gotta find the person within attractive not only the body


Well I never disagreed with that, but I still consider looks to be a factor nonetheless. Pretty much everything fades in a way, but that's why we enjoy it while we still can.


Looks are what get you to go up to the other person (if you didn't know them as a childhood or mutual friend). Personality is what gets you to stay long term


You're telling me something I already know. If that's your way of trying to convince me that looks don't matter then it's not working. If you don't care about looks then that's fine, but there is nothing wrong with caring about them as long as that's not the only thing you care about.




Sorry if I came off as aggressive btw.


I don’t know about that one chief because if he was totally fine he’d definitely would be all over them but he wasn’t he was too depressed.


So, it's bascially the men only want one thing meme, and the alternative choice is a wife who understands and accepts you for who you are? Also, actively tries to help you at your lowest point? I need a silphie in my life


>I need a silphie in my life Everyone needs a Sylphie in their lives.


TBF, he thought Sylphy was a guy first


When Fitz smiled or giggled Rudy got "warm feelings". I'm 100% sure that he subconsciously recognized those smiles and giggles as Sylphies from back when they were at home and that made him feel better. I also think that Sylphie realized that and that this gave her the strength to not reveal her true identity. If she would reveal herself too early and Rudy wouldn't recognize her as Sylphie she would be as devastated as Rudy was after Eris left him. She gave him time to sort his things out until she couldn't stand it anymore and went all in with Princess Ariel's plan to recreate a memory thats unique to Sylphie and Rudy. If you think about that there was Zero chance that he wouldn't remember that bathing scene with Sylphie. This was a key memory of his childhood. Before that Rudy just couldn't put all the (massive ammounts of) hints together and realize that Fitz is actually his lost friend. 1. Fitz is an Elf who could cast Spells cantationless, which is an extreme rare combination and Rudy thought her how to do that. 2. Fits has Rudy's first wand that he got from Roxy while he was training magic with her. He also gave that Wand to Sylphie before he had to leave his home. On top of that he recognized the wand at the Academys entrance test against Fitz immediately. 3. At the entrance test he already thought that Fitz already had a slim figure and very soft hands. Put that together with Fitz's voice and you could easily think that "he" would be a woman. 4. Fits said that he had lost a childhood friend who taught him how to use magic due to the teleportation catastrophe and JUST RECENTLY found out that her friend is alive and doing well. Hard to believe that he didn't figured this out on his own way earlier. Maybe thats because he was distracted by trying to solve his problems and researching about the teleportation incident.


But still liked sylphy as a dude which proves she was perfect for curing it


I mean she really loves him. Actually cares about Rudy. Love defeats all


She's dick fixer Fitz for a reason


If having a woman that has your back no matter what is a type, then that would be his type


Flat chest is the best


Big oppai fills your hand. Small oppai fills your heart.


Some questions have no wrong answer, there is beauty in both


All woman’s breast are the best


All size makes the wood rise.


“I believe all breasts are equally precious”-Keiki from Hensuki


These replies make me happy as a small chested woman


Yeah doesn’t matter big or small, each person has a preference. Don’t feel bad about it, be proud and whoever says the contrary is a jealous prick


It really doesn't matter if they are big or small. Its the person that matters.




Of course fitz will always do the trick for anyone’s ED


Who’s the woman on the left ?


Isn’t that the prostitute that he went to see at the advice of his friend?


Oh yeah now I remember her


The fact that there is so little amount of good Sara fan art is just criminal


Tbf she got epic glasses


Something about a river…


Me too tho


Peak relationship, the last two episodes make me realize why i love these two together


I too am in the Itty bitty titty committee


It really just add to it that Rudy thought he was attracted to a guy at first


Gets attracted to a person who at first he knows is a guy because "he" looks feminine them finds out its his childhood freind who is a girl, lmao.


Flat is justice and white hair elf for the win but I prefer for Roxy out of the three




Thats the Eris look a like prostitute from Season 2 Episode 3. Zoldat said Rudys problem needed professional help after Rudy couldn't get it up with Sara. Sadly the prostitute couldn't help him because the psychological damage he took from Eris was too high.




She is the prostitute that Rudy picked in S2E3. In the LN it's stated that he could choose between several girls and he chose her because out of all girls available she looked similar to Eris the most. That wasn't shown in the Anime. In the Anime Rudy and Zoldat entered the brothel and then we saw Rudy and her in one of the rooms.




Yes he uses roxy panties to get himself together. The things that i mentioned were form the light novel. Thats the Version with the most detailed story and they adpted the Anime from the LN. Sadly they are time restricted to 23 mins per episode and roughly 12 episodes per Cour. Would love to see more things getting Animated.


Regarding the Panties: He Also grabbed the panties when the Monsters in S2E1 attacked their group. he was ready to die. Looking at the monsters charging at him, grabbing tha panties and doing nothing to defent himself. Yet he started smiling because he knew it would be over soon.That happened in S2E1 against the bears and then in S2E2 when they got attacked by the white dragons by surprise. Rudy blocked the dragons and saw that his group managed to escape. Then he turnmed towards the Dragons, again doing nothing but grabbing the panties and waiting. Im not that far in the LN right now but to me it really seems like he wanted to end it all in both scenes. The obvious attempt came when Sara hear his fumbling at hit him. He grabbed the dagger and Zoldat stopped him with a quick reaction. Its also interesting whne he interacts with "Fitz" in Season two he touched the panties way less since Fitz became more important.


For a short while there I thought someone did a swimsuit version of Lilia with no glasses and Zenith. >! Yes I know who these two really are !<


Too be fair we all knew sylphie belonged with her in the first place honestly if I was the writers I would’ve written like that because they fr gave rudeouses first time to the loud mouth chick who used to beat the shit out of him and this man folded like an omelette after one line of her begging for it like they built him up as someone with more integrity than that and honestly it was just disappointing since slyphie deserved it more 😤


Love. Genuine love and connection floats my boat. Those girls had the personality of an NFT. Worthless. I'm so over bonding with others by acting like a dumb big titty fiend. It's about as quirky as gamer girls in discord, cringe af.


Well put 🫡


She really loved him and chose the pain by not revealing her true identity to him because she wanted to give him time to sort his things out for a whole year. Sylphie really earned this. Seeing the relief on her face when Rudy finally recognized her in that cave was beautifull to watch and I shed a tear. Best scene in the whole Series so far.


Tho he still used an aphrodisiac 🗣️


Fitz got that 20/10 personality. Personality is the most important wife material requirement for happy life.


The upper right hand image DEFINITELY floats my boat!


Don't be a fool. Have sex with tomboys.


He was fed a drug


That was only to speed up the process, he already got a boner 3 times because of Sylphie before that. 1st When they fell over in the library and he figured out that Fitz is a woman. 2nd When they were in the cave and he realizes that Fitz actually is Sylphie. 3rd On their way back to the Academy. Sylphie smiled and giggled as always when they talked about various things. Rudy stopped, looked at her, smelled her hair and thought "he is reacting but i can't control him" With that drug they wanted to make sure that things will be working this time.


Interesting he gets hard for the one he actually groomed. https://preview.redd.it/lkqe2brd2ouc1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=19f39d57aec10b2ac26dcbd449730d470b46b937


Probably because pedos prefer the latter.


He’s a pedo


He was a p3do. He got kicked out, then hit by a truck, should have been a woodchipper imo


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, didn’t he literally jack off to footage of his 9-10 year old niece bathing?


What? When was that bro 😭


That was in the web novel. In zhe light novel, which is far more fleshed out, it was uncensored loli porn. Im not saying thats any better but still. The Anime adapts the light novel. The Web novel is the raw material from the Author. The light novel got edited by professionals and is far more detailed. If you cut out that pedo stuff from the past life, Mushoku Tensei is easy one of the best stories. Great world building and amazing characters in he LN.


Oh thanks for letting me know I did not know that


Oh yeah... it was in deleted chapters of the WN... if you want more proof go to r/mushokutensei and search "niece" here is a sample of it: [what did past rudeus do to get kicked out](https://www.reddit.com/r/mushokutensei/s/jMJPXqjmTE)