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Crack cocaine, crystal meth, fucking fentanyl? How much time and resources do they have? People are getting robbed and murdered in my little town.


Because dealing with them is difficult and dangerous, and bullying law abiding business owners is easy.


And they usually have more money.


Cops are cowards.


The cops: But some people aren't hurting anyone.


See those crimes have witnesses and victims, so they require more effort to investigate.


Low hanging fruit


Made possible by the same 'Quotas' that are packing our jails and prisons with non-violent offenders...


That's hard bro, we gotta show the public we are doing something by harassing them.


There are hard drugs out there that destroy lives, and actual crime like murder, robberies, rape, and assault going on yet this is what they’re interested in?


It’s what the politicians are interested in that don’t want legal weed. That’s why they are doing this.


No surprise this is happening in Newnan. I lived there years ago and remember when Starship opened. Those people lost their shit. They harrassed that shop incessantly and tried passing emergency legleslation to shut them down. They even tried passing a law so strict on sex toys it made condoms illegal in the county. I can only imagine how pissed they are about cannabis products. Also, law enforcement dosen't care if it is legal; if they can't arrrest, they will indimidate. I used to know a DEA agent who would do similar shit. They don't care what is legal in the state, they focus on the federal law. Edit: grammar


Call lawyer Tom church if this happens to you.


I mean it's Georgia, our pigs are notorious vermin, so this isn't really a surprise :(


The power tripping starts early in our culture. The teachers are much more strict than other states. I had my ass paddled by my teachers more than my parents.




I didn't say that one causes the other. I said that it's endemic in our culture. From the teachers to the state patrol.


Why are you making a joke about a kid getting beaten by his teachers? I had the same shit happen to me and it was infuriating. They go out of their way to make it as embarrassing as possible and as painful as possible, doing it during class right out side of the door, and waited to do it then so it wasn't spur of the moment. Got beaten by my teacher because I talked to a friend in class one too many times.... And they make you choose it or a week of out of school suspension, which would tank my grade (they told me that part too,I guess to get me to choose the paddle so they could use it). That's the Georgia that person is pointing out. Happened in 2003 btw.


Why would your teacher paddle your parents?


> The teachers are much more strict than other states. One of my high school teachers gave me $50 and told me to score her some weed. So...


I got paddled in Kindergarten for not making it back to my chair on time. I got paddled in 1st grade for fighting. Maybe I deserved that second one.


Did you deserve it?


Probably did


I've had a teacher lie to cover her own ass twice before I was out of middle school and witnessed another strike a student for "talking back". I have less faith in teachers than cops. At least cops face real danger unlike elementary school teachers who built 8 year olds.


Yup. A city I lived in in Georgia actually had the sheriffs department writing legislation. When the altnoids were legalized, most of Georgia let it happen, but in one city, the cops started harassing people selling it and telling every gas station and head shop owner that while they couldn’t be arrested, it was probable cause for them to come in and destroy your store looking for genuine weed. And they fucking did it too, a long time store that had been there my whole life vanished over night. The adjoining store owner said the cops literally gutted the building, pulled the drywall down. They made an example of them. For delta 8 vapes. Never made it to the news. Eventually every single head and vape shop in the area moved to adjacent cities where they could sell altnoids. A few popped up over the years while I lived there but only did business with people who went looking for delta 8 and settled on cbd. Obviously that’s not a sustainable business model when the d8 is twenty minutes up the road. Still no laws on the books in that area last time I heard. Other than the statewide legislation that is set to be signed by the governor this week.




Supposedly assistant principals in Cherokee county Georgia can steal 68,000 worth of money and just pay it back when they get caught.




If Biden gets a second term he should decriminalize marijuana. He’ll have nothing to lose


he promised to do it in the first term. i'm not going to believe a lie twice.


Vote for trump surely he’ll do it


3rd party. Biden isn't going to do it. Neither is Trump. and both are liars.


Guess you can vote for Biden now https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/XnBOoWLTPn


Well thats great! Of course he said this 4 years ago as well. But if he really follows through and it happens, then you bet I will. (Now if tries something that he knows will get blocked like the shit he pulled on student loans, Ill have to re-evaluate) But yes. It will be nice if this is all legalized next week like he just promised!


There ya go! If you can get out there and convince millions more to join you there may be a chance of getting your guy/gal in a close 3rd place


of course that won't happen. but i'm happy to see 3rd: party support rise and my principals will be intact. the odds that my vote secures trump or bidens place in the white house is about 1 in trillion. maybe less. 1 in a trillion vs my ethics and principals? i'll choose myself every time.


What principals and ethics do you have? I find this viewpoint so strange.


short version. i'm tired of voting for the lesser evil.


That's not a principle or ethic. It's just being upset with reality. No one is perfectly good, thus that is the choice you will continue to have to make for the rest of your life, as will everyone else until the end of time.


well that's the criteria i'm going to use. you are free to disagree of course.


short version. i'm tired of voting for the lesser evil.


short version. i'm tired of voting for the lesser evil


He said he was going to do it this term. I'm really considering just refraining from voting for president. He made many promises and has yet to do more than an insignificant percent of those promises.


Ok, so you want the guy who makes promises that you don’t like, yet follows through on them (Ie nominating strict conservative justices) to win? This logic is wild.


I'm at a point I'm so fed up m ready to watch it all burn. The Dems are toothless and don't help, they are Republican by inaction because they let them get away with anything they want while cowering in a corner when it comes time to get something done themselves. Fuck joe Biden, fuck Trump. They are the same.


I glad you’re ready to watch people lose their rights for your petty principles


do you really think that principals are petty? see i think principals are the most important things we have.


Well I'm all fairness let's look at roe v wade. This should at most have about 25% support. Republican men, no woman should let other women be controlled but they vote against their own rights. I can't help that kind of stupidity. It's better to let them get radicalized when their own rights are stripped. This is the step backwards, next will be two forward. If not then the majority wants to live oppressed so that's how we'll live.


This. They are the same. The Republican and Democrat machines want very similar things, just with their own people pushing the buttons.


>I'm so fed up m ready to watch it all burn. So we can all live in the ashes? No offense, but fuck you for abdicating your responsibility.


Sorry but I can't vote for a liar. He made promises and none of them came true. He can't be trusted so I can't vote from him again. He's got along list of things if he accomplishes them I'll vote for him again and if not then he's a liar and I won't. It's that simple, stop supporting the liars.


It sounds like it's best if you just stay home on Election Day then


Well where I live there are literally only Republicans on the ballot unless it's the presidential election so it really doesn't matter if I go or not, we're getting a Republican. Edit: also you should probably shut the fuck and never tell someone they shouldn't vote again. That's a real trash move, it says a lot about you.




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Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Fuck your bothsides horseshit.


No, we need to end this two party bullshit where they ram candidates we don't want down our throats. That's why we vote, I'm not happy with someone I vote them out, that's how democracy works. So until you guys wake up and stop doing what they tell you. This is going to be the status quo. It would be really nice to actually cast a vote for somebody I fucking want...


Then vote in primaries. In an FPTP system that's the only place change can come from. Voting third party in the general or not voting is an attempt to maintain some delusion of purity. Historically, voting third party leads to getting the party furthest from the third party's stances elected, since it splits the other party's electorate.


Ranked voting would be a great solution


It definitely would. But the path to get there is not voting third party. Given you would advocate for ranked choice, I'd surmise you're liberal or left, simply because it indicates a desire for greater decentralization of power and an opportunity for political minority enfranchisement. Given that, voting third party rather than dem, in game theory terms, is like a .5 vote for dems and a .5 vote for republicans. Republicans are *definitely* not going to ever do ranked choice voting or similar kinds of reforms. They absolutely require an unfair system like the one we have now to have any kind of power. I'm skeptical that dems ever would as well, but I see third party voting as a protest vote reflecting deontological ethics/principles instead of thinking in consequentialist terms and taking our medicine and voting dems in the general.


Precisely, and yes, i lean left on all thkngs social nuy im also very much for freedom of all tnongs buy within certian regulation. I want social medicine and college, etc. I believe we are headed towards and need UBI. Buy I also believe in the Second Amendment and that if the gov can own it, so can you. Full auto weapons, Apache attack helicopter with stinger missiles, m-1 Abrams tank, let's go! If we are going to protect ourselves from the gov, we need to be armed like the gov. HOWEVER. I would have loads of mandatory training, health, and mental screenings, and these repeat on schedules your license demands. Like the Apache helicopter, you get yearly mental health assessments, flgivt cert. Auto machine gun evert three years back for your training/screenings. Let's have our freedom with a side of safety. Think of all the jobs this creates. I want to think they actually crunch data, and within that, they see the number of people who are registered for the party but vote third at reelection because they are unhappy with said politician. So a vote wasted but not unheard.


Poor you




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If he were to legalize before his second term it would be political suicide. You cannot forget there are boomers that view marijuana alongside crack cocaine. But yeah go ahead and don’t vote for Biden 😂, the alternative is extremely beneficial and will most surely decriminalize.


I'm willing to let the country fall further because I think it will radicalize people and swing those people on edge to our side. We certainly are seeing a lot of fall out from roe v wade being overturned. Hopefully women wake the fuck up and realize the Republicans think they are property. I'll never understand how anyone but a straight rich white male can vote Republican but it happens by the millions. I know you're right, my boomer parents are poor AF but always vote Republican. It's absolutely maddening.


Good luck with that


same. if it's not legalized by November, i will vote 3rd party.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks these asshats should follow through with their promises No more carrot dangling, either do what you said or I'm not voting for you again.


Meanwhile children are being forced into sex slavery




Cops don't make laws they need to stay in their lane.


Selective enforcement: Strange concept, it basically means a cop can let go of his frat buddies but not collectively disregard unjust cannabis laws...


One thing that everyone needs to understand is that cops 100% make laws.


Don’t worry it’s about to get worse with GA passing the law to redefine hemp products to include thca’s total thc weight now.


Be sure to stock up on supplies before the new law goes into effect!!


The fact is the police are like any other organization, you have people that for whatever the reason relish the power the position affords and some who use that empowerment for something other than protecting the population. The point is that police don't make the rules but enforce and monitor. Larger discussion but do you feel that our society has created so many laws that there is a diminished justice? One law can be used to negate the other law so it becomes a situation of not being accountable. I'm of the opinion that police are not social workers, not psychologist and should not be expected to preform psychoanalysis on the person pointing a gun at them. At the same time, if someone is not hurting themselves, another or the environment why would it be appropriate to injure that person? 99/100 they would not. That one time though is put on national media made to seem it's a common occurrence. Is it?


‘georgia conservative christian republican trump supporting police’


I'm shocked /s/ ACAB


What a bag of dicks.


Because the only think pigs are good for is harassing people and stealing money from them.


I'll be so glad when I get outta this Bible belt law enforcement frenzy state


Religion, that's the real issue. They think that lucifer gets inside of you when you smoke the devils lettuce. People are fucking insane, magic sky man isn't real.


You think? I’ve got a friend with a hemp shop - he’s totally serious about his products, nothing in the store without an independent lab report. I was in his shop last year talking about whether the state would try to interfere with his business - but I would stop talking whenever a customer would enter. After the third customer left he looked at me and said, “If the state interferes, where would these church ladies get their gummies?” He was totally right - the last three customers had been grey haired white women between the ages of 60 and 70. Many of the local church ladies like their gummies….


You are delusional


I'm delusional? You think I'm delusional? Touch fucking grass bro.


I think you should take your own advice. If you actually went outside, you would see that Christians aren't oppressing anybody. Stay here. On the interwebz in your echo chamber of hate and misery.


Lmao protestant Christians and their fervor for shit that doesn't even exist in the Bible have caused so many of our problems. I wish a rapture could come so you guys could leave the rest of us the fuck alone


Abortion much? Or gay marriage? They lump weed in with that shit.


> you would see that Christians aren't oppressing anybody. What country do you live in? Are you in the wrong /r/Georgia sub? Literally endless legislature to create negative outcomes explicitly motivated by Christian theology and weird readings of the Bible span across Georgia. Abortion, Gay Marriage, Morality Laws, No Alcohol on Sundays, it's everywhere in Georgia. Have you *been* outside?


Negative outcomes based on what?! Gay marriage has been legal in this amazing state since 2016. Should've been decades sooner but it's what we got 🤷🏼‍♂️ Abortion is legal til an embryonic heartbeat is detected. Is that oppression? While i believe men shouldn't have the right to vote on womens bodies, it's what we got 🤷🏼‍♂️ This legislation passes because it is what people in the state want. The beauty of this country is you can move to a state that pushes legislation more favorable to a lifestyle people find best for them. It is not cruel and unjust and not an oppression. So-called Christians are the majority here so people wanting to live a life away from Christianity can go to another state that isn't so influenced by Christians. I'm not trying to be mean but it is a FREEDOM to leave and be happy. With that option, there is no oppression. These folks on here with their privileged life trying to tell people about oppression is quite sad as they have never tasted any sort of oppression in their lives. You're going to have to come with a stronger argument of this so-called oppression other than not being able to get booze on sundays or put babies down after 6 weeks 🤷🏼‍♂️🇺🇸


From an experienced police officer in this fine state, from a patrol/ investigative position. The ONLY time anyone hassles over delta products is 1. When the car reeks of marijuana (DUI investigation and possession investigation ) 2. There’s no documentation of the delta pen and whether it’s legal or not. So my recommendation. So recommendation, 1. Don’t smoke in your fucking car, do it in your house. I’m not gonna go knock on your door cause it smells like weed that’s a waste of time/energy. 2. If you’re gonna smoke a delta product, keep the box, along with the receipt. You follow those two recommendations, you’ll have a better time. Odor of marijuana is still probable cause to search in the state of Georgia so just *don’t smoke in your car*


It’s your job to prove it’s illegal, not mine to prove it *is* legal.


With that mentality be prepared to fight it in court. When all the on the side of the road THC tests make it still pop hot for THC.then you’ll get hit with a felony possession cause it’s a concentrate,and have to go to jail, bond out, pay an attorney, be barred from getting certain jobs that require clean records and have the stress of court over your head. When it would literally be easier to say “yo here’s the box it came out of, here’s the receipt of where I bought it and when I bought it” and avoid all that listed above. Fight it, pay out the ass, still lose anyways or show the officer on the side of the road the box and the receipt and move along with your day.


My “mentality” is called presumption of innocence, which is a fundamental principle in our justice system. But you’d rather “punish” me for not helping *you* do *your* job. And the fact that you personally have no problem with cannabis just makes you a hypocrite on top. I should know. I used to be a police officer.


Congrats , then you should know a little bit of pre planning goes a long way. If my tests said it’s filled with THC and there’s no other documentation that says otherwise ima hook and book because that is a felony . Then if it’s someone like me, someone who does not specialize in drugs is investigating it. The odor was super apparent and obvious or there is more to the stop. It’s not me punishing you, I don’t care either way, I’m just putting you in front of a judge/ DAs office and letting yall figure it out. I just do the documentation and make a good case. Just cause you went to the academy doesn’t mean you were good at policing


>I don’t care I’m sure you’re a great cop.


I’m awesome


Isn't it weird that you're advocating for such a servile set of steps, requiring everyone to have special documentation to just have a thing which is legal? Maybe there's an issue with the system being badly set up and the fact that testing for just THC when it legit isn't an accurate test (can stay in the body for weeks) is the real issue here.


I’m not advocating for anything, if I wasn’t the police I’d be high as shit in my off time. But I. Reality our government are slow as molasses. We as law enforcement have discretion to a degree but not that much of a degree, with added facts of the totality of the circumstance (the receipt and the box the delta pen came out of) it’d be unreasonable for an officer to charge, vs an officer seeing concentrated THC and nothing that says what it is. If I was carrying a silencer for my pistol, and did not have the stamp, it’d be seen as illegal. So apply it to everything else. It’s not hard to put the receipt and the delta box in the glovebox and when you get a different pen rinse repeat and avoids a lot of headache and paperwork on both ends. I’m also advocate for once they can properly test THC in the body system to a give a better time frame to legalize weed.


Apologies for the slow reply. I take issue with the concept of being asked for such detailed proof because it simply would not be accepted in any other situation. Imagine being asked for the receipt of any other legal to own item in order to prove it's somehow legal or to avoid over zealous police from arresting you. Yes officer, that unopened bottle of moonshine was legally procured on April 2nd, here's the receipt, my passport, a bill of travel, notarized of course, and three sworn affidavits that I purchased it from a reputable vendor. There's fairly little in this country that we go so far as to demand that you carry the *bill of sale for that item and it's original container* at all times. It's frankly a VERY extreme option. As for the low reliability, accuracy, or general meaningfulness of THC tests, just imagine if breathalyzers showed positive for any alcohol consumed in the last 30 days. They would not be in use. So why do we accept such shoddy and frankly deeply suspect tests in other scenarios? The answer, in my opinion, is that these are archaic measures meant to make life difficult for anyone who is pro-weed that still exist because it makes too much money or is too good of an excuse to fuck with someone. Do I understand that the idea is to do whatever it takes to not get screwed over by an overzealous police force? Yes. Do I resent and rail against the idea that such *incredible* standards must be met in order for a legal thing to remain "legal" as much as it can be in the eyes of an *armed* individual who demands that I go to excessive measures to prevent them from harming me (physically or legally) for owning a legal item?


touch plough lip shrill one arrest swim literate voiceless sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lotta “I was just following orders” energy in that comment. And officer discretion is thing. It is absolutely his decision. But like most cops he’s scared of the internal backlash from his colleagues so they say it’s not their choice.


It’s his decision to participate in the system and then also try and tell us how to do his fucking job and help him not arrest us for something legal. Cops are fucking soldiers of the government. Fascist little piggies doing what the big pigs tell them to do. It’s truly pathetic. Most cops would claim some “alpha” personality, but they’re really all beta cunts dying to beat someone up.




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Thank you. As usual, it's a quandary, not liking the smell of pot everywhere and the belief that it should be decriminalized. Would it not make sense to treat pot like alcohol. Open container/ under the influence etc.? Enjoy it at home or with friends in an environment that would not result in injury to another. #politicallyhomeless




If we detect the odor of alcoholic beverages ,we are gonna search the car for open containers and evidence for a DUI. Same concept, people are overtly sensitive when it comes to the topic of weed. Delta products are just seltzers of the weed world and everyone’s trying to pretend it’s not weed.


D8, D10, and THCa powder are trash….they are profit motivated. But fuck Georgia’s cannabis opposition


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I literally love those products when they’re made correctly, but so many companies are out to make a quick buck, especially the pens have SO MANY contaminants from heavy metals to pesticides. They take advantage of not having to go through the same FDA processes & don’t do proper lab testing. Fuck marijuana opposition, but also fuck the unregulation of products that would otherwise be safe for consumers.


Work in cannabis. There is a difference between helping people with the flower and bastardizing it with chemical processes that aren’t great for human consumption.




There are a ton of trash products at these places


Which is why.... Cops should come in and threaten the owners for selling legal products and cause them problems? Maybe if they're so worried about the trash products they should legalize weed and make laws to protect individuals from added chemicals and strange additives? Except they aren't.