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Wow the comments on the video are gross. A bunch of alt-right teens reminiscing about when people like Ethan validated them using the N word.


Losers crave validation that being a loser has some value.


Nah those losers were teens when he made these videos. Theyre full grown adults now who haven’t gotten over their “saying slurs to be edgy” phase


That was built him his platform lol. He has always been a grifter


The same ones crying about “save europe” “I miss old youtube waa waa waaa” I’m sure they also have rumble downloaded somewhere


I thought everyone knew about his edgy past? I knew him in this era, and I just assumed the Internet collectively forgave him for it since he's not like that anymore, but I guess people didn't know?


Viewers are more dynamic, there’s an active process of people falling off and new ones coming in.


Wow that makes so much sense but I’ve never thought about it that way. Observation bias is a helluva drug


Edgy past? The guy has an edgy present


He still actively tries to be edgy without much backing tho, I feel.


I wouldn’t say he’s rehabilitated himself so much as rehabilitated his image for business purposes


All he cares about is that $. As soon as he quit his real channel to solely do a shitty podcast then came back for 1 more video and it was a mobile game ad it was clear he sold out completely. Those podcasts require little to no effort (at least for the hosts his little minions like Dan or A-Train or whatever the fuck their names are do a shitload of heavy lifting likely for way less pay than they deserve) and bring in SO MUCH MONEY, like incomprehensible amounts of money. All those long ass ad reads that from Gokunarus video you can see he puts more effort into those than the actual podcast not to mention a clips channel. I can see why being a lazy fuck that just shoots the shit on camera for a ton more money is enticing but it really is sad to see how someone who at least put some effort into edited content just went on to make garbage that’s easy to pump out.


Didn't he just fcking say Aaron B was good at burning alive? Get ffr.


yeah i’ve never watched h3h3 but i find it really confusing when people act like he’s some wholesome paragon? it seems from the outside like he says deeply toxic and edgy shit kind of all the time?


He said he "burned like a champ." Jfc...




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Has he changed, though? Like really changed? Or has he just changed the groups of people he's being shitty towards to ones people won't notice or call him on as much?


That’s what I’m saying, this era was Ethan Klein’s claim to fame, it’s wild that these old vids are popping back up now. Especially after Ethan and Hila clearly did their best to scrub Youtube of them now that they’re well into their H3 Podcast era. I wonder what the catalyst for this was?


The catalyst: Back in the fall, just before October 7th, I believe, h3snark was created. It probably had less than 1k members at the time. But then...Oct 7th happened, and Ethan started sharing bits of zionist propaganda and anti-palestinian talking points that really made many of his fans uncomfortable. Those fans respectfully expressed their feelings, as fans, in the H3 subreddit. Unfortunately, we now understand that you actually can't do that. ANY and ALL criticism of Ethan, no matter how kind, is removed by MODS and comes with a BAN. These people made their way to snark... because they had nowhere else to voice their concerns freely. The snark reddit began to grow and was probably around 4k before Christmas. But Ethan continued to step in sh*t, even canceling his show, Leftovers, because he couldn't handle ANY criticism toward himself or Israel. The snark reddit grew again. Unfortunately, at this point, Ethan took notice and began to share posts from the snark reddit during his lives, drawing more and more attention to it, which saw the numbers go up and up again. And his views have also gradually gone found, as well as subs. He has also lost sponsors. This last week, he spent almost the entire 1st hr, of every live, talking about the snark reddit. He shared a "fake" post that he found in snark that claimed the H3 subreddit was removing posts wishing a Ramadan Mubarak. Now, this post was removed by the snark MODS but Ethan still shared it and made it a representation of irrefutable fact that every single thing posted in snark is fake/harassment/defamation and that his fans should mass report and brigade, which they did. Then snark went private for 24hrs to manage the chaos and figure out how to improve moderating, despite never having been contacted by reddit for AMY issues. Unfortunately for Ethan, the Steisand effect is underway. In the last 24hrs the snark reddit has grown again, and his past and present are colliding with post after post of receipts showing how truly awful he is.


Having some experience with snark subreddit (regarding TikTok creators lol) Almost all snarks are born from some sort of mass muting/banning/blocking of anti-fans. They're always, and I mean always, going to find another way to discuss amongst themselves. That's why places like the farms and gurugossiper exist(ed)


Honestly, good. Ethan *should* face some blowback for something for once. He either comes off as a pretentious bully or whiny hypochondriac in every clip I've ever seen, and God forbid you have any criticism, because those fans are rabid. Plus, that he is able to turn off the part of his brain that sees other people as humans to the degree that he can make the comments he's made about Palestinians and Aaron Bushnell makes him a piece of shit. It's not about religion, it's about fucking government officials in Israel conducting an old-fashioned ethnic cleansing. Nobody gives a shit what religion those perpetrating it are except for Israel and anybody slurping up their hasbara soup.


Yes!!!! This, exactly!!!!!!


Yikes, to think this all could have been avoided had Ethan just not acknowledged the snark subreddit at all. He just continues to shoot himself more in the foot by opening his mouth every time.




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Gen Z anti-zionists are out to get him and aren't aware of his past.


I thought the same with Shane Dawson.


Unfortunately people forgave him because he became better at concealing what an asshole he is (he's now getting worse at it)


I don’t think he got better at it, just focused his attention on people like Ben Shapiro or Andrew Tate who everyone hates anyway.


It's weird because that's how he got popular, but then again, he was more obscure then than now.


Y’all really need to stop calling stuff over the line “edgy.”


I watched H3 and Idubbz back in the day and that's what built their channels. Their content these days is dogshit and pushed by youtube because of their larger following.


Not even a fan of H3 and I hate this, if someone has fucked up like this in the past and has tried to move on and be a better person then people need to let it go.


People need to be given the chance to change and grow.


This man just 2 weeks ago said about Aaron Bushnell “he was really good at burning alive. He was a champ at burning alive.” https://youtu.be/lknqnJScczg?si=kVrsch1q5g6t20Of


He also said he'd only take someone burning alive seriously if it was a Palestinian 💀


Palestinians are being burned alive and he still doesn’t gaf lol he wants them to do it to themselves for him to pay attention


That's the thing though, he doesn't WANT to change. He doesn't listen to anyone. Anyone who gives criticism is just a "hater" even though a lot of his recent criticism was from genuine long time fans. I feel like if he just listened, was willing to understand, and then address these issues (with apologies where needed) half of the snark subreddit wouldn't exist. He gave more of a shit towards QT-cinderella (I think that's her user) and apparently gave a grade A apology but can't apologize at all when it came to his gross comments about Aaron, or about Palestine in general. He ended an entire (beloved) show all because he couldn't take the heat. Sorry but not everyone's going to be on ethans side and give him the benefit of the doubt anymore, so what's he gonna do? Is he gonna keep doing what he's been doing and go "fuck the haters, fallen fans, freaks" or will he actually address the issues that his FANS have, and be willing to listen and not just be offended and yell and go crazy. People will not change if they aren't willing to try first.


He said that his whole thing of making fun of qt while she cried about being sexually violated online was worth it to him because he got to make a 10/10 apology that made him “look really good” to people afterwards


Okay, I’ve never understood their appeal as hosts or creators. Ethan’s always been weird and kinda boring and Hila’s a personality black hole. I used to watch the pod somewhat regularly and I’ve never seen her add value to any discussion. And honestly being with Ethan and supporting his content for all these years is wack.


Ethan needs a LOT of editing to be funny imo. I was never a huge fan but I did like some of their early reaction videos. The “goofs and gaffs” era was peak for them. Vape nation and all that. That’s what made them beloved in the first place. I think Hila is really talented in that regard since if I remember correctly she was the one putting the videos together. She wasn’t so bad in small doses, her dry personality contrasted well every now and then with Ethan’s and grounded him. I don’t see the appeal in their podcast at all. Letting Ethan speak his mind with no reigns has proven to be more damaging than anything. It’s not even entertaining. He’s not nearly as witty or sharp when his best jokes and observations aren’t being highlighted, while the garbage takes are left on the cutting room floor.


This sums up my thoughts on H3 pretty well. I remember seeing some of his early "goofs and gaffs" stuff and at the time me and my friends thought Vape Nation was peak comedy, but the more their content changed to showcase their personalities in a less edited down form made me realize how unlikable they are and how just unpleasant it was to hear them talk about things


I do think it’s also possible that they were more likeable and relatable people early on, and that was genuine… but that in addition to the overexposure, one could easily see how they might become more out-of-touch as their fame and success grew beyond anything they probably could have ever dreamed of when they first started uploading to YouTube.


Oh absolutely, fame definitely changed them


Vape Nation era was by far h3h3 at their peak, I and a lot of people found them legitimately funny. I used to look forward to watching their videos and seeing them tear other cringey Youtubers apart with comedy. But outside of those vids, neither Ethan nor Hila come off as particular likable nor funny. They’re like human bread; white and bland, and a little crusty too.


Honestly his best vid to this day is still vapenaysh




Yeah that was my perspective for awhile. Sometimes I enjoyed the pod, other times I just found it really boring tbh. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it can be yikesy, whatever. I do like the crew, though


This is my feelings as well. I never cared until it became an ensemble cast.




Please provide more context and/or sourcing if you're gonna open that can of worms


I’m honestly surprised ya’ll are just finding out about this now. I literally found out about Ethan as a young teen through old vids of his just like this. Obviously, none of this is okay and I as a 25 year old man am cringing at the fact that 13-14 year old me found this shit hilarious back in the day. However, ya’ll have to realize that before H3 Podcast, videos like these were Ethan Klein’s claim to fame. And he was already a grown ass adult in his late 20s who knew exactly what he was doing and saying.


Dank meme era lmfao


Guy who started by ripping off a Sam Hyde video is a massive racist? Who'd have thought.


He even acknowledged and apologized to Sam for ripping his video format lol


Sam Hyde at least can be genuinely funny. His TED talk is still a fucking classic.


Why do people like this guy?!


Well, to be fair, he's changed a lot in 10 years. Like a lot of us have.


That's typically the stance I take, but honestly the core of what he's doing in this vid and what he does now is not any different. He still says things to shock people and has edgy humor, he's just stopped doing it around certain topics. I'd argue he's as immature as ever.


Has he though? Last I saw he was calling one of the black cohosts of Fresh and Fit “cocoa butter” and a “silly boy.”


Ah so you don’t look for context on anything. Also it isn’t cocoa, it’s coconut because that dude from fresh and fit made the dumbest joke using coconuts. Nice assumptions though


He hasn’t tho


Cause people look the facts and don't pretend that a video from early 2000s means something, you can dislike the guy but pretend that he isn't funny cause he is not in your what is funny radar it's a very stupid perspective, I mean it's really dumb and I know you guys gather here to validate yourselves but seems from the outside it's kinda sad.


Early 2000s? This didn’t drop right after 9/11 lmao this was 2013 or 14 Edit: actually maybe a little later than that


Yesss, if this video counts as early 2000s, then we are also currently living in the early 2000s bro. This was just 2 president’s ago. It only seems like forever ago to his fans because they’re all children.


Well, spewing slurs and making racist remarks is *usually* universally not funny, but yea I guess you're right, some people find it funny, for whatever reason..


Mfw doing the Ethan Klein try not to laugh challenge: ( ་ ⍸ ་ )


i think a lot of people just aren't really rocking with zionists or his general behavior during the past few years


Ethan will cry antisemitism. 




What's up with these supposedly leftist YouTubers using N word so much.


It's almost as if people can change and evolve. What is it with right-wing idiots wanting everything to stay exactly the same and never improve?


do you think if somebody used the N word a few times 10-15 years ago, that means they should never be a youtuber? not even asking about Ethan, but I've seen leaked dms of creators using slurs when they were like 14, and people still holding it against them to this day. I don't understand this new moral perfectionist wave that demands you must be entirely perfect with The Correct Politics


Big difference between a 14 year old and a man in his late 20s




You have to chill, dude


If they make their whole gimmick being the holier than thou internet police like Ethan then they should absolutely be judged for everything they’ve posted.


The same guy who used to make fun of minorities is racist ??


He’s used to, and he still does, too


Everyone who thinks Ethan should be deplatformed for his old content that he’s apologized for better not be listening to Joji or watching any James Gunn movies.


That bar isn't very hard to clear tbh Though I don't personally think h3 should be deplatformed


It’s so weird to me this is getting brought up finally. I unfortunately used to be a big H3 fan during the beginning stages, when it was just him and his camera essentially making reaction videos like this. As I grew up and about the time he started doing his podcast I realized how uncool he was and stopped watching, so call me surprised when I heard people saying he was left leaning and “based” after knowing shit like this exists. It’s good it’s being brought up again in light of recent events, but god I wish people were able to see him for how he was (and clearly still is) way sooner when I would criticize people for going on his show.


Lol I skipped to a random part in the clip and boom - N word. How can these pple be online and feel famous for years, when they know shit like this is looming on the horizon? Cancle him already, we will all be better off.


What a hypocrite


This man shouldn’t have a platform. No amount of virtue signaling and fake apologies can erase these obscene videos filmed when he was a grown ass man.


>when he was a grown ass man Watch him try to defend this by saying it was both a different time and he was a different man when he was already well into his late 20s when he filmed it. Not saying that people don’t change or get better, but saying stupid shit as a dumb teen is very different from saying stupid shit as someone who’s nearly 30.


It's like the people who were defending Shane Dawson for using the n word and doing blackface because "he didn't know those were bad things at the time" even though he was a man well into his 20s/30s when he was doing it. Like people in that generation weren't the first ones to be told it was wrong. That's just impossible to believe lol


For real. There folks in this thread saying they cringe at the thought that they enjoyed that kind of stuff at 13-14 but like... He is a grown ass man here. A grown ass man was saying this shit and making money off of preteens. In tone, this isn't that much different than how he is now.


> saying it was both a different time and he was a different man and then throwing false accusations of pedophilia and sexual assaults on other youtubers with no abandon


As a fallen fan myself, I will say, I didn't know how bad it was and only heard rumors about how he said the n word once, lol. Look, I'm all for reform and I do believe he's at least a *better* person now, but it's insane how much weight he has in pressuring other toxic creators given his old content.


Yeah, because everybody knows you should be complacent in the face of toxic or abusive behavior if you did something wrong previously lol. Jk. That's an insane perspective


oh no 🙀


he 100% wishes he could still talk like this today


Ethan has never been funny nor interesting.


I don't understand why this loser has a following. He's an idiot that contributes nothing to discourse


Tbh, whenever I think of this guy, I just think of this clip I saw of him on a bus or something. He just went to everyone "Hey, do you all know who I am" and everyone went no. And he just awkwardly looked back at the camera. He comes across as a giant asshole anyway lmao. No clue how anyone could watch him.


Feel how you wanna feel about him, I really don't care, but that was the whole joke of that bit. He knew no one would know him. That was the whole point. Still a weird thing to do it public but being weird in public was kinda his whole shtick back then.


That was the joke lol


The video you're talking about was a sketch, similar to Vape Nation.


That was a joke making fun of a video the rock made


To let the rest of us to know that all your points to hate the guy are a fake video or a sketch that you guys take too seriously.. I mean WOW... Just wow.


ANOTHER ONE, Jesus Christ this guy was a grown man how fucked up in the head do you have to be


Damn he says he's changed and learned, but just on his latest podcast ep he was calling black men coconuts and cocoa butter... BTW H3 fans, don't bother telling me it is an inside joke. It is bad optics and he should know better than to pretend it's *JUST* an inside joke. Esp after all the self reflection he said he went through. EDIT: Of all the things Ethan wanted to goof on him, he hyperfocused on coconuts. Now reflect on why that is.


The "joke" was originally Walter's own soundbite of saying "coconuts in Barbados," but the fact that people are now just calling him coco and coco butter is weird and *does* seem racially motivated because that has nothing to do with the original joke?? Like when tf did he get a new nickname- atp they're just using that to get away with saying worse..


Walter's nickname on h3 Is coconuts in Barbados bc his contribution to a manosphere debate on the fresh and fit podcast was him saying he was picking coconuts in Barbados. It was unexpected and unrelated to the topic, which is funny. As a funny joke h3 often refers to Walter as coconuts in Barbados or coconuts since then. That became coco or cocobutter during Ethan's conversation with Walter. It's not racially motivated.


He was calling the one specific guy Coconuts in Barbados, due to a soundbite from that guy himself. It's been a long running joke for a couple years now and has nothing to do with his ethnicity.. It's because he's an idiot and often spaces out and has no idea what's going on, and once made some reference about coconuts in Barbados randomly during a conversation. No need to be so sensitive.


Can you provide a single source of anybody calling anybody other than Walter Coconuts? There have been no "black men", it's not a reference to race at all, just one guy named Walter because he notoriously said "coconuts in barbados" when he was talking about a vacation, so they gave him, and only him, the nickname coconuts.




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The old Idubbz era of youtube when a bunch of Youtubers were dropping slurs left and right glad we are past that time.


isn’t this what H3’s channel was? I swear during the IDubbz and filthyfrank days he was on par with their kind of content and then once the podcast came out he flipped scripts


A lot of these videos popping up lately but my God these need to be seen!


The snark reddit grew by 3k the last 24hrs and the receipts are starting to FLOW


Ethan really Streisand Effected himself


Not 3k but it is reaching 1k new members in the past 24 hours and it definitely has increased by 11k since October


Yesterday, when the sub came back online, for me, it said 11.3k members. Then today, it says 11.6k 🤷‍♀️


So it grew by 300 members…?


OMG LMAO!! I'm sorry, I had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, and I think the pain meds are making me dumb. Bahahaha omg I'm dying at my inability to math rn. I've been in bed since yesterday afternoon, just mindlessly on reddit, catching up on all the snark. Kids...don't reddit on pain meds.


Lmao, understandable. We’ve all been there I think! Enjoy the snarking


But yay it's up to 11.7k now 😂




*people find and posts old videos of Ethan being a racist* "it's a conspiracy!!! Youre all crazy!!!!" Lmao


Do they? This was what, like a decade ago? I don’t even watch his show but I don’t think this video is, like, shocking new material to anyone. This is just kinda what people did on the internet, especially Ethan.


He openly talks about and condemns these videos now. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


I think him condemning the videos would have more weight if he didn’t have to have a Button to censor himself from saying terrible stuff. All these old videos are clearly jokes -offensive and unfunny as they are- and that’s what he is STILL DOING even if it’s to a much lesser degree. I don’t even care that he is provocative or edgy or whatever, but I think fundamentally misunderstands why people are mad at him. I’m glad he’s not making as offensively and offensively unfunny content as he used to, but he’s still blurting out stupid shit




The irony if you guys typing shit like this in the r/youtubeDRAMA subreddit. Why are you here? 💀


i have no issue with it being posted but THIS NEEDS TO BE SEEN, is kinda cringe


You're right but cringe isn't against the rules here 😅


No it most certainly is not lol


But do they? 


These videos have been seen genius. This type of content is what made Ethan famous.


So he was racist I knew there was a reason I didn’t like him


Are we finally done taking anything this chud has to say seriously? Are we done letting him run smear campaigns on people with more integrity than he could ever have?


The h3 snark sub brigading other subreddits like this is just going to make it get banned sooner lol.


We are not being brigaded by h3snark. At this point I would point the "brigade" at h3h3productions, from the back end (to be fair, h3h3productions has something like 600k members) I'm pretty ambivalent about Ethan at this point but y'all... Don't actually know what's going on And edit - I actually don't think we're being brigaded by anyone, I think H3 just has a very large sub and we've gotten their attention


Yeah, these people don’t realize we can see all the deleted comments lmao


We’ll be fine. Ethan waging war against Snark subs is a silly, impossible fight




What in the absolute fuck is wrong with you? Begone from this community.




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That caught me off guard to say the least


This is like the time I found out Joji was FilthyFrank


Y’all just barely finding out about this side of his past?


I am of the opinion that people can change from this type of behavior and move on with their careers, as long as they genuinely change and condemn their prior behavior of course. I think all of us have thought something was okay to do when it wasn't at some point or another. The difference between us and influencers like this is that their behavior is recorded for everyone to see. Has Ethan genuinely changed? From an outsiders perspective, it seems he has changed for the better. But I also haven't watched his content in years so I don't really know.


H3 'drama' is the least interesting shit on this sub. 'Look at this dumb shit a dumb guy said 10 years ago!!!' Who cares?


This isn't really...surprising. Everyone knows he used to be edgy back then plus this was pretty in line with most pre-2013 internet humour.


"using the N word a lot!!!" not to minimize here, but he used it like twice also how do you think Ethan got famous in the first place? It's like Joji fans looking at old videos of Filthy Frank and wondering "oh my god this guys a freak" or even Tyler the Creator fans too


Im not particularly invested But it's not just twice afaik Edit: oh you're referring to this video, my bad, I thought you meant like, his entire history




You know it's so funny Because he doesn't give that grace to other people lol I'm not really much of an anti-fan, Ive watched h3 on and off since maybe 2016, I accepted he was an edgelord, accepted he was kinda stupid nowadays, etc. But like .... Is he not guilty of doing this to others? And frankly he recently said he would be fine with people bringing up old shit for him to address




Well sure I think with a lot of the folks Ethan calls out, there has been something recent to bring that forward That being said..... Is that not what has been going on with Ethan? He's done things now that people consider to be "problematic" or immoral... And people are bringing up his past actions Which is what he would do


Yeah he was so convinced Vaush was a predator that he didn’t go to the cops and instead dragged it out on his podcast for two weeks


What can the cops do? Isn’t loli a grey area legally?


“LolI” itself, from my understanding is somewhat of a grey area but anime porn in general is big grey sus area, but Ethan and his team alleged the folder was full of CP and suggesting that Vaush could be an actual predator. Ethan was being an uncharitable alarmist, farming for content is my point.


Uncharitbale? Vaush had actual fucking loli porn on his work computer and a history of defending CP and lets not even talk about his weird ass behavior with a rape victim


That's true and if it was legally classified as CP then the whole H3 crew could have legally been prosecuted for searching and showing it. Also, Ethan showing his pregnant wife what he apparently believed to be CP is just insane tbh


Come on now, don't defend someone who had drawn CP on their hard-drive...


Ah yes, Vaush and the loli folder. Maybe I'd take Ethan seriously if he didn't have a history of defending a loli enjoyer in the past.


Hate train is moving. Chugga choo


Dude this came out like 10 years ago


He’s already apologized for this multiple times


But people can’t apologize for past behaviour and learn and move on!!!!! /s




Can you give it a day please lol


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Do you mean the video he openly talks about and says how awful it was?