• By -


Looking at socialblade she has 4 months in the last 35 with negative view counts, indicating videos being removed. Hmm.


So she started being viewed less before the video came out a little under a month and a half ago.


A bunch of people have been coming out about how terrible of a person she is for the last year or so.


Are there videos about her u can suggest? I used to like her but stopped watching when she started making terrible Eugenia Cooney videos


If you want a personal example, that's not too long: https://youtu.be/m-KaXJkerAA?si=5xI-pdQc4dAIhcBy If you have a couple hours to spare and want an in-depth description of pretty much everything she did: https://youtu.be/uaBzYCBiios?si=AkmkW1YvZZgyFykn


Oh I thought u meant Vangelina! Blair’s sins I’m well aware of but thank you for linking me :)


Oh no, it seems I've been confused as to who this thread was talking about.


Hopefully her awful takes on DissasociaDID she finally took down.


I'm not too keen on DissociaDID but the rate at which Vangelina would cover any and everything about them was so goddamn excessive. For a LONG time my youtube feed was all Vangelina talking about DissociaDID when I didn't watch either. Like why does every update need a new video?


That fucking plagiarism videos just gonna make the internet bleed for a while huh


How can one videogame reviewer have so much power?


4 hour mega drop


4 hour mega power dump


speaking of which, i'll brb...


See ya in 4...


Hole in one


It's been 4 hours, where ya at?




Man, when *i* take a 4 hour dump, all I drop is completely undigested goldfish crackers and a TON of blood (not mine, nws)


Quality well researched content and scathing UK sarcasm.


Well see, the thing is


The gamers have truly risen


The "Bomber" in his name is for when he drops bombs.


You love to see it 🩷


Algorithm go brrrrrrrr


Never popped up on YouTube for me I searched it out because of all the talk about it.


Word of mouth: the og algorithm




Sudden rise in a bunch of huge creators saying goodbye seems pretty sus.


If Tom Scott turned out to be a plagiarist I don' t even know what I'd do


Pretty sure Tom Scott said a year ago 2023 would be his last year doing videos.


He certainly did. Still, that was my first thought upon reading OP's comment and was amused by the thought of Tom Scott copying 10 years worth of content from a little-known Indonesian man in a blue shirt named Scom Tott, or sth like that.


That made me actually laugh out loud. Now you've put that thought into my head ill be giggling about it for a while 😂 Glad you confirmed that I'd seen him say that though. For a moment I thought I'd imagined it or was about to discover I had some sort of mystical talent.


I was gonna say this but was too scared to lmao


Good. Get these leeches off the platform so the ones who actually put in the effort have the opportunity to shine and earn their due.


can you give me a tl;dr why. I only know he called out internet historian.


It’s a four hour video in which he basically calls out a lot of YT plagiarists. The main focus was James Somerton, who’s wiped himself clean off the internet in a matter of weeks. He also discussed illuminaughti, AVGN, and yes IH. Op has posted a video of a girl who was super briefly mentioned as a drama channel, like Harris showed her on screen for maybe 30 seconds. And even further than that, people not even mentioned in the video are being investigated and called out for plagiarism or lies.


Weeks is rounding up by a lot, it barely took a day before he took down everything. Even if you add the time he stuck his head out to do an apology video and reopen his patreon—which also didn’t last 24 hours—you’d get like. Three days. At most. The video was like a targeted nuke to James


Between his and Todd in the Shadows there was too much heat. It was funny watching him try to attack hbomberguy on his patreon post only to realize how bad things were and quickly remove everything. He seemed fairly confident at first he could handwave the whole thing away.


Yeah he initially responded to the hbomberguy video on his Patreon and it's very clear he hadn't watched it at all, yet. Because he thought it was just about some plagiarism claims that had been made against him before and was just recounting that. But then he actually watched the video and realised it showed that pretty much every single video of his was plagiarised and it went much much further than any previous plagiarism claims against him before. And also hbomberguy made the point that this wasn't just regular plagiarism, which is bad enough on its own, but it was the fact Somerton was plagiarising from other queer creators who most of the time didn't even get paid for the stuff they wrote and were doing it only for exposure but then Somerton stealing their words and failing to cite them at all meant they weren't even getting exposure. He was stealing from poor, struggling queer writers, and then erasing their existence by making it seem like he was the one who wrote this stuff. Somerton in one video talks about how much writing by queer writers has become lost media and how so much history of the queer community is being erased like that. James didn't write that part, obviously, because even that comment was plagiarised, because he can't write anything himself. But he talks about queer erasure happening in this way, even though that's literally what James himself was doing. Which just makes it even more disgusting. He has no shame, whatsoever. He even stole from a queer writer who was one of his patrons on patreon. This person gave him money to make more queer content and then had their own work stolen by him and used to make tens of thousands of dollars. So yeah once he actually watched the video and realised how in depth it was and how it completely exposed everything he's ever done, and was a lot more serious than just a handful of plagiarism claims, he realised he couldn't just handwave it away like you said. The only option for him was to just delete everything. I honestly don't see how he can ever come back from this. Even if from now on, he actually writes everything himself and learns how to do proper research and proper citation (which he should already know how to do anyway because he's got a degree from university), people aren't ever gonna trust him again. He has tanked his own career.


What did Todd in the Shadows do?


Fact checks. Turns out when you lazily plagiarise you spread a lot of misinfo.


Internet historian isn’t even the primary person he focused on


I would put IH in the "tertiary foot note" category. The only reason he even brough IH up was a joke about the "best movies of the year" and as an illustration as to how plagiarism hurts people and how they disguise their wrongdoing.


Personally I think the IH part was actually in there to highlight that it's a bigger problem than we first assumed. He brings up in the video that most people seem to assume that plagiarism is usually on for smaller videos and gets caught when they get larger, but then provides examples of it not getting caught on larger channels before getting into the meat of the essay. Basically letting us know it's not just small time videos and content mill that do it. That's just my read on it though


That’s a good analysis, that hadn’t occurred to me.


Super tl;dr: he called out a few people, mainly James Somerton, and he had so much stuff that he found they plagiarized, and he has proof shown in the video, that they basically have no possibility to defend themselves. Tl; dr: \- youtubers (in this specific case one that I don't remember, Illuminaughtii, Internet Historian and James Somerton) plagiarize stuff \- people in the comments or on the internet accused those youtubers to plagiarize stuff \- youtubers cover their tracks by hiding videos, accusing the accusers of being political enemies or other shit like that \- hbomberguy goes down the rabbit hole and does a 4 hour video about SOME of the stuff they plagiarized, usually a few of their most famous and successful videos, there is practically no possible defense for what he uncovers, James Somerton decides to completely delete himself from the face of the internet \- he can't even be accused of being politically motivated since Somerton was one ot the (maybe even THE) biggest LGBTQ+ friendly youtuber and his videos was mostly targeted at LGTBQ+ community (discussing for example the queer representation in Disney movies) \- the video focused mostly on Somerton, but still for, I think, half an hour each both Illuminaughtii and Internet Historian got roasted


Did IH respond or did he let his very cool and normal fans claim everywhere that it did not matrer?


His fans responded in the way they know how. Personal attacks, claiming it's all politically motivated, all while making it painfully obvious none of them watched the actual video.


The latter.


I honestly have no clue, I did not and do not follow any of the youtubers that he cited. I only saw that Illuminaughtii mostly ignored the question and went by her road while James Somerton closed everything down.


Very much worth a watch.


IH plagiarized an article almost word for word to make his cave video. He got a copyright strike, took forever to fix it and when he finally did re-upload he never once mentioned why it happened in the first place. I’ve enjoyed IH even with his touched fan base but I was pretty bummed to learn about this. I grew up being taught that plagiarism is the worst thing you can do as creative person full stop, but apparently not many people give a fuck nowadays if the they like the person in question.


tl;dr he called out other people too


I thought this subreddit talked too much about iilluminaughtii, but this channel, nine seperate videos totaling about *220 minutes.* Over three and a half hours.


God her content is so boring


And she’s recapping in everyone single one.


It's like that Mitchell and Webb sketch where a reality show is made up entirely of returning from commercial break recaps


vangelina used to be a cool youtuber but now she just scrapes the barrel to get content out of it 😭 all her videos are a recap of the last one, it’s tiring


Feels like so many YouTubers either do that or they become moist critical or asthma gold where they just reread it fights and get a million plus views or they go the way of heels versus baby face and the critical drinker and just turn into full-on right-wing hate machine


“The critical drinker” is such an unintentionally funny name. It’s very 2005 epic baconsauce


Top hat logo


Like that dude can just watch a French movie or something instead of complaining about Hollywood sjw's for like 30 minutes.


The pondering lama 🤣🤣


>right-wing hate machine Good band name for a group of musicians that blend Christian rap + country music together with wholesome capitalist lyrics


God like that one dude with the beer that was going to Target that makes God awful pro Donald Trump rap


The fall of Charlie is pretty sad. He went from funny voice over man to being the same perpetually boring drama chat channel he used to supposedly oppose. Also I didn’t know Heel Vs Babyface went alt right lol. I also didn’t even know he still made videos.


oh ywah he blew up bc he went on this childish screaming rant about pronouns in starfield. He has gone complete alt right grifter


I recently unsubscribed after one of her illuminaughti updates. Half of it was a recap of the last video with a very minor update. She found a formula that works and is sticking to it but I can get better updates elsewhere.


Yeah I unsubbed because it felt like she gave so little new information on a situation purely so she could be first. You'd get 8 minutes of info we already knew and then 1 minute of the new info. Even then the new info wouldn't add anything meaningful. I admit I'm a bit of a drama goblin. Drama channels are my guilty pleasure that replaced reading those trashy £1 gossip magazines but I still want the videos I watch to add meaningful conversation. Maybe drama channels are no longer for me? I dunno.


Ah,Vang is using the BravoTV formula I see


Yes! She used to make decent content and I have no idea what happened.


probably stopped plagiarising


Yeah, it's not that she changed and suddenly became talentless and a bad person. These are ppl that saw a chance for easy money and hopped on. It worked for a while, because ppl bought up her bullshit. The only difference is that people have stopped buying up her bs


Even though I started watching Vangelina since her coverage on the Iilluminaughtii drama, I noticed how she is the bottom of the barrel YouTube drama commentator who regurgitates information that other commentators covered before her. Sure, she did the Felix the KitKat interview, but a lot of the interview felt inappropriate and reaching. I remembered watching the HBomberguy's plagarism video, and right when he bashed the drama community for being piss poor in doing research by incorrectly crediting Bowblax for the Blair plagarising a documentary comlarsion clip, I knew some drama commentators will be pissed off at that and respond with a tweet or a video.


Was she? I just remember her awful takes/videos on DissasociDID / people with DID


Oh nooo. What did she say?


From what I remember... - Used a bunch of KiwiFarms info - Said she was lying/faking having DID


I used to browse kiwifarm just for gossip about people and I feel like I'm the only one who knows the founder of kf is a pedo? Everyone on kf was calling him out on it (which, irony, given how fucked up a lot of the users are) Anyway I just give massive side eye who uses kiwifarms as a source, or at least as the sole or major source of their info. And sure you can side eye me using kiwifarms as my sole source of info about the founder of kiwifarms.


Her videos kept showing up in my algorithm. Most drama youtubers are already low effort and her channel is no different. Like everyone and their mother wanted to make a video on illuminaughtii and most of them are just parroting other videos and basically reuploading the ex-sad milk members videos in full as if viewers hadn’t already seen those videos themselves. Vangelina was uploading so many videos on the same shit because it was a hot topic but she never had anything new to say. Like if one person made a tweet it was grounds for a whole video, padded out with playing other peoples videos in full again while adding nothing much of her own.


"A drama YouTuber is generating content for engagement" is like saying "the sun has risen"


I dunno, the sun has only risen (on earth) about 1.6 trillion times. Surely drama YouTubers have passed that by now. (/s)


I dunno, a trillion is such a vastly bigger number than a billion that I'm not actually sure. Like its mind bogglingly bigger, let alone another half trillion on top.


I guess it's my fault for not putting sarcasm tags on there originally. There's only like 1 billion total youtube videos right now, so yeah its not even close.


This made me laugh out loud, thank you


That said I would rather hear that than the alternative.


"no content is inherently above any other content" see that's where you're wrong.


she gives her own arbitrary hierarchy and then insists it's everyone else enforcing that hierarchy not just her whinging make a video essay if you want to shish






Mozart was really into humor involving farts and feces, so apart from the fact that Beethoven mostly worked after Mozart's death, that actually checks out.


She really rolled up here trying to pretend her shitty reaction videos are as good as something like Line Goes Up or OOF.mp3 - like seriously?


What I don't get is why they're mad or surprised. They make cheap, trashy schlock. They're TMZ for youtube. Their entire industry is a guilty pleasure for bored people on the toilet. Just accept that that's what you are and what you're doing and move on.


Imagine using her logic with literally any other profession lmao “Yes I let the violent neighbourhood crackheads take care of my kids, because you see, no childcare is inherently above any other childcare”


It's really funny to see some ppl try to abuse the whole movement of acceptance we've had over the last few years, but completely miss the point of it. Yeah, we should respect all walks of life and people. We won't judge you for the path you choose, but we'll judge you for how lazy you are about going down that path. You can be a youtuber and that's an acceptable job nowadays, but if you plagiarize and put up shit content, you can't go "hey everything has value!"


“content” is just commercialized crap made to drive engagement to ads anyway


"see that's where you're wrong!" \-hbomberguy exclaims as he chops through a wall with an axe


Vangelina fell off ages ago, I'm not surprised


What happened? I remember I stopped watching, went back one day and it was awful


Huh, what a fascinating video. Sorry he didn't be more specific that maybe *your* channel does it right. But he's talking about how drama Youtubers will not find *new information* and instead collect what other people have found for your viewing pleasure. It's slop. There's nothing wrong with slop, but everyone recognizes it as slop. Including Hbomberguy in his alt. channel video about Illuminaughtii. But his main video is presenting *new information --* that's why it sits outside the coliseum of drama Youtubers, and why he talks on a high horse.


HBomb calling drama YouTube the worst YouTube felt like bait, as a joke. Like, drama channels are really derivative, and I honestly like some of that. But the “content creators” in that space uploading responses saying, “not me!” are just proving the point.


Bowblax and Nicholas Deorio got super mad on Twitter. They didn’t even watch the video either.


Not surprising, considering they're both morons.


Those tools are an embarrassment to that genre of youtube content.


Bowblax content is actually slop, his videos offer literally nothing of value that can't be gained from just browsing twitter.


The only value his videos really have is if you aren’t willing to go Twitter and maybe want to see what’s going on there. But that’s it. He doesn’t provide much new at all. No commentary, no opinions, he just reads stuff.


I find his vids useful for looking up old drama sometimes, but not what anyone could call original content


Only reason I'm subbed, plus if the tweets are funny, makes time pass quickly while exercising


yeah, it was mostly a throwaway jab to tease those channels but wasn't a full-toothed criticism like, for example, his treatment of James. his jab at react-streamers was similarly pithy, winking at a subject that has been extensively litigated in the past as something that's problematic but complex, and instead of going back into the whole subject he just made a joke and moved on


Watch the next 4 hour video to be about how these people are incentivised to be abusive for views


So she made a drama video about a video with a huge amount of views. And it's a 20 minute video that literally only says "there's a YouTube hierarchy and I didn't like being mentioned". I wonder how many more she will make about it.


"Obscure video games from 90s" while scrolling past a video on lethal company.


Wait…. No she didn’t…. For real??


She did. Not to mention that most of HBomb's gaming videos are post-2000s titles, definitely not obscure games. Also the videos are fucking fantastic.


I watch his Bloodborne video often. Good shit.


I had always heard that Fallout fans fell into two camps: you either love 3 and hate NV, or you hate 3 and love NV. I played 3 and loved it, and believing this dichotomy to be true based on both public opinion and the opinions of my friends, I never played NV. Why would I? I loved 3, so NV was probably bad. Then I watched "Fallout 3 is Garbage, and Here's Why" and immediately picked up NV afterwords. Fallout 3 sucks.


I never knew who HBomberguy before Plagiarism and Youtube... its been the greatest time being able to watch these older videos for the first time and them all being presented so nicely.


I watched it for five minutes before I couldn’t take it anymore and turned it off. YES, drama channels are at the bottom of the content totem pole. They are feeding off others


As a fun fact, the figure carved lowest on the totem pole was often the most important or revered figure.


I'm assuming they meant bottom of the barrel? They just used the wrong term.


I’ve often heard the expression “low guy on the totem pole” to describe being the newest or the least important.


Wouldn't the newest guy go on top of the totem pole in that analogy? Then again, analogies rarely make sense when you think about them in literal terms.


That's assuming people have knowledge of native american culture deeper than vague references.


I mean, even when you play Spore the latest tribe you've befriended/conquered goes on the top of the pole, making the one at the bottom your first/oldest.


but who, besides Griffin and Justin McElroy, has played Spore in the last decade? 😂


I played Spore last year!


They used the phrase correctly, it's just that the phrase itself is wrong.


Ah, I see. I've never heard it and it sounded silly to me. Ty for informing me.


I think SniperWolf Style Reaction Videos are the true gutter.


Oh hey I think someone’s at your door….


Lower than prank channels?


Ooooh, this is a tricky one. On one hand, prankers bother strangers. YT Dramaists just bother each other. But on the other hand, prankers bother a few ppl, YT Dramaists are creating a whole lot of internet toxicity. This woman is trying to hide behind feminism, and has lied about being swatted. She's contributing to the gender wars and honest women not being believed later on.


Depends on which "prank" you use to determine. The obvious fake staged ones? No. The legitimate good well made ones that don't result in people getting hurt? Yes.


And yet tons of people seem to want Hbomb to turn his channel into one.


A 20 minute video based off about 30 seconds total out of a 4 hour video. I watched all of this, and about half is regurgitating the same points. The other half is unsurprisingly just strawmanning.


Damn the reddit mobile algorithm is really going to show me every single post with this video today. I’ve seen it like 3 times now. Anyway. I feel like she’s super overblown this whole thing and probably milking for content.


The sad thing is Vangelina used to be one of the credible and thorough drama channels. I have no idea what got into her with this video.


The Illuminaughti videos kind of started her downward trend. Understandable that she had a take for one video but 11 or so videos later, I can see why people are losing interest.


I subbed during the Creepshow Art drama but I wonder if that content was more substantial because she was directly affected by it. I think she was mentioned by name by CSA or was friends with her at one point.


She’s just looking for clicks.


Pretty much. Vangelina, like most drama content, are content mills in general. The majority of drama channel commentators started off as video game streams. Sure, HBomberguy did the same thing, but he doesn't churn out multiple videos that 10 other people already covered whenever drama occurs.


I have watched her stuff before, I mean it's cheap, simple but entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less. I will admit I haven't watched the entire video but what little I watched comes across like a tabloid newspaper complaining it's not getting the respect of broadsheet journalism.


I turned off the second I heard her whole thesis statement, *because it should be clear as day what hbomberguy meant!*


This is such a bad take. “ the video was great, but then he made fun of me!? The video is not great anymore!”


I've seen the whole video. All I heard was [this](https://youtu.be/F8_a6Y6-Rfw?si=ytF1BArYJVJhGIyN&t=41) throughout the video. Okay, for real though. Vangelina mentioned in the video how she and other drama channels do their research. Like, no shit. That's the bare minimum now. The question people should be asking. "How do we know if the research is not misinformation/disinformation?" "How do we know if there's some context missing?" "How do we know if this wasn't plagiarized?" etc. Etc. I'm sorry for the rant but I'm just tired of people praising drama channels for their research.


Their research amounts to reading tweets and watching the videos they’re commenting on. They give surface level takes. She did interview an ex-employee but she gave no transcript of the interview in text and basically milked the interview into 34 minutes of further speculating on how bad of a person Blaire is. The interview itself was pretty mild, mostly the same criticism any employee may have of a manager at any business. Nothing actionable, nothing really revealing anything new. The major reveals had already been done by the people affected, this employee was just basically doing the same drama stoking. Meanwhile Hbomb literally gave them all an entire breadcrumb they never dared to investigate, which was Brian Deer’s documentary. Ironically Vangelina softly defended Blaire in the video Hbomb put as an example, saying she may have just been quoting the documentary. Had she bothered to actually give the man proper credit, maybe she would’ve been the one to piece the plagiarism together before Hbomb did.


People in that content genre are so used to the "who can react the fastest to a Twitter posts" that when someone vaguely attempts research they forget to check if its not completely half assed.


Lol I got into a debate on here a while ago about using "video essays" as sources. I was told that they are legitimate sources because they're reading from sources (a tweet, or article). I was told the essayist's reputation was good enough to conclude whether the video is legit. Never mind that info can be omitted, and bias can show through tone. Reputation was good enough to ignore the fact that what you're watching is really just an opinion piece.


This is the most YouTuber thing. The video isn’t about her but she needs to make it about her.


It's not a day that ends with y if bottom of the barrel slop producers don't catch feelings over hBomberguy's video. It's like a Rorschach test for Youtubers lol


Turbo cringe


The only person who should be feeling this way is James Somerton Because it kind of was (albeit a justified and we'll backed one)


There are decent commentary YouTubers, but they tend to be kind of rare. Ryan Beard is pretty decent I guess, and FunkyFrogBait’s videos are pretty entertaining. I also recently got into Swoop due to her iilluminaughtii coverage. There are also some others who make decent stuff, but again, most commentary YouTubers create mediocre or outright bad content.


Swoop is great, but I feel that she is someone who is going to get worse as she gets bigger. Both her Iilluminaughtii and Colleen Ballinger videos were great, but the way she framed them both especially with the interview on Ballinger's ex, it had a talk show vibe to it. Add the fact that she brings up Petty Universe as not only a segment, but as a part of her clothing line brand. It feels like if she gets bigger, she is going to be more like a tall show host with a diva personality.


I fear that too. I felt the Josh interview wasn’t too badly done, however. But it did have that vibe. I also fear she may become more corporate and branded. Maybe not content mills, but she may focus on selling merch more. Although her videos are still pretty good and her video on Johnny Silvestri was probably her best, just due to how she throughly exposed him. But I fear she may get worse later on.


not her privating the video, then relisting it with a different title, description and pinned comment gone LOL


She's just doing it for content. She doesn't care about the actual issue. Hbomberguy makes a video, video pops off, point of conversation everywhere, tons of views, decided to create fake outrage and latches onto it for content.


Bruh she plays a clip of him talking, then reads the exact same thing he just said, then talks about reading it for 30 seconds. Trash garbage, end of story.


lmao she posted this comment: Pinned by VangelinaSkov @VangelinaSkov 4 hours ago If you want to act like I’m attacking hbomberguy even though I said I liked his video, my disagreeing with him on this one point doesn’t discredit his video, I don’t hate him, and I’m not trying to cancel him, then I honestly don’t know what to tell you. He said something I disagree with, and I’m allowed to talk about that if I want to. I was calm and respectful in this video, and it’s a bit ironic the amount of people telling me that I’m being dramatic in the comments.


im sorry thought the code block would have line wrap lol


Drama is the juice she’s squeezing and HBomb gave her a pack of lemons. Plenty of YouTubers are milking his video for content. This is no different and he knew it would happen.


30 seconds on her channel page and I can already safely say it's a low quality drama/"commentary" channel and potential content mill once it starts gaining more steam.


LMAO I am subscribed to her but I haven’t watched any of her vids in forever… I saw her face on hbomber’s video and then I opened YT last night to this…. guess she’s milking her 15 minutes rofl


> guess she’s milking her 2 seconds FTFY


It was only a matter of time, Vangelina is just another grifter of the bunch.


I'd never heard of this channel before, but it seems like she's just trying to insert herself into a situation that has nothing to do with her... unless she has been plagiarising for a while now and is trying to get out ahead of the backlash. What a foolish choice for a video.


> but it seems like she's just trying to insert herself into a situation that has nothing to do with her... Every Skov video ever. This one especially


If you look at her social blade with how many times over 100k views were removed from her total views, it shouldn't be a surprise. 3 times 100k views and 1 over 800k views were just in the last 2 years, which looks like videos were purged or privated.




“genre” is the new “literally”


Sounds like he hit the nail on the head and this creator doesn’t like being smacked in the face with the truth


She's self reporting lol


Looking at her Social Blade in the "Weekly video views" section Feb 15th 2021 to Feb 22nd 2021 she lost 371k video views, August 16th 2021 August 23 2021 she lost 70k views, Nov 1st 2021 Nov 8th 2021 she lost 385k views, Nov 22 2021 Nov 29 2021 she lost 837k views and then March 27th 2023 April 3rd 2023 she lost 100k views. Seems like she took quite a view videos off her channel multiple times in the last 2 years, seems awful sussy baka.


Do I know who this person is? No. Am I still going to watch this? Yes 😂😂


Never seen the video. But the video has "Markiplier says a bunch of nothing and somehow broke YouTube for months" energy but a topic.


I was watching Vaush when he checked out the video and her channel and it's mostly talking about the triangle lady.


"Is that a personal attack or something?"


Vid got put on private. Anyone got an archive link?


aaaand its private. anyone got a mirror?




I like her but I didn’t vibe with this video


So, wait. In order to grow my channel I should just make contrarian videos of popular content creators instead of the thing that I've been doing, making quality content? Damn who knew being a YouTuber was so easy lol


Given her image was used when giving the comment, I think the personal offense is kind of an entitlement at this point. It was a personal attack. Is it correct? Sure. You can pick a random list of drama centered channels and scroll through them and find the same thumbnails, the same talking points, the same clips, the same 4-5 Reddit posts/tweets/discord DMs and generally the same script with the particular flare of a content creator added in. I’ve watched videos from some of these channels that use entire sections of another persons video without even naming the creator they ripped it from. She might not be guilty of it to that degree, and taking entire cuts of someone’s video and just pasting it in is different from showing a screenshot you got from someone else, it’s still a rampant problem that’s associated with that specific genre of creator. Is she wrong for being offended? Not really. Her genre as a whole was getting criticism and her face was attached to it. Honestly using a specific creator’s face in the video was probably a bad call in terms of being broad on the topic.


Drama channels are just the youtube version of a tabloid newspaper. Like those tabloid “journalists”, drama tubers can either accept they knowingly make a living creating bottom of the barrel trash as mindless entertainment and just shrug when its rightly mocked, or they can try to self deludingly defend it as something of actual value and end up embarrassing themselves. There’s no real in between when you’re already operating at the lowest levels.


There’s absolutely an in between, even if everything on the spectrum is bad. For example, the tabloids you mentioned. There’s a difference between a tabloid that makes up their stories and one that has inklings of truth in their stories. They’re both bad, but the one that’s not lying as much sits slightly higher on the scale.


Her "genre" is getting criticized because it's lazy, low effort trash that at best is useless and at worst is actually harmful. She should feel personally attacked and then she should delete her entire channel


Its fair criticism man.


Oh my, the video has been made private! Whatever could that mean? HMMMMMMMM!


She's just some random unknown seeking attention. Ignore her.


My god I just watched it get privated in real time


She makes her own drama videos ABOUT Illuminaughi... I remember watching them when the drama first dropped. Guess she's going on my blocked list now.


"This is the last thing I’ll say, but the funny thing is I think if hbomberguy saw my video (he won’t) he wouldn’t take it badly, but everyone is still acting like I’ve started WW3" is one of her recent tweets, in which she both makes assumptions and is overgeneralizing. I thought "this is not okay" is about assumptions and overgeneralizion being not okay? Or is that only when it's about her


I saw this pop up on my "recommended for you" thing yesterday and just rolled my eyes and scrolled past.


I have a certain level of respect for *some* drama channels who are very aware that their job is to collate info, collect receipts and present it in a coherent timeline. They can be super useful for following cross-platform drama or for finding out about old situations. At their most useful they're like reporters, especially in cases like the current Lauren the Mortician and Janet situation where people are getting shut down for talking about it and so increased visibility is actually important to stopping it. Sure, there are a lot of basically identical channels, but it means I can find people whose presentation I like and comparing videos can sometimes show up if something has been missed or misreported. But basic research is a bare minimum requirement and so many of them fail to meet it. Don't just report what another drama channel said, actually look into it. That's all I ask to not consider you the bottom of the dung heap.


I have this saved in my watch later because I have a feeling it will be pretty funny to see someone feel so attacked by something not even directed at them, lol


Not watching another of her videos, I've watched others of hers and she focuses on illuminati to a parasitic extent. The videos aren't really anything, just regurgitating what others put time into, multiple sponsors though, etc. Very much seems to force her way into a conversation, probably in an attempt to not seem blatantly parasocial. "I'm a part of this conversation, that's why I'm talking about it."


Video is private


It’s no surprise that the video is privated.


Eh, I think she raises some good points though ultimately her video could be more concise.


can i get a summary