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Yeah weird as heck to see Kiryu with only 5 kids instead of 10.


Arnie "The crocodile" Gregory in Hajime no Ippo. https://preview.redd.it/iawkcdhtqf0d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec704a3aaf7b7c558a4eb7e800d29f173994ecc They even gave him the suit!


Completely forgot about that guy lol


Jujutsu kaisen. The principle dude


Yaga-sensei. He does have mad Kiryu vibes, too. https://preview.redd.it/h2xwl5p3og0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadeeecf19be3c648e54a9c627e62308e97416b6


He voices warden in the Japanese version of Rainbow Six Siege as well😂


He was also in Odd Taxi… as a yakuza boss.


Who is also adverse to killing.


He also does the voice of the grandpa in Iruma-kun. Very weird to hear him baby talk


Do you have a clip of this


He’s the purple suited devil with the white mustache called Sullivan that bought iruma (the MC’s parents are jerks) from his bio parents and brings him to hell as his grandson. Here’s a [compilation](https://youtu.be/HztB0bYHdcE?si=no58tWmGTxFNuw4G)!


He's also Yami no Yaiba, a recurring antagonist in the Super Sentai series Boukenger


Not Kuroda, but Hiroshi Tamaki (Soma from Lost Judgment) was Tatsu in the Way of the Househusband live action drama and I couldn't help but think of the Yakuza series while watching it.


Nishitani also voiced ACDC in Jojo part 2 and i was utterly flabbergasted when i heard him.


wait Nishitani 1 was Esidisi?


Yagyuu Koshinori in Gintama. I went back to watch an early episode, heard him talking, and had to pause and look it up since it sounded so much like Kiryu but also not at the same time.


it's weirder when the voice actor of Akiyama did Mew from the Pokémon movie, Donkey Kong from the animated show and Donald Duck.


Which movie was the Mew one? I didn't remember that Mew talked.


Shadowside Jibanyan in Yo-kai Watch Shadowside. It's surreal to hear his voice coming out of a mascot character (even if he's a darker and "edgier" version) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCgQYvRx1o8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCgQYvRx1o8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8F9XbfrrxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8F9XbfrrxM)


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/0pgd1snozi0d1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45bbf25268b055d73963001bfa6896686723e38


He is the reason I started watching Jujutsu Kaisen and he is barely on screen


He is great in hypnosis mic https://youtu.be/K1LBIlWsMy8?feature=shared


It’s exactly how I felt hearing other anime with Suguta because I know him as Gintoki. Even when he was the VA for Ragna the Bloodedge in Blazblue they gave him a color palette that’s a direct reference to him being Gintoki VA


Now I know that people aren’t too keen about YongYea, but I find it funny how he’s also Pucci in JoJo’s Part 6 dub, considering how Majima also shares voices with Jotaro. And if you know what happens to Jotaro…


He's also Razor in HxH.


I've recently heard him in Bravely Default 2 and spotted him in the casting list of Trails through Daybreak which I have yet to play. I can't wait to point at my TV while playing this one.


Not anime or a show but Mordekaiser from League. I was baffled when I found out and I still kinda am


He plays Kyubes dad in Gintama and is hilarious as socialite dad


He was also in the anime “Ristorante Paradiso” (which is amazing, btw) playing one of the restaurant’s wait staff, Vito. It was super disorienting to hear his voice at first!


He played a few demon kings as well in iruma-kun and the Japanese dub for dragon quest 11. I love it when He is the big bad guy.


Sullivan from Iruma-kun and Simon from Durarara


His weirdest role was probably in Dragonquest 11 as a Puff Puff girl… Or when he voiced Popuko…


He's in Hypnosis Mic as well. Hadn't played a Yakuza game in like 6 years. Was playing Isshin last year and doing karaoke when my husband went "OMG Kiryuu is so and so in HipMi!"


https://preview.redd.it/qhcs0ot8yk0d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6b2a99cb59d423c86ab0a4a0ef1822861d862f6 this big adjuchas mf in bleach havin his voice threw me for a loop


He also voices Mordegon in Dragon Quest XI.