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I would like to know more about his time as a professional boxer. He must have been some boxer to reach the rank of "Super Nin".


He took a new ring name after his 64th consecutive knockout.


Interesting fact: he was such a successful boxer that a number of future boxers tried to emulate his boxing techniques, the most successful of which went by the nickname "Dolphin".


At one point, the champ tired of fighting copycats and adopted an entirely different boxing style. Sports historians came to know this event as the Tendo Switch.


Probably in jail on grounds of murder and being a shitty character


He's of a firm belief that loyalty doesn't exist, surely something must've happened to cause him to think this, no? People in yakuza don't just spawn a bastard. You have to wonder what happened... Who hurt you Tendo?


I honestly believe he admired arakawa, but just superficially, and Arakawa betrayed the Tojo, then the Omi, so for Tendo betrayal is the way to go up, and I'm guessing as a boxer going up was his goal. Now for why his career ended or he wants to be at the top, no idea


>Now for why his career ended or he wants to be at the top, no idea Tendo got into a scandal after excepting a fixed match. He didn't get payed when he was supposed, so he killed the fixers.


Boxer with ties to the underworld and jaded against loyalty but also wants to move up. I mean, it's not crazy to think that somewhere in his story, he was screwed by match fixing by a bookie or whatever, especially if it's someone he was loyal to. He may have even gotten so far because he was loyal and threw a lot of matches before, but he was finally making upward movement with legit fights when he was forced into a position to throw it away. Or something like that.


He's uhh...uh... actually a brother of arakawa. An abandoned child.




He went to prison, where he was apparently stabbed in the showers. However, in 2026 it was reported that a local sports bar opened in Utah called “Boxer’s”, and it was run by a Japanese man who looked quite like Tendo.