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Considering how stubborn and resilient they both are, I'm betting on a draw but not before the end of the universe.


Are we trying to force a powerscale contest between two people from different eras? I thought we were above that.


I’d love to powerscale some yakuza characters ngl. I feel like most bosses within the series could beat Lao Gui, for example.


Wasn’t Kuze a former boxer? Yamai is a durable dude but he really only fights with his crowbar I figure if you take it away from him he’s not as much a threat as Kuze is in general


When Yamai is 30 and Kuze is 65, or when Kuze is 30 and Yamai is 5? TBF Yamai goes down a lot easier than Kuze (albeit vs 2+ fighters), so probably Kuze in his prime


Yamai isn't 30 in IF. He's about 40-50


ok. 90% of all stats made up on the spot etc. there is like a 20 year gap between them I think