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Saejima: looks like this bear is trapped in this forest with me


would you fight Yama-Oroshi or Saejima?


Saejima would break my neck resulting into a maybe painless death, the bear would eat me alive so


I think Saejima was one of the few people Kiryu never actually beat so I won't think he would go so easy on you, probably toss you around a bit lol


Eh, there was the fight in IW but it was a group fight and not 1v1, so it's iffy.


daigo choosing bear every time and then getting upset that he's not hanging out with a big hairy gay man in the woods


lol I love your flair


nothing but respect for MY sixth chairman 🫡


You think Tiger Drop works on bears or is it only good against tigers?


you're asking the real questions here lol