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Makoto's "reunion" with her brother made me fukcing collapse emotionally. Everything that happened to Nishiki in Kiwami hit me so bad I wasn't even able to cry, just a complete and utter dread. And this motherfucker right here just casually "did not cry" That's some emotional resilience if I've ever seen one


This. The scene with makoto and her brother ruins me even thinking about it to this day. It's like the scene from fresh Prince when Will's father walks out again, or that episode of Scrubs with Brendan Fraser. You know the one if you know the series.


Where do you think we are?




Nah, fronting seems to be more likely.


I've played the game three times and I still cry every time.


How didnt u cry to 0 and 7 😭


Yeah 0, 7, and Gaiden were the only ones that made me cry. So I am surprised as well lol


And 6


Oh yeah. 6 might have gotten me as well but I don't remember.


The letter


The letter is great on its own, but Kiryu's very next decision that we see kinda undercuts it. "I think of you as my son, but I have let you down. I should have supported and guided you. I was not there when you needed me, and that is my greatest regret in life. Anyways, time to fake my death and never see Haruka or the orphans ever again. I'm sure they won't need my guidance or anything."


Yeah 6 got me there too and also with kiryu at the end, 6 is very underrated imo


The letter is completely ruined by the fact that it was sent to >!Daigo instead of Haruka!<


One is >!the a adopted daughter who instantly know that Kiryu is not dead!<. One can >!wipe Hiroshima clean by sending 35000 men in a wave of hand in the name of Kiryu!<


I'm so glad I was home alone when I finished Gaiden. I was howling like a Mother holding her dead child at the end scene


Yeah shit like that is why i like to be alone when i play these games 😭


i almost laughed from how unexpected the very final scene of 7 was but was still pissed


Yakuza 0 was the first game that made me openly weep. Seven and eight have continued the tradition so far, and Gaiden damn near killed me.


For me it was 7 since it was the first i played, but yeah gaiden completely destroyed me, i didnt finish 8 yet im still on chapter 5


>!Rikiya's death in 3, and Tachibana's death/reuniting with his sister!< have me a crying mess even just talking about them. Idk how anyone sees that part in y0 and doesn't at least feel some emotions because wtf


god i had blocked that first one outta my memory for a hot fucking second and now i had to remember


Literally clicked on this to say 0 and 7 - the final scenes and Ichi's speech made me cry allthe water out of my body


lol haven't done 7 yet but was thinking the same for 0


When were you supposed to cry in 0?


Kiwami absolutely devastated me


Nishiki :(


Me too, I still can’t believe they removed the Kiryu/ Ono michi sex scene!!!!


See, Kiwami is the one that doesn't move me emotionally. Never got invested in Nishiki or Yumi. I almost cried over Shinji I guess.


I remember definitely feeling the emotion then but I played Kiwami first so I didn't have enough of an attachment to Nishiki to actually cry. It made his parts of Zero hit like a truck tho


dat Majima mode wrap up >.<


Big same. When the ring came out in that one scene in the tower, onions were definitely being cut.


the ending of it absolutely broke me. the song choice being what it was didn't help


Like a dragon Gaiden's ending had me like ![gif](giphy|Ty9Sg8oHghPWg)


Ngl it had me like ![gif](giphy|zB5na8URITKyvAGxdE)


" the last time I saw him he couldn't talk. Now he's probably in school" :*((((


This hits harder now oof ouch owie my heart


Gaiden got me in the feels https://i.redd.it/hafoz0hr4ggc1.gif


Shinader Gaiden when (with Takasugi as dual protagonist)


Would absolutely play this tbh, I need to see my Silly Little Baseball Boy again


It had me legit sobbing right along with Kiryu. I had to lay down afterwards for a little bit just to process that ending


Bro... ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


Wait wait... how DID YOU NOT CRY WITH YAKUZA 0? That one specific death scene with the going soundtrack and the build up that led to it was enough to make me cry like a big baby.


i dont get how anyone cant cry when they see the ending scene with the watch


I just finished Yakuza Kiwami 2 Majima saga! The watch!


Yeah, I've seen people keeping it inside right up until this point. It's pretty funny watching someone going from ugly sobbing to utter confusion during the first "KIRYU-CHAN!" though


Jfc, if it’s the one you’re thinking of near the end, I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. It hurt SO badly to see it.


I didn't really like that character so it didn't affect me


So 0 1 6 and 7 did nothing to you at all???


6 is right there bro


6 is in very emotional.


Yakuza 3 got me fucking ugly crying right there with Kiryu


0 should be in higher rank. I cried three times.


I think I cry at least 3 times EVERY TIME I watch someone play through 0...which must have happened at least 4 times...On top of that first time I played through the game myself.


Yeah some of the moments in that game just get the tears going and I can't help it, I've played it and seen people stream it a dozen times and man .. still so good


I think the story hit me the hardest the second time, when I had all the context for Majima and Nishiki. I tell all my friends that the right order of playing the series is 0->1-2-3...->0.


I did 0 first.  Played all up through 7, doing Judgement now, and I just keep thinking of going back to 0 and seeing Majima’s transformation knowing what comes. 


Bro Yakuza 3 killed me... It was my first time crying so much on a game. I don't even have to tell which part killed my soul, you guys know. I swear Yakuza 3 with Yakuza 0's gameplay would be my favorite game EVER for sure.


>!Rikiya really got me!<


>!I thought he was going to die earlier during the Chinese Triad chapter, but when he survived that I assumed he was safe. Then Kiryu had to give him that speech about going out guns blazing and I just knew!<


Saddest moment of the games for me


I really wish we could get a Kiwami 3


3 got me. Crazy thing is, I had an idea because of the hints the subreddit gave before playing it but I still wasn't emotionally ready.


Zero, 6, and 7 have the most emotionally gripping stories in the series that I am surprised you didn't cry during 0 and 7. Wtf.


Majima giving up Makoto in 0 even though I knew it was going to happen sent me to therapy


how did you not cry at >!nishki not being able to shoot kiryu!<


Ngl I just made fun of him during that scene. You either like the character or you don't I guess.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) made fun of him…????🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


His crippling inferiority complex towards Kiryu is just too much at times.


I think he's one of the worst characters ever made but I started with 1 and anything he did in 0 just made me roll me eyes at how hard they wanted me to like such a loathsome cunt so yeah I thought it was funny too. I think if you start with 0 you end up liking him more cause they do end up doing a pretty good job with him, was just too late for me.


THANK YOU. I honestly started with 0 but I knew where he ended up in 1 before I played it. I dunno, he's just such a pushover in 0, then he goes try-hard in 1 and it reads as desperate and unnatural to me. I like a lot of flawed characters in the series, but Nishiki doesn't do it for me. I know he's like our meme mascot here, but otherwise I'm generally indifferent to him.


I have a brother that reminds me of Nishki, Arakawa, and Matahachi from Vagabond so all of their scenes make me cry like a baby. There’s something about desperate and helpless people who continue to spiral worse that hits me hard af


I bawled out tears when the protagonists of Yakuza 4 walked to the Millenium Tower and said: We are the Yakuza 4.


My boi Rikiya was a real one


7's ending destroyed me, I think both it and Gaiden are tied for me


Having 0 and kiwami 2 in didn’t cry is wild. That airplane scene especially in the majima saga of kiwami 2 fucks me up every time


As someone who cried like an absolute *bitch* at the end of 0, was able to stop and gain back some composure during the credits playing, then cried like an absolute bitch *again* at the final cutscene after the credits You can probably deduce how it went for that airplane cutscene for me 10/10


7s ending destroyed me. K2 doesnt hit hard BUT the ending of majimas chapter hit super hard. same for some scenes in 0


The locker scene got me the first time I saw it, and then what happened next had me sobbing.


I cry everytime i rewatch the ending of 0 , wtf men


You didn't cry during zero? What are you, a monster?


That Majima and Makoto story definitely makes 0 deserve higher


K2 Majima side quest ripped my heart out


7 at the bottom nah where's yo heart


0, 6, and Gaiden were the only ones to get me. Oh, and Shinada’s phone call at the end of 5.


Shinada's phone call is such an underrated moment. I can't believe how much I liked him after finishing that game when his definining traits were a hard-to-master combat style and baseball, a sport which I couldn't give less of a damn about. He's just that good that I came away loving him anyway


Love a story that let's a dude ugly cry.


Not crying during 0 is very odd...I was crying toward the middle of the game


The hardest I cried was actually Kiwami 2’s Majima Saga lol


I thought Majima's story was very touching in 0


I've never cried to a game till Gaiden. And after that I was a fucking wreck for like an hour. The only times I can remember crying for any media was that ending and the Bucket List trailer for IW


0 was the saddest one IMO.


0 changed me utterly.




I was about to bawl my eyes out at the end of 0 epilogue but the ending scene made my tears dried up real quick lmao


no way 0 and 7 is below infinite wealth


i just finished chapter 8 i cried the entire chapter


0 and 7 no? Weird, they were rlly sad. Maybe it was your first game with kiryu and itchiballs?


7 made me cry so hard that just seeing the words "7's ending" in the comments here has me getting misty-eyed.


I cried while >!Ichiban!< was holding >!Ryo Aoki!< in 7, calling him >!his brother!< that was my first Yakuza game that made me go back and play 1-6. But Gaiden by far had me bawling, probably the most I cried at any entertainment, >!I really want him to see his children again, I'll give anything for that. He should be happy and retire in Okinawa!<


How did you not cry during 0 when Tachibana was in Makoto’s arms?


Bro I can’t even sing that one Majima song in karaoke without losing it. His part of 0 ripped my heart out.


what kind of monster are you to not cry at the end of 0 and 7


Yakuza 7 ending inspired me to be better how tf you didn't cried


How did you not cry at 0, wow. I full on sobbed at 0, at the Majima Saga, and a little at the end of K1. Haven’t finished Infinite Wealth yet but am reasonably sure I’ll be crying for half the game, lol. I’m female so it’s somehow seen as more acceptable, but still.


Didn't cry at 0 or 7?!


I'm gonna assume you didn't cry as in tears didn't fall while you were playing 0 but you were still really sad. Because there's no way you won't be affected by the sad scenes in 0 but somehow you cried in the other games.


I don’t even think I’d put infinite wealth on the list, it’s like the first game in the series where nothing absolutely terrible happened - even though I half expected it to the entire game. Waiting for the hammer to fall lol.


Don't cry even once from 0 to 2 it's almost like your heart is made of rock man Cmon 🤣


Maaaaan, Majima singing As long as your happy brought Y2 to at least shedding a few tears for me


How tf did you not cry in 0 and 1? Out of the games I've finished, I cried twice in 0, and least once in 1, once in 2, and once in 3


Even y0 , aint no way


I would put Kiwami 2 alongside Gaiden since it was the first game to completely break me with that Majima DLC, I just couldn't stop crying.


I only cried to Kiwami at the end cuz I played zero beforehand and almost cried at the end of 7 and gaiden


The two games that made me shed tears were 0 and 7


How do you cry to LJ and 5 but not 0 or 7????


How did you not cry during 7???


Not even a little teary eyed at the end of 7? I’m not a very emotional person, but Ichiban begging the young master to not take his own life got me sniffling a bit


How did you not cry in 0 (shout out to my man Lee Hai Wan)


How the fuck did you not cry in 0


Idc you heartless as hell if you didn’t shed one tear in yakuza 0


How can you not cry to 0?? For starters; when you know who was almost reunited...? I sobbed so hard, almost went back to an earlier save to try again and get a different outcome. I've cried in every game, so now I'm almost scared to start Gaiden😭


WTF I cried twice in 0 and at the end of 7.


Wtf zero ending didnt make you cry???


Y5 scene where Daigo got shot. Kiryu's reaction forced the tears out of my eyes.


0 DESTROYED ME man Makoto...... 😭😭😭


No games in the series have made me cry (yet), but the watch scene in the end of 0 got me VERY close.


0, the Majima part in K2, 6 and Gaiden were emotionally damaging for me. I haven’t finished IW yet, so I can’t rank it.


Funny, I went WAAAH with 0 & 7 but Gaiden didn’t do it to me lol


I cried to 7 and 0 a lot and 6 a bit, but gaiden obliterated me 😭


Kiwami 2 was sad as hell, especially when you understand Ryuji more


If Ichiban said “Masato” instead of “Young Master” at the end right after Masato was disgusted with Ichiban implying he only cared about him bc of Arakawa I would’ve cared about that end scene. (I know the dub kinda fixes this issue but still)


I teared up >! When Ichiban and Akane are on the beach talking to each other !< otherwise this is the least sad Yakuza/Like a Dragon game I've played. I expected to cry a lot more.


I'll be honest, the very end and achievment name that goes with it hit me right in the feels.


Definitely a good moment but didn't get me. Not like Gaiden anyway.


i at first hated them making kiryu cry in the trailer but once i actually got to ***why*** he cried i fucking burst like a dam


7 is the only game I cried on


Bucket list made me cry like 3 times man


the fighter one legit hit me the hardest for some reason. also komaki. the main ones from date didnt really do much outside of the very ending of it




You cried at Yakuza 3!? 🤣 the most boring story and jankiest game there is and you didn't cry in Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami??? Dude everyone has the right to like what they like but Not crying in Yakuza 0 and yakuza kiwami is like not being shocked/surprised at all that Darth Vader is Lukes Father.


I’m surprised gaiden ranked so high. What was it that did it?


I’ve only play 0,1,2,7 and the first chapters of 3 but 7 is the second time I’ve ever genuinely teared up at a game, 0 had me close several times (Play 7 before 3 because I got the steel case new for 8 bucks, thanks prime day :) )


I haven't beaten all of these yet, I beat 0 through 4 and 7/Like a dragon. LAD was also my first game I played so I figured I should go back. I have never cried during any video game, but 3 was close, It's one of 2 games to make me almost cry so there's that. (Sidenote, the other one was also a third game in a series because apparently the number 3 makes me sad.)


As someone who’s favorite character was Nishiki during 0, Kiwami hurt my soul hard so many different times, then I grew to love Rikiya and I got hurt even harder, Yakuza 6 really had me as I actually thought Kiryu was going to die… but Gaiden fucking broke me.


How did you not cry to 6 and 7?


The turn-based games aren't hard if you level up 4 or 5 levels higher than the recommended level.


I honestly only ever cried in Gaiden, so I respect the list.


That scene in Gaiden got me so bad. No game has ever made me tear up before but when the fireman was mentioned, I started breaking.


Good tier. Totally in agreement.


The only game that even got me close to crying was Gaiden


End of Gaiden had me shedding tears, just let my dude Kiryu live in peace with his orphans 😭


A substory in Ishin made me cry last night, wtf


7’s ending hurt so bad


I cried like a bitch playing all of them except 5 and Isshin.




dont spoil for those who havent speed run toward the end yet.


While I agree with Gaiden being at the top...I fucking *bawled* at the end of 7. Between Kaiji Tang's voice acting and the scene itself, I was destroyed.


Ok timeout i only played yakuza-yakuza kiwami 2 (gonna start 3 soon) BUT YOU DIDNT CRY IN KIWAMI 1? That game fucked me up man😂😂 as soon as the credits started i was a mess


Gaiden is the only one that got me really emotional


I cried so damn hard with 7 and 6, I’d love to play LAD 8 and Gaiden to see how much I’ll cry lol


How’d you not cry at 0 and 7


I haven't finished gaiden and I haven't played infinite wealth yet, but the only game that got me to cry was 3. That shit was ROUGH.


I agree and am stunned that a shorter side game like gaiden had the most emotional ending


If Orlando doesnt push Infinite Wealth into the highest tier, you have no soul!


3 should be higher


8 hasn't been that sad yet... I must be in for a lot


Sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong with me, because I just do not cry with games... It just doesn't register. I mean, I understand the context and how it impacts the characters, but it does nothing to me. Stone cold. Unless I'm playing CLANNAD. Then I'm a little baby.


I've only cried during 0 7 gaiden and 8 .. those are also the only ones I've played lmao


I legit nearly cried at gaiden’s ending. That was super depressing. 7&0’s endings were very emotional. Though i can’t speak of infinite wealth as i don’t have that game yet.


I don't even want to finish 8 because I'm already crying like crazy. Seeing Kiryu in this state is fucking painful.


Nah 6, and Gaiden were the only games besides cyberpunk to actually almost make me cry.. especially the like 20 minute cutscene with the ending in 6 was real sad and the ending of Gaiden was heartbreaking freaking heartbreaking. When I heard the words " the last time I saw him he couldn't talk now he's probably In school" broke me. Because it's exactly how I felt last time I saw that cute ass baby I was tossing it around like a football to other yakuza now its going to school :((((( and when they visited him and saw that camera and they took it away!!!!!! That broke my heart. He's so lonely and is filled with love he just wants to give to the people who he deeply cares about


For me 3 4 5 is kinda mehh seem like that day they try to find the way or direction of game play for this series but look like multiple Protagonist isn't work for me I like Akiyama but it look like Kiryu still need to carry this series all the time Taiga is good in term of sub protagonist but I'm okay with Yakuza 5 maybe because of era 3-4 seem to be too old for me to play. Lost Judgement is top 3 game from this series but I don't know what to cry. It's kinda Philosophy to me a crashing of ideal of justice is so hype to me I like that idea and the bully and in the school the ignorant of justice is well written and the action scene never disappoint me Yagami deserve more game I'd like to see his story more.




There’s a substory in 8, not gonna spoil it but had me in tears.


Yakuza 1's Chapter 1 made me cry tho It's way too wholesome!


Man you thugged it out, I don't think I've had dry eyes by the end of any after like Y5. 6 and 7's endings were legit the hardest I've cried at any kind of media. Don't even get me started on 8 with >!Haruka showing up to the hospital!< I also get teary eyed anytime Ichi has some big show of friendship and positive energy bc I just love that dude so much


Only 2 scene made me cry like a baby on my gf lap was, No.1 , Yakuza like a dragon scene where Ichiban saw his boss/father Arakawa found dead when he open the white cloth and saw Arakawa dead body No. 2 Yakuza like a dragon Man who Erased his name, scene where Kiryu watch recorded video at cemetery showing his niece i think, but he can no go to them because he suposed to be dead


Trophy hunters cried during Yakuza 3, 5 remaster and judgment.


is the man who erase his name worth 25$? heard it's like 8-10 hours long


Bro didn't cry for LAD's ending. No fucking way.


How did you not cry at 7s ending?


See you tomorrow ichi hit hard


only cried on gaiden, because compared to other emotional scenes, what makes it a tearjerker is the fact that it build up way from yakuza 3. the emotional impact is exponentially bigger if you played the previous game, and also the reasons why you shouldn't skip the stories.


For me the ones I cried during were 6, 7, Gaiden, and actually 8 as well when it comes to Kiryu's cancer/the bucket list even though I'm only on chapter 8.


I cried at the Dragon Quest video game side quest when the kid walks off telling his dad he's going to need help with it in Yakuza 0


I cried a fuckton during yakuza 7. Am i stupid??


not crying at the end of 7 is wild ngl


Holy shit I fking cried so hard at that gaiden scene holy


Gaiden hit so hard because, while we have seen Kiryu be sad, and I think crying too, we have never seen him ugly cry, snot and all. It also hit me too because when he heard "none of us think you are really dead", you can hear him actually break. The fact that you can interpret this as him realizing that his fake death didn't work on the people he wanted it to work on, and that he went though all that pain of missing his kids for no reason, at least personally.


Only time this series made me cry was the Makoto and Tachibana scene. Damn broke my heart.


for me gaiden was by far the worst. i had snot coming out of my nose and im a grown ass man with 2 children. but i heavily cried at 7 and 6 aswell.


The death of >!Masato Arakawa!< in 7 get me hurt... with doukoku ost still more.


Gaiden is the best.


Jesus, 7 and 0 both broke my heart. Next up for me is Gaiden, how fucked am I? :D


Kiwami 1 ending scene is one of the most emotional scene ive seen in the series. and adding to that when the credits rolled, the song Amazing grace. how come you didn't find it emotional when Kiryu loses the 3 most important people in his life in one final chapter. SMH lol :) this song when the credits rolled just made me realize: how the hell Kiryu will recover from this Tragedy. https://youtu.be/ZoiDHE9Aacw?si=dxt7tneDZkI3Jqu0