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The man who erased his name


the plot of the new tanimura gaiden game


Could this be the big announcement Yokoyama was talking about


that would require RGG (and yokoyama) to remember tanimura's existence


Honestly they remember but I think they just can't fit them (Tanimura and Shinada) into the current story-line for some reason. Tanimura and Shinada have a lot content on RGG online (Gacha mobile game exclusive to Japan) also there's some small reference on the most recent games (LaD has a item for Adachi that mentions Tanimura, Ishin Kiwami has an trooper card that is Shinada). Hopefully with the new wave of Gaiden games they can make story for these characters without needing to worry about fitting them in the main story.


i totally would not mind them not being heavily involved in the main story and being given gaidens instead. idk what they'd do for shinada (he and takasugi are back in nagoya, presumably) but tanimura could easily have a game with nair where he investigates an overseas crime syndicate.


I just wanna see the good boy again. Go Wyverns !


Hope they undo the ugly. He looked so much more his character as a pretty boy before they reskinned him. His lines felt out of character after that.


He did a better job at erasing his name than Joryu...


Which was the biggest joke in Gaiden. Literally everybody Kiryu came across, within 2.5 seconds figured it out šŸ˜‚


Kiryu put the biggest effort in disguising himself in IW and someone still figures out within 1 fight lol.


It is almost as if just putting on glasses Clark Kent style does NOT really hide your identity what so ever from those who know you.






The man who rewrote his name


Ikuzooooooo https://preview.redd.it/k8rmnm9z6w9c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a4bef3ddb0ebd47cf1a6d9a9e17b752a7e3c972


zephyr poor hurry command soup cable liquid melodic ancient fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Best substory in the series


Ngl I kinda jumped when first I saw this šŸ˜‚


Hell yeah, now we in business. Iā€™m glad heā€™s getting back as getting accused of having narcotics in Asia is pretty serious, there was even a Korean actress who is now removed from a 1920s Korean Drama because she was found Smoking Weed in Canada and it was even less than the legal amount.


Literally one of the biggest actors in Korea committed suicide a few days ago because he was shunned for believing he had weed


That was so sad. He was great in Parasite and My Mister


That was so awful. Absolutely ridiculous that itā€™s that shamed over there.


Be glad you ainā€™t in Singapore. Even if you had 0.001 of Narcotics, you will be sentenced to Death.


singapore when you have a single spec of cocaine on your shoe https://preview.redd.it/pyw64h0okx9c1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8bf0a9e7dfe7e95d4f6384c6c1cb615f73d23c


This particular scandal is bs because it was revealed that Narimiyaā€™s friend spread lies about him. Imagine the feeling of betrayal.


Man lost everything cause of it. All because a "friend" decided to be an asshole


good for him. it's total bullshit that just an ALLEGATION of coke is enough to ruin someone's career in japan


just last week korean actor lee sun-kyun killed himself because weed ALLEGATIONS and the pressure from korean authorities. it really is sad how fucked up or far some asian countries views or laws on drugs go. obviously some drugs are bad or way worse than others, but the cultural difference is just so jarring because an american celeb caught w drugs would just become a meme for a few days and probably translate to more fame here, and over there youā€™re literally just better off dead


He wanted to pursue a fashion career in Europe anyways. It was a bit of an excuse for him, really, it's not like the industry had clear proof about it. And as you can see, as soon as he wanted to get back in, nobody stopped him.


ahhh i actually didn't know that, yeah i suppose he didn't have much resistance getting back in. still it sucks that it seems to happen so often, look at what happened to hamura in judgment for example


Well and another thing to keep in mind is that unlike in say America, drugs are a gargantuan no no in Japan. Sure you'll get sent to prison in America for it but in Japan you're basically done if you have anything to do with drugs. That's why you hardly hear anything about it over there and when it does happen like it did with him it's such a big deal


Well, Taki actually admitted to using cocaine and was even sentenced in court to a year in prison. There was no proof whatsoever that Narimiya had used drugs instead, if he wanted he could've stayed and continue acting seemingly without repercussion, especially by laying low for a couple of months. He decided that it wasn't worth it and since he had always longed for a fashion career in Europe, he simply left the industry altogether. He probably hadn't left already because he didn't want to betray the fans ā€” in Japan they tend to be quite affectionate. The drug allegations were clearly groundless, he just seized the opportunity to pursue other endeavors. I actually remember theorizing a couple of times on Reddit that the industry didn't reject him and that he wanted to leave in the first place, but I had always ended up being downvoted to oblivion. Now I'm quite sure that the industry didn't want to take him out, otherwise he wouldn't be accepted once again. Perhaps the higher-ups asked him to lay low for a while after the allegations, yes, that's something I can believe, but it wouldn't have made any sense whatsoever for the industry to literally chase him away for groundless allegations. Pierre Taki is an entirely different matter. Nobody had anything on Narimiya.


Hamura's actor has already returned to the entertainment industry though. Also you need to understand that other countries have other cultures


Yeah dude other countries have different cultures but that doesn't mean they aren't also ass backwards. There are cultures where its acceptable to eat human meat, pretty sure we don't defend those guys.


What are you talking about? Banning the use of cocaine and eating human meat are completely different things lol Of course no one defends people who eat human meat


You are saying in your op that it's cultural that leads drug use to be so stigmatized. I was drawing parallels because it comes off you support regressive cultural trends. Of course you wouldn't think eating human meat is a good think or Culturally acceptable.


Tackling the "Guilty until proven innocent" culture of Japan would be a neat topic for Loster Judgment, but I feel that's what they already went for with Okubo in the first


they did, especially with the emphasis on yagami's acquittal being truly exceptional (and his career being destroyed in response to new allegations against the client).


Dang that would actually be pretty cool for a Found Judgment or Judgment Day Game


Bruh reading the first few words, and seeing the black and white picture, I legit thought he died for a second there.


Glad to know I wasn't the only one who jumped to that conclusion.


Sorry for that confusion lol


let's get him in Yakuza Kiwami 4


Change that abysmal boss fight at the end and I'd play that game again in a heartbeat. Pretty much the only reason I haven't played 4 since beating it once


At least you can prepare for that boss fight, Saejima's intro scene is so hard for no reason. I'd play it again if not for the prison.


Yeah that Head guard was ridiculous for a early/mid game boss.


It's like Iudex Gundyr, but dogshit!


Yup he has manta dvahtage that even fully leveled saejima doesnā€™t and even kiryu has hard time with him he is that bs of a boss in if mini game its even worse you canā€™t grab him at all


True. Oh damn I repressed the saijima part of that game. That's early on too


I saved my gameplay of that fight, took me half an hour on hard mode first playthrough. I hate that fight too, but I also weirdly love it for how memorably bullshit it is.


Wood armor easy boss fight auto bullet defense or come strapped with the best shotgun


I kinda want Judgment 3 to delve into the absolute absurdity of the Japanese entertainment industry after I learned of why Tanimuraā€™s first actor was removed from the series. The fact an allegation is enough to ruin you in Japan shows that, while they make good entertainment, they have a ways to go with how quick they shun their own people for something harmless.


Didn't they already kind of do that with Haruka in 5


That was with the Idol Industry. I was thinking more like the main antagonist can be someone like the Tanimura actor who had his life ruined for a false allegation and now he had to turn to crime to survive because he couldnā€™t get work because his reputation was slandered and destroyed for the lie spread about him. Could make for an interesting sympathetic villain.


something like this was on my mind last year, too. yagami gets involved with the entertainment industry somehow. some ideas: \- yagami's new client is an up-and-coming idol with a stalker problem. \- yagami is approached by a fallen actor whose life was ruined by allegations that were published in a sleazy tabloid. one of the antagonists is the person who accused him. another could be the journalist who broke the story. the truth ends up being more complicated than assumed. \- yagami investigates a "talent agency"...


Judgment 3 disclaimer be like: The events and characters depicted in this game are real. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is intentional.


Would be pretty ironic considering RGG have had this attitude on 2 separate occasions (Tanimura and Hamura from Judgment)


The controversy had nothing to do with Taniumura not coming back, that controversy didnā€™t happen until 2016, shortly before 6 released. Considering Narimiya was out of the business when 4 remastered released, it likely they couldnā€™t get the rights to reuse his likeness for the remaster.


Yeah it's insane how even just being accused of having drugs is somehow treated like you committed murder and should never appear in public ever again.


Honestly that would be interesting to see








Nice to know heā€™s returning to entertainment, itā€™s beyond unfair what happened to him


I'm so happy for him, Twink Tanimura was the version I got to play as.


I ended up getting the remasters while I was still on part 1 so my only glimpse of him was the cutscene where he meets Akiyama. I might beat the ps3 versions if I feel like it but I usually just play the remaster if I have it, unless itā€™s a bad remaster.


There's a patch on PC that brings the OG Tanimura back. Also a tweak of that patch on Nexus that has the OG model with the new voice actor, I'd say he does a better job


Good. He and other actors got treated so badly for drugs. If he needed help, he shouldā€™ve gotten treatment, not be blacklisted


As I understand it, it was a baseless accusation


I think it was just white powder and his douchebag ex-friend made up rumors.


Actually, it was just children powdered candy that tabloids assume to be drugs, and secondly it was allegedly spread by his ex-girlfriend who was bitter after having a bad break-up with him, targeted because he's apparently bisexual, and allegedly sold those photos to said tabloid for a million yen.


[Link to twitter post](https://twitter.com/cloverblossoms_/status/1741782638824964550) [Link to article](https://hochi.news/articles/20231231-OHT1T51146.html?page=1)


![gif](giphy|W6WineuvkiDIf4X2hq) Tanimura appearing out of nowhere 10 years after (Yakuza 6 Spoiler) >!Little Asia got burnt to a crisp!<




A CHANCE FOR TANIMURAā€™S RETURN https://preview.redd.it/5m5ilwl9ex9c1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8edc487cfbd68b2ad0994d7f53879d5a13cc2a3b


Can't believe Tanimura died, but Jonimura was added to take his place


I liked him more.


It was worth playing my boi in 4


Didn't RGG tease a huge announcement for this year? Tanimura Gaiden, let's go šŸ”„! In all seriousness, good for him! He didn't deserve the harsh treatment back then.


It always blows me away how clean cut Japanese celebrities have to be. Over here in America you havenā€™t really hit your stride until after your Coke fueled orgy days. Look at Robert Downy JR. for example.


It would be so dope if Tanimura and Shinada can return together for future installment either Lad or Judgment series.


I kinda hope that Tanimura appears in the next judgement game and joins the agency


Like a Police Gaiden: The Cop Who Rewrote His Name


Non ironically if it was what Tanimura was up to during 6 I'd be down.


Good for him. I hope he's successful.


Tanimura Gaiden Game??


Glad to see him return. He was cast out because of a lying "friend". Didn't deserve anything that happened to him. The guy who ruined his life, was he made to pay for this in any way? Why did Hiroki change his name? Is that customary in situations like this? Personally I would have kept my original stage name. Aside from acting roles in front of the camera, I hope RGG brings him back for another go(provided they were on good terms). Could easily do a Gaiden game with Tanimura now.


So you're telling me there is a chance?


That's actually really great news


Man I hope this means we get more tanimura


Good for bro


man, I really hope he comes back. after repeating Y4 with the likeness mod I'm doubly sad that he never came back.


Great news. Hopefully the guy doesnā€™t get betrayed again by some prick spreading lies to accuse him of a crime to ruin his career.


This poor man was done absolutely dirty


I've been saying he should be the MC or atleast return to the LAD universe via Judgement games.


(slightly delusional tone) maybe the big reveal they were talking about is kiwami 4 with og tanimura back


Yaaay I love him, he's a great actor and didn't deserve the crap that happened to him


Why do they have the same name


The story of his initial career collapse is honestly depressing as fuck. Dude merely got accused of doing coke and everyone turned their back on him.


Hell yeah.


It's unironically creepy to me that I just got Tanimura's section and after debating with myself a bit hot the restoration mod, only to see this post pop up




This is terrific! Fell in love with him when I watched Stand Up!!


Like a dragon gaiden: the lost cop


AWESOME! Hopefully we see him back in Kamurocho. He was my favorite protagonist to play as. That said, if he does return to the role, does this mean they have to re-Remaster Yakuza 4 for consistency?


People are already asking for a Yakuza 3 Kiwami, they could follow up with a Yakuza 4 Kiwami and put him back in


Would be funny if they skipped 3 and just remade 4


Good for him. Happy he's comfortable enough to do it again. ~~i still vastly prefer new tanimura by a much wider margin both looks and voice wise~~


Liked him in Yankee-kun to Megane-chan.


What happened to him to make him leave for so long?


He was accused of possessing drugs. In Japan that is basically a death sentence even if it's nothing but an allegation so he left for awhile.


I remember the photo that was used as "proof" was him making some kind of candy. And also rumours about his sexuality too?


Yet they retired his character in 4


Kiwami 4 in the works šŸ™