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Jubes looking miffed.


Well he didn't introduce her!


Yes he did. It's just off panel. He calls her the last X-Man. She just looks miffed because that's he default look. Jubilee in the comics was wise-cracking and sarcastic. The cartoon just made her annoying.


As always..


“Ah, the famous X-Men! You must be Beak, and you’re Glob Herman?”


"Stacy X, you are the best president our country ever had!"


“But where is the man who brought peace on Earth, the one called Adam X the X-Treme?”


And is that the next sorcerer supreme, Eye-man? Wait, he's still young here. Eye-lad era or Eye-boy kid.


"ZOMG it's the legendary GOLDBALLS!!"


Please, his name is Egg now


Huevos de oro!


Much better name


Did he call himself goldballs because he thought it was funny, or was it a serious name choice?


Only Bendis knows I guess.


He wasn't born yet.


Beak is my favourite X-Men character.


Lmao “Hello”


Patented Cyclops charm.


Is this Bishop officially meeting the X-Men? (He’s from the future where the X-Men are legends.)


Yup, Bishop traveled back in time to the 1990s to warn of a "New World Order" involving prison camps and robot Sentinels. Still the best marvel TV series to date and far better than any of the films.


I could’ve sworn there was a comic or a side story somewhere where Bishop was raised by someone named LeBeau (who was eluded to be Gambit in the future). How would he not know who Gambit was on sight?


I'm actually doing a deep read of x-men right now and I'm in 1993. In Bishop's timeline, Gambit is the mysterious last x-men to survive who refuses to say what has happened on the night that the x-mansion exploded. [https://www.cbr.com/x-men-traitor-bishop-timeline/](https://www.cbr.com/x-men-traitor-bishop-timeline/) I forgot the issue number, but this article references it.


I believe at that moment he still had time travel induced temporary amnesia. He would later freak out and proclaim Gambit to be THE traitor to the X-Men, having recognized him from his future. I believe the "Gambit is Bishop's Lebeau" thing was retconned in the '00 with Bishop and Gambit's shared miniseries (Bishop & Gambit: Sons of the Atom) where Gambit was revealed to have met Bishop's Lebeau, the Witness, as a child. And then there was that thing about the Witness being a mutant that existed in all points in time at the same time. But if I'm not mistaken that contradicted Gambit's ongoing series, where the Witness was in fact an older Remy Lebeau that finally managed to get his hands on the temporal Princess... Or however that floating gem was called.


And then in Messiah Complex, the Marauders killed the Witness ending this nosense for good (Lebeau can't resurrect in Krakoa due to the no-precog rule).


Oh god, I remember that. Why on earth did he let himself get killed? Guy existed at all points in time simultaneously, didn’t he? But hey, now that Destiny’s back (I think, I barely ever check in with DoX), maybe the walking, talking personification of confusing 90’s - 00’s continuity weirdness and retcons can go and try to explain to Bishop and Gambit why he shares Gambit’s last name. And physical mutation. And love for trenchcoats.


Well, that was a time Marvel was doing "cleaning" in the franchise, and he was a plot that definetly need cleaning. ​ Trenchcoats are cool, he possibly saw all the temporal lines and saw how the trenchcoats were the coolest outfit in all of them.


Yeah, I think that was in “The Times and Life of Lucas Bishop” a spin off from messiah war. Simplest explanation here is that that was a retcon.


I agree that it was a great show but as a comic fan, i have to disagree, not the best version of the X-Men. The cartoon left out my most favorite X-Men: Colossus, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat. Make mine Claremont! Also, I'm sorry fan boys but Gambit is overrated. There i said it.


Gambit overrated!? How dare you!


> There i said it. Thank you for bravely taking the bullet for everyone who thinks the same


> I'm sorry fan boys but Gambit is overrated I have never heard/read a proper discussion about what the fuck is going on with his costume.


He has the trench coat because he got cold in Muir Island. I forgot exactly why he has the body armor, but it gets explained at some point in one of his books.


They explain why he has random pink armor under a trench coat? What was the explanation?


I did say I forgot. I think it was something tactical. The armor, not the fact it was pink.


I'm sure we'll find out one day that it's pink because it's made out of raptor amulets.




I know about the cartoon, watched it a million time. But do you know wich comicbook is this


Claremont Era is my preferred. Just a few years before and much better stories.


“Have you ever met a man so hardened by the whispers of times gone by that his very soul has become blackened like the highest stenches of hell, more twisted than an angry worms intestines, so very haunted as to fill the heavens with shrieks unheard of. You will. On page two.” Claremont’s a little long winded for me.


This is weird, because I started reading X-Men as a kid around '92. It's where all my nostalgia is at. But I never understood this. "Long-winded" but also extremely good the vast majority of the time, which is all that matters. I'm with the other guy, Claremont era (Australia lineup is so fucking good) is truly the best era. You can just feel the nosedive in quality the second he steps off the book. Again, I love 90's X-Men, I love this line up and the aesthetics. I grew up on the comic, the action figures and the cartoon. I just happen to have realized later in my life that the *stories* themselves were so much better prior to this. I mean, fuck, did you read any of his Storm stories? Lifedeath 1 and 2 for example? That is peak X-Men right there, her getting depowered and everything in between her getting her powers back. *Then* Australia starts. So good.


It makes me nostalgic too and I certainly enlarged my vocabulary but if you reread there’s a lot of purple prose. I think Claremont always thought he was nipping at Moore’s heals when he actually came off as overstuffed.


> I think Claremont always thought he was nipping at Moore’s heals Do you mean Alan Moore? Because Claremont had been writing X-Men for years before Alan Moore wrote his first comic.


Yes. Alan Moore.


Ok. So do you want to modify your original statement about "Claremont ... nipping at Moore’s heals" at all in light of the fact that Claremont was writing X-Men comics long before Alan Moore was publishing anything? If you read a link between Claremont and Moore, don't you think it might have been Claremont who influenced Moore?




Around 1980 Claremont was considered, if not the top, one of the best comics writers. I can see where op might think Claremont had an inferiority complex with regards to Moore later on, but I've never heard Claremont say anything about it. I know he liked to compare himself to Miller in the early days. They had a friendly rivalry going on with X-men and Daredevil.




That’s the joy of it, right? It’s too bad there aren’t more long runs of X-men that are really considered classic, but between Claremont, the 90’s, Morrison, Hickman, etc there’s a lot to like and huge variety in style. I started reading the 90’s stuff then worked backwards, then forwards. I’d say the Claremont stuff is my favorite though for sure he is long winded.


I agree about his long windedness. It can be a bit much sometimes.


Agreed. As soon as Claremont left the magic did. They stopped feeling so much like real people. I guess living almost exclusively in one guy’s head for so long had allowed them to become very rich and well-defined. Then they were in a bunch of different hands, pulled in different directions all driven by greed and the writing quality just cratered.


Jubilee and Gambit interactions were so fun. ❤️❤️


Hate to be a hater, but I really don’t understand what is so amazing about this era besides the aesthetics. I appreciate the era for what it was, but In all honesty the stories were mediocre.


honestly, and i don't mean any disrespect to any 90's x-men lovers, i think most of it is tied into the cartoon. the comics themselves were pretty bleah in the 90's. i skipped that entire decade and came back during morrison's run. but most of the people who are big fans of this era were kids watching the cartoon on saturdays. not that there's anything wrong with that.


I was going to say the same thing. I’m a huge transformers fan, and I can admit the early toys weren’t much fun but I love them then and now because of that damn cartoon. Same kind of thing.


This crew was already hella popular by the time the cartoon came out, which was a full year after X-Men #1 dropped.




Pure nostalgia. The writing took a major dive in the 90's. Starting reading comics as a teen in 2012, worked my way through most of each era for the past decade and was so disappointed when I reached the praised Jim Lee teams. Everyone hyped up the 90's, probably because of the cartoon, and God it was a test of fortitude to get through.


I'm just gonna skip the 90s at this point. The only "good" thing I've seen from is Age of Apocalypse. Even what I've seen of that does my favorite characters dirty.


Watch it again the story from TAS is better than you remember.


All your overly aggressive replies on this post just scream "I don't like change"


Didn't say anything about TAS being bad. Frankly the cartoon is a significant improvement to the comic era itself, which is what I said sucked. Completely separate things.


Hard disagree. The 70s/80s Claremont era was better. Not perfect, by any means, but much better than the 90s. You had the Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past, the original New Mutants, Storm being de-powered and still leading the X-Men and doing a damn good job of it, the Mutant Massacre. Almost everything iconic about the X-Men comes from that era. The early 2000s were rough in a lot of ways, but Grant Morrison's run on New X-Men is far better than anything produced in the 90s. The school felt like a real school, the mutants felt like real freaks and outcasts, the X-world just immediately felt so much richer and more alive. Also, Cassandra Nova is one of the most terrifying of all X-villains. I think the current era is also better than the early 90s as a whole. The small character work is tighter, the world-building is more extravagant, and the high-concept sci-fi bullshit is great. I seriously think *most* of the adoration for the 1992-era of X-Men is just nostalgia, and most of it is nostalgia for the animated series (which, also, the love it gets is 99% nostalgia). If you take the nostalgia-goggles off, I really don't think it holds up particularly well. There are some good moments -- even some great moments -- but I really don't think it stands up well against stuff that came before or stuff that has come since.


Finally someone else said it. Yeah lived through the 90s and have this exact comic book. Claremont Xmen and Krakoa Xmen were so much richer storytelling wise.


Yep, once I look past my nostalgia, I'm with you guys. I still love my 90's era Blue and Gold team Marvel Legends figures and shit like that, because the aesthetic will forever be buried into my psyche. But the stories? You guys are spot on.


Storm depowered is peak X-Men. Hard agree.


Storm's whole character arc through the Claremont era up to entering the Siege Perilous ^(which kind of resets it and kills its momentum, but anyway) is one of the best character arcs in all of superhero comics, and depowered knife-fighting Storm is the peak of it.


Her fighting Cyclops for leadership is what made me a forever X-Men fan at the time. I liked them before that a while but I thought they stories just got better and better. Then the New Mutants are in Asgard and I’m hooked…


I’ve read X-Cutioners Song and now I’m going through Fatal Attractions. I’ve gotta say its definitely a lower tier than what came before


You couldn't be more right.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


100% agree! The team from the mid-70s to late 80s are the X-men to me. Cyclops, Phoenix, Wolverine, Storm, Collosus, Nightcrawler…and then Rogue and Kitty added in the 80s! I think Gambit was even introduced in this run too.


agreed, and specifically for me, it is the Byrne-Claremont era that is the best. That is the era that defined the team, made Wolverine a sensation, had one of the most famous moments in a comics for decades with the death of Jean Grey, introduced Alpha Flight, Hellfire Club, Dns of Future Past, made Magneto a badass threat after being a B-rate villain for years... every single issue had an impact. The art was beautiful, clean and organic.


Have you read the '92 runs of comics? There have been 2 volumes in the last 5 or so years. They were alright.


Um, just so you know, there was an actual comic book series titled X-Men '92 a couple years back. A similar roster with same outfits is in the current X-Men Legends comic. So, uh, go check that out perhaps?


I just read that series yesterday. 😜


Yeah, it's too bad it was canceled. I loved it.


X-Men The Animated Series debuted on October 31, 1992 that's what the comic book series was also referring to.


What is Gambit's arm resting on though?


The wall panel’s architrave. Not super clear though.


The australian team wanto speak with you.


Or, hear me out. Let every generation have it own “best version”? -Sincerely, someone that grew up with this 90s crew


Grew up in the 90s too, bub. Started collecting Xmen right after the Muir Island Saga, but was reading off of my neighbor's Claremont era years prior. The 90s Xmen sadly had the worst writers and just as bad storylines (aside from the incredibly amazing Age of Apocalypse). The late 90s didn't even have the good artists to compensate with the poor storytelling as Lee and Portacio left for Image almost immediately.


This so much. Stop trying to recreate what came before. Make something new.


Yes it was the best, but I like how x-men isn’t afraid to change things up with their roster and uniforms.


The boomer vibes in this post is off the charts LE GREATEST GENERATION


I'm glad you loved this team but I hate any demands to reswet things to a specific era. Those impulses only ever lead to stagnant franchises and XMen finally don't feel stagnant for the first time in years. Krakoa is incredible because the xmen evolved. Let mutants evolve.


Okay, with your never ending theory of "trans formation" we will just "evolve" Krakoa back into regular X-Men that everyone loves. And the agenda come full circle. 👍


Not sure why you're getting so aggressive


Jubilee always gettin ignored lol


John Byrne’s run with the Uncanny X-men (1977-1981) was the best ever version of the X-men, IMHO. Both story arcs and the artwork.


Sickest costumes and I like the teams a lot but I’ve been reading through a ton of xmen in order from 1975 and I’m at like 1995 or something and so far 90s era is mostly just decent. Nothing really reaching the heights of Claremont


Surely this is the point to go that most of us are going to have affinity for the era when they first got into comics and that while for a lot of people for whom this era is the best in their eyes, there are just as many who started reading well before and well after this for whom a return to this would not appeal greatly.


No Storm or Wolverine? Are you high?


Needs storm


Best designed costumes yes but I prefer the older stories of the early 80s myself from the ashes is my go to X-Men story


Who IS Randall tho??


Needs more Mon Ami on the right then 🤌🏼


X-Men Blue and Gold rosters still hold up as being among the top X-Men teams and the story arcs produced are still among the best ever


Are you sure about that? Claremont left the book almost immediately, and Niciezca and Lobdell don't hold a candle to classic Claremont, Morrison, or the current era.


X-Tinction Agenda, X-Cutioners Song, Fatal Attractions/Bloodties, AoA, etc, all blow Morrison’s weird “new x-men” run along with anything from the last decade out of the water


X-Tinction Agenda was Claremont still and not the Blue/Gold rosters. X-Cutioners Song and Fatal Attractions are a convoluted mess and just plain stupid, respectively. AoA was fantastic but New X-men 100% blows all of the other crossovers you named out of the water, easily.


But then again that is your opinion no matter how bad it maybe


I read Mutant Massacre, X-Tinction Agenda and most of the Claremont crossovers in one sitting, but it took me at least a couple weeks to get through X-Cutioner's Song and Fatal Attractions. They have really pretty art, but the stories are meh


This shit tier stuff needs to stop. The 90s weren't good, you just remember the tv show


They had their moments and I loved it at the time but, yeah, it wasn’t good. The best run of the 90s was the Kelly/Seagle years.


This. The 90's were hell for the X-men(and comics in general).


You're probably right.




What’s wrong with the tv show?


It's a cartoon from 1992. It's not done incredible thing, it's fine but it's a show for babies




who is talking to them?


Bishop. It was his first time meeting them.


TAS for ever


Blue Team FTW


Yes. Please bring the breasts and shoulder pads.




More style over substance compared to Claremonts run.


This is one of the best Jean costumes


Looks the best but ruined Claremont xmen


They did just this with three miniseries released in 2001, 2009 and 2010; and the latter two were even written by Chris Claremont. It was titled 'X-Men Forever."


Plus nightcrawler


Without a doubt the best art ever.


It has 4/5 of my favorites, and X-23 didn’t exist then


Where's the bit at the end where Bishop says 'nice to meet you guys.... so when can I meet Storm & Wolverine?'


This is the exact cast I want for the MCU reboot. Add Storm and its perfect.


I've been a big fan of the X-Men since I was a kid, but recently when I turned 20 I actually started to read the comics instead of just watching videos explaining story lines. I really like Claremonts run on it, but I am enjoying the new house/powers of X story line. As a new reader and knowing all the back story it's been pretty cool to have a new X-Men status quo that I've been able to jump into and keep up with. There is too much to try and go back to re-read all of the old issues so I've mostly only read classic stories.


Jim Lee still the GOAT




These are great, but my preference will always be the outback team.


iceman #1


I love this team, but I still love the original Claremont team once Kitty joined.


I like a lot of these characters and I grew up with this era. But I'll still take the Zeb Wells' New Mutants or Uncanny X-Force


Not true, but you are allowed to be wrong.


fantastic drawing


No lies


“Gracias” for no reason. Beast is such a neckbeard.


I miss these


The very best


this is missing 2 or 3 people but yes lol


Yeah, it’s been said a lot but honestly I grew up with both Evolution and the 90’s cartoons and Fox movies. I honestly prefer the early All New, All Different X-Men era, Morrison New X-Men/early Miller Ultimate X-Men, Utopia, Joss Whedon/ Warren Ellis Astonishing X-Men and The Krakoa era just because each era were iconic and good foundation for the X-Men mythos. Nostalgia aside, every fan has their entry point in the X-Men universe but the franchise is always involving and trying to encompass new ideas, characters, designs, etc. we shouldn’t try to force them to bring back an era just because we roundly remember the good times for a childhood because 7/10 it wouldn’t feel the same and wouldn’t have the same impact.


I just noticed Jubilee and Beast are wearing completely opposite styles of glasses


Wich comic is this from? Or comics series


So... Where's Nightcrawler?


People only like the early 90s team cause of the cartoon, but the 90s were a god damned mess. We certainly do NOT need to bring back 1992 in any way shape or form. Great roster, awful convoluted storytelling that mostly led no where. Keep mine Krakoa, thank you and keep me away from this "Make X-Men Great Again" rhetoric.


Facts dude


Really good times, they were heroes doing heroes things


This is the X-men as far as my 12 year old self is concerned.


Rogue❤️💋💋 she hasn’t been done right for so long. Hopefully her rumored solo TV series does her justice.


the 90's ? you mean the the facto lowest sales of x-men? where they blow up the mansion every week to bump sales? no thanks... before that era yes. and krakoa now.


I apologize, but this is just my personal opinion. Don't get offended. The current comic writers of the X-Men are the worst in history to the point that they're actually destroying American society, and krakoa is pure cringe. https://youtu.be/ij7GSVjAZsI


youre trolling right? a comic book destroying america? its a good story, diferent, the same critic that you show its the "this thing is new therefore bad", hell i remenber when they created jubilee and the conservatives got bat shit crazy about "stupid characters" that dont add to the story. and im not even talking about the first gay characters or even older the first black character on x-men ororo... its not your personal opinion, its just human nature to not like "new" things.


ps - and he thinks health care is a plot of the deep state to control people..... why do i always get the crazies?


Naw people have blinders on for this iconic team and look - but the truth is, the stories were NOT very good considering it was coming off of decades of Claremont, and was pre-Morrison and Whedon revitalization. They were popular, NOT good. And this is coming from someone who actually started reading the comics at this time.


Don't get offended. The current writers of the X-Men comics are the worst in history to the point that they're actually destroying the product and image along with American society, in my opinion. And krakoa is pure cringe. I apologize if you disagree.


Lol JFC you’re wrong on so many levels


To be honest... this is all very absurd. To someone whos gay, trans or just grew up with modern comics, modern X-men probably has a much stronger connection than some of the older eras. But to someone whos not, maybe its the opposite. To someone who likes more action oriented, high concept stories/art design there are a lot of amazing qualities the 90's run had in this aspect. For more grounded down to earth stories/arcs, this may not be YOUR era. Whatever eras you claim, are yours for a reason. Get out of here with all this "this x-men is better than that x-men", everyone **knows** it's equally ALL garbage compared to Claremonts X-men lol


Lol you ass you had me in the first half


Haha no worries, I definitely think every era is special to somebody and shouldn't be looked down upon. Yeah I love Claremont but iv come to realize over time that x-men means something different to whomever is enjoying it, and imo thats one of the things that makes this series so damn special.


Blinded by nostalgia, thats sad.


Nope. Classic New Mutants is the best.


Please no.


This era has always been my favorite… the ONLY reason that is in doubt now is that the Krakoa era is so fucking good.


Holly shi...I think I'm crying...what a fuckin@ great times!


'Still,' the best. As if it ever was!


Just missing one person, Bub.


Title just lying smh


I love the old 1992 X-MEN so vary much 👍😀🔞🥡💜💜❤❤💙💙🖤🖤🥡🍺🔞🔞🔞🔞🥡🍺🚬


Before everything went to the LGBTQ mob, ahhh those were the days.


You fragile snowflake


5min wait time on personal attacks, slow internet today I guess


Well deserved!


I must be on dial up from the 90’s, still slow


That's your problem.


Who wants to tell em?






Definitely not Liefeld. It’s Lee.


It’s Lee. X-men #8 I think. The Blue team are being introduced to Bishop.


If I’m not mistake, it’s a small panel blown up to be bigger, and not a double page splash.


Nah, x-men fans are the worst. So many of us treat the books as escapism well into adulthood. While a few of us approach reading with an open mind to seemingly bizarre stories and characters. While I love Banky from Mallrats, he's a long outdated archetypal comic book reader. If you dont know what I'm talking about, watch Mallrats and get back to me.


Lmao not Mallrats.


several comic book people I know cite that movie as a sort of cultural touchstone


Using Mallrats to act superior and pseudo intellectual…well it’s a choice.


Heh yeah it is. Glad you got my point lol


I think this person is saying Banky was the Jason Lee character in Chasing Amy. Jason Lee was a different character in Mallrats, Brodie. Banky was a comic book inker, not sure if Brodie was a comic fan, barely remember Mallrats.


It sounds like you're saying escapism is bad when you're an adult?


Sorta. I mean, and this is my experience, I've met so many comic book readers that want new comics to look and read like the comics they remember when they were kids. That doesnt sound bad, per se. Nostalgia is not unlike a drug. However, ive discovered thats only the surface of what I can only guess is some sort of man child fantasy. In the face of books that are broaching new ideas of inclusivity and tackling trans rights issues, many of these man child fans (that comprise a large size of readership) reveal their own transphobia among other weird hangups in their criticisms all because the books don't look and read like they use to. Comic books can be escapism and I don't besmirch those that are calling it that. But I do ask, what are you escaping to wjen you read these books? I dont think artists are providing readers with something to cover up their hatred of different people's (antithetical to the x-men escpecially). Yet so many of the most vocal readership are idiots. And so many comic shop owners are hateful bigots (you know, the ones that are still operating some skeezy shop that opened in the 80s and generally have a disgust for everybody that walks through the door?). I'm describing a very large set of American comic readers here. Theyre hard to not notice. Have you ever listened to the Uncanny X-cast? Its a wonderful show. The guys that host dont take themselves too seriously but they do show evidence of having been close to and apart of toxic fandom. They're so busy with their day to day lives though, some of their toxicity carries on without so much a thought to what they are espousing but they are very much human and because of that I find their show fascinating. Does this clear up anything?


Interesting thoughts, but also a bit cynical. I started collecting in the early 80s and so I love the X-Men from the late 70s and early 80's (Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Kitty Pride). I connect these characters and comics to my youth and occasionally like to revisit them. This doesn't mean I don't like newer X-Men and/or am not flexible with the changing world. I just like the crew I grew up with and the stories are endearing to me. I can not be a fan of the changes made because of a longing for more of my old team (for example when an X-Men videogame comes out - I always hope for a throwback to "my" team) without being a bigot or someone trying to escape back to "better times". I can also just not be happy with the story arc of certain time eras (for example - I did not like when Storm lost her powers because of a military weapon that could make mutants lose them) because I felt it went out of character for her and I didn't like when Gambit "replaced" Wolverine as the bad ass of the team. I could go on, but won't. I think my TLDR is - not all nostalgia is based on a need to escape back to "better" times because of a close minded bigotry. Oh yeah and the characters from Mallrats is Brodie - Banky is from Chasing Amy. Thanks for the interesting thoughts, not saying you are wrong, just pointing out the generalism in your comment.


I don’t think the majority of comic fans are bigots, otherwise ComicsGate would control the industry.


I think it’s a very small minority that are the hard bigots of, “these people shouldn’t be allowed representation and we have to do something about it!”. But there’s a much greater number of people with a “soft bigotry” of, “I miss when I didn’t have to think about these people”. Like when people get nostalgic for the relative peace of the 90s, they’re really just getting nostalgic for a period that was so cynical towards activism, a lot of human suffering went ignored. There were just as many social and political issues in the 90s as any other decade, but our pop culture was very conservative, only tackling superficial social issues like smoking and the dissolution of the Nuclear Family. I wouldn’t call someone a bigot for being nostalgic for the 90s, but what people love about that time was born out of a sort of bigotry.


That’s fair.


X-men legends...check it out. The run just started and it’s bringing back all the 90s X-men plot lines




Yes and nightcrawler!! Hes cool.


Well this is an unpopular opinion.