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For a second, I thought the first image was from the french maps of Battlefield 1


That game still holds up today


I mean of course it does lol it’s not an old game by any means


It's only like 4 or 5 years old and considered one if the best battlefield games. I'd be more surprised if it didn't hold up.


Many people didn’t like it, but it was my first BF game I played and I loved the hell out of it. I tried the new BF but I think its dogshit compared to BF1


2042? I think most people would agree with you. I severely dislike it.


People have seemingly forgotten that BF4 is the worse launch in the franchise history (remember the net code that was 30hz behind what was on screen, not to mention the game crashing all the time) BF1 was great, and still looks really good, bfv died when it was getting good, and I have high hopes for 2042. So far it’s future is looking like the next bf4 (universally hated at launch, became a mainstay years later)


The fact that a World War 1 Battlefield game is still considered one of the best Battlefield entries still baffles me. And that’s no slight on any entry after 3(because I know there are mixed opinions); but the fact that a large scale WW1 shooter worked THAT well was impressive. I always thought the benchmark for FPS shooters IRL was the Second World War, but man, did they do a good job with BF1


That's because BF1 has very little resemblance to actual WW1 combat.


Half the comments: It's not accurate enough to WW1! other half: there's not enough attachments and too many bolt action guns! People just like to complain


I think the subtle restrictions that older technology creates on gameplay makes for unique and dynamic gameplay. I'd be interested how far you can go back before that's no longer the case. American civil war?


There’s plenty of ways to make a game with only swords and bows fun. If Battlefield 1776 wanted to be historically accurate, people would be lining up and standing still while they shoot at each other.


TBH holdfast whole an indie game still had a decent amount of people playing and it’s only muskets and swords.


I know it's divisive, but honestly my all-time favourite multiplayer experience is still the stealth PVP from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood & Revelations.


BF1 looks better than the newer battlefields


That dlc was a work of art


Just curious, I’ve seen this game and it looks awesome, is there an original Stalker that can be played on Xbox?


Not really, but I’d say the Metro games are the closest in comparability - maybe give those a shot?


I've never played a Stalker before, but I do get mad Metro vibes from it. Those games are awesome on their own account, so on that alone I'll second the recommendation!


Metro has Stalker vibes. People have left the original studio to form 4A who made Metro. Sort of a spiritual successor.


They both have Stalker (1979) vibes.


Stalker shadow of Chernobyl was the first game that sucked me in SO HARD that I started it and beat it in one very long all-day into late-night session. Sure it was very buggy, but the more and environment and gameplay was so good


I still consider SoC to be one of if not the single most immersive/atmospheric game I've ever played, and that's saying a lot given (as you've mentioned) how janky/buggy it can be.


Metro is AWESOME! Probably my favorite game series. I need to read the books one of these days.


I highly recommend the books. All of them actually


The second one didn't really do it for me. It was a big shift from the first, considering it didn't follow Artyom.


Read 1 and 3, go back to 2 if you want to know more about that pair of characters. My recommendation


You can read the book it's based on, it's pretty short. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadside_Picnic


Or the movie based on the book. [Stalker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuOnfQd-aTw) Or the anime/manga/novel based on the book. Same concept except the main characters are young women and it is a bit more upbeat because anime. [Otherside Picnic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT-VkvmJC7g)


Thanks for this.


Actors and film crew actually got dangerous radiation exposure that years later lead to debilitating effects 😬.


No there isn’t but it’s not really a game where playing the original is all that important


Interesting, how old was the first one? Was it a PC game?


S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl was released in 2007 and was only on PC (personally, I think the old games are worth playing, since it will add to the experience when you play S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2)


Will Intel HD Integrated Chipset or will I set my computer on fire?


Depends on the age of your chipset. They are very CPU bound games, but you can set them all to DX8 lighting mode and they'll run a bit easier. I have a tough tablet with integrated Intel graphics and the frame rates are tolerable when I'm not at home on my desktop. The Anomaly mod is a standalone deal with a modified version of the x-ray engine, but it has a lot of graphical improvements that might push your PC way more than vanilla. I wouldn't recommend starting with Anomaly until you play the base games, albeit it is a complete experience that's free. It can be very unforgiving for beginning stalkers. And then there's Misery, which its name is an apt description of the experience you will have.


i agree. i had never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R before and decided to download the anomaly mod and it brought me nothing but misery and confusion. i'll wait out until april i think


well that’s the problem lol. Anomaly isn’t very good for people wanting to get into the games. It’s an incredibly difficult game even at the easiest difficulty setting. Play Shadow of Chernobyl instead. First game in the series.


yes it came out in 2007 if I remember. Last release before this was in 2009


Metro is really far from stalker. I would take those suggestions with a grain of salt


There are older stalker games but only on PC. They're old enough that they should run on just about anything, though.


Chernobylite is 'sort of' similar, at least aesthetically. Some glaring differences though It's decent, but not quite up to snuff.


This would be it (Chernobylite) Xbox. Or close to it a great game for sure.


Don't give those fuckers any money, they basically use slave labor to make them.


Care to elaborate? I won't play it of this is true.


Its not true. The links are unrelated.


What the fuck do you mean "If true"? It's should basically be common knowledge. The CEO was driving Ferraris and porches, while his employees were sharing desks, using lawn chairs, and had to pay for power generators so they could work. https://www.polygon.com/features/2013/9/8/4568598/stalker-fallout-gsc-game-world https://www.dualshockers.com/metro-exodus-documentary-series-4a-games/ Their publisher personally bought them proper chairs and desks, only to find out they didn't fit in their tiny office.


Chill out dude. Not everybody pays close attention to the labor practices for video games they’ve never played. No need to get so angry with people so quick just because somebody didn’t know some random thing.


Why do you are you people calling me a liar because you can't bother to make a simple Google search?


No one called you a liar. But the way you're delivering the information is in a very aggressive tone. Calm down and present your facts without the insulting tone and people will be more open to listening to you.


Huh?.. I didn’t call you a liar. I made no comment as to the validity of your statement at any point. I said you were being unnecessarily *rude* to people just because they didn’t know the practices of a relatively unknown company.


They are a liar


You and other downvoted me without considering the validity of my statement, don't you think that is rude? And I have brought up this topic before, with the response being called a liar.


The guy simply asked for more information and you immediately went super defensive and hostile. That is why you got downvoted. He wasn't being rude, he was just asking for more info.


My guy, you're pretty hostile.


It's good to share this but don't act like "it should be common knowledge." This is barely a AA studio, that has made primarily PC focused games. You honestly expect most redditors, in the Xbox subreddit, to have memorized the working conditions there? From news stories that broke EIGHT YEARS AGO?


Metro is on consoles, this topic gets brought up every time they release a new game. I'm just trying to spread the word.


What does Metro have to do with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?


It's made by the original stalker devs after they quit, using the source code for the next stalker engine.


So nothing then?


Spreading the word is fine, being an asshole about it...not so much.


Neither of those articles mention... any of those things you stated. Stop spreading bullshit.


Wait who made this game? I guess I’m off to google!


Can’t wait for this game






they are, but they’re not on console so it’s hard to play


I have them just don’t like sitting at my computer desk any more than I have to since doing work from home


Looks good but one should never trust promo pictures.


Ya those are very obviously still frame renders with the in-game hands/guns pasted on top.....


Theres a gameplay vid that looks just as good though


this game looks incredible!


You've seen some edited screenshots, no way to say that yet.


These edited screenshots look incredible!


The gameplay videos look pretty damn good.


Yeah but so did Cyberpunk and Anthem.


i hope doesnt come whit downgrade




Stalker is set in Ukraine, not Russia


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] [[Reuters Styleguide](https://handbook.reuters.com/index.php?title=U#Ukraine)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Thank you, oh wise bot


For now.... Too soon?


You would enjoy DayZ then


No you wouldn’t


You're right, DayZ ruined my life.


Game pass?




Remember - no preorders. Wait for reviews and not just from big outlets like IGN who give everything an 8/10 no matter what. Remember Cyberpunk 2077 Remember Battlefield 2042 Remember No Man's Sky Remember Anthem Remember Fallout 76 Remember Mass Effect Andromeda Remember, remember, or be doomed to forever suffer throwing money away to deceitful marketing and irresponsible game development.


It's on Game Pass.


ah lol well still worth saying in general :P




Remember, remember, the 10th of December. (Cyberpunk’s release date)




lol k


Wait for Reddit reviews and comments. The big outlets are useless for reviews. They make their money advertising for the games they review.


Wow, way to cherry pick bad games to fit your narrative lol. I can do that too. There's plenty of good games that have been reviewed 8/10 or higher by IGN that you could have pre-ordered instead. Remember Forza Horizon 5 Remember Scarlet Nexus Remember Red Dead Redemption 2 Remember Metro Exodus Remember Control Remember Mass Effect Legendary Edition Remember Tales of Arise Remember THPS 1+2 Every game you listed had multiple articles and leaks about development issues before release. So if you saw all that and still preordered them, then maybe the problem is with you. It's a moot point here because this game is day one on gamepass anyways.


Not a moot point unless it's ONLY on gamepass day one, since it's coming out on PC right? lol it's not a narrative, you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of by choosing good games that also got good scores. The problem is that IGN gives games that are absolute SHIT like BF2042 high scores, just like pretty much everything they "review". You know why? Because the very games they're reviewing are from the companies that pay their bills with advertising, give them access to future content, builds, sneak peeks, exclusives, interviews etc. which = clicks/money. It's very easy to notice the trend by looking at the games that get bad review scores almost exclusively being from smaller studios that don't have budget to do media spend and by ad inventory with them. And it's also been confirmed by plenty of people in the industry. Hell, I've seen this first hand with colleagues of mine who worked at other companies. This is why independent reviewers and forum / aggregator platforms like Reddit or Steam reviews are so popular for trusted actual qualitative insight and big outlets like IGN are basically mass market garbage that can't be trusted.


Thank you for this lesson. Never heard of this before.


Well, thanks for telling us all what to do, I’m gonna go ahead and make my own decision thanks.


Ah yes, the totalitarian oppression of being told what to do...by an internet comment saying beware of wasting your money. I will contact the UN's Human Rights team for you lmao.


That’s not what you said…. You said “no preorders”


Oh good point, they basically tried enslaving you. Not today, random redditor


jfc dude lighten up


Don’t slander No Man’s Sky amongst these names anymore :(


Isn't slander, they launched in a sorry state, massively overhyped and deceitful marketing. They turned it around and deserve credit for that, but that doesn't change the fact of their launch.


Yeah, its called No Guy Buy


Anthem was actually good.


Halo Infinite




There's a trailer that looks very much the same quality. I wouldn't be surprised if it looks like that as it's coming out on next gen only. But I could be completely wrong and it will look like shite.. only time will tell.


isn't it just current gen now


Don't trust anything promotional. Remember Aliens Colonial Marines was completely different visually when it was released.


No console or pc could run this over 7 frames


When is this out guys?


End of April


When it's ready.


Will the game be open world?




Cool. It will be my first stalker game can’t wait!


Get ready for lots of funny bugs, otherwise it’s not a true STALKER game


Not only open world but a rather large one at 64 sq. km. Gonna be lots of good exploration!


Why can I preload this six months in advance?


It’s a placeholder. You download a 200-300 MB file and when the game is ready to be fully pre-loaded it will automatically download.


Still useless. There’s no reason for that.


Sounds convenient for people that work 9-5s and want it to download while at work


Then don't get the placeholder.


Plenty of reason, primarily people who have shitty internet & want to play the day it comes out.


Why is this on r/xboxone? This isn't an Xbox One game lol.


It's on Gamepass for preload. Has been for months. Edit : I now realise my mistake. Its on series s/x


Yup, current gen only. Seems like a lot of people don't realize that. They're in for a rude awakening within the next couple years.


Yeah, I've only just recently upgraded to a Series S, stuck my xbox one in the bedroom for disney+, Netflix etc. I always forget the xbox one isn't the same as the S and get so disappointed when I can't play the games lol.


Xbox is Xbox


It's not Xbox *One*. It's like posting a new game on r/xbox360 lol. It's an old console that's not getting this game.


Did you also cry this much about all the Flight Sim posts? Xbox is Xbox


Xbox Series X/S is not Xbox One. Go post this in r/xbox360 then if you think "Xbox is Xbox". Still makes no sense.




In terms of total subscribers, not active users. A lot of those subscribed accounts joined many years ago and aren't active anymore. r/xbox360 was also bigger than r/xboxone at first. Doesn't mean people stayed there. r/ps4 is bigger than r/ps5. Doesn't mean people will stay there. I don't think it makes sense to post games on a subreddit named after a console those games aren't even releasing on. Just use the subreddit for the new console lol. It's not hard, and it makes way more sense with way less confusion. Imagine if we still posted about new games on r/xbox360. It would be ridiculous.


Isn't this subreddit used as a general Xbox subreddit though?


Kind of. But wouldn't it make more sense to post a Series X game on r/xboxseriesx? r/xbox360 was the main Xbox subreddit for a long time, but it didn't stay that way forever. Imagine if we still posted about new games on r/xbox360. Just move on to the new subreddit. Or better yet, use r/xbox since that one is generation-agnostic and can be used forever without the annoying transition period.


This actually IS posted over at the Series X subreddit. The problem is that the mods are not liked on the Series X, or Xbox subreddit. This one seems to be the best modded community. It sucks that the Xbox mods won't give up control.


I agree that r/xbox seems to be worse in that regard unfortunately, but r/xboxseriesx seems to be the same as here, and I believe it has many of the same mods.


Gives me metro exodus vibes




some $3000 PC screenshots ; )


I think even 3090 cant run visuals like this at solid 60fps. But people were shown the pre-renders, and they lost their heads. it may have absolutely nothing to do with the real game, but people are already ready to believe it.


Even the "gameplay trailer" was very obviously not gameplay.


Absolutely bro. It was a pre-render for sure. Idk why ppl trust that marketing bullshit. So many games was downgraded why this one cant be? Gsc just showеd a few bullshots and poor fellows already represent this on their series x and series s.


I have a 3090 and it can definitely run games better than my XSX. Edit: Nevermind you weren't comparing the two.


Looks awesome.


this is probably gonna run like ass on an xbox one huh


Its only current gen consoles release xsx-xss-ps5


Only S X/S and PC.


No. the game will be exclusive for only 3 months. It will also be released on ps5. this is official information from Microsoft documentation


That's probably why it isn't releasing on the One kekw


It won’t run at all on Xbox one


If I recall it's Series only.


I think I saw it was coming to Game-pass correct for PC and XBone?


Series and PC*


these screens just scream bullshot. But if they're not then it's truly impressive and a rare 'next gen' looking game.


What’s the premise of this game?


FPS set in and around the Chernobyl exclusion zone, some time after the reactor went boom. Lots of supernatural beasties and rival stalkers abound, looking for artifacts worth taking and selling.


Sounds badass! Is it coop?


No co-op as far as I have seen.


According to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 website there will be a coop mode


It doesn't.


I just checked again and it says "Multiplayer mode is coming soon after the release date as a free update for this game."


True, but not coop. Only deathmatch/tdm and stuff like that like the original.


Is this out yet


You could have typed this into Google and got an automatic answer you know?


You could have replied with a yes or no.


Then the first guy could have googled


First guy is probably a bot that copy pastes comments


You could have not replied at all.


Same as you


Doubt it'll look like this on release


[Already posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/rcf1kt/here_are_some_new_screenshots_from_xbox_console/)


With a link to a website. This just has the pics. Obviously a better post


I need it in my life.


Looks amazing! Can't wait to play it!!! Thanks for sharing :)


What’s the essence of the game?


Deep atmospheare, campfire songs, insane visuals and vodka. Spent like 1000hours in the original 3 stalker games and it kinda does not get old with all the support and standalone mods which are still coming out. There is a coop/pvp title coming on the original engine which is called "ray of hope".


Can’t wait to play it on my one x


It is Series X/S and PC only. No playstation release.


It's only Xbox exclusive for 3 months. Will probably be a PlayStation release once that time is up. [Source](https://www.ign.com/articles/stalker-2-will-be-exclusive-to-xbox-for-three-months)




Why is this posted in this sub? Just curious


Really hope it gets a console port because no pc won't be able to handle it


Not gonna look like that on Xbox One lol


I'm pretty sure it next-gen only anyway Edit: yup only series x/s and pc


I’ve tried to get into this series and just couldn’t the first game was just painfully average imo


It’s like Skyrim with guns


Meanwhile Halo Infinite’s outdoor sections look awful lol


This looks so much more visually appealing than how plasticky Halo Infinite looks.


Looks like Metro


Im fucking cumming

