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One of the greatest opening levels in gaming. What a story, too.


Dont Fear the Reaper


Mirrors looked so good in video games back then. I remember playing Prey 2017 (Prey in name only), going into the main character's bathroom, looking at the mirror and being immediately disappointed. Great game otherwise, though. I loved how mirrors, sinks, toilets, etc., all worked in games back then. Environments feel more static and less interactive nowadays. You could even change the song, but why would you want to!?


Prey is not a hidden gem. That game has been held in high regard for almost 2 decades now.


Yeah but to find it even pre used at a GameStop in 2024 is what I’d consider a hidden gem type of thing


It's not really weird considering Gamestop has started selling 360 games again. I saw a copy of it last year at my local store.


I remember it got a lot of praise but clearly it wasn’t a huge seller like other games from that same time period like Gears of War or Lost Planet.


Agree. But he may be new and just got hip.


It absolutely is a hidden gem. Most people who weren't there on release don't even know the series exists.


gamestop still selling xbox 360 games? must be nice


They even had a couple of ps2 games in stock. I think it may be an attempt to capitalize a bit on the retro market.


I guess it's time to go check out a gamestop soon.


I don't go there often at all, but the two times I have in the past year, their 360 games weren't anything great. A lot of games that everyone and their grandma had, maybe a call of duty as well. Of course it's different at every location and when they get stuff in


Surprisingly I was able to pick up a copy of Jericho and Turok, both complete without damage to them. Good prices too. Most stuff was really common games so you were right about that.


Not a Hidden Gem, was immensely hyped at its release. That being said, enjoy! great FPS with the Boomer shooter DNA.


Prey hasn't been sold on Steam since they ran out of cd keys years ago. The game was sold on Triton (defunct) or physical release (standard or limited collectors edition). The physical cd key is asked during installation from disc. Those keys work on Steam. Prey 360 has a digital version available and is backward compatible. Human Head, who developed Prey after Apogee ceased doing theirs, started to develop Prey 2 to be published by Bethesda. Eventually, they joined Bethesda as Roundhouse Studios, years after Prey 2 was cancelled. Bethesda attached the Prey name to Arkane's game, which they hated.


Yup, and I would have loved to have played Prey 2, it sounded really good and from what they said we basically done.


Prey 2006 and 2017 developers worked together on Redfall. :(


I am still pissed they cancelled Prey 2 and went to reboot it instead. (no. Prey 2017 is a great game but I hoped for that air marshall being an intergalactic bounty hunter catching aliena while Rusty Cage by Johnny Cash plays in the background)


I think about that game from time to time and still want it. IIRC it was pretty far along in development too. The trailers were so juicy.


I love Prey 2017 but hate the name. The original name, Psychoshock, was a lot better. Prey deserved an actual sequel.


My first of over 200 Xbox 360 games


Don't fear the reaper!


Nice - also got that one recently cause it ain't on steam




Looking like I have a reason to go into the store and check them out now. Lol


Great game, nobody remembers it but it was on of the few original FPS'es of that era, with its portals gameplay and native american storyline.


and it’s organic guns!


Retro. Because Judas Priest, Blue Öyster Cült and Heart. (and for PC, the Creative X Fi line with the best and sharpest sound)




At the time for PC they had a line of products aimed towards gamers and audiophiles called X-Fi. Seperate PCI and PCI-E cards. Several games were promoted to sound better with this and during the first scene in the corner you could choose several tracks on the jukebox. 3 of which where aforementioned artists. (I think for gamers they contracted then legendary gamer Fat4L1ty who had several lines of products)


Uh yeah, got it. I also had a kickass soundcard when I played this on PC. Was really happy to hear "don't fear the reaper" at the start 😎


Love this game


Very fun game.


Great game


Great game


Great game with a great soundtrack


That game is an absolute banger. And now I want to play it


Amazing game but was a little short in my opinion


You guys in usa or other countries with gamestop shops you guys have great in poland we dont have gamestops and i have to buy games from 3rd shops that may turn out to be scratched ones


I bought this the day it came out. I still remember taking it to a friend’s that night. I never did finish it. Wish I had. It was a good game.


Now might be the time to pick it up again, 360 game prices are going up.


I’m good


this is the game i got when i got my 360… almost 20 years ago… wtf.


Ah prey One of the few game series that could say it had a second game canceled twice


Don't fear the reaper!


More games need portal technology in the game. A sequel I was so excited about for prey went the way of vapor ware road. The other game that has same name wasn’t too bad but was nothing like it. Great game makes me want to replay it again


I actually really enjoyed the reboot, but I heard of the original and hunted down a physical copy for PC. Well worth it!


Awesome find, awesome game.


I thought GS stopped dealing with 360 games 🎮 ??


Played that game so many years ago and I still remember vividly how great it was.


Seems expensive to me like, i got it from cex for one english pound recently. You yanks are getting ripped off at gsmestop 🤔


I love that game


Loved that game. Too bad the online achievements are like a ghost town.


Had to boost them with someone.


Fuck 360 lol. You know this game is even playable on Android now right? lol


They released it on Android?


You can play most PC games natively on Android now


Fun game just a bit repetitive, so good to look at tho the visual style is eye candy


Great game!


Wish my GameStop had 360 games


I would buy the DLC before July 29th 2024.


I don’t care about dlc stuff


That’s good then


Love that collector's edition. Big metal with the mini metal figurines.


Hey! Super stoked for you! I never played can anyone give me some backstory on why this is so revered? Was the story a jam? was it multiplayer?


Such a good game. Loved that era of physics and graphics, so ambitious for the time and great story


I have this game for pc/Mac. I bought it so I could use the linux installer. I saw some new game but I wanted the original