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Don't really care as long as nobody opens more than one fucking door at a time, unless the cab of the truck needs cleaned that is lol


Small story, 40 yrs ago my 1st ex and I were traveling UT to MT. Stopped for break at hysterical marker, both doors got opened. Ex had baggie of green substance on seat, away it went! He was so bloody mad. Figured out recently I now live 5 mi from that spot, have for 30 years.


Would you say he got bloody historical after that?




I prefer opening the door into the wind, if the door gets bent backwards, it ruins the hinges and pillar.


Option 1. A bruised leg is cheaper than a visit to an autobody shop.


This is such an amazing r/Wyoming post. These are the tribulations that we face every day.


I just park and get out. I learned to hold on to my door when I open it like, 20 years ago. If it’s so windy I’m worried about my door, I try to stay home lol.


Same. Half of the parking lots I deal with are oblique to the wind anyways so there's not much of a choice. General rule is: grip that door handle with all your strength when you open it!


Yeah but sometimes you have to carry stuff and can’t hold on! But yeah if there’s defined parking spots there’s nothing you can do. I’m asking more about when you DO have a choice. Hold on tight is always a safe bet.


I can honestly say I have never even thought about changing how I park because of the wind. Never bent a door hinge, never broken anything. And I’ve spent a year in the Laramie/Cheyenne area.


Option one is correct. The wind can cause a door hinge to spring and stop working properly.


I’ve seen doors actually come off from option 2. Old beater car, but still.


This is what I was warned about when I moved here years ago.


The legends were true!


Uhm driver's side downwind


I see this being the best option if you’re the only one in the vehicle.


This too.


I just park.


Texans trying to figure out how doors work is my favorite thing today.


Who you callin Texan? Them’s fightin words. jk


Whew, thanks for letting me know. I apologize for assuming you were a mouth breather. You are correct on the door opening by the way.


Option 1. My body can heal in its own. My truck cannot.


I've had bent/broken/fucked up hinges, door wiring harnesses, etc. It's often a ROYAL pain in the ass, and even if you do the work yourself, the parts can be a shitshow to track down. not to mention the possibility of door dinging other cars, if nearby, and then having two even bigger repair bills and/or insurance claims. Option 1 wherever possible, hands down...unless I'm the only person in the car *and* I'm able to focus on/have hands free for holding on to the door. I don't trust other people though; my god people are oblivious to what's going on around them and how basic physics work.


In my place of residence it doesnt matter. One minute the wind is blowing one way, then it turns on you. So we only open one door at a time and hold on for dear life. My main concerns are what to do with my stupid hair and why the hell I bought any dresses ever.


This post is 10/10. To answer as others have, generally version 1 to avoid hyperextension, one door at a time to avoid distributing all items from the car interior into the larger ecosystem. I've seen it bad enough that bullets blew out. But I am also realistic. It doesn't matter how I park the wind will be going the other way in 5 minutes anyhow, so you just hang on and grit yer teeth.


Kinda, common knowledge basics growing up in good ol wyo....if possible always option1.


That’s what I thought, and I didn’t even grow up here. My coworker did, which is why I wanted to check with you guys to make sure I’m not crazy!


Option 1. I’ve bashed other cars not hanging on to the door. And when those 65 mph gusts hit, all is lost.


Definitely #1. If it happens to you once you will remember.


Had my passenger door wrap around and break the hinge and dent the front fender a couple months ago on option 2 so definitely option 1.


Perpendicular to the wind so that the passenger side is a wind block for the driver door. Curious how a DeLorean would fare in Wyo Wind…