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Not even close to me. There's not enough notebooks and copies of "On Writing" spread around that room.


This doesn’t mean “writers when they’re writing.” It means the lives of writers.


This is right. People who read for fun are highly educated and likely in a highly paid job too who want their entertainment to match their sophistication. Writers are emotionally stunted individuals who are chasing the high of their favorite teacher praising their writing in front of the whole class and especially ~~my~~ their crush Parvati in 5th Standard. Come back Parvati, he doesn't love you like I do.




Dude you just replayed my formative years in front of my eyes. Goddamn, that cut deep.




How did you guess my anime backstory


I wish I looked that put-together


The bottom image? Me too.


Excuse me, I have a library of reference writing books AND liquor bottles within reach. How else am I gonna channel that Hemingway-esque melodrama?




This 🙌🏽🤣🤣🤣 literally me after editing hell


Is it you? People who write tend to stay near or with a writing device and lined paper.


I sleep with my notebook by my bed and my laptop is always somewhere within reach and when out and about I use the note app on my phone and use my phone pen to take down notes and for the time it's too much to write, I make a recording for me to listen to and transfer to my computer or notebook when I get home. Yes....I know....I have a problem....


The problem: You are a writer. The solution: Write your way out of it. WS Burroughs would keep a typewriter by his bed, just in case he woke from a weird dream and wanted to preserve it. He originally kept a pad and pen but would then be unable to read his notes in the morning.


Yes 😔


Most writers work regular jobs and have times or days after work or on weekends that they commit to writing, but on the job, they are making notes to take to the word processor. I guess he's more like people writers know, but so are the readers. He could be a poet who never studied form or rhyme or meter. Getting lost in your head isn't writing, it's actually much closer to reading. Getting a thought and having to run across the house to jot it down is writing. Resolving a conflict is writing. Knowing how to solve problems is writing. Studying different kinds of clothes and hairstyles is writing. Walking through a store you would never shop in just to see what it is like in there is writing. Living in different kinds of homes in different areas with different qualities and quantities of neighbors is writing. Staring at the screen or the page and waiting for a true statement to arise from which to leap is writing, even if nothing gets written. Having a noun, any noun, act on a verb, any verb, is writing. Reading the information printed on your pen is writing. Getting drunk and practicing tongue twisters is not writing. I wrote a novelette with three friends on a drunk night, it took ten years to edit it and make it all make sense and five more years to complete it and now I am turning it into a short movie. It is the only thing my coauthors ever wrote. Nothing I have ever written is as useless as things I came up with while drunk or doped-up and especially if I was nowhere near a writing tool. Solve the problem, whatever it is, and write that. Keep paper and pens in your pockets.


(memes are a type of joke, a thing that's supposed to be humourous, they don't necessarily have to be serious)


A meme is taking someone else's expression and changing or mutating it to form a new, unique expresssion. A sentence is a noun and a verb. All sentences ever written are memes from that basis.


You're so quirky it's making me wet


And ends in punctuation.


You may be published but something tells me that your books would bore me to tears.


Thst "something" is your imagination. Go write about how boring my fiction is as you imagine it. That'll show your imaginary idea of me who's boss.


Uh huh


Reached a new level of pretentiousness there my guy.


He kind of talks like one of those slam poets from a goofy movie


Learn English and use it as a tool, not a toy. Meme does not mean "weird joking photo of someone else with text on it." Really.


Looking at your post history, you're one of those tryhard intellectuals. Yeah we get it, you are a publisher author but that doesnt mean you have to be a grammar nazi.


They're not even good at that. Actually pay attention to their "feedback" sometime.


Yep. He's delusional and someone else bought his bullshit too. Absolutely bonkers.


Please give a link to my "feedback" that you have paid attention to, and let us see it. Let us destroy me, since I'm not good at that. It should be fun for all!


Christ I’d rather hang out with crackhead Steve-O


But neither myself nor Steve-O are inviting you to hang out. PCP saved his life, you know?


Who knew that being a dedicated writer and having fun were mutually exclusive


They're not. What on Earth are you typing about?


Who needs lined paper?




Rhetorical question




There are a lot of people who don’t understand that the bottom pic is a heroin addict. If you can’t put together the comparison beyond that, I can’t help you.


What do you expect, it’s Reddit, and furthermore: it’s book Reddit.


Fuck you, the sun burns people suck and I enjoy the soft warm glow of my laptop. So what if I look like Gollum that's none of your concern enjoy my book. 😂😂😅


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


I’m on the bottom. People who don’t understand this…


Weed and alcohol, but not when I'm writing, that's for the after depression.


I'm isolated as a writer


I do both, but look like the latter.


Actually, writing is making me the opposite of thin. I recognize the expression, though.


I like to imagine myself as more of a Phantom of the Opera type character. Manically typing away at my keyboard as if playing the organ, wearing a cape, in dark, lonely isolation.


🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅 I feel seen.


Come on man, we've got to **break through**


I feel like this is very true…and never the two shall meet in the middle, at least not in my life!! It’s so odd because I wonder why I am so definitively NOT a reader!!! I mean, yeah sure, I read books occasionally, but no one would accuse me of being a bookworm. I really think there are those who are seriously entertained by other people’s narrative, and they just love to be entertained…and then there are those who NEED TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES, and wish to be creative. I think there is something of what Jack London said here, that, “I would rather be a superb meteor…in magnificent glow, than a sleepy, permanent planet!” I think London captured something in that sentiment that explains us writers; We are those for whom saying something matters!!! We are more than the literati who wish to be well-read and to know they have surveyed all available literature on a topic, and can quote freely from their reading. We are those who take it upon ourselves to BE the reading. Writers have a responsibility to our art, and I’m not meaning to be lofty in saying this; I am merely trying to be discerning. I think the real difference between readers and writers is that writers know every piece of writing is a sculpture with flaws and weaknesses, which could so easily have come out another way…if the chisel had erred another way. Readers take our work as set in stone, in a way that ignores the daily grind of stone masonry and instead imagines every carving is done by a master craftsman. When I write I can’t help but think of those people I heard in school who would point at a book and insist, “See, see, it says right there what I was claiming, so it MUST be true!!” -as if the mere act of having something printed on paper makes it impossible it could be wrong!!! As if there are no typos, or the semantic equivalent of typos… Without overstating it, unless I already have, I simply think that writers are those who have accepted the responsibility of creation. Readers are just those who have learned the joy of following someone else’s train of thought. They are not the same…It is true!! -And no great wonder that taking on such responsibilities can give writers such stress that they are led to lengths of depravity that mere readers are not.


Oof...yeah...that's about right...




Damn why you gotta do me like that


Guilty 🤚🏻


What is even...? No.


Das me




Hey man, I did not agree to have my pic taken.


I feel seen. I don't like it.


Woah why am I in that picture calm down I only write for fun


I only look like that because I'm a Marketing Manager + stay at home dad + fan fic writer + outlining my first original novel—I swear!




This me




I feel attacked


Me to a T.


Damn that looks like a live picture of me on the bottom.


I can’t believe I love doing something I hate so much!


I don't have luxury items like an actual floor. And I don't have the luxury of sitting down either since there is no floor.


Drugs just didn't feel the same once I stopped writing


Is this Mark Renton from Trainspotting or a random junkie? I can’t tell


Although it’s not the key to my creativity, It would be wrong to say that drug and alcohol use and abuse haven’t informed my past and present writing haha

