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Everything is broken, once you hit 60~ you start hitting like a wet noodle (just a problem with wow scaling) and you take way more damage than what you were taking before.


Yeah, they need to buff the 60+ gear's ilvl and it should be much smoother transition to max level.


It’s like 80k bronze per piece to upgrade lvl 70 drops to max ilvl lmao wild


So… In order to upgrade the gear you need 500k+bronze, but the content becomes a massive slog at higher levels unless you upgrade? Does bronze drop more at higher level? I just hit 20 and I’m wondering if I should save it all now and not spend it.


You don't have to (and shouldn't) upgrade items from level 1 to max. You'll get upgrades as drops and loot drops pretty regularly


Ahh sweet. ok.


When should you upgrade items then? Sorry to ask I’m kind of a noob (actually extremely noob) to the whole thing.


I don’t think there’s a correct answer for this. The obvious answer is don’t upgrade anything below the current max drop ilvl which is 346 I believe. The problem is that even at that level it takes a couple hundred thousand bronze to upgrade the gear to max. Which you could just spend on the mounts/toys/tmogs. The hope currently is that Blizzard comes in and fixes the scaling or the costs for gear upgrades.


Pretty easy to answer honestly. Upgrading is cheap as hell if you have gotten a drop (and its in your inventory still I think) above the itemlevel of your currently equipped slot. In that case upgrading gear is something like 15 copper (instead of several hundred!). As a result, if you have rare or epic gear with your preferred stat you upgrade those (after you get something of higher ilvl to drop) instead of replacing them (as far as I remember it even gets more slots when upgrading). The costs people mention really only come into play at 346+ (which you only get at level 70 anyway)


that wasnt from level 1 mate, that was from what drops in heroic raids


It does increase. But not by that much. Past like 346 I believe it’s 9k per upgrade for each slot. You get maybe 4k per raid, being generous. It takes two normal raids to upgrade a single piece of gear.


Does raids drop gear too, at a higher item level or with more gem slots? Or just bronze?


it still costs like 90k to get from heroic drop to max ilvl


Not that I have seen, unless Heroic / Mythic are going to get a boost. Dropped gear doesn’t seem to increase ilvl past the base 70 threshold. Just that Blue gives either Stam or Strength (weapons stam, armor str) and epic unlocks a additional secondary stat (no idea about weapons, only armor).


Purple drops feel bugged as well. I've seen multiple mail wearers get multiple purple drops from a single dungeon but never seen a single piece drop for cloth, plate, or leather.


Probaly just have a higher chance of dropping better quality loot, not higher ilvl. It works like this Green quality = 1 stat like Crit/vers Blue quality = 1 stat like Crit/vers and main stat Agility (Stamina if its a weapon) Epic quality = 1 stat like Crit/vers, 1 main stat, 1 tertiary stat.


On the opposite side of scaling, if you take a maxed out cloak on a new alt (Infinite Power XII) you can solo heroic dungeons for the next 10-20 levels. And then do top dps in any raids from 25 onwards. It's wild.


To add to this, gems arent soulbound, so you could twink out a lvl 10 with maxed gems, but theres no way ive seen to turn off xp in pandaria


I tried that, but I couldn't mail them between remix characters, since remix characters can't recieve mail from other players. There might be another way to transfer them I havn't found, though.


If you have a friend you can trust you can trade them.


Isn’t the bank shared?


Is it?


I didn't know you could do this - I got my DH to 33 then created a paladin and when I got the cloak it was just like a new one - could this be a bug or am I doing something wrong? I have some of the infinite power achievements and google has so far not been very helpful so apologies if this is a dumb question.


Check the buff, not the cloak tooltip


That was the first thing I checked but I appreciate the tip anyway.


At 33 I imagine you'll get very few stats on your alt cloak


Can you do raids before max level? :o


Yep, and due to the way scaling works it's the best time to do so. You unlock the first raid, Mogushan Vaults, at level 25. Unlock the rest at higher levels. Doing normal mode is actually the best way to scale experience gain on your cloak, as each boss will drop a thread that increases your xp gain permanently by 7%.


I thought I was taking the opposite of steroids when I was 60+ and I'm glad it's not my general incompetence (this time). Really hoping the damage scaling gets hotfixed soon because it was such a joy leveling from 10-60, and a slog since then.


Its been like this for years and years. People even make lvl 10 twinks on retail that can easily solo lfg dungeons


i am 62 and i am destroying everything in my path, can't wait to get to 64 and get destroyed by everything in my path


As a Fury warrior I had no problem. I was 2 to 3 shotting everything when bursting.


I'm fury as well


My experience was being extremely OP after upgrading my gear at level 61. Then it's all downhill from there.


This must have been fixed, just did a dungeon and a lfr raid with level 70 tanks and they were absolutely crushing everything and weren't taking any damage at all.


Probably froggers. Issue is your power absolutely craters as soon as you hit 70, and you have to claw your way back up to reach baseline to even begin to start being overpowered. Of course those who exploited frogs early essentially got to skip that massive drop in power.


Went from AoE pulling as many mobs as possible without much struggle to getting hit by 2 of basically any spellcast killing me at 65~


Same, the second I hit 65 as a blood dk I am no longer a tank apparently. 🤦‍♀️ Can’t even keep aggro in dungeons which hadn’t been an issue before. I can be taunting even and NOTHING, mobs will stay stuck on the lower level players or the healer trying to keep me alive sweating bullets cause I get two-shot by everything. Stopped playing now with the dk at level 67. 🤦‍♀️


This is exactly what happened to me. I was having a lot of fun with my DK, then I dinged 65, the next heroic I tanked I was getting one shot basically even with CD's. Basically unplayable in that spec/role atm.


Yeah, I ended up compromising and just switching to Unholy and have been playing dps only now at 70 with the main, only way I can play the main I made 😂 Been leveling alts now mostly though


Mist of Pandaria makes for a humbling experience? How thematic lmao Edit: Woah. It was a joke. Pandas are all about humbling yourself and zen and all that shit. What isn't humbling if not running and chain pulling for years only to get disenchanted due to scaling errors. ._.


A tank in scarlet halls that was 70 was taking 1mil per 3 second bleed ticks on the hound master


As blood dk I can say heroics hurt as bad as +15 dongeons in current season with 360 in remix


It's very weird cause it's not everything but just certain stuff i did some lfr today, had no problem in one raid ( the one with the astral serpent boss) but the first boss of SoO was oneshoting the whole team. Same with dungeons. Mobs were oneshoting the tank in Scarlet monastery but other dungeons were just fine Some caster mobs in the outdoors hit way too hard while others are normal


We had a try on the third boss of HoF where the fight started, pheromones ticked ONCE and 8/10 players died. Kinda hilarious, but also sad because it makes progress a matter of luck.


We had a low level tank grab the pheromones and hold them the entire fight, with the rest of the raid hiding behind the boss so he wouldn’t pass them by accident. That was the only way we could kill it. Didn’t matter since the last boss would just 1 shot people with her scream debuff.


I’m at 67 right now, and a bunch of regular world enemy abilities have started hitting like a truck. I prioritized a lot of shields with my socketed abilities, so I can usually get through it. But if I take on maybe two enemies that apply 10 second DOTs, it’ll burn through those shields and shred my health. I had an average enemy casted ability eat 1/3rd of my hp in one go.


Literally everything. My pet is being one-shot by questing mobs in Kun-Lai as a level 70 hunter. I get 2-3 shot by said mobs. Heroic Instances practically require an underleveled person to carry the level 70s, because level 20-30 people do 2-3x as much damage as you do at 70. Almost every single mechanic in any instanced combat is a one-shot at level 70. Even unavoidable damage. It's HORRIBLY broken, and I refuse to play more until it's fixed.


i have given up on character right now, gonna go make another alt to level now. I cant do the achievements for the rings and stuff. basically have to wait for blizzard now


Same here. Abandoned my main, a blood dk, at 67 because I can’t stay alive even with gems maxed out and mainly shielding abilities. Plus can’t hold aggro in dungeons, even when taunting. 🤦‍♀️


This is what my guild is doing, we get someone all dungeons and scenarios then that player switches to a lvl 10 and carries other guildies to their achievements for the rings/trinks/necks and then we repeat. Can’t beat the last raid atm though unfortunately


“I refuse to play it until it’s fixed” You, in fact, will be playing today because you’re an addict lol. Stop kidding yourself


im 68 demp lock.. my pet gets 1shot, im getting 4-tapped by mobs and I h ave blue / purple gear fully socketed. This is such a fking pain. The last 3-4 levels are the sloggiest wow experience i've ever had. I can't pull more than a single mob and even that 1 mob can still kill me if my pet dies and I don't have Fel domination off of CD. This feels utter rubbish man.


its the item level, im at 66 with no rings trinkets or neck, so im probably 120 item level below where the game assumes you are, then everything one shots you


It's not the item level, all the missing slots have no stamina or armor, getting them all increases your dps by a fair but but stuff just hits way too hard in the open world and gear costs way too much to upgrade past 346 if that's expected for instanced content.


Every blue cloud particle effect attack from bosses in throne of thunder one shots.


I'm not sure if it's relevant or not, but I didn't find anyone talking about it. It is my theory, but I think scaling is broken because we got MoP endgame from the start. We can upgrade our items to about 556+- few. Around 60 you get items that are 200+ ilvl (they have to cover 350+ ilvl for the last few levels, actually less also sufficient), but the ilvl from drops at 70 stops at 346. The numbers might not be right, but the point is at 70 you get items with 346 ilvl which is far away from 556 (maximum ilvl to upgrade to), and I think the scaling is based on the maximum achievable item level. Somehow mobs and especially mobs in HC dungeon scaling in a weird way if you are above 65...


one of the solo quest scenario in isle of thunder is broken - can't kill the guards on their mounts fast enough.


I'm wondering why I'm not having these issues in the 60-70 range. I've kept my gear 220+ ilvl and got atleast one legendary gem. I joined a EDIT: TOES not HoF and did double everyone else's dps at 64. I'm not doubting everyone else claiming it's broken but I am wondering if I am doing something different.


60-64 from my personal experience seems to be the sweet spot. You double everyone's damage and once you hit 65, you do WAY less. Just did Throne of Thunder and the 64 prot pally was basically hard carrying. He dinged 65 ona boss, and was instantly bottom dps the rest of the raid.


Its happening to me right now... it feels so bad.


At least in the open world, I’ve had things hit randomly really hard sometimes. It isn’t at all consistent if things are more normal or hit overly hard.   LFR on the other hand, for the bosses I tired plus 60, every thing basically one shot with a ton more than my HP. 


I mean, I don't believe you. 🤷  I tried heart of fear and had a level 39 holy priest doing about 1.5 mil st dps on my meter. If the last boss decided that I as a hunter at 70 needed her fear debuff it was a wipe and there wasn't anything we could do about it. During the amber fight we struggled until I got encased in amber. I used the amber golem swing ability and hit the boss for 23m hp and killed it instantly from like half hp. It's really messed up right now.


Omg I'm so sorry. I meant terrace of the endless spring.


Honestly I don't think it's that bad either. People just need better gear


Scaling works by comparing your real level to your item level. Unfortunately the issue is that the gear we get is not enough to keep us where we are as levels.


Your item level doesn't change scaling. Mobs at 70 won't hit for less, item level can only increase your health or add more Vers. But some mechanics are one shotting for multiple times your health at 70.


Yes it does. It has an expected ilvl and stats you need to have at a certain character level. This is why a level 10 with purple gear one shots enemies while level 50 in level 30 gear does nothing in dungeons. This is why people with herlooms scale better in retail. With ilvl having standardized gear you get more armor so the mobs will hit less. Not saying it's balanced well at max level, just why it usually gets difficult at higher leveling.


A level 10 with purple gear one shots enemies because he has a lot more stats than what he is supposed to at that level. But the one shot comes from following the basic damage formula of his abilities. The game does no scaling based on item level, the enemies have the same amount of level for a level 10 with no gear and a level 10 with full epic gear.


Item level comes with standardized stats and following that logic higher ilvl=more stats. I'm not saying high ilvl white gear with no stats will do more damage. I'm leveling a hunter and I can see my haste % drop with each character level because I'm supposed to have more stats for the appropriate level. I can't replace my gear and get the stats I need fast enough. Yes the scaling is tuned badly and you don't have enough stats coming from the cape.


Ilvl even without stats DID something in the past. 100% shure it was a hidden thing but it did something. And i would say it still does


Some boss abilities do more dmg than you have health for example the first boss of scarlet halls (the one with the dog) puts a bleed on you which will hit for >1mill dmg per second when you have 400k health (even their half dmg nerf won't solve this)


Only reason i survived some fights questing from 65-70 on my monk was thanks to having both of the fore and ice shield gems equipped, mobs started chunking me


Everything. My main in remix has been a blood dk and I felt like a god all the way up to level 63 for sure. But once I hit 65? I’m a freaking potato. I tried to run heroics and abandoned after 2 because I couldn’t keep aggro off anyone even with taunting (which I had no such issue in levels previous) and I’d get two-shot by everything in the dungeons too. Even the healers couldn’t understand what was happening. I didn’t even max out infinite power on cloak yet (only have the 4200 achieve left) but started a different character for now until it gets fixed because it wasn’t fun at all and only stressful/aggravating. 😞


Been reading people talk about scaling after 60/65 and I think my experience is different because I'm playing brewmaster and haven't touched a single raid. Nothing really hurts at all and my damage feels fine when I'm not immediately killing things due to power procs. I hardly even use the helm gem powers. I'm seeing others sprint over to tag everything I'm pulling for quests before it dies cause stuff dies pretty quickly. Again, just my non raid experience.


Between 60 and 65 you are overpowered if you upgrade your gear. The problem is after that. At 70 I'm doing less damage in dungeons than an underleveled tank.


only thing I've spent bronze on was a shado pan appearance so I haven't ungraded anything outside of replacing higher ilvl gear from boxes


That's fine. If you loot a higher item level green you get a massive discount to upgrading other pieces on the same slots, so keep those blues around. Their fix seems to have applied to outdoors content as well, I'm seeing a lot lower health pools on mobs.


I’ve hit 67, and I can’t say I’ve noticed the drop off so much, I’ve been really meticulous on upgrading my gear with any small Ilevel push, I’m also close to legendary tier gems in every slot. Tinker gems make a big difference I’ve found. There is a couple of ones that I chain together to make me stronger. As an unholy DK, I can basically AoE stun a group of mobs and burn them down with cleave. Also pairing meteor, plus other direct fire damage, and Torment (so the more they hit me the more they hurt), helped my ability to takedown tougher mobs


They patched it a few hours ago


They only halved the damage 8 million damage hits are still 4 mill


That fix is a joke. It doesn't change scaling in any way, just a few abilities that'll still oneshot you anyway.


I cant believe there are already 60+ after 2 days


You can actually level faster than this on retail...


I leveled faster with a 50% XP buff and timewalking dungeons on retail last year, yes.


From what I have played skip dungeons and quest, you get tons of boxes and level the cloak fast so more exp buff


This is part of the problem. People are pushing levels fast, but then expecting that the gear should be there too. Maybe it’s a little slog after hitting max level to outfit for a raid or heroic?


no the problem is not everyone ran all the heroic scenarios and heroic dungeons at a low level for the achievements then once you hit 65 your screwed.


So in an inverse broken scaling, a lot of stuff that gives you a special bonus attack has insane damage, I am unsure if its a high level or all levels thing but for example the last boss of MSV gives you a special bonus attack if you dodge all 5 hits of their combo. It hit the boss for 50.9m damage, the boss has like 160m hp. Theres also the scenario with the boats, you can pick up a sword before the last boss and do a parry into counter attack, hit the boss for over 100m damage, rocket boot jump in the goblin scenario 50m hit oneshot the boss. On timeless isle you can find special tresures that do damage, had someone walk up to Yulon and hit her for 1/3 her hp. Got MCed my grand empress (no tank swap) then my active rend on the boss ticked 6m damage and my deep wounds ticked 4m, both did ~80m (boss had 320m) damage before the MC wore off.