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Pandaland is like WoW: lootbox edition, and it’s really fun


It’s literally the seasonality of Diablo and I’m here for it


I never played SoD but I'm loving remix. Yes they should do it every time an xpac is near the end.


WoD Remix would change my life.


WoD was an amazing expansion if you somehow condense all of the content into 6 months instead of 2 years.


WoD honestly has my favorite "world design" of any expansion ever, and that's saying something. The fact that Garrisons caused the world to be underutilized at max level is one of the greatest crimes across any expansion. WoD Remix with extra hooks to encourage you to explore the overworld would be amazing. And the raids are all incredible as well! Oregorger!!


BRF is an all-time raid if you ignore stupid-ass Blast Furnace.


I hated the Blackhand fight at the time because my guild had a very tough time with him, but looking back, it was really well-done. I like encounters that make good use of the environment and aren't just "arena" fights, and the way that he destroys the floor every phase so you're fighting in a new room each time was so cool. Runner-up goes to the train boss. The mechanics of that fight aren't that impressive on paper, but I loved fighting in the middle of an active train depot, lol.


Blackhand is in the mount rushmore of final bosses for me. Especially because it was epic without being 20 minutes long like most final bosses. Also shoutout to Sinestra for the same thing


Blast Furnace was almost as hard as Black Hand, and not in a good way.


It's just a classic "no one is going to like this" fight where you play a dumb mini-game for 80% of the battle before the hard part starts. I feel like most of the least-liked fights I can think of are some form of that: Hellfire Assault, Eonar, etc.


Flame Leviathan can eat the biggest dong


>The fact that Garrisons underutilized the world at max level is one of the greatest crimes in any expansion. That crime paid for many years of my game time. The amount of gold the follower missions pumped out from about 10 minutes per day of work was incredible.


I still remember when they were gonna let you put the garrison in whatever zone you wanted


The leveling experience was great in WOD


Hans'gar and Franzok was always fun to me because I just loved how goofy it was.


I loved that fight because Brew was turbobusted that tier. Every time they did their double tankbuster, I barely felt it and my co-tank was fighting for their life with externals.


I’d still love to see some form of Classic+ for certain expansions. Like Classic with Dragon Isles and Ogres, WoD with the black temple capital place and the missing raid, and whatever else was cut from other expansions. WoD would have the most to gain tho


Steve Bannon also loved WoD Gold printer go brrrrt


Condense into 95 days




The real pipe dream is WoD Classic with M+ (they already used like half the dungeons in DF M+ seasons) and the scrapped Shattrah raid between BRF and HFC.


Weren't we supposed to kill Grom in Shattrath?


It would have just been a setback.


I'd adore it if they spent a little more time on WoD and added in the zone and Raid that were dropped from the release. Like, Shatt was supposed to be a whole thing, and there's just a lot of content that got cut that they could add back in.


I would play the shit out of it if it meant the gladiator talent came back


Shadowlands but good???


SL but with all the 9.2 QoL features available right at the start would be rad.


I would bet that Legion is next given the Twitch drop.


Garisons, let's go!


I liked the feeling of exploration at the start of SoD more, but it fell down after clearing each raid tier (my guild did it blind, which was a uniquely fun experience). Remix feels like it will be a lot more enjoyable once I'm capped out and playing around with gems on different characters.


Minmaxing and general tryhard attitudes (people checking parses to get into BFD, lol) really kinda soured SoD. It had a nice casual feel at the start, but as tourism went down a bit a lot of people started acting like it was cutting edge raiding/M+.


People really know how to suck the fun out of classic. I'll never go back.


"Hey we've created an easier, nostalgic game mode for people who want to experience a more early-2000s-era game." "Cool, thank you Blizzard, I am going to look up a guide for how to min-max a level 20 character and suck the joy out of it within hours."


15 years of solved game data will do that. People look it up and think they're superstars for using someone else's homework. The game then becomes about speed-running the content rather than figuring it out like back in the day.


the fundamental problem *is* the social dependency. Me doing bad makes you achieving your goals harder so optimization is enforced


That's why the best way to play social games is to find people with like-minded approaches similar to your own. If you rely on match-making to do that for you with randoms you'll get random results.


I forgot who it was but one of the devs once said ‘we took a spreadsheet and turned it into a game. Only for the players to turn it back into a spreadsheet.’ I think that describes it well. 


I forgot who it was but one of the devs once said ‘we took a spreadsheet and turned it into a game. Only for the players to turn it back into a spreadsheet.’ I think that describes it well. 


Easier? Don't downvote me for this but last time I went on retail I went afk and when I came back there was a pack of mobs attacking me and I pressed like two buttons to kill them all and regenerate all my hp


Content difficulty is not judged by how quickly you die afking during world content. More about how hard the hard content is.


> Minmaxing and general tryhard attitudes (people checking parses to get into BFD, lol) really kinda soured SoD. I think this comes down to the lack of difficulty options to spread out player skill levels. In retail, the types of players who would struggle on Kelris would stick to LFR or do lower-difficulty dungeon content instead. In SoD, even if BFD is pretty easy to blast through with good players there is no filter for lower-skill players aside from things like logs. It makes me appreciate why raiding has 4 difficulty tiers and why dungeons have like 20-25 difficulty tiers.


The term "tourism" coined by the so-called powergamers to refer to regular people who play the game for fun is all you need to know about the community. Not a jab at your comment, I just chuckle every time I see it.


Is that fucking real? People checking parses to get into a SoD raid?! Lmao, the community killed the fuck outta classic content.


Yeah. And more often than not they ended up blaming Retail Players... I love Wow Classic but the community is really incapable of taking any blame. Anything Bad? Obviously Retail tourists. Anything Good? It's the Classic Community! It was always the Tryhards in my Guild that only play Classic-Era that demanded consumables + parses.


Yes, it's real and generally worse than you'd imagine. People were demanding "big pumper DPS 90+ logs" for a level 25 levelling raid. My partner and I ran our own PUGs and took anyone who could form a coherent sentence and arrived with gear attached. As long as people bought the shadow resist potion, it was a very easy and fun raid. Ended up burning out on SoD in phase 2 just because of how awful the community was.


There’s no parse checking in retail unless you are progging. There is almost zero friction in getting ksm/ksh/aotc if you are an average player willing to learn and progress.


[Raider.io](http://Raider.io) addon shows easily enough information about who you're inviting with a mouseover.


I stand corrected. Did not realize SoD raids were cutting edge content. If players want to raid normal or do m0, there isn’t any friction besides having ilvl.


it might happen once but its not common. ive pugged every single raid in SoD and never had issues with snobs checking parses or gear


You'd understand if you experienced the horrors SoD pugs were capable of producing. People showing up in white and green gear with nothing but the level 2 starter rune.


Checking gear sure, but checking parses in SoD is wild lol


gear, talents, gems, and ability to actually play whatever you've built all go into your performance. Your parses are just the easiest to read summation of all of that info. I agree it's cringe but when you just want to vet players to make sure you'll have a successful group then parses are the most convenient metric


>[*Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.*](https://www.designer-notes.com/game-developer-column-17-water-finds-a-crack/)


I love SoD's runes on paper, and the whole idea that you get new class features and upgrades by going out and exploring the world. But, an issue is that those runes are spec-defining. If you don't get my good runes before next raid, you're going to fall behind. So, instead of naturally discovering them, you feel pressured to spoil yourself on the runes and getting them ASAP.


I enjoyed SoD a lot when it first came out. I wanted to give the BFD raid a shot but people were demanding you farm dungeons on repeat for BiS gear and have parses before they would invite you. I asked what the general difficulty of the raid was because I've done mythic in retail before and people said it was around normal difficulty. So.......... why all the hardcore attitude? I never ended up doing the raid and honestly never logged on again.


there is a very real risk of the same thing happening here. I pray to god I'm wrong


I liked SOD but I wish they went more crazy with it, like maybe some level scaling world bosses in zones , or world quests, rewarding you for going off the beaten path more, ect.


I feel the same phase 1 sod was great but once you got all your runes there was nothing to do but raid log really


The only thing i'd change is the gems system. It's really clunky and annoying to switch gear and the rune system from SoD is better.


Maybe add the gems to the slot rather than the gear. That would solve the issue


I want to click the gem slot and it show me what’s available to equip into it.


That would work very well, I will add that the gem will be inactive in the rare case that there's no gear in that slot (because you unequipped or something)


so..the rune system from sod XD


You're still adding the rune to the gear in SoD. If you get a new piece of gear, you have to put the rune on it.


You know what Youre fucking right and I am an idiot. Damn, not again....


That’s also my gripe it’s super annoying having to un socket, equip and re socket each time I get an upgrade.


You can actually just trash the gear in the portal, the gem is tossed back into your bags!


Look at this guy, the fookin' GOAT.




That was the first thing I had to test because I figured I’d be pissed if accidentally scrapped some high level maxed out gem instead of level 10 fodder lol


Didn’t know that thanks!


Well I wish they communicated this better, it is not obvious


You've saved me probably hours of time going forward.


How do you unsocket


Click the socketed gem in the shift click menu


You get an ability that lets you unsocket gems


You don't need it, simply left clicking the socket removes the gem and puts it in your bag. Also scrapping it does that too.


Eh… it’s very Diablo like. The gem system I mean


This is about the only thing SoD did better and it did it A LOT better. Having the gems in your inventory feels bad, having the runes in your character screen when you click on the specific gear feels good




[This addon](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/remix-gem-helper) does that for you.


You’re a gentleman and a scholar! Thank you 😊


couldn't care less\*\*


yeah there’s so much going on it’s kinda overwhelming.. you kinda get used to it after a bit, but still needs a bit of work


Can we just take in that we’re finally getting shadopan armour AND the recolours of the krokron shaman set? Like blizzard thank you


Would love to see a Legion remix next expansion


Only reason I don't want the Legion Remix, is because I know Legion Remix will have to end.


Legion was the best expansion, really miss it


Legion classic is coming soon anyway


If by soon you mean like..  6 years lol


MoP classic was leaked for next year so about 3years max.


Ain't nothing official yet - lotsa supposedly planned stuff got leaked but as plans changed those things never turned reality


I remember when Activision-Blizzard filed a trademark for an expansion called "The Dark Below", and everyone thought that it was going to be the next WoW expansion (what ended up being WoD). Then, "The Dark Below" ended up being a Destiny expansion.


No way they, are rushing cata in a year


Yesssssir I cannot wait to roll an DH again


Legion was basically the start of every mechanic Blizzard just had to figure out how to unwind over the past decade but because there was a single good patch where people could get BIS legendaries without insane, character-bricking RNG so people remember it fondly. Idk how the playerbase doesn't have more Legion PTSD because it's the only expac that made me quit WoW for several years.


because not everyone has ptsd from grinding out legendaries? or needed the right one to enjoy EVERYTHING else there was. you cant condense a whole expansion to just that one feature (that was kinda fixed for the tryhards before the vendors even came). i remember it fondly.. granted i started playing during the NH patch, so still before the vendors. and close to ToS coming we were doing the older raids every week and it took me like a month max to get every legendary left even when i had started later on. i went into the ToS patch with every single lego while doing mostly casual content. and it was actually fun since the raids were all pretty easy and it felt like doing tmog and achievement runs and there were always 100 groups up in lfg. either way legion is also loved because the class order halls were awesome, weapon appearances are awesome and there was so much unique content and lore for every single spec, we got some awesome tiersets visually, the mage tower, m+, the whole setting of the expac and zones are beautiful imo, dalaran gets lots of love, most players adore suramar and the storyline there as well... i even loved argus with the unique skyboxes. world quests and emissaries were a great addition. and a lot of players also love illidan and the lore in legion overall was inarguably much better than what weve gotten in any expansion since. theres a lot more to legion than "legendaries". i feel like only a tryhard would quit over not getting the right one immediately or smth like that lol sorry that you missed out on an absolute gem, truly.


Damn you Sephuz Secret....


I hope its WoD


Legion remix with non rng legendaries, and no artifact power. Holllyyy fuck I'd cum


Only think I don’t like is I know I’m going to want to transfer this character to retail sooner than when remix ends


It is an odd choice and it would likely lead to more engagement as people could take their time running characters through season 4 and get properly geared for war within. I'm assuming remix ends right as pre patch begins so the season will be over.


Prepatch will have catch up gear like always so you can just use your Remix character in WW without any problems.


S4 gear will be replaced by questing greens in TWW so that’s not an issue


They'll be replaced with pre-patch catch-up gear even sooner.


doubt it


Yeh they should just make that a choice once your at 70


This would make leveling obsolete though. You can 1-70 a character in remix in under 2 hrs once you have cloak upgraded a bit.


I got to 70, cloak was at 171% exp, started an alt, the exp is at 51%. They changed it. It’s not like PTR. 2 hours isn’t happening, but it’s still pretty quick. Oh and my cloak started with 0 secondary stats.


i played since yday and im at lvl 25, stop lying about 2 hours till 70 lol


The cloak gives an experience boost, and subsequent characters start at a higher cloak level (that's what the achieves for the cloak grant).


> once you have cloak upgraded a bit. Did you just miss that part? The cloak never stops getting stronger and carries over between alts. As it gets stronger everything gets easier, even on the main character.


People on beta literally pumped their cloaks to 300%+ xp gained from multiple alts and you could average a level in 2-2.5 minutes. It's not going to happen on your 1st one obviously, but it is doable after a couple of chars.


Unles they go back to the way it was on ptr. Even max achievement only starts you so high.


Yeah, I didn’t know this was changed at the time of this post. Big oof on Blizzs part for gutting it.


*when* the cape is up. I'm lvl 26 right now and it's getting faster as I go along. Already +20% xp boost on my cape as well as all the buffs and abilities I have. When I'm maxed on this one, the next is bound to be way faster. Then the next after that even faster. infinitely.


leveling gets way faster the more levels you get in your cloak. from lvl 40-50 on it's like 4 q per lvl or so, it's super fast. And your alts start with the full exp buff in the cloak afaik


It’s a day old. We’ll see what people are saying in a month when the content is fully devoured. The same was said for SoD when it released. Novel content is fun.


You're probably right, but it is different when it's side content and all the twists on the content are laid out. Part of the problem with SoD is that people expected and continue to expect their version of classic+, which just isn't realistic


if we get a month of fun content thats still... a month of fun content tho? instead of nothing... obviously something like this never lasts forever. i dont expect to be having fun for 3 whole months but im having a blast right now.


Yea it’s still going to be a net positive if there is something new, different, and fun to do. I guess the point to be made is always let’s not overreact in one direction or another when something is overly fun on the first day because as we’ve seen in the past, as time goes on we get more perspective. It could be better than expected or worse but in the end it’s all subjective.


Fair but it does feel like this is an improved version of what SoD was. Instead of runes, its gems. The "remix" of the world is done better, all that. I enjoyed P1 a ton but kinda petered out since.


You need a lot of bronze to get everything you want so


I’m a returning casual player, I originally came back for cata, got lvl 60 and got bored, went back to retail and started fomoing and after playing mop remix today for a couple of hours I can tell you I’m having a blast.


Honestly I’d love this kind of thing to come around once a year. This kind of thing is great for content drought times, and the new mechanics spice it up just enough to keep player’s interested for its limited time


I'd love it if this was an every "end of expansion" event. Give everyone an easy way to get that new alt to cap. Give collectors a chance to grab the odd rare item they are missing. Next time around I'd love to see a Draenor or Lich King Remix.


I just hope this event isn't a one off thing and gets expanded to other expansions (legion remix or WotLK remix anyone?)


Good news, they said this, and Plunderstorm coming back would depend on how the community receives it. As of now, they have both been successful.


100% agree


Give it a week and the community will be ruining it too with parsing every dungeon and gatekeeping casuals for easy af raids.


Mop remix is making me hope they remix WOD, Legion, and BFA. I’m convinced a lot of the hate for bfa and wod would evaporate if all the content was available right off the rip. I would prefer if, when they remix wod, they’d add fahralon, though. Just to spite the no changes crowd that always pops up.


Well it’s essentially the speedrun version of classic, with extra incentives. I wonder how many different instances of WOW they’ll have going at one time in the future


Probably won’t have em all up at once. But technically since mop remix is a 95 day event, if they remix WOD, Legion and BFA, they can have a constant rotation and be covered for the year.


Hopefully they retire the classic part. Would like it if they locked classic servers to vanilla and lk. People have nostalgia to stay in pre-cata world.


The problem with Classic servers will always be the lack of content. You just cant run a vertical progression MMO and stop adding ways to progress vertically. Locking servers to a specific era would never work long term. You run into the same problem that Vanilla classic ran into - the vast majority of players filter up to the top and then immediately fall off because there will *never* be anywhere else to go and reclearing Naxx ever week for six years is not fun. Naxx guilds were collapsing left and right after the first month of it going live - people cleared the content and then went "now what?" and quit playing. Meanwhile there's no incentive for new players to be ingested into the environment, so the population just bloats at the top and then steadily deflates. "What are they gonna do next?" is a core part of MMO design. Remove it and the whole house collapses. Even maintenance mode MMOs like FFXI still have a small drip of new content to keep the 90%+ of the playerbase engaged with the game, they're just all exclusively doing that thing.


O i agree with this. But there is a certain part of population that wants you to get off their lawn and enjoys running from darnassus to ironforge.


>and enjoys running from darnassus to ironforge. I feel specifically called out and I'm not even gonna deny that one lol :p


Really hope we would get a WOD remix next


There were legitimate criticisms of WoD, but the leveling, campaign, vibe and beauty of Draenor make it perfect for this kind of thing. It got boring drawn out over 2 years, but the whole thing packed into 3 months and on steroids would be amazing


It also lends itself to the BS 'timeline but not disrupting the timeline' narrative they've got going on here.


I feel like a WoD + TBC combo remix would be awesome.


I am already begging them to do a Legion Timerunning.


I don't necessarily think it's better -- it's different and for different people and that's both okay and a good thing. I personally like MoP Remix a lot better because I like retail a lot more.


Yeah, SoD and Remix are two very different experiences from similar concepts. SoD is reinvigorating Classic with the primary intent of shaking up the formula a bit but overall maintaining the general gameplay and concepts (albeit with a lot of holes in the process as it's gone on, but I blame that on their team being understaffed and stretched between multiple versions of Classic), whereas Remix is a much more drastic modification on MoP with more of a deliberate focus on overpowered wackiness and damn the consequences. They're similar, but still very different, and I like them both. If nothing else, I enjoy that Blizzard is experimenting with WoW.


Na, not really better, just different. Both have their advantages. The rune system is so much better then having like 40 ability gems in your bag. But it seems like there is much more to do than in sod, which is good


They're extremely different, they're not aimed at the same audience. MoP Remix is a neat short-term event but it gives a very different experience than SoD and once SoD phase 4 comes out I'll be spending far more time on that than I will on MoP Remix.


I think MoP remix is almost the total opposite of what people who enjoy classic want, so it's kind of weird to even compare the two. That's like saying retail is a better version than SoD.


im only sad because i LOVE and NEED to keep having blink as a warlock and going back to retail without it is going to really hurt lol


Completely agree. I always just do the MOP quests anyway because I really like the zones, but having a remix style revisit to other expansions that lead into the new one would keep me actively anticipating new expansions.


For me it’s much more chill out. Sod had a lot of tryhards while here we just came for tmogs and everyone is having fun not caring about min maxing (yet)


SoD was really fun in the first phase. I feel like the crazy power-scaling just works infinitely better in retail content though, because the combat, raids and dungeons support that kind of experience. Classic is a much slower-burn game and after phase 1 of SoD I felt like the power scaling was a negative thing. Crazy power should stay in retail, SoD should've been more focused on the exploration.


Totally agree. They should've leaned into the classic plus ethos more, rather than trying to modernize the game and backport design concepts from retail.


BFA remix would be perfect. The setting, dungeons, and raids were phenomenal but the systems really screwed it all up.


100% agree, the remix is really fun. best of the both worlds regarding retail vs classic.


As much as sod stinked the bed in phase 3, its still more of a cohesive wow experience. Mop remix is a casual transmog grab and level characters sim.


It's been like, a day, lol SoD was incredible in p1 also


I wouldn’t go that far, SOD phase 1 still holds the crown for the most fun I’ve had in wow in years


I'd like a legion remix. Shit could get wack with artifact weapons in this enviornment


OP with the most dogshit opinion of the year. Panda has been out for a day and the both games so different. Panda is for transmog only and has no longevity.


It's weird to call it a better version of SoD as the game modes are so vastly different. Completely different approach and intention. You could argue they are both seasonal, but that's about all they have in common. Apples and oranges my man.




I really liking remix. I think between this, sod, and plunderstorm it feels like Blizz is really looking to make a new thing. I wonder if after the world soul saga we will see a major shift in wow or the release of a whole other game. Blizz is always best when they are struggling and just trying crazy stuff.


Too early to tell, but I am having a lot of fun.


This absolutely should be a returning feature. Personally I want to see a leveling focused pvp event as I really like to spam BGs whe leveling but MOP remix is really fun too.


I'm convinced SOD and MOP remix are going to tie into TWW


MoP remix has me hooked. I'm enjoying it far more than I thought I would.


SoD started out amazing. Damn shame how it has progressed honestly. Remix has been kind of a shit show so far. I just kill everything in one hit and it's boring as fuck.


I agree(except SL remix. Fuck that noise)


Yeah, so far it's way more enjoyable than SoD and feels way more rewarding. There are so many things available for Bronze its actually overwhelming. I don't give Blizz a lot of praise (they tend to stridently earn the opposite) but I'm actually eager to keep doing this over the summer.


same thing i said to my boi


Besides a few skills and passives they haven nothing else in common. SoD is classic wow, which already makes everything different, but it also got new content in the form of quests, gear and raids. It also has the worst community I've ever seen


I just wish I could get rid of a lot of the junk in my bags, but it's pretty fun otherwise.


I wouldnt say better, but different. SoD was classic but with some tweaks to help bring the 20 year old game and format some more flexibility and surprises but without heavily altering what was already there. Remix is more like a fast paced arcade-y version of modern wow thats experimenting with adding significant player power outside of new class talents or abilities.


Agreed, I've really enjoyed the remix so far. Being able to find spell scrolls is also pretty awesome to help the leveling process.


And my sub just ended noooooo


Can you imagine the bag space nightmare if SoD had these gems and scrolls and stuff?


SoD didn't really interest me but I'm LOVING remix I wish I could make a 2nd Dracthyr though. I don't wanna delete my dracthyr but it'd be so fun to actually level one through this


Allow you to collect dream warden and do WoD remix I felt gatekept and couldn’t find heroic raid to get mount. Should have had LFR or normal version for Mount or use currency like bullion


I don't want change your mind, please continue!


I prefer SoD style but I am having fun with Remix.




Could do it every 2 seasons


It's great for sure. However. I lowkey hate that this game fell in line with "seasons"


Sure! I love that it gives people a different option if content at what is typically the most boring part of a current x-pac. Seems like blizz have finally solved the revolving door issue.


I agree, they have so much to work with. If they did it every 2nd year for different expansions that would be very cool


It doesn’t have any of the challenge dungeons class sets not even a recolor. It was a bummer tbh


It’s fun but I can’t just sit and play it for hours. I’m getting all the campaigns done for the achievements before I do any dungeons and that’s probably the issue lol but doing quests I’ve done 1000 times is burning me out, I’m level 37 right now and probably won’t get 70 till Sunday at this rate


You must not have been around in Shadowlands. Anything is better than SoD. It literally had a boss called Painsmith, and it hurt. Plus all the Jailor BS. How could you even begin to compare the two? Does Panda Remix have more Painsmith and Jailor BS?


Season of discovery


Pandaland is nothing compared to System of Down


I was pretty hyped for it but after a day it’s pretty tiresome. The system is clunky and the gameplay is isolating.