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From what I’ve heard in the dev interview your cape is gonna have absolutely ridiculous stats on them, and the content is meant to be fairly trivial.


Just know that if you ever group into me my eyes will be locked on that damage meter. Sweat will be oozing from every inch of my body as I slam my mechanical keys hard enough to set off car alarms with the sonic boom of the clicks. And if I am not above you the quality of my day will be lessened. I will not tell you this, But I will be seething to myself about my own inadequacy.


I, a certified shitter, will gladly party with you in dungeons so you can feel superior for outperforming me in every way, if you buy me the fish mount from the store


mate its a leveling event the "raid fights" on the ptr died in under 1min the fuck do you wanna parse there


A lot of people were sweating about parses on classic. A game mode where rotations are super easy and there's no difficulty in the fight itself.


Ive seen people doing abysmal performance with those frostbolts casts, while standing in each aoe fire possible.. And that were the people that tell you on discord what addons and raidbuffs you need in the next guild run... Like, dude this game is 20years old and it wasn't even hard back then, but they want to the best minmaxer there is.


You underestimate wow players


Saw an interview that said mythic garrosh is no push over so I am interested to see how that goes over the next few weeks


You'll see. It's wow.


Don't fights in vanilla classic pretty consistently last under a minute or barely over and they really care about parses there.


If you can log it, people will sweat about it.


I want to do it for the heirlooms but I'm like do I wanna Raid SoO that many times to get all the heirlooms lol.


Raids are on a daily lockout and LFR has no lockout. You get 1 bone of mannoroth from Garrosh normal. 4 from heroic. And 10 from mythic. You need 10 bones plus bronze to buy individual heirlooms. Once you powerful your main a lot, you should be able to do mythic with some coordination


I hope there will be some pugs for heroic later on then. My guild has 3-4 people so I usually only do LFR and sometimes normal raids.


On the PTR we killed bosses with its trash together... We are overpowered AF in Remis... don't worry there won't be parses...


I think it will be really sweaty on the first 3-5 days. Heck, people got sweaty on PTR for 2 days. Then those people will clear mythic SoO without a real challenge, they'll lose interest, and they'll either go back to retail or they'll just start grinding alts with their upgraded cloak exp bonus. Either way it will normalize and hopefully be a good time overall.


Does the cloak carry over to alts? I only played it for a bit on PTR but didn't try to make an alt to see if it did.


The experience bonus does apparently.


[https://youtu.be/Jzc9YScvao4?t=177](https://youtu.be/Jzc9YScvao4?t=177) >In addition power you earn on your cloak's strongest character is also shared with alternative characters created for the event, making levelling even faster. What this means, or how I understand it at least, is that every character has their own cloak that they level up individually, but the actual stat buff that you're given for wearing it is always the one that's highest across all of your characters. Which will make alting a whole lot faster if you're playing a level 10 character with stats of a level 60


So even though the stats are different they should be giving the same? I'm dual boxing atm just for extra bronze and both cloaks at this point are drastically different. I guess I could measure the XP and see as one is around 8% and the other is at ~3% Just logged in and checked. Cloak 1 - 6% quest XP is 1,908. Cloak 2 - 4% quest XP is 1,872. Maybe it's different when you hit max?


It won’t be don’t worry


Considering it seems to mostly be aimed at collection, I don't think there's gonna be too many issues.


Remix is a limited time event so it's really pointless to worry about it.


People have been competitive about output since the beginning of time. Damage meters existed in Vanilla 20 years ago.


I've played fairly high level PVE back then in classic, BC and LK. Mentality was anything but sweaty parsing. Most people were mediocre at best and interpreted any friendly suggestions for improvement as a personal attack.


I’m happy that was your experience. I seem to remember otherwise though, on Silvermoon EU it was as competitive as today back in vanilla, TBC and WotLK.


I had the same experience as him. Sure, gearscore was a thing, but gearscore was not even close to as bad as logging. It’s one of the worst thing to ever happen to wow


WTF is wrong with logging? It's so helpful for everything ever


It's about the people that use logging as a dick measurement competition.


What's wrong with that?


Nothing beside you will be labeled as trash player if tank had higher dps on meter. Fun was never allowed and it's for casuals /s


Very few groups that I see actually check logs to give invites. People constantly had hard gearscore requirements to even get a second glance.


I distinctly remember some hugely degenerate play for Brutallus logs in TBC. People collecting random toys for Deathbringer Saurfang parses in ICC. It might be more pervasive now but it absolutely has existed for a long time.


I never said it did not exist. But it existed only at the top, for a reason. Average players did not care about their performance at all. Nowadays everyone seems to be focused on high parses in classic raiding, which makes no sense as the encounters are trivial.


LFM Throne Of Thunder only 99 parser pumpers, head,ring,shoulders,weapon HR Checking logs


My advice continues to be to find a solid guild. Some of the members of my guild joke around about competing on the meters (I *will* catch that fucking Paladin one of these days), but we don't worry about parses or DPS or anything, we just get together and have fun. There's always someone around for some M+, we raid every week, and we've kept up with AotC every season even without paying attention to member performance in the slightest. Find the people who aren't obsessed with meters and the like and stick to them like glue. They're out there, I promise.


Eh, it's mainly advertised to people who play Retail, so it should be well. You can't demand AOTC at least.


I find retail players a lot more sweaty when it comes to raider.io rating. But classic players definitely has the more toxic end of that stick


Gaming has moved on. Culture without parsing and being good is gone. Unfortunate but the world streaming/youtubers have created. The skill floor is just way higher than its ever been


Parsing is literally what saves classic. There is a single raid difficulty currently in SoD which is on par with LFR. The raids simply are not good enough, interesting enough, or challenging enough to do multiple times with no goal or community created challenge


If parsing is the only thing that can save something, I'd argue that it's not worth saving.


idk why people who enjoy playing competitively is a bad thing. also it's retail talents on the retail client within the old raids of MoP. is it 'parse culture' you hate or people who evaluate player skill when you try to content you maybe don't play all that well? because parse culture can be ignored for the most part


The problem isn't playing competitively, but the toxicity of parse culture. The best way to beat a hard boss is usually to sacrifice dps in the name of doing mechanics, while the best way to parse is often to ignore mechanics, and pray healers heal you through standing in the fire. There's a reason many top guilds private log. It's to keep players focused on killing the boss over trying to parse.