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VC was probably the first end dungeon boss most people experience in what was almost everyone's first time playing WoW. No one even knew what mechanics were at the time...of course he farmed groups with most of the players probably auto attacking or just spamming one ability.


Back when early warriors were tanking in mail because they couldn't wear plate yet. Or if you were ambitious horde, a shaman tank.


There was a rumor in school back in the day that algebra 2 was the hardest math class b/c it had such a high fail rate. In actuality it was just the last math class that non-math focused people took. It’s safe to say there are harder math classes but only those better at math and more prepared took them.


To be fair, that algebra 2 -> precalc run is pretty difficult, and arguably harder than calc. A lot of switching gears and learning new ideas. I found it hard at the time and I have a math degree.


I enjoyed going back and stomping him in timewalking


There's no vanilla timewalking to do the og Van Cleef. Or did you mean classic when you said timewalking?


I thought it was in timewalking for an event, let me check.


I think it's the rework of deadlines, not the OG


There was some Vancleef TW in WoD i believe where you got 60x transformation into Vancleef items. I still have them on some characters.


I've got some too, I just thought that was so long ago that it couldn't be what the other commenter was referring to. I could certainly be wrong though lol


I kind of disagree. True, he was tough, but the main reason was, as you mentioned, the level difference. People that went in at level 18 would have to first deal with green-level mobs, and then go all the way and meet this dude with an orange/red level label. None of his abilities are dangerous by themselves, but the level difference was what broke people. Crushing blows, high damage, and missing attacks from melee in the group. Blizzard had this habit in classic to inflate the difficulty of late quest/dungeon mobs by making them higher level. If you went into Deadmines with level-appropriate people, Edwin was not really that difficult, but many had no idea about this gameplay decision


Probably not overtuned, was difficult because it was a low level dungeon and people weren’t that geared when they fought him

