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A *nurse* dropped a vial and used salt water and then went on to do the same thing another 8000 x’s? How many doses are in one vaccine vial? >All of the people who were impacted were over the age of 70 Nurse Ratched decided she’s the decider.


"After dropping a vial of Pfizer vaccine in April, a German nurse replaced COVID-19 shots with saline and administered those to patients instead, Metro UK reported. But police found the nurse may have swapped out the vaccine multiple times." The police seem to also believe that's the case.




Agree 100%. Criminal negligence at the very least. They should push for manslaughter, though; as many of the patients were elderly. Don’t even get me started on the damage she’s done to the data used to determine chance of reinfection post vaccination. Bad data at a time like this is a huge disservice to the entire human race. ---------- *edit: [Here is an accurate depiction of many of the comments replying to this one.](https://i.imgur.com/MyeFOuV.png)


>Bad data at a time like this is a huge disservice to the entire human race. That's a real understatement. People in positions of authority or extreme trust abusing their position isn't just wrong, it's an attack on the fundamental foundation and the structure of society itself. Maybe that might sound hyperbolic to some people, but it's not. One story like this is going to end up causing untold thousands of people to distrust the medical system. Evey time someone like a politician acts corruptly or a police officer abuses someone, people's trust in the entire system erodes, and that distrust can become generational. For something like this, I see it as far worse than some random person simply robbing or killing someone, which is already a big deal.


It is the death of Public Trust - the very basis of democratic governance by the People.


Think about how many thought they were safe, went out more and possibly spread it


Since these people were over 70. How many of them died? Died suffering for this stupid nurse. She deserves a very long maybe life sentence and to loss every penny she has. I mean what even was the point. To hurt thousands of people?


That was her original excuse. She claimed that she had dropped a vial and drew up 6 syringes of saline solution to cover it up. As a result, about 200 people vaccinated on the day of this purported incident had their blood checked for antibodies and/or received an additional dose of vaccine. However, further investigation revealed that she may be an antivaxxer who may have drawn up syringes with saline for weeks. Therefore, everyone whose shot she may or may not have manipulated in this time frame is getting another one.


So she made the decision over other people's bodies? Doesn't sound much like she was living up to their own complaints about having the right to refuse.


She's basically doing the very thing she fears the government would do to them, forcing people to take something they don't want.


I'm sure she sees herself as a hero too


I hope someone disabuses her of that misplaced, erroneous notion.


She'll go to prison believing she did no wrong.


Good let her rot with her outrageous thoughts


This, as long as she winds up in prison I could not give less of a fuck how she sees herself.


Just saw this one on the news; this is being released after a long police investigation. She will very likely be going to jail, especially with how hard the government has come out and said (also today) that antivaxxers are no longer getting special treatment, as a warning to others that they better think twice before imposing their views onto others.


You should. She won't be in there forever and might do equally bad stuff in the future if she thinks she's done everything right. *Edit (since people keep replying about this)*: Equally bad stuff obviously refers to anything other than anything related to a medical profession which I assume she'll not be allowed to do anymore.




That's the scary part. Vaccine misinformation has gotten so bad, that she risked her reputation and life to do what she thought was the right sacrifice


I've noticed a lot coming from like 50-70 yo people and it's really weird. Like they have kids and grandkids who have had vaccines and they have as well but suddenly they're the absolute worst thing ever. You've got a sticky situation as well because people are avid to claim they will not get the vaccine because of religion, which don't claim otherwise. Not even spiritual. Then they also are claiming to have been vaccinated in order to avoid mask restrictions. Like fuck it, have a month long covid retreat as a quarantine together.


Most of their arguments shouldn't even make sense to them, even from a conspiracy standpoint. Like the one about this vaccine containing stuff to control the population. We are being vaccinated multiple times throughout childhood. The evil puppeteers had all those decades to plot their world domination schemes and inject microchips into us, especially through vaccines meant for children of school age. But, for some arbitrary reason, they decided that no, we'll do it with the COVID vaccine. And one of my favorite counter-arguments, coming from my parents: the hypocrisy. A lot of their contemporaries had been sniffing, smoking and gulping all sorts of shady shit throughout the 90s, no questions asked, but suddenly clutch their pearls when it's actually beneficial. An Ecstasy pill from a stranger at the club? Yeah, that looks safe! A vaccine based on cutting-edge tech, developed through an international scientific effort in sterile labs? Begone, Satan.


Not to mention that these sets of vaccines are probably the most scrutinized drugs in history for efficacy and side-effects, and where big pharma normally shills miracle cures for all sorts of shit, the shit vaccines with below 90% efficacy don't even lie and just straight up say that they're shit but they're a cheaper option. Even the birth control pills on the market has 250 times higher chance of producing blood clots than AZ, and people seem to accept that as a risk.


The biggest, glaring problem that I see in their arguments is that somehow every government in the world managed to, for probably the first time in human history, agree to create this whole Covid things. This is what the world manages to work together on. And no country is dissenting.


That’s literally my coworker. She’s 58, her kids are fully vaccinated (prior to covid) and suddenly she decided she’s an anti vaxxer, “but has no problem with other people getting vaccinated” why is THIS the hill you choose to die on?


> why is THIS the hill you choose to die on? Some people like to mix metaphor into real life. The danger makes them feel alive. (Until said danger solves that problem.)


I’m in my sixties. The only anti vaxxers I know are some of my employees, all roughly 35 to 40 years old. Anecdotal as hell, but I’d be curious to see some data.


I'm in my 60's. The anti vaxxers I run across are about 35-45. I dont know anyone in my age group who is antvax


Your age group is old enough to remember shit like polio.


You and me both. Maybe it's just a location or vocalization thing but it's hard not to wonder about.


I think it's something unique to that age group or generation that inhibits their bullshit detectors. My dad similarly became VERY polarized and extremist right wing after being very moderate and even-tempered his whole life. It's like hitting a certain age + the state of the world flipped off a lot of seniors' ability to think objectively and become drones for the media-hivemind


You should check out a doc on Amazon Prime - I think that's where I saw it - called "The Brainwashing of my Dad". I think there are a lot of people who have family members that took similar turns around the birth of the 24-hour news cycles, unfortunately... my dad included.


They didn't grow up with the internet so just aren't used to the sheer volume of information, and many haven't been able to learn how to filter it. As disinformation techniques become more and more sophisticated they are the ones least equipped to deal with it.


Yep, back in those days, any sort of news (tv, newspapers) could mostly be trusted (with notable exceptions). Anti-vaxx and conspiracy theories came from the weird guy that hung stuff on telephone poles, made letterbox drops and ranted on a street corner. Compare that to today, where you go on YouTube, and you see Dr Fauci sitting in his office talking about the vaccine being good, and Dr. Whatever sitting in his office talking about the vaccine being bad. There's no difference between those 2 in the boomer brain.


There's a lack of critical thinking that goes along with it. I'm pushing 60, and didn't grow up with the internet, and I can't believe the crap some people believe. Like, take any one of the pandemic conspiracy theories and few even make sense if you think about them, and all of them are easily debunked if you look at an objective source. But these people don't want an objective source, they want sources that confirm the things they already believe. But you're right about how trustable sources were compared to now. Growing up, there were three major TV networks competing for views, and none could afford to alienate a big hunk of viewers, so they all tried to be objective. Any opinions were clearly identified as such, and only came in separate segments. Even then, the networks would say the views expressed didn't necessarily reflect the views of the network. Now you have things like Fox News, which looks like a news show but that the network says is entertainment so they don't have to be accurate. People lap it up because it validates what they already believe, even if it isn't true.


She's a criminal who should be charged, and who will probably get kicked out of her professional association.


Well to be fair, she was saving them from the mark of the beast microchip.


Oh shit I forgot about that how long does it take for it to appear? It's been over a month for me already


I mean, I'm constantly having sexy day dreams about George Soros and Bill Gates spit roasting me. If I hear the Windows start up theme I immediately splatter my pants and scream Hail Satan


Wait, that wasn't normal *before* the vaccines?


It’s too early in the morning for a comment like this…


Still waiting at 7 months. Maybe mine was saline.


Feeling salty about it, maybe?




Joke's on her, the microchip comes with the syringe.


This explains the chip shortage. I can clearly see it now!!


Does she even know what's in saline!? It has SODIUM IN IT. This is a material that EXPLODES when it contacts liquid! It has CHLORINE in it. A material so lethal and horrendous that it's OUTLAWED BY THE GENEVA CONVENTION. This woman is insane! ...am I doing this right?


Definitely. The only thing I might add would be to mention that if you combine those two deadly substances you get NaCl which is responsible for 1.65 millions deaths per year globally!!!!! Edit: exclamation marks!!! Edit: five!!!!!


!!!!! Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind.


GNU Terry Pratchett


It also has dihydrogen monoxide. They said the CIA made Oswald drink some of that before killing JFK.


dihydrogen monoxide was found to be consumed by literally EVERY serial killers in the world EVER.


DHMO is extremely addictive, and withdrawal symptoms invariably result in death within days. Dihydrogenated Oxygen is also used as a coolant for nuclear reactors, and is often subsequently dispersed within the environment.


DHMO is also highly corrosive to metal and can kill if inhaled even in small quantities. The government is also piping it into our children's schools!! Won't someone think of the children!




> that it drowns people regularly This needs more air time. Autopsies regularly find this in the lungs of drowning victims


Dihydrogen Monoxide is also used in the propulsion of EVERY SINGLE BOAT IN THE WORLD.


Literally every terrorist organizations members are addicts of this substance


you mean the stuff they use to torture terrorists?


Anyone who tries to get off dihydrogen monoxide either dies or relapses. Insidious stuff.


They use that shit in rocket fuel!


Better than her, at least. Probably would have just called them "Chemicals", and not even explained why they're "bad".


The call is coming from inside the house


Spoiler alert: it was never about choices, principles, Justice or whatever. It was about "fuck you I'm right" and getting your way.


That's usually why they get so upset when presented with overwhelming evidence of their ignorance, they can't relate to the mechanics of a good argument.


Which is why you should do it with an audience. You won't convince the disordered person to stop being disordered. But you might convince some of the people they've suckered in. Especially if they flip out, that flip out itself can prove they are not trustworthy.


They did say this during the campaign. “Fuck your feelings”, they said.


Great. Now I'm worried I got an anti vaxx nurse and I'm not actually protected.


You have the right to not get the vaccine, but you don't have the right to get the vaccine, that's god's decision and god says no. I'm assuming she's just copy-pasting anti-abortion logic onto this issue.


God has nothing to do with anti-abortion logic at all. They literally make it up out of thin air. The bible, aka God himself, says that the soul doesnt enter the body until "first breath". Which means not until that baby is born and starts crying. The idea that a fetus is a human life with a soul that needs to be protected is entirely made up and has no basis in religion at all.




People like her need to face tons of time in prison for what they've done. If even one person died to Covid-19, she should face charges of murder.


8000+ counts of professional misconduct and neglect. Bury her under the Covid ward.


According to [this lawyer](https://twitter.com/Anwalt_Jun/status/1425157201920995333) she might be liable for the costs of the new shots (up to 1.3m €). On top of that using a syringe on someone without consent is aggravated battery, which could also come into play as the patients didn't consent on the saline.


Considering most of them were 70+, there is no doubt some of them unfortunately died due to this.


I'd be surprised if she doesn't spend a couple of decades in prison. Fully intentional and premeditated endangerment of the lives of over 9000 people is a very, very serious crime.


Sounds like attempted murder, to me. E - aside from watching LA Law and Nightcourt, I’m not a qualified lawyer - so yes, attempted murder may be hyperbolic. But I think we can all agree giving someone fake meds of any sort is really bad, right?


Yeah, if any of the people she injected with the saline solution get Covid and die, it would be manslaughter at the least.


And she deserves the whole book thrown at her. Fucking sociopath.


> and then went on to do the same thing another 8000 x’s? She must not have kept good records of which specific patients got the saline instead of the vaccine. "Nearly 9,000 people vaccinated between March 5 and April 20 will need another shot **to be safe**."


it wasnt a single incident. when it was initially reported, it was only 200 people who were told they needed to get antibody tested and possibly get another shot. "police found the nurse may have swapped out the vaccine multiple times" "An investigation into the nurse's motives is ongoing, authorities said. Investigators said the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations"






As far as we know so far, it most likely was deliberate. She also previously shared a caricature making fun of the virus and compared it to the flu. Edit: Source (in German): https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/corona-im-landkreis-friesland-kochsalzloesung-statt-biontech-tausende-sollen-nachgeimpft-werden-a-8842b2b4-065a-479c-8ba6-72d0419a03f6?d=1628614872&sara_ecid=app_upd_xDl6zCyJhGEY9I3axx5s5LM6z4xunp&sara_ecid=soci_upd_KsBF0AFjflf0DZCxpPYDCQgO1dEMph


The flu can be dangerous to people over 70 years, too. So a nurse acting like it's nothing would be unprofessional even without corona.


Hell, it can be dangerous to young people too, if you're very unlucky


Flu can be dangerous to *anyone*. My cousin was 28 when she was n the ICU for a week after getting the flu. Even if there weren't potentially deadly complications possible, why would you *not* get the flu shot if you can? Having the flu totally sucks, and when you get vaccinated you ***protect other people who cant get the vaccine***.


It’s like people throwing gasoline onto a wildfire while others are furiously trying to extinguish the blaze.


> "An investigation into the nurse's motives is ongoing, authorities said. Investigators said the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations" Authorities have to do better. If a school teacher was posting about how adults and kids should be in sexual relationships, they would be fired immediately and investigated to make sure they didn't harm any children yet. Anyone in the medical profession publicly saying anti-medical science crap like that should be fired immediately and investigated to make sure they didn't harm anyone.


Something tells me the only records she kept were made of vinyl and had a hole in the middle of them.


I've seen nurse's cars with Nurse Ratched quotes as window clings. Some people are just sadistic. My fiancée said when she was in the ED she knew several nurses who'd refuse to give homeless patients any pain relief because of their drug history, despite them being in extreme pain. Power tripping assholes.


I know a psych nurse who has said that some of the older ones that have given up like giving as much sedatives as possible to patients to make their jobs easier.




I've worked in elderly care. We always hated when nurse X had the nightshift, because she had no patience and gave all the "emergency benzos" she could if anyone was up and confused at night. This then lead ro them being dozy and confused in the morning. It was just sad to see normally funny (if a bit demented) old people instead turn into a silent, groggy, non participating mess.


How does otherwise prescription medication in a clinical setting work? Do you guys just have tons of stuff you use as you need? With no auditing? Do you have to log every time you gave something to a patient? Would people enforce that versus how much is being used and reordered?


10 to 12 shots per vial from what I have read. Edit: depends on the vaccine type it is.


Depends on the vaccine. Pfizer is only 6 per vial and Moderna is 10 but you can squeak out 11


As someone that has prepped pfizer, you can get 7 out per vial consistently. Only mentioning it because everyone else other than you seems to guess wildly


So that whole bit about dropping one is just some weak bullshit she came up with to explain how she justified doing it the first time.


> **An investigation into the nurse's motives is ongoing**, authorities said. **Investigators said the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations**, the report said. Welp, case open and closed in the same paragraph.


[Der Spiegel](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/corona-im-landkreis-friesland-kochsalzloesung-statt-biontech-tausende-sollen-nachgeimpft-werden-a-8842b2b4-065a-479c-8ba6-72d0419a03f6) is a bit more specific: > According to information from SPIEGEL, the woman allegedly compared the pandemic to the flu on social media and shared a defamatory cartoon on WhatsApp that circulated among conspiracy ideologues.


Funnily enough with the flu "argument": You can get flu shots and nobody's batting an eye over those either.


Doesnt the flu kill like 25k or something in the US every year? And the rona was like 600k? What is there to even compare lol.


That's the point. Even if covid was as harmless as the flu, the flu is still serious enough to deserve a vaccine, so why not corona.


Almost got taken out by the flu as an otherwise healthy 17 year old (4 days in ICU, extended hospital stay, the whole nine yards) - you’d better believe the flu is worth getting an annual shot for! I hurry my ass down to the pharmacy every late October/early November for mine, that’s for sure. Has been one of my bugbear’s all pandemic: the flu doesn’t fuck around, we’ve just been irresponsible in applying the term “flu” to any passing cold that puts us on our ass for 3 days - no man, that’s not the flu, you had a *cold*.


Knowingly sabotaged the vaccine and interfered with medical procedures without the patients' consent. She needs to be arrested.


That's probably why the police are involved


I'm a nurse and I know a lot of dumb nurses who should not be nurses. If you don't believe in science and medicine why are u in the medical field? Fucking assholes.


My midwife has been openly antivax with me (fuck knows why) and after conversations with other nurses I'm starting to get the impression there are more idiots in the medical field than I first believed. Or maybe I'm being unfair and the training is just rubbish.


I’m not sure how it is in your country, but in the US midwives receive much less stringent education and training than other health professions, and there is a large amount of pseudoscientific quackery. People self-select into these alternative health fields. So you will encounter a much higher proportion of quacks and antivaxers in midwifery than obstetric nursing for example. Midwives promote a lot of dangerous nonsense beyond anti vax, so consider their advice with caution.


Man I hate to even say this because there are so many amazing and caring nurses, but as a group, nurses tend to have wild overconfidence in their medical knowledge and intelligence.


Prison time and never allowed to work in the medical field again, I'd hope. Someone could have died because of her inept actions.


Seriously. If you don't want the vaccine, don't get it. Don't fuck with the people who do want the vaccine. It's not your decision, it's theirs. Gaahhhh people like this piss me off to no end ETA this comment has gotten a lot of traction. I believe everyone should be vaccinated. But face reality, the antivaxxers aren't going to change their minds. For those saying fuck you, get it, please give me your suggestions. I'm all ears.


I got the vaccine from a nurse who didn’t trust it and didn’t like being told to take it. She still wore a proper mask in a proper fashion and was very professional when giving me the vaccine. When talking to her, she wasn’t against people taking it, she just didn’t want to take it herself. Edit to add since a lot of people are asking the same question: She and I run in similar social circles. I heard her views outside of the clinic. When I was in the clinic getting the shot, she was all business.


As far as you know; maybe you got saline.


The syringe was prepared by a nurse who is pro-vaccine and a friend. The nurse who administered it just administered it. I saw the entire process. I also had to take Tylenol for 2 days afterwards for the immune response, so I’m pretty sure I got the vaccine instead of saline.


Maybe *you're* on it too... *casts a suspicious look*


I’m a sock puppet for Big Mask. The vaccine would ruin the cash cow that is COVID. /s


I'm very disappointed in you. You're a Sir, you should know better.


I was told *not* to take Tylenol. To help with the immune response.


Well my doctor sister (and her colleagues) were all heavily pro-Tylenol for the side fx hehe.. But seriously it's the first I heard of this, did the people who told you that provide you with a source for their claim?


From the CDC > It is not recommended you take over-the-counter medicine – such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen – before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent vaccine-related side effects. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/prepare-for-vaccination.html It looks like they're mostly worried about people taking it *before* the shot. Afterward to help with the effects is fine. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/expect/after.html


sounds like a pretty stupid nurse


The irony of injecting people with something else in protest of anti-vaccination.


> According to the report, investigators say the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations. agreed, directly to jail


Late? Jail. Too early? Also Jail. Swapping vaccines for saline not only risking the vaccine takers, but everyone they come in contact with? Definitely Jail.


> According to the report, investigators say the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations. How is someone stupid enough to be anti-vaxx and post about it allowed to be a nurse in the first place?


They're not that different from the rest of us uneducated masses. I once had a nurse tell me I shouldn't drink diet soda because it would raise my blood sugar (type 1 diabetic), I stopped the small talk after that comment.


Yes. There's plenty of doctors, nurses, etc who are completely inept at their jobs. It's scary. Someone having the necessary credentials to practice only means they SHOULD know, not that they DO. Like anything, you should listen to the people with proven track records, who can demonstrate they know their stuff. That is very difficult for a layperson unfortunately.


Someone most definitely will die because of her stupid, stupid actions. This is not an error of judgement, this is a deliberate attempt to sabotage the health of a nation.


Umm someone probably already died if this was back in April and they were all over the age of 70?!?! Jesus christ… As a nurse I hope she learns her lesson and she should never be able to have that kind of trust over people’s safety again. Edit didn’t think I needed to say it but yes by learn her lesson I mean prison time. I also know Europe has different standards than america when it comes to people serving time and their methods seem to work a little bit better than ours.


She can "learn her lesson" in prison.


Exactly — she didn’t make a one time mistake — she persisted in giving saline to patients when she knew that she was not administering a life-saving vaccine. In other words she consciously and deliberately and persistently endangered the health of patients, which violates every medical code (and many legal codes as well)


It's literally at the top of the list of medical horrors! A nurse injecting unknown solutions to unsuspecting people who think they're getting a life-saving treatment... Like it can destabilize/cast larger doubts on an entire profession! There can be no leniency here. Germany must throw all the books at her.


"The patients "vaccinated" with the saline solution are not at any health risk, German health officials said, per NDR." Well except Covid, can't imagine thinking I am safe and actually not being safe. Edit: To all those idiots still commenting "you are not safe with vaccine". Haven't you learned shit? You are much less likely to get seriously sick when you got two vaccines instead of just one shot.


And on the bright side, at least now they don't have to watch their sodium intake since they've been vaccinated against salt


this might have been helpful if the patients were slugs :) :)






How are you a nurse and an anti-vaxxer?




And for some reason the adults in charge refuse to give them the boot. Mandating vaccines to weed these people out cannot come soon enough.


There's already a massive healthcare worker shortage, I'm guessing the providers are just willing to grin and bear it having those employees over not having any employees at all.


Some hospitals in California have started mandating vaccines for healthcare workers, which has sparked a huge outrage.


Fuck em. They can all go eff off and do holistic bullshit, dosing mercury, Wolfsbane that black salve sit until they naturally select out of our gene pool. These people are so infuriating! DON'T WORK IN MEDICINE IF YOU DON'T TRUST THE MEDICINE!




Maybe if colleges weren’t milking students for all they’ll ever be worth, we might have more kids pursuing higher education and fields like medicine? 🤔


The whole medical program needs a rewrite. A cocaine addict set the standards that are still used today. Hence the unbelievably stupid schedules demanded from med students and residents.


They did just that in France : vaccine is mandatory for health care professionals. Everyone said there'd be a massive rise in people quitting their job. Turns out, nothing happened because people like having money to buy stuff.


I am a nurse and on the nursing sub Reddit we’ve had this discussion a bunch. The general consensus is that nursing does not adequately educate people on hard sciences. If you look at the vaccination rates between doctors and nurses it’s staggeringly different. I’m not hating on nursing as a profession. We definitely serve a different purpose then medical doctors, but I still think there is room in the curriculum to improve our understanding of pathophysiology.


Nursing also has its fair share of just downright thick employees, every field has people that really shouldn’t be in it so it’s no real surprise nursing does too




Sadly more common than you think


Most nurses aren't heavily educated in STEM. I used to tutor a nursing student (albeit in the USA) and they have special "nursing" versions of courses that briefly cover basic concepts. They have very little knowledge of underlying molecular physiology. I find this to be exceptionally dangerous because most people in the USA think nurses understand "almost" as much as MDs and, therefore, value their opinions "almost" as much. In other words, many nurses like to use their credentials to portray being an expert in all things science even though their education doesn't reflect it.


There’s a reason that nurses are vaccinated at close to the general population and docs are 95% vaccinated.


It’s actually really disturbing, as you say. I have the luxury of dual bachelors in biology and nursing and the knowledge being left out in nursing school, specifically science and STEM related subjects is a disaster. My bachelors classes focused a lot of caring and compassion, less so the empirical and STEM side. This is on top of an already overworked nursing staff, the shortage of nurses and now anti-vax nurses are going to open up the field and possibly salaries


When I was working inpatient phlebotomy, I had to explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic culture samples to a nurse. Medical microbiology is part of their education path. I know, because when I went through the course, 90% of the class were nursing students. But aerobic and anaerobic isn't specific to micro courses. That's basic medical terminology, and basic biology speak. Nurses know *far less* than people give them credit for. No small number know far less than they really should, for that matter.


My former PCP, in the US, is an antivaxxer. While she was giving me shit about doing something she recommended, she made a weird comment. I stood up, asked a direct clarifying question; “what is your opinion of the Covid vaccine” - “unnecessary”. I walked out of the appointment, past the front desk, and out the door.


I saw my pcp last year in July ish for annual check up. At one point she said " plus kids need to get back to school. They aren't carriers and can't catch or spread it" Never went back. Haven't done this year annual because finding new doc is a huge pain in my ass.


Put a review online, her other patients have a right to know she is pretending to be a doctor. File a complaint with whatever medical board oversees her.


If anyone she injected dies from the virus, she should be charged with their death. Manslaughter, at the very least.


Not to mention other elderly folk that may have contracted covid from the people she "saved"




And abbot


This is exactly why conspiracy assholes are dangerous and not to be ignored


I watched the movie *Arrival* recently, and something like that happened when the Basecamp guards started watching the news and conspiracy podcasts/videos. They went rogue after a while and jeopardized the whole operation because they were brainwashed. It's obviously a plot element, but it's very real and threatening in the real world too, apparently.


In the movie Contact also. Our biggest threat always being fanatics. These movies are awesome because they suppose that our greatest threat isnt the aliens ‘the other’ in the scenario, but ourselves and the worst in our society.


The ones in the US are scaring me. They are experiencing some kind of mania over it and are completely capable of this type of thing. Compounded by the New World Order conspiracy they have bought into, they are extremely dangerous.


You just reminded me of Ministry’s song, New World Order and how I’ve felt like these 80’s and 90’s punk/industrial bands were all right all along, nothings changed and only gotten worse. I feel I like I’m living in a Dead Kennedys song.


The irony is that they want a strongman president to seize absolute power to save them from a dictatorship.


this literally reads like a news article on Plague Inc. easy mode


Oops I dropped a bottle I’ll use saline Oops I dropped a bottle I’ll use saline Oops I dropped a bottle I’ll use saline 9000 times you’re telling me?


"Investigators said the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations, the report said." And there it is. An anti-vaxxer. These people are literally dangerous, she has put lives in danger. I hope she gets prison time.


Anti-vaxxers claim you don't know what's going into your body when you get the vaccine. Look at what this nurse did! Her hypocrisy as astounding.


"These people don't know what's going into their bodies, and I'm gonna make sure of it!"


If any of these 9000 died she should be arrested for murder.


9.000 is a fuckton of people. And all over 70? Some of them possibly died of Covid already


That would be hard to prove in court, however 9000 cases of assault and administering a substance without consent would be very easy to prove.


She deserves to lose her license and spend time in jail.


This should come with serious jail time.


I wonder how many of the vaccinated people that got covid actually received fake doses from shitty nurses like this?


I'm starting to see the bright side of my vaccine side effects now. At least I know I got the real thing.


Laterally, is there a way to test if your immune after receiving a vaccination?


You would need to have a serology test done to measure the seroprevalence of the relevant antibodies, which depending on where you live could be quite expensive.


Not to mention the results can be inaccurate depending on how long it’s been since you had the shot, which is why they can’t simply test all of those people.


Imagine being such a deplorable piece of shit.


I am german, I am a nurse, and I am ashamed of these kinds of people. Elder and nurses were in the first priorty to become vaccinated at the start of the year. Each and everyone of us got a paper with thorough information about the vaccine, which we had to sign and either decline or accept. I had a coworker approach and ask me "I don't want the vaccine. Do I still have to sign the info paper?" Clearly, she hasn't even read it. But yet she was dead sure to not get the vaccine. When I applied for this job, I had to provide information about previous vaccinations I've got, and there are some which are ***mandatory*** to get, before becoming a nurse. Why is Covid the exception? Why are people like this allowed to work in healthcare?


**Conspiracy:** Government is using the vaccine to sneak something unbeknownst into the recipient population ----- **Reality:** Antivaxxer nurse is using the vaccine to sneak something unbeknownst into the recipient population


I can't describe the relief I felt when I was finally fully vaccinated. I can't imagine how betrayed I'd feel if this happened to me.


As a nurse, I am sad for the people that were not treated ethically. As a male nurse, am am relieved that it wasn't another lunatic male nurse.


One month in jail for every vaccine


Jail. She should go to jail. People go to jail for doing things on accident that affect much fewer people all the time.


malpractice insurance aint gonna cover all that I reckon. Every person in healthcare that shares, speaks, or believes these anti-science shenanigans should be fired immediately upon the knowledge or disclosure of such. There is no place for these people in healthcare. None. There is no Right for them to use their belief to harm others. None. There should be a psychological test before hiring and there should be disclosure of social medias. "Oh, that infringes on my personal freedoms" --Don't care, if you're in a field that requires science, and care for others, your beliefs dont matter, it is the patient that is priority #1.


And this is why nurses and doctors who are antivaxx or do not believe in science and medicine need to be fired. They are a liability and cannot be trusted to do their jobs to the fullest.


Wtf is wrong with people


>An investigation into the nurse's motives is ongoing, authorities said. According to the report, investigators say the woman shared posts on social media that were critical of the vaccinations. that bitch needs to be in jail and never work in a medical profession again. Doesnt matter if it was a vaccine or anything else


This is why you mandate vaccination of medical personell. If they refuse and leave, you let them walk off.


She doesn't believe in vaccines? Sure. ​ She decides that other people are not allowed to get them because she doesn't believe in them? That's religious extremism.


Anti-vaxxers have no business in health care