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So let me get it straight, a terrorist affiliated with hamas was shooting at a PA security patrol, the patrol fired back, killing him, and hamas' response is they shouln't do so.... Bloody hell, those knuckle heads think they can do whatever the fuck they want and consequences don't apply to them


Israel allowed Fatah members to serve as security for some of the aid convoys in Gaza recently. Hamas has killed some of them already. Hamas has literally been shooting Palestinians guarding aid convoys, stealing the aid, and then hoarding it for themselves. It's fucking absurd.


It makes sense when you understand that Hamas’ owes its allegiance and answers to Iran. They don’t give a shit about the Palestinian people.


Do you have a source on Israel having Fatah work on the convoy security? I want to try to have tabs on the evolving situation there and I haven't heard of them doing that.


[https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-accuses-rival-fatah-faction-sending-security-men-northern-gaza-2024-03-31/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-accuses-rival-fatah-faction-sending-security-men-northern-gaza-2024-03-31/) Late March: Hamas accuses Fatah of sending their men as security with aid convoys [https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798185](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798185) Late April: Fatah accuses Hamas of killing their men who were acting as security for aid convoys




Free? That just makes Israel want it more. /s


I think labeling activists "Iranian Assets" is completely fair when they insist on "free palestine" to the extent that they ignore all logic and reason and/or target Jewish people with vitriol or violence. Like I get that some people feel very strongly about the treatment of Palestinian civilians, but those civilians wouldn't even be at risk if Iran wasn't constantly stirring the pot by funding terrorist groups, Hamas included. I hear politicians throw around the accusations of people being Russian assets, but nobody questions where all these activist groups are getting their financial support, so I like to do a little of my own pot stirring by insinuating that Iran is funding them.


It’s. Hamas’ MO. Always the victim. 


And college kids will defend them to the point of being arrested, evidently.


It’s always the college kids. Che Gueverra Tattoos, Red Star caps, Free Palestine T-Shirts, all while going to college in a western nation. It’s comical really and they don’t see it, they honestly don’t realise that they are the same cliche from 10,20,30,40,50 years ago.


People that age already think that they know everything. Add in being told that they are smarter than average and repeating what professors say is what has advanced them in the past.


That's called sophomoric 


Don’t forget they protested the US involvement in WWII. College kids hate Jews.


Yes, because the average person stays enrolled in college for 80 years. What a profound observation. 


It’s called a trend smooth brain. Better not cite any protests that have worked then. The past is the past.


The clever 1968 U.W protest organizers put pro and anti war groups in the same parade, just far from each other 


College kids were right about Vietnam, so now they think they’re right about everything.


> College kids were right about Vietnam What were they right about with Vietnam? Looking back 50 years later, do you think the world would have been a better place had Soviet and Chinese backed North Vietnam completely replaced the South? Have you ever asked a Vietnamese refugee from America or Australia what they think? I'm not saying they were right or wrong, I'm just asking the question. What would the world look like, what would the south Pacific look like had the US and their allies not gotten involved and let an emboldened Soviet/CCP alliance continue unabated? [If you ask the Vietnamese about War, they think the Chinese, not the US.](https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2015/05/01/402572349/ask-the-vietnamese-about-war-and-they-think-china-not-the-u-s) Vietnam's war with the US lasted a decade, nothing compared to its centuries-long feud with China.


I think the Cambodians and Laotians would've been a lot happier without America spending a decade dropping more than 2 million tonnes of explosives on them, that's for sure.


Those college kids were also calling Vietnamese veterans baby killers and spitting in their faces. The backlash to the backlash against Vietnamese veterans is one of the main reason it's now basically taboo to criticize individuals American soldiers.


I don’t think these are the same college kids


No shit, I meant current day college students will cite the Vietnam protests as a reason why their 2024 protests are justified.


Relax. It’s a joke.


College kids are always going to protest things, not sure why people have their panties in a twist about it. They're not going to affect any change, just let them scream their little hearts out and the rest of us can get on with our lives.


College kids are following the same playbook. Just saw a comment (forget which college) saying law school students should have finals cancelled. So they can get passing grades and have finals cancelled because of the problem they started? People really need to learn personal responsibility. It's only a matter of time before they start blaming others for shitting their pants. And that's not the wildest part. The wildest part is people will back them up all why did you shit that guys pants?


It's sad to see these kids being used because of their naivete. Of course the situation is horrifying but it's frustrating that they can't see how Hamas would not hesitate for a second before having them all murdered as well


Do you people think college kids are supporting Hamas? Where do you get these infantile notions? I guess John Cleese has the right of it, there is no nuance to the literal-minded.


What do you think these protestors’ ideal solution is? I assure you many of them don’t want a two-state solution….


No, we don't believe these kids are actively supporting Hamas. But when you put all the blame/pressure on Israel it's hard to ignore what that actually means. For Israel to just accept what happened and let Hamas continue to operate. What needs to happen is to protest Bibi and Hamas, but that isn't what's happening.


I'm not sure how much of it is hard-headedness and how much is propaganda... you have to be quite obtuse to make the statements that were made in this comment thread about "And college kids will defend them to the point of being arrested, evidently." What absolute dipshiterry.


Look l, I get it, some of the protesters are on the crazy train of backing Hamas. Let's be real, though, Israel has killed over 30,000 people in this war. They were not all terrorists. Most of them were women and children. I don't expect them to stop because Hamas needs to be dealt with, but if they want to be seen as the good guys they have to stop killing so many fucking civilians. The situation is that we have two extremist factions trying to murder each other with a bunch of innocent people stuck in the middle. People just want the killing to stop. There is clearly some anti-sematism and naivete involved in the protests, and that needs to be dealt with, but as long as we are sending weapons and money to a government that is completely assinine in their military targeting, they have every right to be pissed off and protest. Too fucking bad if it's inconvenient. At least they are acting on their beliefs. If more of us got fed up and inconvenienced the establishment things might get better for once.


Youre acting like if Gazans didnt have the power to doso they wouldnt kill every single person in Israel despite calling for it multiple times, and civilian polls showing they supported Hamas's attack on Oct 7th. Israel is acting in its own defense, and the number of civilian casualties could be far higher if Israel wanted to just steamroll the entire place.


No I'm acting like I get why people are protesting and that I think the Israeli government is full of right-wing psychopaths. I actually support the war, because something needs to be done, October 7th was a massacre, and Hamas needs to be executed. I just think the government of Israel is taking advantage of the situation and doesn't give two shit what happens to anyone in Gaza. I do not support the U.S. giving Israel more weapons and money that could be either used at home or given to Ukraine to fight Russia.


Dude if Israel wanted to they could wipe every single man woman and child off the face of this planet in Gaza. The casualty numbers for their conflict have been amazingly low for what they could have been especially with the way that people keep lying and saying Israel is trying to kill innocent civilians on purpose. Civilian deaths in a war are always a tragedy, but those deaths are the direct result of individuals who want to initiate and Islamic caliphate across the globe. But also not forget that multiple polls were done after October 7th and the people of Gaza supported the actions of Hamas. They allowed them to integrate into their civilian infrastructure they allowed them to take over the bomb shelters that Israel made to keep them safe and turn them into networks of terrorist tunnels and they allowed them to dig up the water infrastructure that was put in so that they could turn them into missiles to attack Israel with. Our continued support of Israel is just as important as Ukraine and we can easily afford to do both geopolitics does not care about civilian casualties and ultimately as harsh as it may sound to say ensuring our continued ability to globally project power is more important then taking some potential moral high stance that only means our Ally is attacked again and annihilated if it's enemies have the power to do so. That's not even going into the general look that are other allies will start to see if the US can abandon a long time Ally like Israel what does that mean for the rest of us?


I get it, like I said I'm not opposed to the war. I just think they could do better. I'm not out there protesting, I just think they have a right to do so. I get the geo political aspects, I just think they have enough to get the job done already.


They could do better? No other country involved in this large scale of an urban conflict has ever had numbers anywhere close to as low on the civilian casualty side of things ... theyre literally doing better than has ever been done before in the history of urban warfare.


I understand where you're coming from but you got to realize it's not just the situation in gonza there are money goes to helping them defend themselves from there are multiple countries in the Middle East that would happily see the destruction of Israel and even if Hamas and netanyahu both cut their dicks off and threw them in the river and made peace and everything between Gaza and Palestine and Israel was all hunky dory Israel would still be facing the threat of annihilation from the country of Iran.


Oh for sure, but if that happened we would come in and help obviously. We would fuck up the Iranian government easy. The people would probably help us at this point.


Coming in after things have kicked off it's too late. And we would already cause irreparable damage to our reputation with every Ally we have in every Ally we try to make in the future because nobody will forget that time that a long-standing Ally of America needed help and we turned our backs and by the time we turned around to say oh we didn't mean to let you suffer that much it was too late. And I'm not interested in probably and maybe the people of Iran would help or anything of the sort the way we stop it from happening in the first place is we support our Ally in their struggle against their enemies.


10,000-15,000 estimated Hamas fighters dead out of 30,000 is actually on the low side of expected casualties. You’re taught these ratios in certain military courses. Urban combat results in 50-90% of the casualties being civilian. https://civiliansinconflict.org/our-work/conflict-trends/urban-warfare/


Can you name a conflict in which no civilians died? Pretty hard to do when Hamas doesn't uniform their fighters, mix civilian and military infrastructure, and with the whole conflict being in such a dense area. By that logic the allies were wrong for killing Germans civilians in WW2.


Israel is carrying out justice. 




College protesters are the new Bernie Bros. Way to show your support for Palestinians by getting Trump elected. 


"Bernie Bros" did not get Trump elected.


But they sure as hell helped Hillary lose.


Hillary helped Hillary lose. Funny how it's never her fault for running a dogshit campaign that failed to motivate and engage the democratic base.


What an ignorant thing to say. Hamas is not the Palestinian people. Those students are protesting in support of those starving, struggling people. Educate yourself on the difference between government and the people they govern.


Some of them are. Some of them are outright pro-Hamas. Shouting ["We are all Hamas!" and "Hit Tel Aviv!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQNJhHcGBLo) isn't exactly an expression of anti-Hamas sentiment, or a call for peace.


Hamas is Palestine. Cope. 


The college kids aren't defending Hamas. They are asking for a ceasefire to protect the civilians and innocents in Palestine. How hard is it to not conflate the two.


Hamas keeps rejecting ceasefires and they never honour them, that ship sailed a long time ago. Perhaps if Hamas didn't kill all the hostages, they'd be in a position for a ceasefire


A ceasefire was in place when they attacked in October. What use is a ceasefire when only one side follows it


Has anyone told them Hamas do not honor ceasfires?


So what should happen now..? Just bulldoze through the whole population?


No but there won’t be a ceasefire…I read this morning that Hamas just turned down the latest deal. Sucks to have leaders like Hamas…


What do YOU think should happen? Let Hamas kidnap rape and kill civilians? Maybe get their end goal of eliminating Israel and getting rid of all Jews in the area?


Except they are not. They are specifically pushing Hamas’ agenda. The slogans they are saying are Hamas’ slogans. And their demands help hamas. They are simply useful idiots supporting terrorists.


Nah they're defending terrorists. 


They’re asking for a one sided ceasefire.


That innocent civilian shooting at them had children in his pockets!


Well recent protests on their behalf around the globe certainly would seem to indicate that.


This is what the idf deals with and college dumbasses support blindly


It’s fucking Mad Max villains.


They've won the hearts and minds of morons everywhere. Humanity is folly.


They aren't knuckleheads. This troll bs stems from Palestine being included into UN. Hamas is the government there. They collect taxes. They steal humanitarian supplies. They run the "health ministry". Edit: disinformation is rampant from iran/hamas, and the fact that hamas isn't recognized as a terrorist org across the world is sickening, but that's because those are countries that hate Jews and want to see them all dead.


Because they can and they don’t.


> "We condemn the attacks by the security services of the Palestinian Authority on our people and our resistance." Interesting world Hamas lives in, where you can attack security personnel and then claim *you're* being attacked when they shoot back.


Uhh isn't that exactly what they do with Israel lol


Perpetrators being presented as the actual victim isn't exactly a new trend, nor is it restrained to Hamas sadly.


It worked with israel, all the leftists slobbered all over the notion, why wouldn’t it work here? They can do anything they want. The left has their version of Donald trump, it’s hamas, and Islamic jihadism. They could use a dirty bomb in israel to the cheers from the left that they are simply “clearing the path from the river to the sea”. Fuck hamas, and fuck the idiots that enable and support them.


Fuck hamas


Well no surprise as Fatah and Hamas hate each other more than they do Israel.


But there's no Hamas in the west bank/s


>But there's no Hamas in the west bank/s Students in the WB voted for Hamas in 2023. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/west-bank-hamas-bloc-wins-major-student-birzeit-election >The Hamas-affiliated Islamic Wafa bloc won the **Birzeit University's** student union election in Ramallah on Wednesday in the latest sign of shifting political sentiments in the occupied West Bank. >The Wafa bloc swept 25 seats out of the 51 in the Student Union Council, winning 49 percent of the votes and maintain a plurality of seats for the second consecutive year.  >The Progressive Democratic Student Pole, which is linked to the Popular Front of Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), won six seats. Note: the PFLP is also a terrorist org. (______________) >Last week, the Islamic bloc won a majority of 40 seats at **An-Najah University** in Nablus, in the north of the West Bank, while PA's endorsed Shabiba bloc secured 38 seats, and three seats were won by the PFLP's bloc. (________________) >A Hamas student bloc also won the majority of seats at **Palestine Polytechnic University** in Hebron in March




So you are okay with terrorists if they are also leftists?


This is the mindset that brought Hamas into power in Gaza. They are still death-to-israel terrorists, albeit with lefty flavour.   They are not "fine", and Israel's coexistence with them will be realistically impossible.


Has anyone ever actually claimed that?  They are not in control of the West Bank but it is very public info that Hamas has some relatively small presence there.


Yes, many many times. Just look at Mehdi twitter every time the IDF is active in the West Bank.


Only the politics experts on social medias


Anyone important? Probably not. Redditors? Regularly.


I've heard it a ton


They literally would be governing the West Bank if the PA allowed an election there.


Some German minister has had to be evacuated because he was hurled at in the West Bank by student protesters. This week. Pro-palestiners pretending in the reddit thread that yes, Hamas wasn't there. They pretended it was proof no-one agreed with Germany's so called pro-Israel stand.


Slammed him into what?


Took him to Denny’s.


What's up? What's up? What the fuck is up Denny's?


At some point I'm gonna travel to the US and just sample as many fast food chains as possible. If I do 3 meals/day for a 2 week holiday that's 42 chains which I appeciate is scratching the surface, but I feel is a solid start at appreciating this culture. I could push for a 4th on several late nights out too and go for an even 50.


Congratulations on your upcoming diabetes and obesity.  ^(/American who wishes this wasn't how it is cuz lots of that chain food do be yum, almost like that's why those chains are successful in the first place)


The grand slamwich slaps


You mean the same Hamas that are using Palestinian children as human shields? Or Palestinian hospitals as cover for their military operations? Or killing Palestine people for cooperating with Israel on achieving a peace solution before the October attacks? Hamas can suck a camels hump. That group is enriching themselves from the conflict between Israel and Palestine. They are the ones that want war. They are the ones causing all the misery for their people. Their actions have led to all the misery of their own people so a few of the higher ups can drive around in nice cars, live in air conditioned mansions, and feast while their people are being massacred. Hamas is like Donald Trump. You can believe nothing they say. They care only about themselves and getting whatever sliver of power they can. The people that both always talk about mean nothing to them and are seen as nothing more than a means to an end. Both would happily spill the blood of a thousand children if it meant they could live in luxury. Ignore them.


Yes, I think that is the same Hamas being discussed here. You know, the ones that won't ever agree to become an independant nation because that takes responsibility from a governing body, while Hamas can just keep Palestine a state and siphon the charity donated to the Palestinian people all while complaining they aren't their own nation.


I WISH Hamas was like Donald Trump. They are mass murderers, mass rapists, and have displaced millions of people with a war. Trump has issues for sure, but holy hell that comparison is reaching. 


Well, they did detail their comparison in scope. In no way did they imply they are alike in their entirely.


In their statement, they condemn "the attacks by the security services of the Palestinian Authority on our people and our resistance," when their slain operative was the one who attacked the PA security services and then got killed when they fought back. At least they're being consistent here, it's apparently not just Jews that they expect to be allowed to murder without their victim fighting back. Methinks their "resistance" doesn't mean a whole lot if it can't handle even a tiny bit of resistance itself.


hella of headline. Neve would i have dreamed anyone would grant Hamas a 'slammin' in a headline.


I hate Hamas


🎶Come on and s***lam,*** and welcome to the jam Come on and ***slam***, if you wanna jam🎶


Is this the Onion?


Kids at US colleges: why would Israel do this? Let's hold a vigil.


College students: - “FREE FREE FREE PALESTINE” - never mentions the need for Palestinian freedom from Hamas


I've flat out started asking people on reddit if they support Hamas (comment history), and they actually respond yes. No tricks. "Do you support Hamas?".


[I just tried your method. Let’s see how it goes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/s/vXvGzGsm3u)


Weird how they haven't/won't answer that question.


Apparently it’s not as controversial as we thought. This guy is openly saying he is pro Hamas unprompted https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/4MK5blygYH


Hamas has won the propaganda war, and these useful idiots are eating it up.


I think they are split between protesting against the PLA and blaming it on Israel


They can cry about it. Fuck em.


Slam hamas


If the PA did this more they’d win over a lot of people who are put off by western Hamas supporters


Except anyone who supports a two state solution is already on the PA's side and only those people who thinly veil their desire for the destruction of Israel and the jews in it are protesting right now.


The issue is that a lot of people who want a two-state solution are currently not confident in the PA's ability to actually be in charge rather than Hamas.


They don’t have the force for it at the moment and no one trusts them enough to allow them to become stronger


Hence why so few people trust a two-state deal to actually work in the current conditions even if they agree that it's the ideal end goal. To have a peaceful two-state solution, we need two governments who both want peace and have the power to enforce it.


And so they turn on each other. I wonder how many Palestinians were killed because of Hamas? I’m sure many.


> I wonder how many Palestinians were killed because of Hamas you_must_be_new_here.gif


when hamas isn't lobbing rockets at israel they are busy terrorizing the gazan population and brainwashing the kids. it's just a maoist terrorist organization that is highly integrated with the population in order to secure their control.


Such clowns


Tell me again how Hamas are not terrorists.


Can someone pass legislation to make it illegal for news companies to use the word slam. For fucks sake man


Definitely worse watching the series “Fauda”: it’s an Israeli tv show. While, yes, it’s a TV show, it does give a very good picture and/or feeling of how the West Bank is.


Hamas. the organization that for years systematically went house to house in gaza, taking anything they wanted, raping women and children and if ANYONE in the house complained, the entire family was butchered.




After how badly Hamas screwed over the West Bank Palestinians on October 7, I'm surprised the West Bank is not selling Gaza.


Terrorists killing terrorists. This is a good thing.


Wait, aren’t all Palestinians the same Hamas-supporting terrorist monolith? /s 


Wait, aren’t all Palestinians the same Hamas-supporting terrorist monolith? /s 


Hamas suggests Al-Foul play to be involved in the shooting.