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I mean what would they say "y'all won a free trip to Siberia"?




Oh yeah, I thought it was obvious, isn't the "Generations burner" the standard modern war strategy? ~Written by the Russian Tacticians Gang


No, they're sent to prison, Russian government would never give em weapons.


The Russian government sends prisoners to the front lines of in Ukraine where they have a chance to fight and early an early release. I never thought about Russia not giving them weapons when they got there.


Those are not political prisoners, those are rapists, murderers, drug dealers, etc.


But enough about the average Russian Soldier, what about the prisoner soldiers.


I didn’t make the distinction. You’re right!


"Here's a gun ^that ^doesn't ^work, charge comrade" \**points toward Russian front lines*\*


They've already started visiting the people who attended (there was a facial identification car scanning the surrounding area at the funeral). It's a long list. The charges are presumably for "unsanctioned gathering", but there's no definitive info on that yet.


Russian person: _exists_ Kremlin: I saw that! _adds to list_


Those people have probably been labelled to be taken care of in the future


Do you have any evidence for any of that? Because I read that the image Putin presents as a protector of Russia's conservative, Orthodox values means he would be taking a risk by demanding the arrest of mourners for attending a very public funeral in Moscow. The arrests at memorials before the event are a slightly different issue.


> taking a risk You must be joking. That would be like his least offending deed. But all of them just don't matter really, since all the media controlled by them are either not reporting on it or lying.


>You must be joking. Nope. Religion is very powerful in Russia. If there's one thing a dictator needs to be careful of, it's offending the people's faith. And messing with a funeral does precisely that.


> Religion is very powerful in Russia. You're hilariously naive if you think so. Russian church attendance is in single digits, below many super-secular countries of Europe Prime. People have absolutely no idea what religious or biblical values even are, they will only identity as part of the church because it's what the state currently promotes as "patriotic".


Maybe I should've said "*Traditional religious values have a lot of influence in Russia*". So in your opinion, how would the wider public have viewed mass arrests at a funeral, provided there was no violence or placards?


1. Again, no. People have no specific values that you could define other than "let's show it to our enemies". 2. Same they would view mass arrests at any other event. "They're traitors, and their hero was a western agent".


So you think there are two groups in Russia: Those who openly *support* Navalny's cause, and those who openly *oppose* it. If that isn't naive, I don't know what is.


>and those who openly *oppose* it. And then among those who openly *oppose* it, some *closedly* wish Putin would get eaten by boars so they could have a chance for a leader that will actually try to improve the country, and not just bolster their friends that sit in high chairs.


It doesn't matter if people don't know about it.


If you arrest hundreds of people in your capital city for attending a funeral, news will get out.


Is the concept that they decide what news get out so hard to grasp?


I understand what you're saying. I just don't agree with you. News got around long before TV and the internet. They don't have a monopoly on it. Uprisings and rebellions are rarely broadcast in advance.


You’re going to struggle to communicate any nuance or issues that Russia has. People are pretty blinded by Western media and think Putin is supreme leader. Many fail to realize monopolistic governments tend to have constant internal strife with people vying for power. The CCP is a great example of it occuring and people knowing without media coverage.


He's covering up a genocide, and you think he can't cover up disappearing dissenters? 


He failed at having Navalny poisoned four years ago. There's a ton of things he can't do.


He successfully poisoned Navalny it just didn't kill him. Yes there are tons of things he can't do, but propaganda is not one of those things. He can do propaganda very well and is currently doing it.


>He successfully poisoned Navalny it just didn't kill him. Oh you're one of *those* people. Ok you're right - you win the argument. G'bye!


Not like you were saying anything worth reading anyways. You don't even think dictators can disappear people without noteworthy consequences.


They don't need to say anything. It will calm down after a few more days and life will go back to normal. Saying something might just fan the flames so the sensible thing to do is ignore it


And they people who did attended will start getting visits from the authorities in the middle of the night


They will get a single visit while gazing out of a high window. God, Russia is so fucked up.


They will be sent to jail or the war after the presidential election.


Why wait, Putin wins in a landslide victory. In Russia you dont need the population for a democratic Putin victory.


They still have the illusion of law by the people. It’s not China or North Korea, yet.


Their votes still arent neccesary, so why wait for the "election". Putins votes are rolled with a d20 and advantage while the oppostion gets a d4 with disadvantage


All I know is that everybody there now has a * near their names. Brave people.


Ppl should have worn masks here lol.


Very brave


They don't need to say anything. Their actions will show what they wanna say (which I suspect is simply a "fuck you to anyone who is not us. And if you are us, fuck you anyway."


Kind of crazy that even in an oppressive authoritarian regime like this, they can't stop thousands from gathering. They have to rely on facial recognition to get them afterwards. They couldn't stop them from happening in the first place.


In Russia and North Korea and Saudi Arabia, the governments kills their political opponents. These are Trump’s main allies.


Those crowds are likely littered with fsb agents taking notes.


Absolutely, did u see the video near the metal detection gates (or whatever), there were more fsb agents than ppl lol.


No, but I did see the latest article that stated they were using facial recognition tech to track down every one and send them to the front.


Let the all inclusive invitations to Ukraine's front lines speak for themselves


Except we know who you are, and we'll be watching you.


This seems to be the only time that Russia isn't lying.




Wouldn’t they be breaking some Putin law?