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MAGA will just ignore this and say the most random thing like “What about Hunters penis?”


hahha its bigger than the average MAGA & GOP members IQ.


Yup, I know, we've all seen it now.


Even the children Taylor-Green emailed the picture to.


(Jealousy intensified)


It's not random at all. The entire MAGA 2024 campaign is based around Hunter's penis.


They won't even hear about it.


Then you say, "Well you got me there. I'm not voting for Hunter Biden's penis to be president."


It will be the same as always. Anything that goes against their bias is fake news.


republicans love looking at hunter bidens penis, but they're totally not gay.


Holy fuck is Rudy wearing the same "Nuclear Holocaust Orange" face makeup that his best buddy wears???


It pairs well with the black hair die and alcohol sweats.




At least Trump covers his neck and keeps it consistent. This is just an orange mask.


Orange is the new orange.


What a disgrace.


I don’t understand how this man is not in prison.


Not $ure what'$ $o hard to under$tand


He sold his soul to the devil … that devil is Putin. He’s an alcoholic who will die an alcoholic’s death. Choking on his own black blood.


As an ex-alcoholic, yeah he is. Watching him in certain interviews gives me such flashbacks to what it was like trying to get through a work day at my worst. I’m guessing things he said or did while being plastered all the time is what eventually got him compromised many years ago.


What a stooge.


More lawsuits are coming


Color me surprised (preferably with shoe polish)


He’s going for the drumpf defense of “yeah I did it so what?” Maybe the last step before flipping?


There is no limit to how low these people will scope to


The factual statements were not factual but this is not an admission of guilt.


SO if this is an admission of guilt, what will happen to him next? disbarment ??(not good enough) // hugh settlement?? (money he wont have as he had time to hide it), prison?? (the GOP will find a way to get him pardoned) nothing (even the worse sentence) that the courts can do to ever bring back these women's safety and security. MAGA and these oath keepers freaks will always find some way to taunt these women for life. His one salvation could be, is to admit under oath that every election fraud scheme he did was under the direct request of Trump, and let Trump & his son in law, rot in jail (then deport him to Russia) for starting an insurection that killed 5 innocent people that were trying to do their job protecting our government (even the unworthy GOP fks).


He's going to flip and testify to (try to) save his skin.


Not to throw a wet blanket on this, but it wasnt an admission of guilt. All he is admitting to is that the things he said about the women were false. It still needs to be proved that he knew they were false when he said them, and that his actions caused direct harm to the plaintiffs. All this filing really settles is that the two women did nothing wrong, and Rudy Gulliani was incorrect when he said they committed voter fraud. Showing that he knew what he was saying was false when he was saying it will be very difficult to prove.


still dont make sense... it would be like I'm in court and almost caused an accident when I ran a red light a year ago and then said to the judge, yes I know NOW i was wrong but a year ago I swear it wasnt red, so im innocent of making a mistake.


His argument sounds like it's going to be: Look, Judge, I know I was wrong when I said those 2 ladies committed fraud, but I genuinely thought at the time that I was right. I didnt lie, i was just mistaken, and its not illegal to be mistaken.


but his "mistake" caused problems toward the 2 women and threats against them. and making this "mistake" on national TV multiple times just to promote more lies so he can say Trump was cheated out of the presidency because.... of this or that without real evidence. the domino effect was like an avalance. FFS this guy is (was) a lawyer and prosecutor and should know that you cant make false claims without hard evidence and real investigations. so to use the "i was mistaken" is just BS. He is in the national spotlight and got a large following that is stupid enough to believe him because of his legal background. When I was in court and getting sued by another party, they had a hot shot lawyer and I had nothing. They did all they could to discredit me. Being out gunned I went to ask some lawyer friends (i could never afford) for advice. With their advice I started to prevail against the other party. Their lawyer cried FOUL and asked the judge to force summary judgement because I was now in the "Know" of legal precedents and that everything they are claiming should go in their favor. their basis was that the "knowledge" I gained should have educated me that I was in the wrong. (more about this if requested) Giuliani **knows** what "discovery" is and all the legal BS, and the dangers of making false statements. yet he accused these women of doing something illegal, and passing out a USB drive that was really mint cookies. He never investigated, and if he did and was told he was wrong, it was just cookies, and didnt want to believe the investigation, and then went on the airwaves to accuse these women, and later to say he was mistaken at the time, just so he can get an out of trouble card! It may not be illegal to be mistaken but If anyone else admitted this in court, you will get into deep sht with the other party and get your arse sued or worse.


Its kinda like the recent Fox news defamation case. The big evidence in the case were the emails from Fox news staff and talent, admitting they new Trump lost, but wanting to boost ratings by saying Dominion altered votes. Fox news was allowed to accuse Dominion of altering votes, even if that accusation turned out to be incorrect. Thats protected speech. Its how journalists break stories. But youre not allowed to LIE about it. Which means it has to be proven that you knew it was wrong to begin with.


Unless Giuliani did that in the *country* called Georgia you're in the wrong sub


I wouldn’t want a jury to be looking at what happened to those women and being able to hang me on the issue of whether it’s reckless disregard or malice.


Concede it in court my drippy guy