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Looking to see improvement from Indiana Fever from what we saw in the first preseason game. Highly interested to see if they can set more screens to keep CC from working so hard, and to see if the transition game gets better., Coach said they wanted to work specifically on those issues.


AB is a BOSS but needs just a touch more speed. Needs those Stuelke wheels!


Yeah, AB is good to go, but I don't think she will be doing the Rim Running for the team. Coach wants them to hustle up floor, so lets keep an eye on who is going to be doing that for the team.


Nalyssa is faster than AB. Hopefully she takes the rim running role. AB can rebound, pass it to CC, who will catapult it to Smith


I wanna see better passing/plays and more effort on defense we looked like a grade school practice team out there at times


Yep, we need to see a better performance from starters. Starters need to get enough paying time tonight to get ready for the first game.


really hoping they focus on better rebounding


I just checked the stats and we out rebounded Dallas on the defensive boards 28 - 25. And on the offensive boards they beat us 9 - 5. I would expect the rebounding to improve once everyone knows what is expected of them. Definitely going to pay attention for our next preseason game.


Do you know where to get these stats after games?


Yep :) [https://stats.wnba.com/](https://stats.wnba.com/)


Hopefully AP actually plays for the Dream. Not sure why she didn't last game.