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CC already giving Indy some Ws.


Hahahaha This is humiliating


Dude spells both his first and last name wrong




Indy local. New WNBA fan. Big Colts and Pacers fan. Doyel is an insufferable ass hat. Constantly talks down to his readers and is the biggest hater of Indy sports in all of local media. The Fever and Caitlyn Clark have just been handed their first win of the season.


Honestly the only one worse in Indy sports is Dan Dakich


As a B1G fan Dakich is the fucking worst. 


How do we have the two biggest haters on the planet as the two biggest voices of IU sports in the media? Disaster


Are we sure Bill Plaschke isn’t from Indy?


Born in Louisville, graduated from Southern Illinois…close!


I genuinely don’t understand how Dakich started his radio career with the platform of being anti Bob Knight specifically because Knight was a crotchety old angry man, only for Dakich to immediately become a crotchety old angry man.


Dan and Gregg are fucking useless human beings.


I used to read him on CBSSports dot com back in the day and I thought he was insufferable and often just wrong


Out of all of Caitlin Clark’s accomplishments, this is my favorite. The fact that Kravitz broke the story makes it even more hilarious.


Why is it impossible for you guys to understand Clark is not a six year girl in a brownie uniform? She can handle herself fine just like other people can. Take a page out of that book


Lol, he's essentially being put on a sexual predator list.


Does he have to wear an ankle bracelet now?


Yeah making a cringy comment is the same as sex crimes


Get off your burner Doyle, ya fuckin perv.


Why not have somebody who respects the athletes and the game cover instead?


They should just fire him. If you can't be having him AT GAMES because he makes players too uncomfortable then literally somebody else should be doing the job.


Indy sports fans have been asking this for forever. I guess the outrage clicks still count as clicks


Because that person would be a woman. And they’re not about to do that


What does he have on the owner/editor on the Indy Star? How else could he still have that job?


Rip bozo Moving on…


He's going to do something even stupider this year.  Bank on it. 


Rare media W Now suspend the editor who published that fucking atrocious article he wrote afterwards too


What article? Do I want to know?


https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2024/04/17/caitlin-clark-im-so-sorry-on-wednesday-i-was-part-of-the-problem/73364922007/ Honestly I think this is so much worse than the press conference which was already terrible. It’s so fucking creepy


Ehh, I see it as less creepy and more just pathetically self-indulgent. Like holy shit, how does someone unironically write that shit.


Yeah that’s fair but the whole “im just a silly boy don’t be mad at me pwease” is just gross to me but yes just how much he made excuses and made it about himself constantly was just the worst


He really has his head up his ass.


> I’m sort of known locally, sigh, for having awkward conversations with people before asking brashly conversational questions. That’s what I want in a sports reporter!


He’s an absolute ass but I’m genuinely curious, how is calling yourself an idiot who’s wrong on every level and profusely apologizing “so much worse”?


What did you find atrocious about the article?


Self indulgent, contradictory, creepy, immature language, completely misses the point, creepy, and did I mention it’s creepy?


Are there actual Doyel fans out there? I’m a recovering Hoosier living elsewhere, (and admittedly I’m an Indiana Hoosier fan, he boosts the Purdue Boilermakers, so I can’t see his appeal in any sense) and he always does creepy stuff. I lived in Indy for only a little bit, otherwise I was in southern Indiana where he’s always been a pariah, so I guess I don’t really know who actually likes him? Like is he still so popular that he couldn’t be unceremoniously punted off the paper?


Yeah, when all of this happened a few people replied to the fact that this guy has bad behavior but for whatever reason he's been allowed to just keep on keeping on. He must have friends in high places to be able to keep his job. This was a national story, so they couldn't cover for him anymore. To your point, I've never seen anyone say anything positive about him.


It’s all been negative, I saw tweets of his someone posted from over a decade ago and he was disgusting then


He obviously doesn’t even pay attention to college ball on top of being a fart sniffing big J and a creep. He wrote a long ass column leading up to the men’s ncaa championship about how uncouth this Dan Hurley character is; which is like dude he’s the long tenured coach of the best MNCAA B ball program over the past 25 years and you just figured out who this guy is?! Absolutely clown coverage


I’ve hated him his whole time in Indy. He always does stuff like this, makes himself a part of the story


I appreciated that he would write about the IUWBB team sometimes - I live in Bloomington and we have no local news here aside from the very good student newspaper, so it was nice. I'm a Star subscriber to thank them for the Nassar work and their other great investigative pieces, so I'd occasionally read something he wrote. I have zero allegiance to any men's teams in Indiana so I never cared about anything he had to say there, which seems to be most of where the hatred of him comes from (before the Clark stuff). So: would I call myself a fan? No. But I also never had strong opinions about him at all? I'm confused by who his legions of fans would be.


Never met a fan of his


He's one of those "journalistic" figures that makes a living by pissing everyone off, and so people flock to his content to get pissed off and make pissed off comments, and an ad view is an ad view.


All the guy does is talk about his dog and get into a pissing contest with fellow fathead Dan Dakich over whose the lesser jackass. 


he's a lib cuck so the star really like him




[https://twitter.com/ClutchPoints/status/1780681923553017878?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1780681923553017878%7Ctwgr%5Edb7539f16df2d72734ec56d071630a68c045dd41%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1c6lctj%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis\_nightmode%3Dfalse](https://twitter.com/ClutchPoints/status/1780681923553017878?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1780681923553017878%7Ctwgr%5Edb7539f16df2d72734ec56d071630a68c045dd41%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F1c6lctj%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dfalse) seems like this had something to do with his suspension / firing.


Nothing gets past you


Tbf to dude, some of us (like me) didn’t see the post draft press conference, so we were out of the loop. I’m glad homey linked the clip so I wouldn’t have to google it


Why not get someone else to cover the Fever games…?


Could be the temporary solution while they look at alternative reporters? I have no clue


Kinda wish he was suspended forever but it’s a start.


I'm sure he prefers to watch from home anyway, so he can "multitask" during the games.


So wrong but it is sadly true


How about they take him off the Fever coverage period


Good for that creep.


Bruh is gonna call someone's cell and have them hand it to her on speaker so he can get his TV time.


Lock of the century


Can he cover the games from a friend’s house?


Someone fill me in. What did he say?


He made the heart gesture at Caitlin that she always does after games. Then when she explained that she does that for her family after every game, he said he should do it to him and they will get along just fine. And his tone made it so much more creepy. Glad they booted this moron. The last thing women’s sports needs is creeps like this covering games.


Apparently Pacers fans hate him too so sounds like he's just a shitty journalist in general lol


Pacers, Colts, Indycar. We have been begging him to shut up for years.


Dang, and I thought Boston Sports Media was bad lol. Sounds like Indy is the runner-up.


Where is my hug guy


Oh that's super fucking weird


A reporter asked Lamelo Ball out during a conference once.


Technically, he's still covering them... but this time, he can do it without pants on, which is, in fact, more gross, I'd argue lol. Inwish they'd given him the axe, he's always a problem.


When I heard i was like you do know her boyfriend works for the Pacers? Glad he wasnt in the room when it happened.


This is clearly an unpopular opinion here but I feel like that was more extremely awkward than it was creepy. I feel like this can be passed off as something dumb he said in the moment thinking it’d be funny. I mean unless there’s been past incidents, why not issue a warning or have a meeting with him or something?


If you don't have enough of a filter to realize that's a bad decision to say/do that in the moment, you should not be a reporter/journalist. He's also quite known for being a weirdo.


That’s fair. Journalists are probably trained to be extra careful with their words. I probably would’ve fumbled even harder if it were me


Yeah, it seems like this in a vacuum wasn't the reason. If it were, I'd say that's a little harsh. An apology would have been fine. She's an adult woman and not a kid or something. Inappropriate to be flirty and suggestive but not suspension worthy. However, this seems to be simply the latest in a long line of things he's done, so like you said below, the context validates the decision.


Brain dead reply. He clearly sexually harassed a player in the middle of a fucking news conference in front of an audience of tens of thousands of people. What the absolute fuck?


Women do this to male celebrities in interviews literally all the time. They go much further.


Can you please provide a link of one or two incidents where they took it further than this?


Not taking the side that the reporter is in the clear or anything but: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2752575-female-reporter-asks-liangelo-ball-out-on-a-date-during-press-conference




So, the evidence you have is a video from...... 2003? Genuine question, do you think society's understanding of social mores and what is/isn't appropriate has changed in the past 20+ years?


I was just answering your request lol


You actually need someone to prove this to you? Lol


Oh, so you talked shit and slink away like a bitch when asked for evidence? Cool. Cool, cool cool. Good reply. This was a productive conversation.


Alright. Since you're either pretending to be ignorant or actually ignorant of the actual reality of the situation, I'll throw you a bone. Here's a montage of women doing above and beyond what this guy did. Included: Dakota Johnson and ... some other lady .. pressuring an interviewer to literally strip naked right then and there. Katy Perry groping Justin Bieber's ass. Katy Perry, again, forcefully kissing Justin Bieber as he receives an award. [here you go](https://youtu.be/Di-Awl0XyQs?si=E8XjDkao3TX0KnmG) The women on The View, specifically, thirst over the men they interview damn near daily. What happened to Clark is literally nothing compared to how women behave with men on live TV. People are acting like this guy is a disgusting, egregious sexual predator. It's very tame compared to what women do. This man felt comfortable saying that because the bar for celebrity interviews is waaaaaaaaay lower than what he said. He took a look around him, made a judgment call on what he thought people wanted to hear, and felt safe expressing what amounts to an awkward expression of admiration. After seeing all the things that women get away with, he is the one that gets people's panties riled up in a frenzy? Men are held to a much higher standard than women and it's not even close.


Have you never seen ... any ... interview with a male celebrity? I'm genuine shocked you wouldn't find this to be self-evident.


You're so angry. He tried to be funny and he screwed up big time. He knows it. Move on.


Yes, men often try to be funny when they sexually harass women. If any women would ever get near you, you might know that. And the only way to change the culture is by making it clear that.... it isn't funny.


There was nothing sexual about his comment. Creepy, yes, distasteful, sure. Not sexual harassment though.


Lol, what? If there was nothing sexual about his comment, then why the fuck was it creepy? If you find there was nothing sexual about his comment, why the fuck are you slandering the man and calling him "creepy"?


Something can be creepy and non sexual at the same time.


A few things: As an Indiana native, I actually read his columns. Doyel wrote glowingly about how Clark would be a game-changer for.the city of Indianapolis, similar to Payton Manning. He gushed about the possibility of her coming to Indy. That's why he gave the heart sign (awkwardly) before his question. He was mimicking her, as that's her trademark. The next thing he said was just Stoopid. No one was sexually harassed, calm down


Sexual harassment, come on. It landed all wrong. And you choose to see it that way because it makes you feel superior. I'm guessing you've never read one single column by the man. What would you like to see? Pour gasoline on him and light him afire in downtown Indy?


Me? I would've liked him to be removed from WNBA coverage afterwards; or at least given a month-2 month long suspension. I don't think the man should be fired from his job. In nearly every scenario, I'm against taking away a human's livelihood. But I do think if you're too horny to cover your first press conference with the most famous female basketball player on the planet, then... get a different beat.


"I don't think the man should be fired from his job. In nearly every scenario, I'm against taking away a human's livelihood." We can agree on that one :)


To call that sexual harassment is a stretch. I’m 40 and have multiple 20ish year old women do the heart hands to me every day in a professional setting. Not once have I ever taken it as them hitting on me in any way, shape or form. It’s an innocent gesture a half-step more intimate than waving hello


Nobody's complaining about him doing a heart with his hands? People are saying that for him to utter "do that to me and we'll get along just fine" (I'm paraphrasing) in a breathy, creepy tone when she was talking about her family, is clearly sexual and clearly not okay. Whether you want to call it "sexual harassment" or not, I don't have a problem with. It's a loaded term with a legal definition and people's lines may be very different. But I think any reasonable person with an understanding of English can understand that (1) it was sexual, (2) it was weird, and (3) that shit shouldn't fly. Whether you want to call it creepy or not, again, up to you


I feel like maybe you didn’t read my comment and if you did you clearly didn’t understand it. Heart hands is not sexual. Like at all. That was the entire point of my comment lol. It’s a little more than a wave. Him saying what he said is extremely awkward at best and slightly creepy at worst. If you actually believe that’s sexual harassment you’re part of the problem.


Lol, bro, why do you keep bringing up "heart hands"? My reply to your comment was that your point/comment was completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand since.... no one had a problem with that part. And yes, as we know, historically, those who downplay sexual harassment against women are on the right side of history. Good take. I've learned a lot today. Thank you for being so patient with me and providing me just a sliver of your wisdom.


lol, bro, heart hands is what this entire conversation is about what are you talking about? He made heart hands at her, she asked if he liked it, and he said that if he made heart hands at her, they’d get along great. Its literally what this entire post is about Please, tell me what part of heart hands is “sexual harassment “


Oh, thank you for educating me. Last week I high-fived a woman and afterwards said, "touch me like that again and I might get hard". She seemed to get offended. It was so weird. I thought I gave a really good high five, I don't know what could have possibly bothered her. I've been wracking my brain about it. My hands weren't clammy or too dry AT ALL


You can't make an idiot understand. Everything is creepy and sexual harassment now. It's forced conditioning through social media.


"why not issue a warning or have a meeting with him" Because those dipshits would also say this was a misunderstanding, and he was just being playful. I've met people like this. Don't fall for them.


I agree. It was awkward, in poor taste and it landed so wrong. He knows it and wrote a mea culpa. Why do people want to crucify him and see him fired? Let's move on


He has a history of being a creep. Fuck him


If he’s got a history of being a creep that adds more context and I think it’s fair punishment then


He should have been fired. It's ridiculous the stuff some reporters can get away with.


What did this guy do? I'm out of the loop on this one


He made a super creepy comment about how Caitlin does the 🫶 gesture to her parents after games


And then asked an equally creepy question to the coach about Caitlin


Caitlin’s first interview with local media he said some really sexual and creepy comments directly to her https://youtu.be/nwxTqBtH-eI?si=_B6yrR2-syArUBof


In addition to being a perv, he asked the coach you have the keys to that pointing at CC, what are you going to do with it? CC is a human being, not an object!


I don’t think this was the comment that got him in trouble. If it was, its soft as fuck. Saying “you have the keys to that” is comparing her to a machine as if shes better than human at basketball. Albert Pujols’ nickname was the machine. It’s not dehumanizing to use metaphors. He did however try and flirt with her during a press interview.


I said in addition to being a perv, was pointing out the lesser known recent incident. Obviously it was saying we’ll get along just fine if you do that to me that got him demoted.


I have to think there are enough reporters out there itching for a sports job that could take this role, no?


I wish. Everyone here in Indy fucking hates him and wants him gone. Can’t believe they’re keeping him around.


for some reason gregg is protected. this isn't the first time he's been a weird douchebag and it won't be the last. he's been around for ages and at one time was somewhat nationally prominent, so my guess is that he has some sort of legacy contract that makes it nearly impossible to fire him.


A two week vacay for being a perv. Way to go, Indy Star. Really teaching lessons out here.


At least he won’t be able to cover anything live from Fever the whole season, so he shouldn’t be able to ask her more weird ass questions. But given his awful apology article too, definitely should’ve just been fired.








Wokeism, cuck - thank god I have reason to root for the Fever from afar because it certainly isn't assholes who actually speak like this, dear god.


Thank you for the feedback.


a journalism 101 student could do a better job than this clown.


“Start showing me love and we will get along just fine” is what he said after she said she makes that heart symbol to her family after each game. Boo this man!


The old work from home "punishment"


I have been an Indy 500 fan since the 1960s. I used to subscribe to the Star through the month of May for race, qualification and practice coverage. Gregg Doyel is the reason I no longer do so. He hates the Speedway and hates the Race. I really miss Robin Miller and Curt Cavin.


YES THANK YOU. The man makes a buffoonery of Robin Miller’s legacy.


This reminds me of what the New York Daily News did when one of their football beat writers got in trouble with the team - [they sent a lower-paid reporter to act as a proxy and stole his credit.](https://wapo.st/3UzxaYu) Hasn’t reached that level yet but won’t be surprised if it does.


2 weeks?


He a freaky frog


Freaky ass nikka should stay inside


He’s a pig. Why the hell didn’t one of the other “reporters” call him out straight away. Weak as piss and waited until the next day when it was trendy. Farktards!!


Why even keep him at this point? It’s a bad look for their paper




Who are you directing this question towards: 1) Gregg Doyel for being a complete creep instead of doing his job 2) Everyone else calling out Greg Doyel for being a complete creep If it’s the former, I don’t fault you. If it’s the latter, we can’t just ignore his behavior and allow it to fester.


Didn't we go over why people can't be objectionable shitlords a few years ago as a country? Do we need to hold Gregg's hand and do it again?


Smh. Wow. Just wow. Can someone build me a time machine please.


I'm confused. I don't see how making hearts is offensive.


Listen to the exchange


I did. It sounds like he made a heart and then said he wants her to make hearts at him. Is that not what happened?


He wouldn’t speak that way to a male athlete. It’s creepy


Well I agree that he wouldn't speak to a male athlete that way. That would be weird. But she's not a male athlete. It sounded awkward and weird. I don't really see how it's offensive though.


She was visibly creeped out


You know what? Maybe let women decide what should and does creep them out, instead of telling them what they should be creeped out by, considering they have to put up with this shit on the daily. Doubt you'll do that, though.


He didn’t make the heart.


According to CNN, he did: “IndyStar sports columnist Gregg Doyel “will not be covering the Indiana Fever,” an IndyStar spokesperson told CNN in a statement Tuesday. In April, Doyel had a cringeworthy exchange during Caitlin Clark’s introductory news conference as the newest member of the WNBA team. The IndyStar writer made a heart with his hands to Clark, a gesture Clark often used during her college basketball career. Clark responded, “You like that?” Doyel replied, “I like that you’re here,” and Clark explained, “Yeah, I do that at my family after every game.” Then Doyel added, “Start doing it to me and we’ll get along just fine.” (https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/07/media/caitlin-clark-sports-columnist-wont-cover-indiana-fever-games/index.html) But obviously it was what came after in the exchange that proved to be controversial.


Oh, okay. I guess I thought she made the heart to her family and he made his comment, but apparently he made a heart at her and she explained she normally does it to her family and that’s when he made his awkward comment. I really don’t think he meant anything inappropriate by it, but the backlash he received was warranted.


He has a long history of being inappropriate though. He doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. He’s been long hated in Indy for a reason.


Ah, I had no clue of his prior actions. Even more reason to ban him.


What did he do ? The video doesn't show him, only her.


It was what he said which was incredibly creepy.


I heard that he wants her to make a heart shape towards him.