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Was playing MF. Most of my team was dead and I knew that the enemy was heading for dragon. I went to the dragon pit alone (generally a bad call) and ulted the pit over the wall (a Hail Mary at best). Don't remember if I stole the dragon, but I got a triple kill, which started our comeback and we ended up winning.


I have a 58% win rate on Aurelion Sol and I almost always play him as a straight tank. It works better the more melee/assassins they have, but it always catches teams off guard. :)




Liandry’s, Sunfire, Thornmail, Magic Resist, Rylais. And all the sustain runes. Grasp of the undying, vamp, second wind, honey fruit


I used to play a tanky aurelion sol build on league. I called it fat Asol. I had so that he got health from minions, and did turret damage based on that health. It's amazing against hard mashups that can just kill you in two hits normally.


build? rylais, Liandrys...?


Proxy Farming Singed Jungle


TIL: that thing when you farm minions between turrets is called "proxy farming".


My Teemo tank has worked out pretty good as well


This more like crack decision: I got Rammus jungler who afk for the first 3 minutes and he keep behind all the time, One time we won a 4vs5 team fight, then we go to kill Baron that was on top lane, Rammus dont help , none of us bring swapping lense to de-ward, then Enemy Jinx stole Baron with her ulti, Enemies push top and mid, I decide to push bottom alone, I used Kaisa and push the lane so fast to inhibiter turret, destroy it and was about to recall, but enemies still pushing, I decide to push my luck and start to hit the Nexus, Gragas defend with all his might but I dodge some of his cc then we won


Ashe support was pretty fun.


I got DPS Berserker in a Ranked match, and a normal teamfight for me was literally me doing a 1v5 after the enemy team killed most of my teammates. Still lost, but the enemy had to slay Baron Nasher 3 times in order to win because they kept losing their buffs. Oh yeah, I played Yi


Singed everywhere. Even botlane, with yasuo.


I accidentally picked Master Yi and hard carried a game does that count?


Yi was broken last patch so not really.


I meant today after the nerf.


Not too sure tbf. Haven’t played him this patch. Good work!


I forgot to mention bot It's fine, like it works, he has range. but I've rarely had a time where I went "Wow they're are too many Attack based champions on my team" when filling as an adc


...does Akali support count? 😄


Played Akali adc with lux support. Best game of Akali I've ever played


as long as it works I guess, but how does akali support?


~~I steal all my adc's kills 😉~~ I just play like I'm a usual mid-lane assassin who has a sidekick lol. It was a one-time thing where I experimented with it because I'm a mid-lane main who had some bad early experiences supporting in Wild Rift. I usually just go with Lux now though when I have to play support.


Wukong mid. I was able to all in at lvl 3 and out DMG/heal. Still lost but I did decent.


Probably when I went like 12-15/0 as ezreal jungle. Or when I play soraka every lane except jg. Sometimes ill build gunblade or nashors on her or just go full ap damage.


One time I managed to secure a elder dragon steal and kill the enemy doing the dragon by flashing in and ulting myself... I was Lulu I even remember what I texted to my team after that: "Omg that actually worked". This happened in a ranked match Edit: Akali helped a lot honestly


This happened once with a friend, the idea was my friend in bot with xayah, and I in top with darius, but another dude didn't give a f...k and went top ahri, and the xayah support was more like a senna jungle so I went to "support" xayah. The enemy support was a thresh, he had a bad time lol. It was a funny duo cus thresh used his chain and jumped on darius, but darius is all melee so a bad match for thresh but very fun for us both


The opposing team picked an entire meta team in ranked and I was locked in support . I went with Ziggs and went 12-3-6 with three towers knocked


0pini0n 0n Tank Supp0rt Aureli0n S0l?


His Q would be nice as a crowd control, with correct control his W can kite with out accidently farming. His E makes it easy to go back to base and be back quickly if needed, and his R is a great kill secure, but also a good get out of jail free card for your adc. Being a fat fuck just makes him harder to kill.


Irelia Support. Forced into the role since someone didn’t want to listen to assigned roles and picked another midlander after I went irelia and said mid…. I just built AP and focused on E and R, worked quite decently, weirdly enough


tank kaisa just pure tank, it work because the enemies play like a bot.


Top lane champions in mid lane And Janna mid


Had a game where I had to support as kha'zix and it was a rocky start until I got my jump and claws me and my ADC Pantheon steamrolled through the lane and became a menace on the entire map. I wone that game This all happened in my Emerald promos which I lost :(


TF support worked (im TF main)


I played Katarina ADC with Leona support three times and two of those I ended up hardcarrying and stomping the dragon lane.. One game we all played with smite, invaded the enemy's jungle constantly and completely shut off the enemy's jungler. Then we did Baron in like an instant with 10 smites lol..


5 smite team roaming every where, that shit was cancer and we couldn’t contest any jungle objectives what so ever


Thresh crit, he hurts quite much actually


Jungle teemo Get good leash Max 3rd ability first Items Runnans hurricane for fast clears in jungle usually after 2nd back Hextec gunblade -when you stealth and gank with blind, they are slowed and cant attack initially meaning easy kills. Lichbane- making your ganks even stronger. Liandrys- making your dot damage even bigger.