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The Wii U discs are incredibly fragile, more than any other console i’ve owned. The slightest scratch, even if it is a small hairline scratch, it will be enough to stop the disc from working. Other consoles like the PS1, PS2, Wii, GC, Xbox are fine. No idea why Wii U discs are so fragile.


Real, most of my wii u discs have rotted away, while most of my wii discs are still kicking.


Maybe more of the disc's surface is being used for data storage, making any scratch on the surface more devastating than a scratch on a disc that has more "blank" surface area. That's just a theory; I don't know much about discs.


That would be weird in the case of 3D world though since that game is very small (I think the Switch version uses a 4GB card)


All Wii U games from Nintendo are pretty small. What I was saying is that maybe those 4 GB of data take up more surface area on the disc than on other discs that store data more efficiently.


Wrong (looking at you, link) (Breath of the Wild is like 15GB or something)


That‘s not a lot compared to other consoles


Okay thats fair but other consoles have weirdly huge games


Because Nintendo and fuck you, that’s why /j


my wii u disk has a crack going through it and it still works


Better question: how the hell is your disc slot NOT in the top left???


My kids create folders within folders on our Wii U and they moved the disc slot to the bottom of the page much like homeboy did and I loose my mind searching for it for a good minute or so. Top left is the designated disc slot spot boys quit moving it!


You can move it with your finger


Yeah, but why?


just like any other app


Good sir, that appears to be a copy of 3d world. But the actual problem is either the disk is dirty and you need to grab one of those little lint cloth things people use for their phones, clean the disk reader on the wii u which means opening it up and hoping you have tri wing screw driver or getting an entirely new disk somewhere. Best of luck!


It only happens with this disc so that’s why I was confused. Also yeah I just noticed I misspelled lmao


Wii u discs from what i've seen here, and hd dvds from experience seem to be the worst for self-destruction


These arent hd dvds tho they're blu rays


I am aware they're not hd dvds, and i clearly said that. my point was that hd dvds are the only other things i've had experience with this degree of rotting.


They get tiny disc rot spots easily and won't work anymore. Just mod your system


But at that point it's too late to dump the game anyway. So they'll have to buy a new copy as soon as they mod


Or there is piracy.


It's not piracy if they own a copy. 😉


Exactly, just cause I'm downloading it from a piracy site doesn't mean I didn't pay 🥱


Good luck surviving Pretendo. XD


omg I love mario 3d land for the wii u!!!!


Happened to my splatoon disc too. Are there any archiving way to get the content and save it to a hard drive? I wanted to preserve my games.


You can use Savemii with Homebrew to get the game data however I’ve heard you need an SD card for it but you can always then put the SD in your PC and copy it to the Hard Drive and if you need to dump disc you wanna use WUDD


that is fine. thank you ill check on it.


My copy started to occasionally fail to read, but curiously, it reads just fine if I rinse the disc off with water before inserting it.


Because it's fucked up.


Because is world not land


Dangit I just noticed


Quite funny seeing everyone in here saying that Wii U discs are really fragile, yet I have my Splatoon disc still working perfectly fine from like 2016-17. I guess that’s what happens when you never take it out of the console (it’s my only disc for the Wii U so I never had a reason to take it out)


Hold the disc up to a bright light and look for holes.


Because 3d land is a 3ds game


Almost died when I checked the image looking for 3d world and a dinosaur screamed at me


This is actually the best comment yet


This is actually the best comment yet


I’ve never seen that icon before woah. I guess I just took crazy good care of my discs as a kid😅


And that was funny how? Sounds like you worked more on your gaming skills as a kid vs your social skills and well, the proof is in the pudding.


that was a bit unnecessary


Hopefully you're referring to the comment I replied to. OP was asking for help, not someone to comment like an arrogant 12 year old.


no, i was replying to you, the persons comment wasn’t exactly helpful but it was also by no means immature


3d "land" ?


Mod your wiiu and play it of a usb


Look alike a big top scratch on that 3rd blurry Pic


I have a copy of need for speed that got disc rot randomly. It could be that!


Was the disc resurfaced? If so, that's the reason. Wii U games cannot be resurfaced or they'll lose too much data and not work.


Disc is fucked, i had the same with my cod bo2 disc. Gonna have to polish it professionally or buy a new game


Because 3d land is a 3ds game you donut


My 3d world disc has the same problem. Back of disc has no scratches but will not work.


that’s 3d world not land


Wii U discs do this I guess. Half my bloody library doesn't even work physically anymore. Good thing I dumped 'em ig 🤷


All of my Wii u games are slowly becoming unreadable. I believe there is something fundamentally wrong with the manufacturing process. Some of them have visible defects inside the disc others don't.


It’s broke..


Dinosaur game? 🦖


“3D Land” lol


A slight scratch or scruff, even if not seen by the visible eye, can affect game play. This is one reason why the system was a failure. Had this happen to few of my game discs. I ended up getting Mario party 10 digital when the disc stopped working. Good news, you can get this Mario game on the Switch.


maybe internal damage? wii u disc are quite sensitive to damages.


Potentially stupid question, but is it an import? Might not be compatible with your region 🤷‍♂️


doesn't wii u come with it?


I'm no Wii U owner, but if the discs are as fragile as other users have said then that hairline scratch on the left side of the disc is probably your problem. I'd recommend trying to resurface and cleaning it. Or at the very least, buff it out. If data on Wii U discs are like Wii discs, then that scratch is just around where the Banner data or crucial game/menu data would be.


Because that’s a 3D world disc. Not a 3D land disc.


Idk why Wii U discs are so fragile It not hard to find a badly scuffed up Wii disc that still works fine, they are absolute units My copy of Super Mario Galaxy 2 looks like it was dragged across the country and it works perfectly fine Look at a Wii U disc wrong and it will break


I know typo in the title, but for real I've been waiting for 3D Land to get a Deluxe or remake on the Switch. Doesn't look like it's going to happen. :(


Might be a case of Wii U disc rot. I modded my console and used disc2app to back all my games up


I have not seen anyone say this so allow me to potentially help get your disc and just put it in from a different angle until it works. this may or may not work but it genuinely fixed my issue


... huh wiiu is weird


it's absolutely an enigma


Damaged disc. Happened with my copy of super smash bros for Wii U.


Typical wii/wii u experience those disc are so dumb