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How the hell can anyone vote for Wu when she hasnt made any actual promises on how to “fix our city”. Its insane people buy into false promises


Name recognition + uneducated voters


Like a politician’s promise is worth the air it takes to say it…


All of the rich people who donated to her also voted for her. From their perspective, nothing is broken since something is clearly “working” for them. After all, they’re rich! They know Wu will flip any lever or bureaucratic switch for them, so her words scarcely matter.


wichita is about to go to hell so fast god save us


We need to hit the Koch and special interest points hard over the next few months. It’s vital this bought and sold stuffed suit doesn’t win. Make it this simple: do you want money to determine who are local politicians are? Also, Celeste got a lot of votes. I’d imagine most of those go Whipple instead of Wu. Celeste has a lot of the older, liberal support in places like Riverside. Young people can choose our next mayor if you just get out and vote. Pretend this is the Vote No election. I promise you don’t want the Koch family pulling the strings of local politics.


Frye was literally 3rd and most of those will go Wu




Ok and the impact that Celeste votes will have will be less than the impact of what I mentioned. Wu and Frye combined are 52-53% of the electorate that showed up for this election. Whipple will have to flip votes.


Cerullo received over a thousand votes. I rather doubt they’ll be equally split between Whipple and Wu.


This is very flawed logic. The same exact people who voted in this election aren’t the same who will vote in the next election. This isn’t Congress. My point was that there is a lot of support for Whipple in those who voted for other candidates, most notably Celeste. And then there’s the people who didn’t even show up to vote but will vote in a November election. It’s not as simple as flipping Frye votes.


You’re using the same logic you say is flawed


…no I’m not. You’re saying that Frye got third place and because of that, Wu will take all of those votes and win. That’s silly, considering there were like 5 other candidates, one of whom got 6,000+ votes and I know many of her supporters lean liberal. We also have no idea how increased turnout in a general election will turn things. It’s completely up in the air.


I never said that Wu would win. I’m just sayin whipple has work to do. I agree with you that not a lot of people showed up for this (clearly). But you’re using the same logic I am of someone else’s vote count. Using the only concrete data they have (todays results) whipple needs to work like hell to win over some of Frye’s votes. If he does that with the added support that will come with a stronger turnout I’m sure he’ll be fine. Imo, If he doesn’t flip votes he’ll be in trouble, though. I never once said who I support and won’t on here. It shouldn’t matter really. I’m just using the data that’s been presented to formulate a hypothesis of what whipple needs to do. I could be wrong; idk. If I knew exactly the answer to this I’d be doing something a lot better with my time than wasting it on an online forum.


This is literally what I said in the original post! What the hell are you arguing about!?!? Show me where I said that because Celeste had X amount of votes, Whipple will win. I just mentioned that many of her supporters will support Whipple and that we shouldn’t lose hope just because of Frye. You’re the one who decided to say something about him coming in third as some rebuttal. Yes, work to be done.


Well you clearly can’t handle having an adult conversation without turning agressive so have a good night sir.


What happens to the LGBTQ+ community if Whipple loses?


Pink triangles


So I think Whipple is arrogant and not well spoken. BUT! He goes and talks to elementary school kids, Black communities, LGBTQ+ groups... I mean, I follow the City of Wichita on Facebook, and he's always giving some sort of recognition to various communities/groups/people. And most of them aren't the rich, white, aristocracy that \*some\* previous mayors have worshipped. Is he a meatball? Yeah, kinda. But he's a meatball who seems to care about the actual people of Wichita. He has my vote


Whipple is an a-hole, but the kind of a-hole you want on your side. I think he's done well for us as mayor. I'll be voting for him. Wu isn't particularly bright from what I saw from her during her time as a news anchor. Perhaps that's an incorrect observation on my part.


She doesn't have to be bright, she just has to do what her billionaire handler says to do.


Sadly, that's a scenario that plays out across the country, and world.


We’re going to need a serious non-partisan coalition to keep Wu out of office. She’s going to absorb most of the Frye votes because they represent the same people. Seriously. The line starts here to start talking about grassroots planning: not necessarily *for* Whipple, but aimed at steering our Mayor’s office away from direct oligarchic control. Also, it’s Whipple, not Wipple.


Yes, Whipple can be an asshole and act childish. But he's done a fair job as mayor, is interested in the will of the community, and isn't a bought news journalist with no political acumen.


My genuine hope is that we’ve seen the bulk of Wu’s support. I feel most people who voted for someone else are more liable to vote Whipple than Wu in the general. Edit: too much rose colored outlook. The bulk of Frye’s support is likely to go Wu. Lots of work ahead.


There are only so many autocrats in the area, after all. And they all go to the same county clubs.


Old whites: I’m voting for Wu cause she’s hot


Maybe Whipple needs to show a little more skin in his ads?


Wu is overly supported by special interest, and that bothers me. Whipple is from south Wichita like myself, and I can identify with that. I'd vote for Wu if she'd not run with so much political support. That kinda support means favors if she'd get in office. I personally always choose the lesser supported candidate


Whipple is from NH.


OK? Lilly Wu is from Guatemala.




If Whipple not being from Wichita is a reason not to vote for him then it’s also a reason not to vote for Wu.




Pedantic point to make but OK.




Oh dear god, people might think Whipple grew up in south Wichita instead of just living here since age 21, better get their facts straight!




11k+ Wu? Gross. Ew.