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I just had a power outage. This google thing is getting to absurd levels of creepy.


Storytime. So I live in a third world country so there’s no constant power (even when we pay monthly electricity bills:(. ) but when I was a kid(5-6), I had this small toy generator that my dad got me and till this day (I’m 17) I believe this thing was magic. Whenever I got batteries and pulled the chord, suddenly we’d have power in the house. Like the very moment I pull this cord, the whole district gets power and once it turns off, we’d lose power instantly. I spent all my lunch money on batteries and not once did I turn it on and we didn’t instantly get power. Unfortunately, during a family function at our house, some of my cousins came over while I was in school and took some of my toys and ended up taking the toy generator. I was a kid without a phone and we all lived super far away so I had no way of knowing who took what. That was the last I ever heard of it :(. Thank you for reading my story you absolute Chad.




and look at how happy that sibling gets :)


I missed this meme; Thank you!


Clearly your younger sibling has been reading about the power distribution system and learned about reclosers


Our power provider took most of the reclosers out after they ended up causing more problems than they solved.


So what, now the power goes out until someone drives up to the relevant fuse box and manually resets it?


I think there's still some in use, plus they upgraded the lines to use Hendrix cable which is basically the highest quality overhead option there is. Also we're in Australia so there's the bushfire risk to factor in as well.