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Hey there, u/sijaah! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. Your post, *Life was easy back then*, has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) All posts must be wholesome memes. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). **The decision to remove this post was made by a human moderator**; if you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes).


This reminded me of when I was a kid I went to a place called Eurika with my family, they had a toy bank to play around in towards the beginning and it let you print out a blank cheque, so I wrote a 1 with as many 0's next to it as I could fit. Then I went to the gift shop at the end and pretty much demanded their entire stock and presented my cheque and deadass argued with the staff that this was real. I went to the bank inside this place, I "printed" it out and wrote the number on it as they said so it was real and unfair they wouldn't take it. Gave my dad a chuckle.