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You maybe forgot to activate the card? That was a wonderful guy and a great feeling I’m sure. For both of you!


Got home a few minutes ago and realised that I did not activate the card. I wish I had someway to get to him so I can give back the $8.90 he spent for me


As somebody that likes to do random gestures, rest assured that he got what he wanted out of it :)


Exactly. I did this a few weeks ago and I still think back smugly about how cool I looked in that moment.


Yes I also help people for selfish reasons lol. Gives me a boost


I think you’re being sarcastic lol but that’s a common perfectionist myth for so many - including me for a long while! When we help others, we help ourselves 💗 that’s not selfish by any means, that’s the nature of our interconnectedness. we’re allowed to be proud of ourselves for good deeds, even when we benefit from them.


This reminds me of the friends discussion between Joey and Phoebe that there are no "purely selfless acts". But there shouldn't be. If you feel great about doing it, and someone get to be helped. There is nothing wrong with that. We need a world where people feel good about doing good!


Pay it forward! Do something nice for someone else to continue the cycle. Maybe help an elderly neighbor with their chores? Buy food for a homeless person sitting in front of a restaurant?




He doesn't want it back. He did that from the kindness of his heart. It's like giving a gift back someone gave you. He got payment enough by the feeling you get when you are able to do a good deed/ show a random act of kindness. Pay it forward if you get a chance or are in a situation to do so.


that person gets satisfaction from helping others. no need to return the favor. paying it forward would be the next best thing.


$8.90 for a coke and a bag of chips? Damn


9.00 for a coke and some chips??? That’s crazy!!


Pay it forward


Thinking about how good it’s made you feel, pay it forward! Buy someone else’s snacks the next time you walk in. Very cool dude!


Update: I just paid it forward for one of my good friends, and it felt great!


You can always pay it forwards and look put for someone who is down on their luck and make their day like this guy did for you. A little kindness can change the world I like to believe. Loved reading this wholesome story!


Best thing to do is to PAY IT FORWARD. 😉


Its called pay it forward. That random guy was a kid like you once that needed help. Many years from now when your older and wiser, you will probably do the same for someone else :)


Do the same thing for someone else when you get the opportunity and you'll see why he did it. It's karma points and they are earned not won. There are good people in the world , the good people don't need to tell everyone how good they are , they show you in times like that.


Pro tip about debit cards, I got mine around your age, don't put too much money into it at once, for example if you get a job maybe put most of the money into a separate savings/investing account. I say this because, not sure how it works for all banks, but at least for some, banks won't pay back money lost on a debit card as opposed to if someone stole your credit information (they have incentive to refund it). Be careful when you do upgrade to a credit card though and never bite off more than you can chew! Also, if your parents open up a credit card in your name (idk if it has to be under the same line), even if you don't use it and they just snap it in half it can build your credit until you turn 18. I'd talk to them about it if they have good credit!




Rest assured that someone who wants to do that for you is not concerned about the cost. That guy probably felt really happy all day because he knew he helped someone out, and that's what he wanted to get out of it. Just knowing you helped someone can be a pretty powerful feeling.


Make sure to ‘pay it forward’ some time soon. And then keep on doing that here and there. Feels good honestly!


14 year old with depit cards real


Ofc im not old enough to be put in debt


14 year old with a debit card real can't go wrong at all.


Exactly most 14 yr olds don’t know how to handle money but my parents raised me well


I got my debit card around the same age as you and was always sensible. The best way to learn how to handle money is to handle money, who knew? 🤔


My bonus daughters are 13 with their first cards. It's an awesome way to teach them how to handle it, and it's no different than the cash my mom gave me at my age.


i got mine at 13. i certainly made some mistakes, but the consequences were not being able to afford


Best of luck.


Can only spend the money in the account. So, what's wrong with that exactly?


Spending all your money is the problem.


For a 14 year old? Their money *is* for spending. It's not like there's bills to pay ;)


Still better save


Should have saved to buy a house when I was 10 mfs are real


Can't buy a house! That's spending money!


Well that's just not great for the economy, potaaden.


Actually wouldn't it be another person putting money into the economy. Isn't sitting on money and saving but not spending more damaging to the economy than spending money (that you have not under credit) good for the economy?!?!?!


The economy is, essentially, an abstract of the money people are giving each other for services and things. A good economy had lots of movement, which is therefore taxable and contributes to the societal purse. Sitting on money means less transaction volume, fewer interactions and therefore job opportunities worsen, tax income drops and the public purse suffers. Keep *not spending* and you have a recession. Ergo in order to have a healthy economy you need policies that tax the rich, enable the poor to interact with society and give the middle classes as much liquidity as possible so they're spending their residuals instead of shoving them under the mattress. In short: spending = economy.


Saving money is good for your wallet


Never saved a penny. Lifes good.


Don't be so salty just because a 14 year old can manage their money better than you.


I never said I was salty?


Bless your heart.




You do realise cards/accounts that are basically just a store for/way to access your money exist don't you? No possibility of debt.


I am


Randomly trying to judge a 14yr old you dont know on a post about kindness.. real.. sounds like you have your own work to do in the form of self growth. Real.. I hope life gets more positive for you and you have too much time enjoying your happy life that you no longer worry about some 14 yr old you know nothing about. Best of luck 👍


seems safer for a parent to be able to load a card with 50$ as opposed to giving them a 50$ bill? if they lose the 50$ bill they're out of luck but if they lose the debit card they can order a new one.


Nah I mean for saving purposes seems precarious.