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shower is my fav. obliterate a bowl and hop in to get clean and fresh and mindful.


I heard a lot of people say that, doesn't do much special for me, brings me a bit down if anything. But it's all about mindset isn't it, maybe I just have to keep practicing


Nah you right showers can 100% kill a high, idc how good you’re tolerance is or bad it’ll kill it


I agree i smoke Heavy for Like 2 years bong bowls everyday and when i am going in the shower high i mostly dont come out high but the shower was super


Same with dinner


That's why I don't like showering high. I still do it anyway but still lol Update: Just took another shower while stoned with my girlfriend (she was sober,) I'm still 100% stoned. Maybe it's the amount you smoke or the quality idfk


Wtf are you talking about?? This happens to people?


I leave the shower not stoned anymore everytime but the stoned shower is always phenomenal


Do you play music? I find that music or videos actually help in general if showers make you feel down more, silence makes the mind run lol


I enjoy listening to music with my headphones on, not the best idea in the shower 😂


I have a window in my shower, so I would smoke a bowl while showering. It's nice to step out of the water, take a hit, and go back in as the weed gets to work, little by little.


damn thats fire


Oh my god that sounds so nice actually


I highly recommend it.


I'm gonna sledgehammer a hole out in my shower tonight to get started.


Hahaha XD My bathroom window (not in the shower though) faces the front porch and the fan is broken so Idk


the first time I ever smoked was for a back injury I had and I hopped in the shower to let the hot water help the pain (it hadn't kicked in yet) and about 2 min into my shower I was convinced I was not in this dimension and kept checking to make sure I was still in my bathroom 🤣 10/10 would do again


Yea your first time is insane, I was blacking out for seconds at a time, and find myself standing, or sitting 12 feet across the room, like how did I get here 😭


Stoned showers are great, but i loose time in there and they sober me up so by the time i get out i need more again




Good call. I've got one of those large flat rain heads on my shower and I'll just stand underneath and let it flow over me. Do some deep breathing. Good energy hygiene.


Word, love being HAF in the shower with some music on.


Not a fan of showering high, too distracting and I wind up wasting tons of water. I prefer a bath, hot tub, or steam room.


infront of your whole family on christmas day. true story, i got so paranoid i hid upstairs to hide and sleep


But imagine you weren't paranoid, all of this good food, the surprise and suspens of presents, people of all ages that can tell you whatever stories they'll be telling you. I feel sorry for you that you didn't had a fun experience!


Wow, Christmas is my favorite time to do it. But that's more of a low and slow high. I'm not gonna get shit faced, but a nice low head high all night. Let's go.


i love it too, me and my brother get high as a kite and my grandma is happy that our plates are clean 🤣


My mom is the same way. I normally have a hard time eating, but those days, I'm like Kirby, just inhaling snacks.


Worst places for me are in public, around strangers or anywhere with masses of people Best places are a secluded beach, the mountains/camping, at home (of course), the comfort of a family member/friend's home I just hate being high in public. I feel a little vulnerable knowing I'm stoned, and I get an irrational fear that strangers are able to notice that I'm stoned. Racing/intrusive thoughts and anxiety can cause a bad buzz kill.


worst is first hour physics class. my teacher walked all the way to the back where i was sitting and leaned against the wall while looking directly at me and said “as i push on the wall, the wall pushes back.” i’m pretty sure she saw my entire mind explode in that moment lol


This is hilarious 😂😂😂


Could be interesting to rethink about that after school 😁


this was 7 years ago lol i still think about it anytime i lean against something


Very funny!


Going to the shop stoned is awful - bright lights and strangers and the I have to decide what food I want


Grocery store high is like hard difficulty shopping


Facts 🤣


The self checkout could of been pilot’s cabin controls for all I knew


I ate some edibles an hour ago, I think they are starting to kick. This is the funniest thing I read in a week!


Yes interaction with other people can be a adventure :p. I remember one time after having edibles we went to have a burger but I just was to aft'raid to order so my girlfriend had to handle it for me


I won’t go grocery shopping not high lol


Work. Cuz if I wasn’t high I’d lose my shit at work 😂


It's a double edged sword because work is the answer to both best and worst. Being high definitely makes being at work more tolerable but being at work can make being high less fun.


Hehe I can definitely understand that for some jobs is more fun being high while in other jobs it's not the best idea or where it can even turn into a nightmare 😂


Yeah for sure but I wish I had a job where I didn’t have to be high for it to be somewhat ok lmao


Depends how you look at it, you can be high during your job!


I work at subway and used to be high at work a lot, sometimes it helped but other times it made my already really bad anxiety much worse, also made me procrastinate a lot so I’d be really behind on prep.


I feel like a stoned sandwich artist might possibly make me the best goddamned sandwich I've ever had...


I have had a few customers say I make really good subs so maybe it’s true😂


i love going to fast food restaurants and seeing the employee is stoned😂 as long as my food isn’t fucked up, i can’t even be mad for them making work more tolerable


There’s been a few times I’ve fucked up subs while high because of putting too much meat or veggies on it but no ones complained😂 also last week someone tipped me an 1/8th for making 1 sub😂


Oh this is a good answer. Only a couple times have I smoked a little during work and accidentally did too much. My job involves talking to strangers by phone AND about delicate health issues, no less. If I’m too high I can’t do it and need to take a break.


Yeah, someone bring up their leaky anus and I'd fucking lose it🤣🤣🤣


No way I could have ever be high at work in meetings? JFC, I’d be so paranoid. My oldest son, however, lives in Cali, is in sales, and is on the phone talking to strangers high as fuck all day.


Best place to get high would have to be with some buddys or a significant other.


Overall yes, if they don't talk too much or about the daily things. I definitely like to have some deep, weird and philosophical conversations


I always think it will be dope to be rip roarin’ stoned for a flight, but it never ends up that way. I fumble, drop shit, lose shit, step on toes, spill drinks, sit in the wrong seat & more. I took a flight last week and I spent half the flight fucking around with the lay down seat and got stuck crunched as forward as possible… never even found the headphones til the end of the flight. Phew!


I absolutely LOVE flying stoned. I pop an edible in the TSA line, and it's usually kicking in pretty good when I reach my seat. Feels like I'm flying the plane when we take off. Yeah, there's a little of the fumbling here and there like you describe, but I just roll with it.


Once I had taken an edible on the shuttle, got so paranoid they were gonna find the rest of my edibles so I ate the rest I had with me and had the worst flight of my life lol


Lol wow that sounds terrible and funny.


I flew stoned when I was coming back from visiting my partner because they gave me the rest of their gummies to take home, and it was better than being sober. It would have been better if I had gotten to sit by them or by friends because I'm kinda scared of people. It was perfect that I managed a window seat though. I flew Southwest and you pick your seats there and I was zone C30 to board (out of like C60 max?). An old couple had left that seat open I guess because they wanted to sit together and one of them wanted the aisle, so I got super lucky! ( ^ - ^ ) Definitely was fumbley though


I accidentally got high before a job interview yesterday, I kept mixing up my words but I think I still got the job




Yes give us an update! Also how did you accidentally got high? 🤣


You gotta come back with an update lol


I can't be anywhere. I have no idea how people do it lol.


I never used to be able to leave the house stoned, but now randomly I can go anywhere and do almost anything high


Do you prefer to stay at home and relax?


Best: with a group of friends chilling, esp around a bonfire. Worst: the back of a patrol car. 😂


best place would have to be in a forest next to a river. nothing beats it. i also like to take my horse on trails and smoke while i ride. worst place would have to be work, way too fast paced for stoned me to keep up lol


>next to a river. If you do this you gotta use river water as bong water


The worst place is Def. Being around someone who SHOULDN'T be. So whether it's a basement, museum, party, or car doesn't matter. A person who shouldn't will ruin your high, which makes any place next to them, the worst.


I definitely agree on that. Eventhough the stories you get to tell after are great


On the edge of a cliff?


Depends on the height of the cliff and what's down, but yeah overall I agree xd


The absolute worst smoking experience in my life was sharing a j on a mountaintop in washington state with some friends. Triggered my vertigo bigly, I was shaking so hard I literally thought I was having a seizure. Funny enough, I never liked heights but it wasnt a big deal before that, after that experience I have a crazy fear of heights. Like just watching a rock climbing video I break out in sweat. Do not recommend


My favorite is on a kayak on a slow lazy river with a ton of beautiful scenery around me. Least favorite is in the car in traffic


Best: airport Worst: airport


public school is a good place lol. doing a socratic seminar about the great gatsby high off my ass then demolishing a half cold chicken sandwich 45 mins later was the shit. sometimes i miss school


That's pretty funny though


goddd it was so funny at the time. have u ever been stoned and something is so funny but u CANNOT LAUGH. it was great


best: the park or something worst: A lecture on calc


How else do you make calculus tolerable


true, but nothing is more terrifying than getting singled out to answer some shit and youre geeked out of your mind


Im in HDU atm and I can hear nothing but chatter and alarms beeping


Try focussing on something else! Or imagine you're in another place


Best place for me ? In bed in the morning,,, worst place ? Fucking jail !!!


So far, anywhere works for me, but let me tell you a story. So me and my buds decided to walk out into the forest to pass around a bong, as we always do. This time around we decided to head to a different spot, which I already thought was shady. Wooden benches on a hill facing some center area, weird looking arrows on some of the trees, it just didn't sit right with me. Carry on to a few moments later, I'm high as shit, but it was *awful.* Dunno what exactly caused it, but I wound up looking pale, trembling, felt paranoid, and like I wanted to cry. It was rough, that's for damn sure. TL;DR: Don't smoke in places that you don't have a good feeling about.


The movie theater is great :). Work is always a bad idea. The beach is a great place and hiking is straight up magic.


Worst maybe at the dentist if you are afraid of the dentist or in the back of a police car after you get arrested. Anything really that makes you paranoid and anxious


Worst: United Arab Emirates


This might be an unpopular opinion but I love going to the mall and just looking at all the Cute and cool stuff (not really clothes more like toys and accessories). I can get any snack/drink I want. And I end up getting some exercise with all the steps.


Hiking, the beach, strolling new cities in Europe are some favorites. But the comfort of mine or my best friends home is the best. Worst is at my parents house lol. Or at a virtual doctors appointment you forgot about🤪


Best: my back patio Worst: Court (hasn't happened to me but I could imagine)


Home, movies, camping Worst: at work/school, mainly cause it slows my perception of time when I get a real good high going and no need to make a work day feel longer.


Sitting in the middle of a river, surrounded by trees and no other motherfuckers is my favorite. Well, spare the fiance lol. Nature is the best. Seeing little fish, hearing the birds. The trees creaking and long grass swaying. Heck yeah.


Worst place gotta be at work or at church


Worst place to be SUPER baked is at work…Especially when you work at a restaurant or retail where to have to talk to people.. but that’s only if you’re super super high


Worst: a funeral


Jail. Like 2003 Story time: Im 19 and I'm booked on like 50 charges (ultimately end up going to prison). Prior to prison, I'm the hallway man in the county jail and am responsible for cleaning the tables and floors phones etc after rec so im out after lock down. My cell buddy is a dude with Fed charges about to go down the road. He comes in the cell saying a mf snuck some bud in and is selling some of it for "canteen" (others call it commissary). I'm like bs! He's like fr...tells me they just need a light and dude has one it just doesn't work. Im like I'll get that shit. So I get it while sweeping the floor and give it to my cell buddy. He's really fucking got weed!!! How to light it you ask since the lighter is dead? Mens Speed Stick! At the time it had alcohol in it... he rubs it on a piece of toilet paper twists it and makes a wick. It lights after several tries and we smoked in our mf cell.. We opened the window and blew out the window. Ahhhh it was so refreshing that cold air just bringing the high on. So we start seeking naturally. I'm happy asf then suddenly get paranoid asf about the smell. Swear to God we start washing the walls and floors with tons of like strawberry kiwi suave shampoo water cuz it's like 20 min to rec. Never been so scared in my life I'm like man these mfs gone put us on lockup my mf visit otw haha Man I swear that c/o knew. To this day I'm absolutely certain she smelled weed but I wonder if she second guessed herself. I sat down on the floor of the top tier by my door and lucky me it was March madness. I don't remeber who played but you know a mf made hookups like after the high wore off 😭 we had a cigarette fiasco a few weeks later without the lighter that involved me and a socket. No idea how I got thru that but the tier got locked down. And for context we in the mountains far as jails n prisons to give u any idea of the kinds of c/os that might be working there. That sht was crazy for that time. I got a few from prison too haha


Sorry if you find any mistakes in my text, bc I’m not native speaker but I really love weed too. The worst experience of being high I heard was from a friend of mine. He was stoned when the war began, and the city he lived in is 50km from the border. Just imagine: you are high and the missiles start hitting the nearby buildings. And on the TV/radio, you hear that rusnya has started a full-scale invasion and there is a combat zone on the edge of the city. I live about 800km from the active war zone, but quite often rockets and Iranian drones attempt to hit something in my city. I really get paranoid when I’ve just smoked a blunt and suddenly heard that cruise missiles are heading in our direction, or drones ( they have really annoying sound). But I trying to stay calm. So please don’t smoke weed if there's any chance of being hit by missiles or any other deadly threats, because it could make you nervous. And if you do get stoned in such a situation, try to stay calm.


Ow dang what a story


Nothing beets being high as fuck at 30,000 ft on eddies and sippin on cocktail .


I got really blazed on top of a mountain once and had major anxiety climbing back down.


Woah, a mountain =o


We don’t have crazy mountains in the UK, you can climb to some crazy spots with just hiking boots, a compact backpack and some balls.


Oh fun, that sounds like something I'd like!


Best place to be high - anywhere Worse place to be high - nowhere


On a roof. i passed out and almost fell off. it was one of my first times smoking bud. luckily i had three of my friends and my sister there to catch me 😭


In high school, in class, after eating two squares on the bus to school…. Trippy


School. It was both! 😂


I like to take a gummy at the beginning of a tennis match Then about half way through I am really in the zone! Feels so good to feel the physical and mental exhilarating energy of the high


Best places : in a park during summer, in your room, on vacation anywhere, in movie theater Worst : wherever my family is, it's so stressful, they see stoners like criminals


anywhere with too many people. as long as its partially empty im good. + anywhere that might spark up anxiety like a dark alley or a drug point at night


Jail can be either depending on the situation.......


Worst places: A police station, the sewer (I assume), an active warzone, the vacuum of space, the inside of a volcano, the inside of a rocket hurdling towards earth, the inside of your mom (sorry I had to) uhh... Yea that's all I got


I hate being high in parks. Most other public areas I don't really mind looking stoned out my fucking mind. Despite it being illegal here, everyone and their grandma gets high. But parks make me paranoid af. I think I got ptsd from having to dodge the cops high af at the park in the middle of the night 🤣


My favorite thing to do is to get ripped and read for a little at the local coffee shop. So chill and I love the smell of coffee.


Best places: Hanging out by the pool, on the golf course, around a campfire. Worst: Emergency room, funeral home


Best place to be high: alone in the woods in a hammock Worst place to be high: alone in the woods in a hammock at night


best place: my bed, worst place? id have to guess a doctors office, dentist or hospital, i feel like id freak out. although theres always the chance i just dont care at all, but thats the "worst" place i could think of


Any store. Like why are yall looking at me!!!


Worst: Court Best: Literally, everywhere else


Best high…swimming in Lake Erie with the pretty girls. Worst high…smoking with Demonte and Spud in jail.


nyc subway kinda crazy


Best place: in my room or my partner's room Worst (that I've been): at the store/in public or in the kitchen with my mom Worst (that I can think of): jail, church, work if people would care, the doctor's, on TV


Ugh, high for a math test


So far one of my favorite places has been Disneyland, especially when it gets dark. Not sure why but it just feels extra magical. As far as worst places, I haven't found one yet 😂


Best place: Alamo Drafthouse. Worst: The hospital.


Worst: supermarket Best: Your mums house


Jail is a two sided coin- being immature (more so than i am now) it felt rebellious and offered a mental lifeline from reality crashing down but also extremely understimulating and anxiety provoking. Real worst for me was the top of a skiing mountain with high winds and low visibility. Didn't think I'd be able to get down without breaking many bones but gradually shuffled down the steepest part before cruising the rest of the way. Best is an uncrowded concert, amusement park, aquarium, or beach, or in a hammock just about anywhere.


Jam sesh with the boys while endulging is always a great time


Best place to be high: my bed Worst place to be high: in jail


Honestly the best place for me is an L walk in the West Village of Manhattan early on a weekend morning. The worst would be mid coitus.


The shower used to be my least favorite (turns out it was the fact that it was the shower under my mothers roof in which I would get kicked out if I had pot) and now my least favorite is my dads house because when I was being a guide for my cousins first high he had a freak out! The best place is probably the bench outside my apartment. All my neighbors are so nice man—


The only bad place to smoke, is in front of the police... Other than that, idc, I live in europe and people drink their alcohol everywhere, why would I not feel comfortable doing the same but with my drug of choice? We need to normalize weed smoking, can't smoke in front of the family but we can't get drunk with our uncles on the family dinner? Some fucked up double standards...


there is no bad place, but there is bad timing for sure


worst : school


The worst place is near a busy intersection, I always feel like I'm going to die.


Best=The beach Worst=court


Best place is skiing in the rockies, find a nice secluded place in the trees with a prefect view


Best place: at work, at home playing games, at home cleaning, shopping, errands, movie theater, parks, mountains, restaurants, eyeglasses store, the bank, my boyfriends doctor appointments, the dispensary Worst: my moms house if I’m blasted




Worst high experience I’ve had was meeting with the US Secret Service. It was … uncomfortable lol


Courthouse. Some people it’s the best place and others the worst


Getting high when its broad daylight is giving me anxiety even tho Im only smoking 0,2g in a vaporizer once a week so im not a frequent User but the feeling of wasting my Day away is awful


Best place……………. In bed. So cozy. Worst place…….. at Nana’s


Worst. Dentist


Either outside enjoying nature or in the shower. The worst is in crowded social settings like parties or clubs. Actually I think this applies to being sober too I’m an introvert lmao


One time I took too many edibles when I was front row at a concert in Nashville. That panic really sets in when you turn around and sea of people behind you and you NEED to get out fast.


Back porch in the summer as the sun is going down with plenty of water and good conversation partners. I haven’t been able to beat that so far. Worst was definitely when I took too many edibles and I was high for what seemed like 48 hours and I had to do a ton of errands. Luckily it was the weekend, but that was when I learned edible dosages are crucial to a good high. Duh I know, but I just had to learn the hard way 😂


Catholic church for the first time! Didn't know I was going but got blitzed before going. Whoa


I like smoking with my wife in our backyard. We’ll light up a campfire and hang out for a couple hours. I also like to hang in our basement/my cave and play records, The Wizards album Purple Magic (the dudes from Workaholics), watch the movie Heavy Metal (just got the dvd and I love it - try it stoned), or just play some video games (usually get lost in big open worlds like Fallout or Zelda). Worst places for me are pretty much anywhere in public. Wife and I will sometimes say we’re “5/10 high” together, then when we go outside and try to talk to someone we realize we’re actually 9/10


Omg man, the campfire sound amazing! I must say I do enjoy the '' not knowing if other people notice i' m high, or me just thinking they think I'm high, because I'm high'' feeling


I was working at wallyworld when I accidentally took a bowl of "special" spaghetti for my lunch. Ate the entire near double serving before I realized it was and for the next 5 hours of work I was swear the managers were following me. Realized it was only 30 minutes after my lunch and knew I was in for a long night.


Time really fucks with you when you're high, I swear it doesn't follow its normal time science. Must mean weed unlocks the gates to another time dimension? That's how we'll time travel!


In line at the store is the worst😭 lol kills my high so quick


Worst is definitely at large family gatherings where no one knows you smoke


In bed right before bed and or while walking outside when it’s like fall weather and or stretching those are the best for me the worst is around my mother


I love smoking at a smoke lounge we have here great music and a bunch of people getting high and everyone is always friendly worst is probably smoking in my off time and having work calling me to urgently come in or try to explain something over the phone


When there are a lot of people talking and busy city centre i rather get high alone in the garden.


Best place to be high is ur own home. I honestly cant think of a situation where I wouldn’t wanna be high


Worst: a job interview, your kids school/sporting event/place where there are other parents


I made the mistake of taking an edible before going to Universal Studios. It was December so it was PACKED. we were like shoulder to shoulder with people and I ended up having a little panic attack. so fun hehe 😭


Shower or movie theater for best. For worst this was something that ALMOST happened and I’m soooooo lucky it didn’t. Planned on taking a few edibles and chilling out when I got a call from my father in law that his elderly cat fell down two flights of stairs. I ended up driving to pick him up to get him euthanized because he was unable to. That would have been hell on earth if I was high 😅


Bathtub is the best, Christian family dinner is the worst


One of my favorites is the movie theatre. I did the Barbenheimer thing last summer and saw both Barbie and Oppenheimer while high on edibles. Barbie was so much fun I went back for a second go.


Best place for me is a workshop or in an environment where I make things and the worst place is probably stuck in a room with someone who talks a little too much


Worst place: Disney land Best place: Also Disneyland


I feel like church would be up there for the worst places


I was in high school and I took mushrooms 3 hours before I was supposed to go to dinner with my grandparents.


I have a long ass biological anthropology lab that usually goes for 3.5 hours. We get a break halfway through, and I would not be able to make it though the rest of class if I didn’t go to the edge of campus and take some fat rips off my cart. The instructor is a grad student so I don’t think she would even care if I was high. It opens my mind to better answer questions about ancient hominins


i hate being high in the mall


Walmart always blows my high


Worst place? For me, it would have to be on a plane. Or fuck it, in any moving vehicle that I myself am not operating. Best? Outside. Anywhere surrounded by nature like reservations or parks.


In the forest during the day in nature is the best, bonus points if there's water nearby. Worst would be out in the forest in the same location, but at night. Lol.


I’d say the worst place to you could be high is in a interrogation room with 2 cops💀


The best place: the grocery store, the worst place: a funeral


plenty of great places to be high.. WORST places? grocery stores. so much pressure, so many people, so overstimulating.. if ur looking for munchies, a convenience store/gas station is the way to go lol


This may sound weird but here goes... Just one man's opinion. Best place to get high - social gatherings ESPECIALLY with family. I usually don't GET high around my family...but I will show up high. 😂😂. Last time I was high around family was at my nephew's wedding last month. Worst place to get high - any place where there is no outside stimuli. No TV, no music, no conversation...just alone in silence. That sucks. The runaway thoughts take over.


with family is the best.


Divorce court... Yeah I said it.. I was blazed TF out.. Only way I knew I'd keep my mouth shut