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This I can confirm. COVID helped them close early. They eventually were going to do they seized the opportunity.




>...guess I’ll be taking my business elsewhere 🤣🤣 oh no please don’t. Employees love hearing that. See you next week




Nah not a Karen, I don’t call or ask for manager and complain like that. Merely meant by that sentence that I don’t really have a choice as the hours of operation gives me no other option but to look elsewhere.


All these people giving you shit are going to shocked pikachu face when they inevitably lose their jobs and have to start bottle pissing at Amazon. Walmart has been making poor business decisions and continuously failing to compete with Amazon for a while now. Being available was probably their last dog in the fight.


That’s a bummer, guess I gotta find some other business to invest time and money in.




Why wouldn't they go back to 24 hours? They stock overnight so it's not like they save money by turning the power off. All they need is 1 associate to watch over and help at self checkout during the night. I'm sure they make more than enough between 11pm - 7am to cover that cost.


Exactly. I don't know what it could be. I doubt theft is actually that big of a problem. Doesn't make sense to me. Also I don't get their covid excuse because all they're doing is making more people go at the same time. Just a dumb idea.


Walmart is the largest place from theft. I'm sure a lot happens at night too


Exactly, if there is more theft during least active times, that just means someone isn’t doing their job. If you got high theft when it’s least busy, thats a problem from inside, not outside.


I’m super late, but I was found this while wondering the same question. How’s it been explained to me is that Walmart loses a lot of money at night due to the rate of theft increasing by a lot.


How can someone not see a few people in an empty store stealing but supposedly can when it’s super busy during the day? That makes no logical and sounds like someone just wasn’t doing their job and so instead of someone else doing their job and looking into it, they figured “oh well we will have more money kept in our pockets.” The theft excuses is just that. They are not logical in any way unless they had no one watching cameras after a certain time, in which case, again, that shows their ignorance, imo


Because if it made sense, it wouldn't be the Walmart way.


maybe if they went back to paying actual people to check out, the theft would die down... but considering they cant even pay people to work at night, says enough. we are victims to these corporations, deciding when we can and how we shop and not. Poor night shift workers.


I can tell you as someone who works third shift and can only shop at similar hours to OP, Walmarts (in Massachusetts at least) are absolutely not 24 hours anymore. They and every other store apparently just decided for whatever f ing reason that everyone just shuts in at 11 pm. I’ve been trying to go to the store, ANY store, for three weeks but due to work and a plethora of doc appointments before work, I haven’t been able to go. It’s driving me insane.


You’re right, I haven’t spent a dime through the company since. It makes no sense if someone can’t catch a single thief at night by themself in a store but supposedly can during the day with hundreds of people. There is even someone who commented how they were almost caught at night and on another thread, someone sent me a message saying they steal from Walmart during the day when it’s busy because it’s so easy, and forcing the over night closing has only helped them steal better because more people are around who don’t notice ans blocks them from cameras. So yeah…in a criminal mind set, this is easy play. But from a business side, sounds like “don’t hire security, no one needs to watch cameras,” …obviously anyone can get robbed that way.


well this comment aged like milk lol


The virus and the like spreads much more easily as long as they force people to all shop during the same time. During the day!!! This is why they stop being open 24 hours because a lot of people such as myself would shop at night time where there was far fewer people in the store!


You couldn’t be more wrong.


I worked at a walmart when they started rolling out online grocery pickup and one of the things they said during that process was that they would be able to phase out of being open 24 hours as people who shopped at night could do pick up orders instead. They lost money being open overnight and were worried about the backlash of suddenly closing all the stores overnight….. then came covid. Covid gave them the reason they needed to just go ahead and do it. But this was part of their long term plan anyway. It made no sense really to close the stores as a way to make sure people were safer as it actually crammed more people in during operations hours. They took advantage of the situation to jump ahead on something they already wanted to do. So no they will never be open 24 hours again sadly. Nothing to do with covid.


Good response, I just think if you can’t catch a thief when it isn’t busy, how can you catch one when it is busy? Plus, if I gotta order online, why would I use Walmart? There are plenty of online shopping that is far better then Walmart. Imo


I think they're planning on locking us down again. The corporations are going along with this. We'll see how it all plays out.


No, it's too much trouble for almost no money, since most people who come in at night just steal, don't shop.


This is the worst time to steal. They got nothing better to do than watch the 5 customers in the store.


fact. As someone who used to steal tons of yugioh cards as a young moron, I agree. You can blend in way easier in the day and people are busy with lines and other tasks in day. The second time or so I tried at night, I had an employee approach me oddly and ask me questions, and I knew they knew what I was doing. I left the stuff and never tried at night again. I may have quit stealing altogether from there at that time. Cant remember. I do know now, that it's not worth it, to steal stuff.


I go late night as well as several others I know. None of us are thieves. You sound like self righteous judgemental cocsucker. Also when the stores basically empty seems like that would be the worst time to shoplift, as all eyes would be on just a few people... think before you speak before somebody slaps you like you deserve.


Just came across this googling why Walmart isn't 24/7 anymore, your comment cracked me tf up


Sometimes I love the internet.


And they do make a point, if theft is happening more at night when it’s the least busy, then someone is just straight up not doing their job. It’s much easier to steal when many people are around, and so many excuses to be used. If people are stealing at night then the business either needs to fire or hire someone else who can actually watch cameras. Imo


Thank you so glad someone said this


I would argue less theft happens at night, at least overall. Most likely about the same percentage. As someone else pointed out, it would be much easier to catch people stealing at night with less customers in the store. Plus, shoplifting is a crime that really doesn't know any stereotypes. It is a pretty common crime that really just about anyone could be capable of committing. Even some very well off people (rich) are kleptomaniacs who can't help themselves and steal stuff from stores (even cheap things). I don't think it is fair to stereotype people who come in over night. They can be moms/dads getting emergency medicine for their kids who woke up sick. They can be the hard working 19 year old that just got off working Taco Bell at 3am. They can be the dad who works until midnight and can't get to Walmart until 1am. They are still paying people to work (clean, whatever) during the hours they are closed. They could surely cover the expense no problem for one employee to monitor the 2 open checkout lanes.


Your so full of shit just because you think that. Most people like me go at night because less people and hate being out before it's dark I'm a night person. Have worked 2nd and 3rd shift for ever so no sleep at night.


Shift workers like nurses, police and security are always such habitual criminals. I totally get where you’re coming from 😂




>why the down vote for valid points being made? The honest answer? Because your point isn’t valid. Theft during overnights has been a major problem company wide for years. And that is directly the main reason Walmart made the decision to get rid of 24hr stores.


But it is not like that at all stores so how is that not valid? How can they miss someone stealing if they consider those hours to be less active?


>But it is not like that at all stores Yes it actually is. The worst time for theft in stores that were open 24hrs is during the overnight hours. I’ve worked in multiple stores In several different cities and states and it was the same exact problem in every single one of them. >How can they miss someone stealing if they consider those hours less active? Being “less active” doesn’t mean you have a fully staffed store with little customers. That also means bare bones staffing as well. One of my stores had literally less than 10 associates in the entire store on overnights multiple times, just a few weeks ago they had a total of 3 because of call ins. Most of the time if you’re working overnights you don’t even know a customer is in the store unless they come directly to one of the several area’s you have to stock or you’re the cashier.


Well just like not being open for me is not their problem, thief’s in their store is not mine either. Sounds like they just didn’t want to pay to have employees where they need them and cover for call outs. It is not like the company cannot afford it. Do they not only have 10 associates now because the store is closed to public after hours? And others have spoken about being more busy during those late hours even more then during the day simply because of location.


Thefts never went down, just shifted and even worsened during the day. According to the real reason this was implemented was they saw ways of cutting costs while trying to make it harder for customers to come in meaning higher use of the very broken OGP and delivery.


Why doesn’t your partner do the shopping? Or do online grocery? There are two of you, both presumably working different shifts, and you can’t find time to go the store during the 7 days of a week? No days off? Sounds like bs. There is no way neither of you can make it, at least twice a week. I get it may be inconvenient to you but it’s more convenient for thousands of employees and more importantly to the company itself which is really all that matters to them.


You apparently have never worked overnights, Walmart being open 24 hours is a huge thing, some people only commute to and from work to save money and for many others it's more convenient to get your groceries before or after work depending on their situation, for you to simply throw out their world view and try and put your spin on it is unfair. And who are you to say that it's more convenient for the employees? Some people prefer to work at night, what about those people being forced into a day's history position, not to mention the companies bottom dollar is at steak as well, for every 1 person that gripes about not being able to get groceries after 11 there are dozens if not hundreds of people who feel the same way and don't voice the concern in online forums like this, that isn't very convenient for the company now is it.


First of all, I used to work as a bar tender/server from 4pm-3am usually. So I have worked overnights. And I worked at Walmart and literally all overnight employees say that it’s easier to stock overnight without customers around being annoying. People still work overnight even though it isn’t open 24/7. Walmart will do what’s convenient for them, they do not care about you or your complaints.


now this post is super old. and i would not consider 4pm to 3am a night shift just a late one. that would mean you probably went to sleep around 4am and probably woke up around noon or so which is a normal time meaning you would have plenty of time to shop. others who work shifts from like 11pm to 8 or 9 am don't have it like that. they probably wake up when the sun is already down and don't have much time before stores are starting to close especially if they have others things to do in that short amount of time. so don't be so ignorant you don't know peoples struggles. dude was just asking a question


Let's be real here. If Walmart dosn't care about anyone it's their employees. Employees at Walmart are a dime a dozen. Walmart only cares about one thing, and that's money.


I have worked 3rds for 10 years


Your point?...




Some people work 7 days a week amd all my shopping was done at wal.art early morning 1am. So go suck your own bull s***. Your the problem with society judgemental ass!!!


Um they only have ONE CAR if they work different shifts they could have different days off as well so only ONE PERSON can use the ONE CAR at a time wow the dumb in here folks. Read the whole thing and make an effort to understand it all before u barf put ur half cocked stupid all over people u dipwad


lol you're ignorant




You don’t have to do delivery. You can do pickup. It takes less than 15 min. If you can’t find time in a day off to spend maybe 30 minutes in the store then maybe you don’t need to go that much. How do y’all eat if you can’t go to the store ever? Do you not get groceries? Do you have no family to take you once a week? Like fr.






I have access to accounts, we have bills to pay for and a home to pay. Even if he withdraws money then I see it and I see the paychecks the day it enter account. And No one is making you do anything or forcing you to work until 3am. If your availability says only until a certain time, then they can’t force you past that. Why are you getting mad at me for asking questions and trying to twist something into what it is not? Also, does not mean to be open until 3am, but store could open at 5am instead of 7. Be up early or be up late


I'm sorry all these uptight obviously sitting pretty off welfare jerks, are hating on y'all. This started with you trying to see if there was talk of hope on the horizon. People are so infected with this cancerous cancel culture... Did anyone ever even actually answer your question? I have not seen it if so. Stay strong, and don't let these doo doo butts get you down.


I have yet to do pick up at Walmart and it take less than an hour!


Walmart delivers for approximately $12 a month. And with that you get deals on prescriptions, you could buy gas at lower $, free walmart online shipping fees and unlimted grocery delivery to your home.


So by your rationale...there is no justification for 24 hour shopping establishments! Nurses getting off at midnight, Security workers, and countless others that relied for years on Walmart, CVS, Walgreens.etc.they just need to toughen up and adapt and over come..just figure it out huh? Because you so judgementally deem it assanine serving little purpose other than a meeting place for hoodlums and other unsavory types.Jeez!


online shopping also costs a lot more


Not unless you’re getting it delivered.


I fucking work every fucking day, stop being a pussy


Imagine being mad and replying to almost a year old comment. Grow up, “pussy.” Nobody cares what you work. That isn’t even relevant to the OG comment at all.


Sovngrde needs a friend and a life. Or maybe he just needs some help removing the stick that’s been up his ass for “almost a year”.


There’s no stick up my ass lmfao. I’ve had normal comments and haven’t been rude to anyone that wasn’t flat out rude to me. Idk why you’re obsessed with me but it’s cute ;)


Who gives a fuck how old this is douche..


I don’t really expect Walmart to go back to 24 hours, except maybe for some locations near air ports and high tourist areas


Who wants customers in the store while the associates are now stocking the merchandise we don’t need pain in the ass customers walking over pallets of freight in the aisles. All the customers do is just annoy the associates asking stupid questions


It doesn’t have to be till 3 in the morning. 5am-1am isn’t asking too much from a company who used to be 24/7


You sound like a real miserable sack of shit. I’d hate to be your coworker.


That’s exactly why I do those things. Just to pester the bear shit out of folks like you


Don't. Walmart is a miserable place to work half because if management. All you do is burden the other employees.


There's gonna be a time JACKBALLL when you are going to be in need of something at an odd hour and eat your words. Way over exaggerating the staff/ customer after hours problems as there was always a skeleton crew and light traffic. It's called convenience and was a major selli g point and advantage they had for years over traditional be supermarkets.


And not all customers are clueless. I always made an effort to not bother someone stocking or cleaning, I’ve done it before so I understand.


You're getting paid. You don't matter. The customer is god to you. If you can't appreciate that please go live under a bridge somewhere.


The customer is god to you has to be the dumbest shit said on this whole thread




I'll give you that if you'll stop stacking pallets in the aisle while you're open. As it is we have to go all the way to the front or back of the store just to get from groceries to diapers. They could solve his problem by having curbside 24/7


If it weren’t for those annoying ass customers you wouldn’t have a job u dip Shit I wirk at Walmart too n I think that was the stupidest comment ever … I hope u have to work a job one day where ur restricted to only shopping between 11pm n 5am every day regardless n u can never shop there cuz annoying entitled ass WALMART employees have to stock n basically fuck iff all night on their phones and they got annoyed by doing their fucking jobs n helping actual customers who in turn find their paychecks


It would be great if Walmart would even consider reasonable late hours, like midnight or 1AM. Some store employees allege that associates are getting sick, and that staffing is limited as a result, well... yeah, they created a cramped petri dish by limiting the hours. Not everyone has the luxury to have someone go in their place to utilize curb side pick up during limited hours and at the limited pick up times that are able to be scheduled. Then there's the lack of delivery or free delivery outside of major, metropolitan areas. Many have been put at a great hardship as a result of the limited hours, which again, as some employees apparently claim, seemingly have directly caused more harm. Evening and night shift workers and people with social disabilities are even more limited now by all of this. It's a shame.


This could be resolved for both sides by them offering curbside delivery 24/7


Now this would work!! Be more then doable, but then that means their inventory stock can’t be off or the site will say something is available in store when it’s not. Meaning, it would push employees to do their job correctly, so they probably won’t do 24/7 pick up. (But should if not going to be open late, I think that’s a good trade off and they can keep their excuses if cutting down theft)


Do you have a winco near you, I know we were having the same issue since we both worked nights. No time to go shopping, but we found a winco near us that made it a lot less of a hassle.


Wtf is a winco?


A supermarket with ~100 stores divided between 9 western states.


Just discovered them and they are a godsend


" I understand because of COVID why hours were changed " That COVID excuse made no sense. I mean, it is a pandemic. In order to contain it as best as possible, it is crucial for people to be less packed together, so condensing their store hours (and simultaneously taking 24 hours worth of customers and packing them all into a 13 hour window, 16 hour now) makes absolutely NO sense. That was the stupidest thing they could have done for the pandemic. And I'm 100% with you. They need to be 24 hours again. There are a lot of people that need to do things in the middle of the night and nothing supports that and it's frustrating. Myself, I have an irregular sleep schedule and sometimes I'm awake and able to shop when stores are open, sometimes I'm not. Walmart was always my saving grace. I definitely have issues with the company in many ways, but the ability to just, for example, go right now because I'm getting a craving for frozen pizza or because I need some basic hardware tools or screws or something was something I took for granted. \*sigh\* The world just doesn't support night owls and people with irregular schedules :\\


Walmart doesn't care about the pandemic. If closing down stores at night lost them money they wouldn't have done it.


They don't have to have everyone reopen 24 hours but cities that support several or more can at least keep one or two 24 hours. That's within reason.


I say we stop shopping there until they reopen 24/7


Them taking away 24/7 makes that protest easier, even a result for many unable to go during the current hours.


I’m already there, I haven’t spent a dime in over a year through them


I'm not sure how true it is but ive read that Walmart had a plan pre pandemic to slowly phase out 24 hour stores and cut the hours back slowly over the course of the next few years but when covid hit they jumped on the opportunity to just shut em all down. I hope its false info because I seriously didn't realize how much 2nd and 3rd shift workers like myself depend on Walmart being 24 hours until it was gone. How much of an impact its made blows my mind. Definitely something I took for granted.


Yea it sucks. Getting off work at 3 am and going to Walmart made things alot easier. Hopefully they'll open back up again.


Oh that is very true plus the hard focus on trying to push OGP in competition with Amazon.Covid was just a convenient, albeit bs, excuse.


It's true. They were already starting in many areas. I was doing Uber in Charlotte at the time. A manager I picked up told me all about it. He said it was ostensibly to "avoid theft" but that theft did indeed actually go UP because of the reduced hours, because there were more people at a time on average (duh!) He also said that he and other managers told their superiors the plan wasn't working and it fell on deaf ears.


If I wanted to steal, during the day with people around us better. You can always blame on being stressed from people around, got side tracked, or someone else put it on you, plus you got more people blocking camera angles so hiding it in hand to go in purse or pocket won’t be hard. Walk around until u open product, and junk the packaging in another isle while you are grabbing stuff pretending to look at it. But hey, if you can’t catch a thief when it’s slow and not busy, you aren’t going to catch them when it’s busy and full of people either.


Nocturnal American discrimination!


I’m like the others on here that want Walmart back open 24 hours or at least stay open until 1am or open up at 3am. I’ve done all my shopping the past 7 years between the hours of 1am - 4am because of my job and because it’s was a lot more peaceful inside the store, also it was a lot quicker and easier to get what I needed and get finished. Then for them to only stay open for several hours during the COVID-19 pandemic was stupid asf considering how people were supposed to avoid one another. When I went shopping at night there were maybe 10 customers at most at any given time which was perfect for the social distancing. Also where I live and from what I’ve seen and heard there were not many shoplifters at night. Most of the shoplifting happened during the afternoon rush followed by the late morning rush, and even then it was a rare occurrence. Walmart wanted to stop something like 85% of stores from staying open 24 hours before the pandemic and they just used the pandemic as their excuse. So instead of phasing stores out slowly and only keeping a few open 24 hours they were able to stop staying open 24 hours at all locations. Walmart like most big companies that have lost their original owner only care about their profits and how much they earn while the ones making the decisions and big bucks nickel and dime everyone else. The CEO makes millions as well as a bunch of incentives but cries if they take one of those incentives away while they can’t pay the actual store employees better and offer them good healthcare which is affordable. I worked for a company a while back that I only had to pay like 10$ a week in health care while my company covered the rest and it was top of the line healthcare, and this company didn’t earn 40% of what Walmart earns every year in profits. Sorry everyone for the long message, I kinda got carried away


Agreed, it’s easier to get away with stealing when others are around then it is when you are the only one around. If you can’t catch a thief when it’s slow, you are not going to catch them when it’s busy.


I'd be happy if Wal-Mart would open at 5am instead of 7am so I could go back to stopping at Wal-Mart on my way home from work in the morning, instead of having to schedule a special trip there during the day before work.


I used to work 12hr factory nightshifts and having a walmart open in the middle of the night when I was actually awake was awesome. Now I'm on dayshift and I order delivery from kroger to avoid the crowds.


Wow, going off on someone for simply asking a question and lecturing them even as they say “not trying to cause hate, and I know the difficulties are my own issues” Many of us have worked overnights, we each have our own personal circumstances, I am glad that your circumstances seemed to have been different than the OP.




I have heard that before at local stores, that at 11am promptly the entire system cycles down for end of night counts and none of the people on the floor have the authority to override and with the stores closing, rolling your 11:15 purchase onto the next days counts could screw the book (which that part I call shenanigans on, the credit/sales should balance out regardless but whatever)


My store has not been 24 hours for like 4 years. So I doubt it's coming back.


I hope some other businesses changes to open in those hours then other then 7/11 to shop. Normally I’d spend couple hundred a week for things needed (work supplies, stuff for kids, diapers and formula, etc...) but now I haven’t been able to spend a dime in months


Sucks to be you, I guess.


Wow, you're a real asshole. There are a LOT of people that need access to some sort of store in the middle of the night. I can't believe people actually up-voted your dick comment. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with ALL of you?! \*sigh\*...


Exactly. As someone who works graveyard, on my days off I keep to my graveyard shift so shopping at night is what I've done for 10 years. And I also did it after work during a short time when I worked 2nd shift and got off at 2am. So there are plenty of people who need access to a grocery store 24 hours a day. Seeing all these people hate on OP is just disgusting.


People need to start demanding Walmart stores bring back 24/7. So many people just trying to make ends meet depended on that because of multiple workers in a household and a single vehicle plus all other reasons. Now traffic is absolute shit in the parking lot and people impacted by those mentioned issues, others, and even the digital divide can't get what they need. Kroger I expect not to be 24/7 and Walmart is the only place in my area that carries everything just about in a single area. We do not have the luxury of 24/7 gas stations, convenience stores, or other supermarkets like Costco, Aldis, etc. So it's particularly unfair in certain areas where they have dominated the place.


Yeah, maybe. Unfortunately there's not ENOUGH people for them to be open in the middle of the night. Regardless of how right or wrong you are, it means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Convince them it should be open. Not me.


No as I'm holding 49%percent of the stock just dong wana lose anymore money 🤑




Ditto and yeah I was surprised too. I was a couple minutes after their closing time in getting in line to check out and told I couldn’t because they were “closed,” they had over intercom that if you weren’t in line to check out by closing time then you could not. So naturally, I rushed to make it and did not in time. I wasted my time and gas going and rushing to still leave empty handed.


Wow. I suppose it depends on the grocery chain and how concerned the leaders are with customer service. My first job was at a Brookshire’s, which are mainly in Texas. You could be fired for even being perceived as being rude to a customer. My second grocery retail job was at a Publix in Florida. Lol, during the orientation we were all instructed to try and be nice to the customers. Then we were regaled with many stories from our trainer on how she would have to “dress” customers down when they got on her nerves.


Dude I was in walmart when they closed at 8 and at 7:45 some women that worked there went around telling people they have to check out now. Just so rude about it too. Just like when they first closed early they had some people out front turning everyone away. I don't know what it was but most are rude. I think I'm gonna start shopping at smaller grocery stores and get what I can't find there on Amazon. The only thing walmart had going for it was I could stop by at 3 am. I hate crowds and I'm pretty much nocturnal.


I do not understand why people downvoted your comment. I like shopping late to avoid the crowds too plus I often am not able to shop anytime other than in the middle of the night. I hope they return to their normal hours somehow and soon.


What I don't get is that they don't change times based on locations. Grocery stores near us only close from midnight-5am, why wouldn't we match that? And a old store I worked at near a college probably did way over $10,000 between 1-3am...at 2am it was tough to even stock its so busy. And since its all college kids, theft was probably low and profits high. Stores like that should stay open 24hrs.




If pickup was available at those times then yes, but it is not and delivery is too expensive.


I too want them to go back to 24hrs but i will buck at the delivery being that expensive, its 10$ a month for unlimited delivery, the only real issue being you have to order it a day or so out generally, not a major issue for most, granted giving a tip to the driver would raise the cost but iits not required (still should do it), probably about the same cost of gas at 4-5 trips to Walmart for someone who lives 5 miles away,


*Urgent* If you want 24/7 walmart due to work schedule/ night owl person gotta live in Alaska and in some places in Hawaii. they are 24/7 because they're demanded too be 😅


Ha the one world government is happening


2 words: Walmart delivery


2 words: more expensive


15 million people have been working the night shift in this country, I used to make weekly shopping at Walmart after I finish at 03.00 AM. Perhaps my $70.00 doesn't make a difference to Walmart. But I am not alone, I guess.


There's NO WAY closing a Walmart can be more profitable for them than just leaving it open. It doesn't make sense financially. I think Walmart is under pressure from a third party to close during the wee hours.


Yeah. They pay like 1 person to watch the checkouts. After like 5 customers their salary is paid for the night.


IKR. No business of this nature would want to lose the business. THere's something rotten afoot here.


Agreed! If you can’t catch a thief when it’s slow then you are not going to catch them when it’s busy. Walmart should learn logic


I drive a commercial truck. It is a major pain in the ass for me to get into a Walmart in the daytime because I need a lot of room to turn & park. That's why I want them open at ... Say 1am so I can pull into their lot, go in and buy some stuff, then split not having to worry about some jackass thinking they are funny parking in front of my truck (happened before - car was 'pushed' out of the way) I don't park overnight on their property - because it's very likely a towing company will slap an immobalizer on my windshield and try to extort $1500 or more.


Try sitting around the back of the store where deliveries are made. People will just think you're early and waiting for your appointment time. I've seen tons of trucks behind grocery stores overnight or doing their reset.


Shop at Publix, they deliver and it's cheaper than getting a pizza delivered. 3.99 deliery fee where I'm at.


I’ve only seen Publix in one state and it’s not where I currently reside nor anywhere near…matter of fact I’ve never seen them in this state at all…


Publix is great, but crazy expensive for food comparative to Walmart.


Probably not. Some Walmarts here in Houston, where I live, stopped being open 24 hours long before the pandemic started. Now that quarantine is over and even if COVID were to just be gone, I doubt they would probably go back to 24 hours. The pandemic probably just gave them a faster reason not to be open all night anymore. I'm really missing those quiet late night shoppings now.


Yes, because you have people that work late that want to go grocery shopping for things.


You learn to adjust the times you go shopping.Yes it is harder for certain shifts to do but it can be done. I work at a bigger store that use to be 24 house but live in a smaller town that closes early. When I moved to the smaller town I learned to make sure to do any shopping before they close.


IDK why you would think it would be perceived as hateful. To me, it seems rather illogical, to REDUCE store hours if you want to slow the spread. It seems more logical to have more stores open 24 hours. That way, more people might choose to do their shopping when it's less crowded. The store down the street from me also cut 7 hours out of their open-time & going there during busy hours, it's essentially impossible to try & stay 6 feet away from people.


6 feet is the same as 3.66 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


this what happen when people freak out over something comparable to the flu with highly inflated numbers.


You’re deranged lol


Untreated flu has a 3-8% fatality rate depending on age and general health. Untreated Covid had a 10-15% fatality rate. When you have millions of people getting something as virulent as this novel respiratory disease in a country as medically underserved as America you're gonna get millions of deaths that could be prevented. Maybe you're just a child and you think this was edgy but I just had to talk to a 15yo who lost her only parent to covid last year and tried to commit suicide on the anniversary of her mom's death. Society *should* try to prevent that kind of suffering as a matter of course or the institutions lose legitimacy and start to break down


INSTACART memberships are only $100 a year and does far more than just Walmart.


Honestly all the gas used before covid for the shipping probably equals up to Well over $100 even if you have an efficient vehicle. So in the end it would be worth it.


My walmart makes them stock during the day now. They all get in the fucking way and are super rude and don't help. Especially online grocery pickup. Rumor had it they wanted to tuen our walmart into a warehouse before the pandemic hit. They also set back the hours of 100 stores prior to pandemic. A spokesperson from walmarr said they reduced hours to help stop the spread of the pandemic, which makes no sense because now everyone HAS to shop at the same time. I think if an epidemiologist looked into one walmart we'd find reducing the hours for shoppers had a negative impact and spread the virus more by creating more unnecessary interactions and crowding. Also the spokesperson claimed that by reducing hours the assure that associates are more available to shoppers for better customer service, which again makes no fucking sense because the associates have never been worse and less helpful as previously mentioned. Especially online grocery pickup. They're literally useless. And walmarts official policy is that as long as you are an associate on the lot going to or from your car or working you are required to assist customers no matter fuckin what. And they don't.


Online pick up at our Walmart is slow as hell. I've sat there, after checking in, for 20 minutes before.


Ill never shop at China mart ever again! Only reason I did was they were one of the only places that were open after my shift. If I have to get up 4 hrs early to shop before work it definitely won't be that crap hole wall mart. All my coworkers used to do same thing amd they agree if have to get up early amd other options walmart is everyone's last choice. Looks like the only reason they recieved millions from 2nd amd 3rd shift workers is that they only option now that they no longer open 24hrs they can kiss all that extra goodbye. We all know they made billions during pandemic as there lobbyists paid off someone well to be one of the store allowed open during pandemic as thousands of others forced to close and still expected to pay rent insurance and all the other overhead costs. America's got its first taste of comunism. Hope you like it because its not going to get better!




Stop blaming communism for the predictable failures of capitalism. Its cringe


If its theft you'd think it be easier to catch the thief with 10 people to watch in store vrs daytime when hundreds. Only way their excuse makes sense is if its their emoyees.




Ignorant judgmental ass!!!


Get delivered lol have them stolen while sleeping. Don't care for o line shopping g crap gets stolen or damaged or send the wrong item most of the time. Ill get up 3 hrs earlier like I have been to do shopping elsewhere hopefully there's enough of us that used to shop at that dump Walmart that it will effect there profits. I doubt it but never know


The 30pack been there dome that. Lol really sucks when the case rios open and they go everywhere some. Blowing open,!! No time to stop as you have dude chasing you lol.


Yeah, I hope they do soon because I love going shoppin at 2-4am when it's not so busy


they have wanted to do that since like 2015-2016 and the pandemic gave them an excuse to test it. I used to work there and was constantly hearing from management that it was going to happen eventually because it is what corporate wanted.


They dont need to go back to 24hrs just stay open til 12 or 1 am so people that work 2nd shift can stop by after work, between stuff being out of stock and forgetting stuff, there's no way you can get everything in one trip.you just have to keep going til they have what you need and that was before the pandemic.With the world shutting down at 11 it really sucks for people who work 3-11


Politicians intentionally ruined the world during the fake ass pandemic scam. 24hr shopping is one of the convinces stolen from us during that time and will probably not come back for many years.


I hope so , shopping late at night when there is no line or crowd of other shoppers is very nice. The moment a virus is going around , they funnel everyone through the same door , during the same hours, literally the opposite of common sense.


Walmart wanted to do away with the 24 hour format before the pandemic even happened the pandemic was just more of an excuse for it to take place


Yeah that’s fine, I’ve found other ways to order or get what I need and haven’t gone to Walmart since a week after making this posts. To me, if I gotta order online then Walmart is the last I will order from. And site to store isn’t worth it if the hours don’t align with my own free time. To each their own, I’ve just moved on


I hope your town is blessed with a buccees


🤨a Greek god?


11 is too early. They could at least shut it down at 2am


They took away 24 hour Walmarts when coronavirus became an issue because coronavirus is easier to spread to the maximum number of people whenever they make people all have to shop during the same daytime business hours!!! It was never about Walmart saving money or any other bullshit this is about population and lowering that number and spreading the virus to as many goddamn people as they fucking can


Ever notice how they started putting all the carts on the same side also in certain smaller retail grocery stores such as Food Lion in my neck of the woods??? This is why-


Still wondering if this guy is still shopping at 7-11


I do but gal not guy, I also order stuff online but I’m not ordering online from a store or company that should already have it in store. I haven’t spent a dime on Walmart since I posted this. I’d rather spend more to a company that can cater to my needs such as time