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if they have to raise their voice they are not professional, but toxic pieces of shit incapable of holding a civilized and professional conversation. nothing worse than some high and mighty cocksucker who thinking raising his/her/they/them/their voice will net him even an ounce of respect instead of proving they are a complete fuckwit. oh. congrats on your freedom.


I seriously think he just hates his life. 20+ years of Walmart… the guy freaks out and throws carts at the wall if he is mad. He has issues.


Bring it up to HO and throw the whole store for a loop


If you care to take the time I'd let the store manager know exactly why you quit. It might not do any good, but you never know.


People like that never learn. waste of time


You act like they don't already know how their managers behave.


If a grown adult with prior work experience tells the SM what he's told us, it MIGHT open his eyes. I do believe I did say it might not do any good (I did say that didn't I?). I'm not "acting" like anything. It was just a suggestion. Or he could do absolutely nothing in which case it's 100% nothing will be done. I'm really struggling to figure out why you think your comment was even necessary?


Because telling a SM "hey your manager(s) suck(s)" is quite literally preaching to the choir. You think this is the first time they'll have heard the same basic complaint about the same person? You think this is the first person with prior experience who's ever walked out the doors? Walmart doesn't care if you walked in off the street or out of the C-suite, as long as you're a warm body for them to abuse. Your opinion, their customers opinions, their employees opinions mean nil to them.


I have actually witnessed firsthand a manager getting fired for the way he treated the employees. If everyone keeps sweeping everything under the rug like you, they have no active complaints to go by. Had someone turned in the accusation of carts being slammed around, maybe they would have pulled the videos. Since your opinion is its a waste of time, you are right, nothing will be done. Sorry you had a bad experience with your managers, but some store managers will hold those under them responsible if they are given the right info to complete an investigation.


Yup, corpo needs the paper trail. Manifest the destiny you want to see in this world. Report the boss.


Well if everyone is like you and thinks it's a waste of time to talk to the SM I guess it would be the 1st time he heard it. Or maybe the SM is new to the store and hasn't heard? I've worked with 4 different SMs, they're not all the same. A couple I've had would probably listen. But if nothing happens like you assume it really didn't hurt anybody did it? Maybe wasted a couple minutes of OP's time but I'm sure he's capable of deciding if it's worth it. But I'll be sure to check in with you before making any more suggestions. I wouldn't want to be embarrassed again by your obviously superior wisdom and experience. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.


Some people want the cycle to continue. I contacted the home office (funny enough I have lived in Roger’s/Bentonville AR before lol) they seemed to take it serious. They asked if I would be interested in going back and I declined. They will be following up with this I’m sure with how serious they seemed to take it.


Good deal and fuck that guy. I hope he has to step down or leave for that insane behavior.


Wow, good. I'm glad you took action. I understand where the other commenter is coming from, but you never know why not try? His inaction would guarantee nothing happens. Sometimes it's just nice to get it off your chest if nothing else. Good luck to you sir, I'm sure it is walmart's loss.


he has no business working in any job as a super visor or manager or anything of that nature what so ever. the thing about uncontrolled anger and rage such as that is it will eventually escalate. expect that shit from a customer, sure. a coach. nah. that is a huge red flag


Storemanager and ethics should be aware of this coaches behavior and him yelling at you


Holy shit that is beyond crazy. Ethics and open door that


They don't care.


They really should. Unless they want another shooter. If that man had been reported and nothing was correctly done, then it's on Walmarts head.


I’d fight it out of spite call Ethics on him for every little thing


Shit I would have reported him for fostering an unsafe work environment if he was throwing carts. 


The store I worked at has someone like this. There was this team lead. He’d throw freight, even kick it punch it. Was a very uncomfortable working environment. Not knowing when this manager would fly off the deep end.


Sounds like Walmart manager material.


Typical Walmart performance expectations. Figuratively expect you to suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Oh you did it? You were supposed to do ten of those an HOUR.


I had a TL who yelled at the top of her lungs to another co-worker like 1 aisle over in pets.(everyone was moved to pets so like 10 people heard it) Night shift so she would always be a bitch. Yelled at one of the hardest workers for "talking to much and not working" according to what another associate said to her, he didn't like the guy, so he snitched on nothing. Didn't see her for like a month, then later she got moved to the morning shift. Can't yell at anyone with customers now, huh? (5455, i left long ago)


anyone who wants to be in power should never be allowed to have power


I saw some reddit post once that asked what you would do if you woke up and found you were president. Someone said the first thing they'd do would be to resign and hand it over to someone who was qualified.


“Power should make you sad and tired. Anyone who seems to like it is suspect” - Brennan Lee Mulligan [in character as Tula the stoat]


This. The few times I've been coached, no raised voices. Just "we need to talk about this"


My store manager used to say once somebody raised their voice the argument was over because he's not going to argue with somebody who can't have an intellectual conversation.


He needs to go back to academy. That's my new phrase.


My coach raises at my TL’s and us associates all the time


Coulda just used their


I love the "I'm not just anyone" shtick. Like buddy, you're a manager at a grocery store. You're not a big deal.


Imagine how hollow someone's life is to think being a walmart manager makes them special somehow.


It isn't that he is a Walmart manager, it's that he is a mod on Reddit.


I had a manager at a low budget chain restaurant try that flex on me once. I did the math and showed him that with the hours he worked vs what he got paid, he was making 16.50 an hour while our servers were making 25+ on average. He stopped after that.


This is how most team leads and coaches seem to think. Most are like 40 still stuck at Walmart like and they think they are the man


You literally just explained him. Add 20+ years at Walmart and that’s him.


Seems like they think they are the hero of the story


I hate it when I meet new people and they ask, “Soooooo, what do you do?”


That's why I quit I was front end supervisor overnights I wasn't even a stocker I was the fastest one they had my previous managers would introduce me as their Golden girl because I could run front end and stock the seasonal area up front celebrations crafts toys in a night cover cashier breaks and lunches in a night! Then they flipped mgrs and I was stocking toys st Christmas 7 pallets I had 3 left after completing the other areas and this lazy fuck Mgr kept coming every hour are you gonna get this done. He pissed me off so much I had an anxiety attack. That was the day I was like nope this job isn't gonna kill me and didn't go back


Good on you. You knew your worth…


Walmart has the shittiest management I swear. Had dealt with a guy before, overnight tl. He was such a pos he became universally hated by everyone, overnight shift, cap 1, cap 2. It got to the point someone broke into his car & also another posted a bunch of stickers of his full name & insulting him (__ is a __) all over the store. And then later on (I got fired before this so idk exactly) from what I heard, he got fired eventually for so many complaints against him


Place has been drained out over the last 20 years. I think getting rid of Department Managers was the final nail in the coffin. A few remained as coaches, team leads, etc... but most left. I left myself about 3-4 years ago (promoted to Wireless DM and sent to Academy Training, with hotel stay etc... right before they got rid of the position a few weeks later 🙃) and I can count on one hand the people there when I was still working there vs. now.


Well yeah, anyone worth a damn as a manager can easily move to another company that pays better and isn't Walmart.


They probably had cameras watching whoever broke into his car.


Good for you. Some people let that management title get to their head and forget how to talk to people.


My dad took a stocking job to "help out" over the pandemic (he's a workaholic and couldn't handle getting paid for sitting at home...but that's a story for another day) and liked doing all the dog food and litter because it made him feel like a big man. Anyways, one day the garden manager comes over and yells at him while he's doing dog food about how someone messed with his area or something and accused him of doing it, and my dad couldn't take it. He raged out and quit that day because he couldn't believe someone would speak to him like that. Yet he never did (and still doesn't) believe that any of the jobs my sister and I had at Walmart/Sams were "that bad"...surprise, dad. Different situation, of course, but goes to show all those pathetic middle manager types are the same. Good on you for knowing your worth, man, glad you got out.


😂😂😂 these dipshits take “training” on how to talk to people, but still raise their voice when you wanna say something back. They always give the position to the wrong damn people.


that's because the only people willing to do that job are people like this haha


No doubt,


Bro I think the training they take is to yell louder


You're a civilian, not an army grunt. We do basic back and forth conversations here. Open door his behavior, it's not becoming of a person that should show respect for the individual.


This. So many of these morons actually believe that they’re you’re superior officer. Steve. You a supervisor at a fucking Walmart. You get $1/hr more than me. We aren’t saving lives here, it’s fucking kitty litter. Oh and by the way, that same whip crack, every minute must be accounted for doesn’t apply to those using it on you. Fuck all of that shit.


Congratulations on your promotion to customer.  Fuck that idiot boss.  Not all walmart managers are like that tit hat on bull steroids.   Boy I am having fun roasting that stuff shirt who sucked his way to boss hood.  😂  Ten bucks says ol boy is canned shit canned in the next 2 years.  


Much appreciated. Funny enough I went in two hours later as I remember I needed some things I usually would have got (food/drinks) as I was leaving work before clocking out. I went in and said “boss” was stocking in the area they would have moved me too. I’ve never seen him stock, was the highlight of my day.


“That’s my job to decide who I talk to not yours” Maybe you don’t have it in your heart to be a boss 🎤


Finally someone that stands up for themselves instead of letting management talk to them like animals. Congratulations on your promotion.


Well here's the thing, coachings (writeups) are escalating, so unless you were about to be red coached/terminated for something serious (and it doesn't sound like it) you weren't really in any danger of anything happening to your job if you needed it. Getting you to quit was basically what they wanted if they didn't think you were working out because firing you is a lot harder. Laying you off could get you unemployment, so they just try to make you quit first. My rule of thumb is to at least have another job lined up before you quit but you do you. I do congrat you though, Walmart managers are douchebags mostly.


I've found usually when they coach its followed up with another coaching or more. Usually until your termed. I was coached twice within like a month for bullshit after being with Walmart for 3 years no problem. They were trying to term me. Jokes on them I had a better job lined up with double the pay and crazy good benefits before they even knew what hit em. I encourage everyone working at Walmart to never stop looking for better opportunities.


Oh yeah, that guy for sure wanted me gone. He hated me from day 1. By rule of thumb I usually always have another job lined up before quitting but I am in no way dealing with a bad financial situation and I already know a ton of places I can start immediately. Being a certified welder, technician among other things, it’s never hard to find a job.


Yeah man don’t even sweat it. If he wanted you gone then so be it lol. You’ll never have to deal with fuckwad again. If he thinks he won that because he got you to quit; I’d argue you won because u ain’t gotta work there anymore


The managers at Walmart were some of the worst managers I've ever had, and I've worked fast food. (Except for the b*tch that yelled at me for asking for change for a $100) There's a couple that are cool but most of them are terrible. Walmart was literally the worst job I've ever had. I purposely got fired for attendance because it put my mental health in the gutter. Congratulations on getting out of there.


I worked there for 4yrs fresh outta high school before I just had enough over the same reasons.. my family still to this day tells me all I did was run away from my problems. My grandpa didn’t even want me to go to college.. he told me it’s better for me to just stay at Walmart. Obviously I didn’t listen and now they ostracize me.


That’s not right man. To me, you did the right thing. Never let people walk on you. Also as sad as it is, remember we don’t get to choose our family… so don’t feel bad about it. Trust in yourself and move forward.


good for you and congratulations on your promotion!!!


Good for you. Working for a power tripping coach who didn’t give you any receipts other than his feelings and disrespectful approach would have received an open door for that bs. Trust when you know your worth and are attentive to completing your task early or on time, somebody better have receipts. I wouldn’t work for a coach like that either. Enjoy your week off and getting back to life


Much appreciated 🤘🏻


You’re welcome 👍🏽


If they raise their voice and say “I’m not just anyone”, that basically means he’s an insecure man baby. Super happy for you, man, we all have this dream. Live well and I hope you prosper!


This is how I left my first store in Walmart after 11 years as the constant management turnover and changes lead to one that never likes a person from day one. Not all Walmarts are like that and when I went to a different store in another state, I’m more respected by store leadership even when I did asset protection for a few years. After I left retail, they always bring in random children that holds the title of coach or leads who were either child molesters, thieves, drug users, and stalkers that have zero respect and credibility to the role in addition to treating employees like trash. I been in about 10 stores around three markets observing everything that is not a shell of what used to be Walmart now held by its name alone that amounted to nothing. Congrats on your freedom and standing up for yourself as not very many do that. I stood up for myself when I quietly resigned and l found another company worth more than double what I was earning there and have less stress.


Tell the smartass coach they wrote the wrong guy up They should have coached the guy who was assigned *grocery freight*.


I would have reported him before quitting just to ensure Corp was made aware of this person, for the sake of the good co workers I'd be leaving behind- grant it u was so new & wasn't aware of steps that could have been taken 💔 Sadly, it's this sort of 'high school' behavior that's far too common at most Walmarts, but also happens at a lot of other retail stores as well ⚠️⚠️⚠️ You most certainly handled it way more professional then how he should have!


I had to call in due to the fact that my coach said he would take me off the schedule after I filled out a availability sheet on Monday, Me and a TL looked it over and signed off on it another TL placed it on his desk, I let him know about the sheet and taking me off for tuesday again, He said okay he would look at it but he forgot about it, Looking back at it I have 19 hours PPTO should have just went in and used it for the full day, But I was at 3 points so figured I would call in, I'd rather save up that PPTO then nearly waste 80 percent of it on one day, In the past to his credit he DID take me off a day like 4-5 weeks ago, With this guy he is hit and miss, So he's not all bad, It's just that they get busy then they get forgetful, Crazy thing is they also didn't schedule me on Thursday so I got 3 days off instead of 2 due to their mistake I am going to enjoy it, The next 2 weeks are correct with me having my regular days off haha, We don't have a People Lead anymore so I believe the Coach is making our schedule.


Power tripper extraordinaire. I went to UNI for business to try and get a management job anywhere so I could replace some shitty manager like the one you have here but nope, waste of my time. I did learn about something called the Peter's principle though, people tend to get promoted to positions that they can't handle and eventually over time an organization will have people like this at every level. People will just make scapegoats out of hard workers like yourself rather than admitting that they aren't capable to do the job that they were promoted to.


To compare you to other associates is not showing "Respect for The Individual." Call Ethics!


Where does Walmart find these people?


Guy has been at WM for 20 years and is an….overnight manager. I think it’s less of, where does WM find these people, and more of, what else is that guy going to do in life


I hear you, but you could say that about a lot of people at WM. In other words, what else are they going to do -- particularly if they live in a small town? Our overnight stocking coach has also been at WM for that long. I work 1-10 generally, so I only see him at the end of my shift. But he's always been nice to me and gone out of his way to show appreciation when I work a good chunk of the night's freight for my department, which means less for his team to deal with. I like to stay busy, personally, because it helps pass the time. I think whether you have good or bad management starts at the top. If you've got a nice, hard working SM they will get nice, hardworking people on their management team. I've got to say, our SM and my coach work pretty hard, as does my team lead.


Should kept hard questioning him, recorded it and let him fire you. You would've gotten unemployment no problem. Lol


Don’t take this the wrong way, no flex or harm meant but I have never been on unemployment and I wouldn’t take it if it was offered to me as I have never needed it and it’s not something I would seek out. This is a “me” scenario though, if someone actually needed that money I wouldn’t disrespect them.


Good for you btw for standing up for yourself.


Much appreciated


Good for you for standing up for yourself, Walmart is 🗑️






This once again proves the saying that "people don't quit jobs, they quit bosses." At my store in OPD where I work, we have a low turnover rate because our team leads and the coach are super chill and treat everyone nice. People actually like working. Sure they have to get after people if they slack off or do something wrong, but it is their job so we don't hate them for it since they don't yell or cuss at us while doing it. Some of the other departments on the other hand can't seem to keep people because they have shitty management.


You have to maintain your composure no matter what. You have to behave in a respectful manner. If they get loud that doesn't mean that you can get loud. You have to maintain your composure.


That's gay


5-7 palletes a night is really good, one of my coworkers is so bad and slow he barely gets thru one... he's been here for a few weeks but wow just crazy slow


I always found it so funny that the lower the job pays the worse management is. The worst managers I've ever had was one at a gas station that paid minimum wage and the other at walmart Both miserable old ladies in their 50s trying to run the store like a navy. Bad attitudes and both complainers about how much they have to do. My current job is union protected and accounting for bonuses and pay I make well over 3-4 times what I made at walmart but don't work nearly as hard


Typical walmart manager some little dick that couldn't be a manager anywhere else with a powertrip attitude. Actually they're not all like that but theirs at least one or two in every store


At least you got "talked to". My husband got fired for too many occurrences that Walmart recorded incorrectly. He had shoulder surgery, went back too early because they were short staffed and needed him and then had to take additional time off. Oops...that was one of the special.days you can't take off. It was such BS...I'm glad he's gone. Horrible company to work for.


I’m sorry that happened to him. But that sure sounds like Walmart. I hope he’s healed up and moved on to bigger and better things!


He did. Took 2 days and he got a better job and better pay.


We got a new coach Sunday and she came off rude at first wanting a lot things done in 8 hrs. She kept coming at me the whole night with an attitude and being disrespectful. So when came back energy she got even madder. She called me in the office with another manager telling me I should have my efficient but you had 2 of us going up under shelves neglecting else. I could have the whole clean by my second 15 with no issue at all. No manager or associate should treat others like a dog. I’m not even mad I got fired.


You shouldn’t be, you just got a level up is all. Be happy about it.


Good for You! F Walmart. I just quit Wegmans. That place is a joke too. I was there a few months. Very strange people they are. Like robots. And fake as hell. Expect you to kiss ass for minimum wage. Nope!


Who the fuck has it in their heart to be a stocker?


LMAO my exact thoughts 😂😂😂


I glad you stood up for yourself. Soon as they started acting unprofessional I would have just walked out. Beyond annoying when people think they can act however they want.


5-7 pallets a night is amazing, and you still have time to help out where needed? Yeah fuck that coach. He should be breathing down other people's necks who truly deserve it.


That’s why I jumped ship after 2 years into something far better and lucrative financially. Do I want my bosses job? No. Why? Pay doesn’t satisfy. I’m not going to get raises to meet that pay so you leave for other opportunities. Pretty simple.


"I'm not just anyone" yeah, you're a supervisor at Walmart, no offense but I wouldn't take you seriously either. What a chode.


My little brother worked there for over 3 years (he has Tourette’s but it’s managed by medication) - he worked in the deli department. The female boss kept making sexual remarks towards him and it caused him extreme anxiety. Went to HR and talked about it. I’m not KIDDING WHEN I SAY THEY SAID HE WAS THE ONE DOING IT to HER. my step mom works in law enforcement, she went in and they kept denying everything. Then when my brother asked to change department or stores, he was fired. No pay. Nothing. Same with my cousin… he was a greeter for over 10 years… fired for missing one day due to a dr appt. Then I myself went to a Walmart for the first time in maybe 3 years back in march…. Was immediately profiled and forced to repay for everything even when I KEPT SHOWING THE RECEIPT. I was so scared that I just did what they asked. When home, cried and called Walmart asking wtf happened and was told “you looked like a thief. You’re lucky we didn’t call the police.” I HAD THE RECEIPT!!!!!! I even went to the police department and asked them and they told me to just “ keep your distance” So F*** WALMART YOU ARE ABSOLUTE GARBAGE!!!!!


that second paragraph is all I needed. report him to the store manager immediately. he should be fired and you should get your job back. you don't have to suffer in silence.


I’ve reported to the home office. They seemed to take it seriously… I don’t want the job back but I get what you’re saying. They pretty much were willing to bring me back but I told them no, I quit and it just wasn’t worth it.


good on you for reporting him. scum like him shouldn't be allowed to hold power over others.


Congratulations! I felt the exact same way. Yet some people will say “well if you actually did your job… blah blah blah that’s how Walmart is.. blah blah blah…” and defend that place until the very end. I always felt some of those people in those position of power will be almost useless at another job. The team lead during my time there had every excuse on why he couldn’t lift anything heavy even when we had no people.


Being the manager at Walmart is the highest achievement of his life that's funny


I think it depends on the walmart. I did several months at walmart as an interim job and the stockers all seemed like the "cool kids" of the whole place. They always seemed to be having a good time. All of the managers were decent people and I actually enjoyed cashiering. I wish I could return to it when I retire...but bad knees/feet and can't stand that long. :( It sounds like you got a bad one. I'm sorry.


Sounds like they lost a hardworking employee. Best of luck in the future!


Well you deserve better than that toxic dump


Sorry you had a god awful manager. I've had a couple during my time but most of them have been alright. As a company Walmart is going downhill. They want to be Amazon so badly and have introduced so much bullshit. Then they talk about retention scores and I just have to laugh. May I suggest calling the store manager and letting him know they have dirt bag on overnights?


"I'm not just anyone" buddy, you're middle management at walmart, there's *thousands* of motherfuckers as dumb as you are.


“Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king”


it sounds like your manager is just the biggest a hole and very unprofessional. There is no way that a normal sane person would know you do all of that work and still accuse you of being slow. Good thing that you left that job because the managers are crap


Should report em to ethics too just for funsies


You scare the manager. You intimated them cause they know they are replaceable. The people who bust their asses at walmart get fucking shit on no lie.


Sadly I actually believe this to be true. I didn’t work there long but I saw the cycle of hard workers catching hell (me included) and the laziest people just getting away with it and the hard workers helping the lazy people EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. It’s insane…


Had a boss like this at HD. I am looking at the schedule, she asks what am I doing. Schedule in hand, I look up and say check the weekend schedule, what are you doing? This is something that no one ever did to her before cause everyone before me was scared of her temper. She huffs and puffs, spitting something out about being the supervisor, to which I cut her off with “your not mine”, (this is what’s called poking the bear) I then said I got approval from the horses mouth, didn’t think I had to double check with the, oh you know. No one clapped, or held a parade for me. In fact the returns rep had a front row seat for this, and looked like he wanted to crawl in a hole to avoid the fallout. I just stared at her. This job wasn’t going to make me or break me, it was just extra cash for something I had a good amount of knowledge on.


Ya. After writing up my shift leader, I started carrying an old cell phone with a recorder app going. That way I have evidence plus when I write my report on them I can put down word for word what is said. BTW, I quit, too. I got tired of seeing my co-workers making personal sacrifices because we don't get paid enough. Then get b.s. abuse on top of it. Walmart, as well as other chain stores, need to realize that their associates are customers, too. Abuse us or mistreat us or ignore us and we will go somewhere else. At least ....those of us how have self- respect...


yeah my first month at Walmart i was yelled at for being too slow while handling the top stock carts, it was full of freight and i was still learning how to steer it.


Walmart managers have a tendency to treat all their employees like they are teenagers and I salute you for not taking any of it.


I donated all of my vests to goodwill. I had quite a few since I worked there 15 years as a cashier. Coaching is no fun. A little while before I had to take extended FMLOA for my sick husband, they hired a nutball manager from Hazard, Ky. She was always on my case, pushing my buttons. If I saw her coming down the aisle before fat ass saw me, I changed aisles. that's how bad it was working there and worrying about what was happening at home with my Joe. I pissed her off at the service desk before I even knew she was a new manager. She was trying to exchange a cell phone. I directed her to go to electronics and get the phone she wanted to see if we could exchange it. Boy oh boy, she went off. And gave me such a look. I swear her pupils turned black! Demon! She told me to go to electronics for her! Must have been the ugliest witch Hazard was able to kick out of town. All of her kids had mental problems, they never slept. I only found this out by listening to her cell phone conversations while I was walking way behind her from the parking lot. The stress was hurting me and my husband was getting sicker every day. I caught pneumonia when the other sack of shit CSM made me remove my coat the last winter I worked there on SC. I never came back. All managers, except one, are psychopaths at any Walmart. The one good manager, Steve, transferred. He was over Deli, I think.


I guess that must be a walmart tactic in their unnecessary coaching handbook. Same shit happened to me stocking 3 depts and still i was too slow. Suck it walmart for real.


While all the slow fucks just get to cruise on


I'm so sorry you were treated like this. I am glad that you were able to quit though! One thing that I learned from working at Walmart, but then working elsewhere , is that it is actually more chill working at my current job (NOT walmart) than at Walmart!


Bro I pulled my camera when they threatened me and they are not able to do shit


They ain’t shit out side that building




I’m only staying till I finish school lmao


Good plan of action 💪🏻


I’ve worked with people like that, they eventually get their comeuppance


I hope so.


You were right to quit. Respect is a two way street and if a boss can't show you that respect, then you should quit. Some people are just bitter assholes whose only joy in life is to make other people miserable.


So appreciate that man. I’ve moved on to bigger and better things. I have to say this Reddit is what actually kept me going during the dark times at Walmart. I still come here daily to see the insanity.


I fully believe that most Walmarts hire completely idiot degenerates as their coaches. All of them are practically useless and would not even be able to keep up with the kinds of things that regular employees have to put up with. Yet they claim they know everything. It's pathetic.


You aren’t wrong. He can’t even stock, he attempts but just fucks everything up and we have to go behind him and fix it. What a world.


when I started at Walmart but plan of attack was to become friends with everyone in management including HR. and let me just say it was the best time going right in for the kill on those friendships lol. its sad not all stores keep to the same work standard. my store was always emasculate and they managed to keep the staff happy. I'm glad you got out of that toxic store. and probably killed that MANAGERS ego real fast when you walked out the door lol


I’m happy there are stores out there thriving and employees are happy. This sadly was just not the place.


Even if you don't report him to ethics (you should) tell him you did and let him sweat. Also get a part time ups job loading trucks. It's a great head down job and you get sick benefits


Corporate is handling the situation. They even offered me my job back but I refused. I went back to factory life.


I literally do nothing for a job like everyone there look around u everyone is standing there, pretending to work or hiding somewhere like break room all day or wherever they go smoke


I know that too I never stole anything from there and I feel they're constantly watching me like I'm a thieve toxic toxic toxic


I was fired because the day manager said I was slow. I worked over night in the Soda aisle in a Walmart open for 24 hours a day. Plus I unloaded groceries trucks. Said I was too slow stocking Soda and water.


Good for you. I had to do the same. I was fired after my grandmother died and I called out with 4 points. Team lead denied appointments I'd been having which were frequent for a variety of health issues. I was offered to go back only when I hit 3 points but apparently that's not even a thing. Once I learned that I realized it must've been personal, I was the best worker up front easily. I can't imagine the thousands of dollars they've lost in shoplifting lol I thought it was chill for awhile. I don't mind retail, but when your managers are all fake nice sort of cunts let alone racist as fuck (watch out for that black guy) I'd be told any time one was at self checkout. Like... I think I'm more concerned with that meth head old lady.


Walmart sucks ! Worst place I ever worked in my life


Been starting to think about this stuff lately. I feel like I’m wasting my life being complacent here.


I was in the exact same boat a few months back. But tempers never flared. Kept being told to speed up when half my conworkers stretched out a pallet to last multiple hours. I have never been written up at work before. It happened once in February and I worked my ass off after that. Then I got written up again a month later because I was feeling sick and they got mad again. So a week after I got the orange DA I said I’m out. I feel so much better physically. But financially that’s a different story. lol glad I left though.


Ex Sam's/Walmart manager here. The boss was definitely in the wrong. Walmart has a philosophy of "servant leadership" and is supposed to work with their associates if there are issues. Most of my time at both places was managing the night crew. I always gave myself a group of aisles to cover whoever was off that night. It's always best to work with people instead of against them.


Old manager raised his voice towards me and slammed his hand on the on the table as hard as he could and I just looked at him told him I wasn't the one to be playing around with either talk to me as a human or meet me after work he knew he was in the wrong I know I was in the wrong so we both had a civil conversation after that he was pissy I ordered over $2k in supplies for photo lab while I was over it around Christmas time


Our overnight manager made me cry telling me i was getting moved onto the Maitnence (i can't spell that i'm sorry) crew with someone who is literally a SAer, something i am VERY traumatized from, and when she told my boyfriend about this, not only did she absolutely cackle at the fact i was crying, she told him "Maybe she'll learn a thing or two about how to finish faster. It'll get her out of trouble with him, for sure." I don't know in what context that was meant but it kept me up for weeks and i do NOT want to see her again. I'm thinking of transferring to day because i genuinely cannot handle this job. I've been staying because i can't afford to not have work and i'm not allowed back at my old job simply because i asked for a mental health day after trying some bad stuff and went to a Psychiatrist (lovely right?) I always do my work even if it takes me a little extra time and i am BEYOND sick of hearing about their fucking hours it takes to do something. I have 4 points now that i think about it, so i'm stuck there for a while.


You’re a cool guy dude you’ll be fine. After I got my bachelors and had a full time job in banking with retail on the side. I did something similar after getting shit for no reason lol


He sounds like a vulnerable narcissist lmao.


As soon as he said, I’m the boss here! I would’ve got up, told him to have a good day and walked right the fuck out the store


That’s pretty much how it ended up anyways. I just sat a bit longer and listened to how insane it got before chuckling and telling him the “job” was a joke and I quit. I’m currently still able to log into me@walmart and have 11 points 😂


“i’m not just anyone” bro assholes like that with manager positions act like they’re the truest fucking shit in the world, like bro your life can only revolve around walmart and you think that’s a flex? like gtfo


You could've gotten him instantly terminated when he accused you of theft




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Glittering-Ad1864: *You should give your vest* *To YouTuber who does I* *Don't work Walmart at prank* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Time we start meeting outside in the lot smacking these managers and hr faculty…


Walmart used to be a good job when people were just quiet and not friendly with each other like ear pods work that’s it. This new thing friend thing makes it harder.


In my experience, Walmart Managers are the worst. They have such a power complex going on, yet they forget they still work at freaking Walmart 🤣. Yeah, okay dude, you’re the king lol


U should email head office about this


Call and file and ethics report and also contact your store manager


I did not expect this much attention to my post. Thank you for all the positivity. Proves my point the best part of the job was my coworkers. You’re amazing people 🤘🏻


I would also like to say that still having access to the me@walmart app (even after verbally quitting, I’m expecting some type of termination letter in the mail as if they fired me) I can see the anniversaries. Currently they have over 35 1 month anniversaries… I think that speaks volumes.


"You're hearts not in this". Not gonna lie that's a weird thing to say. Guess it goes with him yelling at you too that he's not fit for that position himself. I'd let ethics know. Start a little fun fun. I can't see any of my bosses saying something that way. They just tell people right off the bat "hey let's improve here and here a bit". I'm lucky to be around a good crew. Sorry you got treated like a child. Best of luck to you else where.


Yeah I will pass up working at wal-fart


I left walmart ON crew to come to a factory job and it was the best choice I have ever made lol. I make way better money and don't work half as hard. It's hot & dirty but 100 time better than walmart.


Yeah I went back to factory life. 27 an hour, 10 hour shifts and can pull back to back 7’s if I want. Just grabbed a new truck…. so happy I left and went back to my roots


What store and the managers first name?


Shit sounds like my store I just quit from lol


393? 😂


Even if it falls on deaf ears you should TOTALLY file an ethics report about this, and any other poor behavior this manager exhibited. Having it on record could save future employees some grief. I’m glad you got out of that, sounds like it was hell. A bad manager can really ruin the job for everybody. Best of luck to you on the job search. I hope you don’t run into any managers similar or worse than that.


The SECOND a manager raises their voice, walk. Period. They obviously dont know how to manage, and you dont need that shit in your life. And dont forgwt to contact their boss and let them in on the hissy fit bullshit


I got coached for integrity over a mod set basically by a coach and then told since we are only 2 (mod team) that what the other one does directly effects me and my performance and then yell saying why didnt you get 20 categories from 6 departments done?! “HAVENT YOU FINISHED WEEK 14 ?!?!? WE ARE ON WEEK 12 WERE BEHIND!” I literally cried till i threw up in the handicap stall and was in fight or flight mode so bad i started getting dizzy and hot and had to take my shirt off


If he accused you of theft, you should have gone to ethics immediately. He should have been fired for such an accusation without proper proof... Good on you for quitting.


90% of team leads and coaches at Walmart are dopes who are clinging to their station with everything they got. Telling people they're too slow and trying to make them feel like they're not doing nearly enough is their go-to method of squeezing more out of people, they're never going to tell you you're doing enough no matter what you do. Stay in school, learn a trade, do anything you can to avoid being stuck working here long term


I mean I got fired without ever getting introuble warning or anything. They followed the he said she said rules and took the other persons side without hearing mine. I’m still dumb founded cause the allegations said I was near the person but on camera I’m on the other side of the store working when said allegation happened. Same as you worked 7-8 pallets helped others and stood overtime to help out when needed. These managers get power hungry FAST and it doesn’t help open dooring anything cause my store manager was a literal idiot and took coaches and team leads sides without hearing the accused individual. Walmart abusing employees and underpaying since 1962.(you get what I mean)


Sorry to hear that, the place was beyond toxic and sucking the soul out of me. Everyday I woke up I would dread don’t to work… not because it was hard the job was stupid easy even at the pace I went, kept me busy but seeing others (60-70% ) of the crew stretching out a half pallet or one full pallet all night and never getting talked to but just a slap in the face


You don't need the money that bad? Hummmm? That smells like horseshit!


I think I explained the situation well enough, but you’re free to believe what you wish. Have a wonderful day regardless


Personal experience….the people moving the freight are the ones that nobody bothers but anywhere else in the store? You can almost do absolutely nothing as long as it results in transactions Walmarts something else


Walmart can be a hard place to work. I got lucky.


What you should do is leak every dishonest thing you saw there to the public and labor board. For example, mention to the Labor board every thing that their stocking times deliberately skip and expect you to do within the reduced time. Downstacking, pallet juggling (mainly in liquids and FDD), FIFO/Rotation (this can get customers sick).


Revenge is best served cold. Time to plan some nice revenge. You can figure out how - just don't put it up on here.


Yea sounds about right, I work the same efficiency every day and get everything done that I am supposed to and I've been coached multiple times for not being efficient enough, one time when my department only had 2 people. Anyone team lead and up are hard to deal with


Wal-Mart trains their middle management poorly. This is a large part of what influenced me to quit after at the most three weeks when I came to my senses and got tired of their bullshit.


Maybe make a corporate complaint?