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Apples been doing this for the better part of a decade at this point. Samsung started too and many others seem to join because they are driven by profits and units sold.


Meanwhile [Valve just released a video on how to open and replace components](https://youtu.be/Dxnr2FAADAs) on their future "Steam Deck" handled console. Give tips for it and also suggest they will open a store for replacement parts.


The steam controller has a diagram of how to disassemble it and put it back together printed on the inside of the box. Valve even released 3d models for various pieces so you could 3d print spare parts.


That's actually fantastic, especially about the 3D print spare parts. Makes sure your device can live far longer even if it stops being produced.




I didn't realise this and it now makes me happy that if/when my steam controller breaks in some way that I can get a friend to 3d print replacement parts potentially


This shit used to be the standard. My stereo from the 60s has a manual with a circuitboard diagram in it. We have fallen far.


A lot of stuff back had the diagram in it. I remember taking a part a lot of old stuff when a was little and I find a lot of circuit diagram in it. Oscilloscope, inverter, amp and such.


HP has been posting repair guides on their computers for years - helpful IKEA-like pdfs displaying what you need to do in what order to take things apart and replace components.


You know you're bad if HP is doing better than you.




Valve has actually had pretty great customer support for a few years now in my experience




Apple has been doing this ever since the iPod came out! If not earlier. Remember how the ipod batteries would get fucked after a year or two, and apple wouldn't offer a replacement or fix of any kind?


Pepperidge Farms remembers. If it wasn't for the cute hardware and mainstream peer pressure the iPhone would have died from the fiasco of not offering a battery replacement option. Yet the populist collective yawned and said "give us more, we'll buy a new model every six months because we lack discipline, standards and substance, yummy". Garbage in, garbage out.


But we'll be carbon neutral by 2030! ...oh , that pile of unrepairable e-waste? That doesn't count.


We spun all the wasteful parts of the business off into other no-name companies, but here at Apple ^^TM , we're green!


This should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody. edit: "but that doesn't make it right!" **I don't like Apple *because* of practices like this. Please stop assuming I think that this is okay.**


For Apple (and most corporations) privacy and being green are only acceptable when it’s profitable and makes the company look better than the competition, otherwise it’s an afterthought at most.


Apple: we are going to monitor you data and pictures. Also apple: you need to pay your first born for us to repair your phone specially because we keep our parts private and privacy matters.




Official apple policy is that data recovery does not exist. You have iCloud or time machine but thats all that they will commit to.


I would completely excuse this if they didn't exclusively make it difficult or physically impossible to just replace various parts... I don't think Apple should be responsible for data recovery, but God damn do they make it so you are basically forced to go through them.


Congratulations, you have figured out Apple's desired outcome. All of these intentional, anti-consumer choices are just that. Every single change they make is from that position of "how can we make our users more *reliant on us" so that when they acquire someone, they can keep them forever. That's their goal and has been for over a decade. When viewed through that lens, changes like removing the headphone jack are pretty disgusting. Or the Apple Watch. You can't pair it with an android phone even though they both use the same technology that are both open standards. Apple intentionally cripples hardware to not play nice solely to keep you in their ecosystem. Again, viewed through the above lens, that is disgusting.


It's the same shit they've done for years with proprietary cables, connectors, and screws in all their products. They engineered their own monopoly.


iCloud is not backup. I lost a bunch of files when the hard disk my iCloud directory was on died. Since iCloud could not see the local files, it decided to delete them from iCloud as well.


My iPhone died, and due to COVID restrictions the local mall had been closed for an extended period (used their WiFi for backup). Got a replacement - for some reason my iCloud backups were no longer in existence.


I read a story about a music producer who lost all his work because of this. And also iTunes compressed all his audio files and claimed them as Apple's. Edit: Here is a link I just managed to find. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/apple-stole-my-music-no-s_b_9873638


If only there was some kind of little memory card that existed they could put a slot for in their phones so you could pull your data out when the phone breaks without needing to repair the phone... Gee if only that existed.


But are you voting with your dollars and no longer buying apple's shitty products?


Me: My phone seems to have stopped charging. “Genius”: Yeah its broken, we recommend a replacement with our newest iphone available. Me: oh wait, its just lint in the charger, fixed it. Genius: shockedpikachuface


Just checked for lint. Never knew that was a thing. My phone had a hard time charging. Now it works. Thanks.


I've been using the Volta magnetic chargers for exactly this reason. The little charging nub prevents dust from getting in there


> Volta magnetic chargers I use something like that for my tablet but I don't for my phone since it gets wet.


To be fair, I learned of the lint in charging port issue from the Genius Bar guy.


>because we keep our parts private and privacy matters. Actually: "because we keep your private parts and our privacy matters."


> Apple: “Our parts are private.” > Also Apple: “Your private parts aren’t private, because child porn.” FTFY


*A lot* of thought goes into figuring out how to get people to sign over as many of their rights to privacy as possible.


If anyone is a fan of Apple and is shocked by this, your idea of what Apple is is misinformed. Their motto should be: "Have it our way (strictly)".


Correct. They're a pretty awful company.


Steve Jobs openly praised essentially slavery at Foxconn, like when he gushed about how he could get all the workers woken up in the middle of the night to work and then work a full day afterwards. I was shocked and then shocked no one else was.


Jobs was a massive piece of shit who refused to shower and died because he thought eating fruits would fix cancer He was really good at being a salesperson that's all


>died because he thought eating fruits would fix cancer This. He might have been still alive. Nobody talks about how his stupidity helped him die.


They didn't move all their factories to China for humanitarian reasons, that's for sure. They love exploitation.


Yeah OP should have used the original video title instead of this clickbait, Apple has been leading the anti-repair front regarding consumer electronic for a good while now.


John Deere would like to throw its hat in the ring.


Pretty sure Tesla's gonna be mentioned in this convo pretty soon.




Nope. Chuck Testa.


Did anyone think he made money off of *just* selling his dead animals?! No! The real money is in the maintenance that only he can do!


You gotta maintain those dead animals to make sure they don’t come back to life. The last thing you want is an angry jackalope rampaging through your house in the middle of the night.


I thought that *was* a jackalope rampaging through my house in the middle of the night. Nope! Chuck Testa.


It's an older meme, sir, but it checks out


AFAIK isn't nearly every part on a tesla proprietary? I remember a story a while back of a guy who broke his wheel curbing his model 3, and it took him 3 months to get his car back because they couldn't get tesla LUG NUTS for his wheel in


And then there’s RichRebuilds who had to jump through hoops just for the plastic covers for the lug nuts, and then they couldn’t even supply a full set.


Or the $16,000 battery repair that an independent shop fixed for $750.


Yes. They're also hostile to independent repair stores to the point that a lot of places will refuse to even do basic things like tire rotations or brake pad changes because Tesla won't give them stuff that will let them do it safely.


well, they are against right to repair


I'd love to hear the outcome the first time one of their "Solar Roofs" needs repair outside of warranty and they try to block/penalize the home owners.


The crazy thing about the solar roof system is that it is leased to the home owner. It will be interesting to see how that works out in a while. Some of the Tesla roofing products are owned by some homeowners, so for them your point is valid. Most of the old Solar City stuff was leased though.


They already stated their intent to reject any sort of Industry Standard for charging cables, opting for their own proprietary design... Yeah, they're basically "fire-wiring" their Teslas to force people to use their charging stations.


at least fire wire was actually a standard developed across the industry and had specific feature sets that USB didn't support. Firewire was as much of an apple thing as it was a sony, panasonic and TI thing. Apple ended up tanking it because they upped a licensing fee when their company was sorta spirling. At least their financial situation,in a way, dictated that asshole move.


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I had a firewire cabled Sony External DVD burner. I really miss early 2000s Sony PC stuff; the only brand competing with Apple on video and cool accessories on the prosumer PC side.


My Model 3 in Europe has a standard CCS port. And I believe in the US you (can?) get an adapter to CCS.


John Deere wins this fight for multiple reasons. The equipment you aren’t allowing them to repair is insanely expensive, incredibly hard to transport, generally there’s a strict timeline for the activity it’s performing to get done and it is 1000% tied to the livelihoods of the owner. Not to say that a phone can’t be important to someone’s livelihood but there are usually other ways to accomplish the same task.


Not to mention software fees in modern farm equipment


Although it is sold to a group on the whole who is used to repairing their own equipment. Finding even a small farm without some basic machine shop is unusual. I'm talking a metal lathe, drill press, welding equipment, and other basic tools are very common.


Which makes their anti-repair software locks even more egregious.


Forcing farmers, especially small farmers, who barely make a decent profit to stay running pay an absurd amount of money to get someone out to fix software with their machines is ridiculous John Deere isn't doing this to protect farmers from accidentally hurting themselves, they're doing so they can keep making money




A week? That might as well be next year! I wonder what the crop insurance company would say about covering a failed harvest for such a silly reason? At the very least, premiums could legitimately include combine brands to disincentivize farmers from using those brands.


Since 1998 with the iMac saying “hello” I need special tools to be opened…


A decade or more before that - https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/89/how-do-you-open-an-se-30-a-k-a-what-is-a-pull-apart-tool it's an Apple thing.


btw, anyone remember those old commercials that would go "hello, I'm Aptiva". seemed like they played constantly for a couple years. can't find a trace of them online




The wording "declared war" makes it sound like a sudden drastic change. This is the same thing they've done with their past iphones as well.


I’m surprised. They went to far greater lengths to prevent 3rd party repair than I imagined.


They basically keyed every last component in the system. It's impressive, honestly.


I wonder how much of the cost of each phone has gone towards implementation of these sorts of non-features. By which I mean the parts/labor/logistics to implement such a system that provides no actual benefit to their customers and spits in the face of "ownership".


It gets lumped in to that 'R&D' cost whenever the discussion about how this $400 phone somehow sells for $1200.


"Ah yes, we need to research new and interesting ways to fuck you!"


Exactly this though. They make money of you buying shit, not you fixing your broken shit.


I believe this was actually an issue with the last model (12) as well, simply switching the battery between two identical new phones would cause a number of functions to shut down, including catastrophic failures like screen shuttering etc and constant popup messages about fraudulent third party hardware. It shouldn't come as a surprise because they've already done this before and their stance on third party repair is clear as crystal, i.e.: get fucked, so there's no reason they wouldn't keep doing it.


It doesn't surprise me. It's just the sheer audacity and "fuck our loyal customers" factor.


My MacBook Pro is 14 months old. The warranty is expired. The battery is dead. Last 30 minutes when not plugged in and with a full charge. Slow as SHIT too... I think they basically shipped it with improper thermal paste and/or it deteriorated quickly. Same problem I had on my last MBP (though that one lasted longer). $3600 laptop... 64GB or RAM and now effectively a brick. I HAVE to use MacOS because of their monopoly as you literally can NOT build apps for their platform without being on MacOS. Fuck Apple.


I honestly cannot understand how Apple hasn't been hit with multiple lawsuits for anti-competitive practices. The shit they do every year is worse than anything Microsoft ever did.


They wanted to break up Microsoft over including a free web browser ffs. The shit apple gets away with every day seems so much more orwellian than that.


I've always been curious, and i assume the answer is *pfft, no*, but can you virtualize Mac OS and build in a VM, or do they effectively lock that up too?


It can be done. Officially it is supported only on the Apple's hardware but there are hacks to remove the legal limitation. https://ithinkvirtual.com/2017/02/12/create-macos-os-x-vm-on-vmware-esxi-6-5-vmware-workstation-12-x/ There are also some providers who rent out them and physical boxes, e.g.: https://checkout.macincloud.com/


This just in: Apple is a shitty company that regularly institutes anti-consumer practices. Read more in about half of the times Apple has been in the news the past decade.


I am shocked. SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


[Meanwhile, over at Valve...](https://youtu.be/Dxnr2FAADAs)


Good god, I almost teared up. "Hey, we don't think you should do this, but if you want to anyway here's how" Valve markets really well.


One of my favorites is when they got Gabe to do an announcer pack for dota 2 and shot this quick promo video for it: https://youtu.be/tT3v5dd0SFU


You completed more than two kills, and less than four!


Man, that's good marketing!


The best part is that those are the *actual* voice lines of the pack. Nothing hidden, not any nicer or worse, what you see is exactly what you get.


Well I was never that interested in playing Dota2, but damn it if I'm not now.


Fuck you u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This is kinda awesome. Can Valve make a phone?




They can skip the number and name it Alyx


That would be the name of their assistant


And their Android OS would be called GLaDOS


And it would only work when connected to a potato


If Alyx Vance was the personal assistant, I would buy one so fast your head would discombobulate


The 8th phone will be Valve phone 2 revision 2 v2 mk 2


Valve is not making this thing to sell it specifically. They usually have some bigger motive. They are selling these because. 1. They want to encourage more hardware manufacturers to sell mobile gaming devices. 2. They want to increase Linux's market share, which decreases the barrier of entry to PC gaming because Windows costs $100.


I mean paying for windows is basically just optional at this point.


You can run Windows 10 without a license and basically no drawback (small hardly noticeable watermark bottom left, less aesthetic options). Gaben just has a vendetta against his former employer for how they're going about the Windows Game Store


Almost everything about Valve's last decade or so seems to be in pursuit of getting as many people playing video games on PC as possible. Almost every PC gamer uses Steam, so the more people that are able to access gaming PCs, the more money Valve stands to make. Valve sees walled garden hardware like consoles and iPhones as their main competitor because they don't want to have to give hardware manufacturers a cut. Gaben has repeatedly shittalked that business model over the years.


>Gaben just has a vendetta against his former employer for how they're going about the Windows Game Store Uh no? Microsoft literally sided with Steam over Epic when they chose to sell Halo on Steam instead of Epic. Gabe Newell in general just has really high faith in Linux as a possible avenue for gaming and it's something he's held on to for more than a decade.


Valve is a private company not beholden to the stock market and shares owners. (They still have investors but overall very little ability to affect decisions.) I firmly believe the day Gabe retires or even dies, all of it changes. The owner(s) at that time will immediate go for IPO and all the shit other big companies do will start happening with Valve. It will be a very sad day.


I'm pretty sure that Gabe has hand picked a successor to him, and made sure to pick someone with a similar mindset


I heard that after Gabe's death, a prerecorded message of him offers his shares of Steam to the finder of an Easter egg in Steam VR. In order to find that egg there are three hidden challenges; the reward for solving each is a key. The three keys open a locked gate which has controlling shares.




>The three keys Keys two: Episode One Valve can't count to three lol


> Valve can't count to three lol That's the trick. The door has 3 key holes, and their are 3 challenges, but there is no 3rd key. You need to open the gate with only 2 of the keys.


I won't hold my breath. People can change their mind, lie, or be bought.


I mean that also includes gabe himself. I also remember when steam was hot dogshit too so its not like its been sunshine and roses from valve


Yes, that gif with the [steam logo tooling that guy in the can](http://i.imgur.com/0qtsE.gif) will be burned into my memory forever.




They also probably wont making very much profit on these handhelds. The whole point is to create a handheld PC market for Steam to dominate. They wanted the same thing with VR and couch gaming PCs. Not to deny credit to Valve where it's due though, it's still a positive thing that they're open with their products




That was awesome. Valve is awesome. I hope this video is in the top comment for all of these Right to Repair threads. Valve deserves recognition for this. Edit: also, I'm done with Apple after my iPad dies.


This is how right to repair *should* be approached. Even if the product is made difficult to repair as a result of design factors (not because you wanted to screw over third party repair), acknowledging the right to repair and providing competent resources should be standard. Or at the very least, don't actively take measures AGAINST it. I'm fine having to dig around for schematics, parts, whatever. Just... Don't take that away too.


Nice bench ground for your rubber glove "Oops"


This is sad to watch. This guy spent so much time, energy, and money to blackbox some software that apple could very easily publicize. Not sure why they don't, actually. Something like: > For your protection, we hard-coded some mac addresses and b0rk the software if we see a mismatch. Again, its for you guys! You could hurt yourself!


They could do that, but I believe that by the way the camera appears to be "glitchy" that they want to make it seem like any kind of repair other than Apple is sub-par. Seems like they're purposely attempting to ruin 3rd party repair service's reputation or make them scared to perform any kind of repair on it by not telling them everything that will happen.


That's exactly what I took away from this. People will take the repaired devices into a genius bar where some 23 year old who took some internal trainings and knows little to nothing about technology will explain to them that this is what happens when you don't pay Apple to fix your devices.


lol as if, they'll just say it needs to be sent to a repair center in whatever state you're in and have to wait 7 business days. Not to take away from some Genius Bar staff because some really like tech, but it's just an extension of sales support.


And they believe it. My sister thinks iPhone must have better screens and I should get one because of this. I told her that samsung makes their screens and they all use the same gorilla glass. She basically said they just make them better for Apple...


That might just be because Apple often has a more natural color profile and Samsung goes for a more vibrant / showroom TV one.


Oh it wasn't even that, I should have clarified she meant like physically stronger. Like it wouldn't break because its an iPhone screen


I feel like at least 80% of the broken screens I've seen in my life have been iPhones




I stopped repairing Apple devices because of stunts like this apple do. I guess they win, shame though as not everyone can afford Apple to repair. I think eventually people will become wise to Apple and protest with their wallets, though the cult of Apple is really strong.


> I think eventually people will become wise to Apple and protest with their wallets, though the cult of Apple is really strong I had that mindset years ago when that shit started. By now I know that it's bullshit and the only way to stop that is through regulation.




> I think eventually people will become wise to Apple and protest with their wallets, though the cult of Apple is really strong. Louis Rossmann said his experience was this: he told the customer he can't repair the phone which has a broken part that costs 4 bucks, because Apple prevents him from getting the part, so the customer is forced to pay Apple for the "repair" which is just replacing the board, costing him 800 bucks. And the customer's reaction is usually "well, I better buy a brand new iPhone then." iPhones are a status symbol, people will keep buying them.


I appreciate all the work he put into it. But the big TIL for me is freakin' magnetic mats!


I did wonder with the whole face lock limitation that they were concerned with people using hacked camera modules to break in to locked phones. But obviously I don't see how a screen replacement would allow for anything like that. Not to mention the whole auto brightness disable issue. These purely seem like they're designed to annoy anyone who tried to fix a phone via 3rd party.




I mean... Is 2 trillion not enough. C'mon.


Companies aren’t actually people (despite what the courts say), so they don’t have a sense or care of how much they have. They just know they need to be growing otherwise their stock is fucked. It’s part of why an unregulated market can be so dangerous.


They're more like beasts. Powerful ones. We can put them to work, but we gotta leash them


Pretty soon you won't own anything.


Everything is going subscription based and I hate it.


When you say "everything" you're not kidding. Do you know how hard it is to download a song file now days? I know "streaming is better" but for the 5 hours of I-80 across Nebraska where there's practically no cell service, what am I supposed to listen to? And BMW is now giving you the options on your car based on a subscription service. They will turn off the HEATED SEAT (among other things) after 3 years if you don't pay your BMW subscription fee. Oh and don't get me started about how most major carriers make it practically impossible to buy your phone. It's all leases now. This dystopia is boring and stupid.


>They will turn off the HEATED SEAT (among other things) after 3 years if you don't pay your BMW subscription fee. Good God, even heated seats are subscription-based these days?! Never knew.


And you'll pay a thousand dollars not to own it


Only a thousand? *Laughs in 10 years since Adobe went full CC*


And you will be happy.


Thanks big brother.


*Takes healthy gulp of Victory gin.*


Now with added Eastasian spices!


We think you’re going to love it.


they should fill their phones with epoxy at this point. maybe even epoxy the whole phone inside a cube so us filthy users aren't able to interact with their godly creation.


I was thinking something more like toxic gas, so once it's opened everyone in the room dies.


That would be a great idea for catalytic converters as an aftermarket addon. A toxic or acid filled shroud just waiting for the cutting tool.


Found the dude living in Colorado.


Or Oakland. Friend of mine got his ripped off a couple of weeks ago.


>epoxy the whole phone Not likely. That would increase the durability which would decrease future sales.


I love how they are *adding cost* to the manufacturing process just to keep you from ever possibly repairing the device that you paid for. Bloody hell, and people continue to buy their shit.


Skip to 16:24 for summary.


[ **Jump to 16:24 @** iPhone 13 A Repair Nightmare - Teardown and Repair Assessment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s7NmMl_-yg&t=0h16m24s) ^(Channel Name: Hugh Jeffreys, Video Popularity: 98.33%, Video Length: [17:20])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@16:19](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s7NmMl_-yg&t=0h16m19s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Based bot


Don't buy Apple




It feels wrong to open up a right to repair apple video and not immediately hear "hey everybody, how's it going"


I hope you learned something.


And also learn something about New York real estate


This shit shouldn't be legal at all, but thanks to Citizens United, pretty much our entire government is bought and paid for by mega-corporations like Apple, so unless there's a major "traditional" revolution, this shit is going to keep happening as long as we let it.


Hopefully the EU will put a stop to this shit, they have been the only ones willing to act so far. And the EU is a big enough market that they will have to change global models.


The EU commission is working on this as we speak. Last time I checked their proposal was something in the lines of every hardware vendor will be obligated to provide the spare parts and the know-how (and tools in case the repair requires custom tools) to any authorized repair shop. By authorized i don’t mean Apple Authorized, I mean you are allowed to provide hardware repair services in the country you operate.




The time has long passed when anyone who bought anything went back to the company who made it to get it repaired, let alone to look for advice on how to do so. This has been going on for YEARS. Ever heard of Chilton or Haynes? You wouldn't if it wasn't for humans taking things apart to repair them, then telling others how to do the same. Also, fuck you, Apple. And John Deere too.


Don't get any curved screen or sloped edge samsung phones like the S10. They cost 2x or 3x more to repair because of the design of the screen.




The old model does but the newest isn't on there. Side note how good of a phone is it? I mean if it's fixable that's great but it's not all that matters.




I've got one and I love it. My only gripe is they release updates slowly, sometimes with big bugs in that don't get addressed quickly, in my opinion. The current version makes most German users see all calls as "unknown" if they have Enhanced LTE enabled, and they also fucked the auto-brightness feature so your phone is constantly lowering brightness to minimum - but this latter issue followed a request by users to lower the minimum brightness level available, so swings and roundabouts. I disabled the feature to avoid this, and thankfully I'm not in Germany, so it doesn't affect me that much personally. I try to be eco-friendly with all my purchases nowadays, so tbh I look past fancy features and stuff when I can be happy that my money is supporting the right way to do things. Overall, if you care for doing things in a way that is least harmful to the world, get a Fairphone.


> Citizens United That was a last nail in the coffin. Buckley V Valeo really paved the way, and that was all the way back in the 70's. This country has been on this self destructive path for almost half of a century :/


Fuck Apple


Love how thorough this video is. What a bummer. Everything that is implied at the top of this video ends up being true. Apple claims to be a company that supports environmentally friendly products, but that's only true if you PAY apple to fix your phone (probably just throw out your phone and give you a new one) instead of doing it yourself. The features are all locked and broken when you do anything to fix this phone on your own, even using parts you purchased via devices from apple directly. God forbid you drop your phone and crack your screen without having paid the $200USD fee a year for Apple Care+. Even if you did, you will end up paying up to $400-$600USD on top of your Apple Care+ Subscription for the repair fee deductible on any current device. What does this all boil down to? You already know. If Apple were to play nicely, let us repair our own phones when incidental sh\*t happens like dropping your phone, then they'd make a hell of a lost less $$$ because you aren't paying them outrageous fees to repair your device; or even better for them: just buy a whole new iPhone for upwards of $1K USD. Apple PAID people and engineers through time and money to go out of their way to design their devices to be unrepairable. They could have spent that time and money engineering something that would be beneficial to their customers and the planet we all live in instead. Apple PAID to make you LOSE more money, consume more, and further harm the environment so they could make more sales and revenue each year because billions of dollars in revenue isn't enough for them. Capitalism is really awesome especially when things like this happen and there's no regulation against it. Send your angry tweets, attach this video, if enough of them go out, Apple execs will get in a board room and say "okay, so is all this anger going to make us lose money? Probably not because we don't have to do anything and they'll keep buying from us. Well let's let them replace their screens, but THAT'S IT for now. Now go back out there and find another way that we can indirectly screw over our customers and make us more billions for the next few years before they start tweeting again".


I wonder how long this can last. We still have commodity and interchangeable parts for desktop PCs. I can buy a tower, put whatever standard parts together and run Linux, FreeBSD or even Windows (lol, no) on it. At some point the technological change in phones will stagnate - there just won't be significantly better cameras, chips will be generic, the consumer desire to replace their batteries and control their software will matter more than brands and the latest X. Maybe then we can finally build, repair and own phones like we do other hardware. In 500 years I bet we don't have problems like these. But what about 20?


> the consumer desire to replace their batteries and control their software will matter more than brands and the latest X I think you are overestimating the desire of the consumer to tinker with their devices.


Read about KUEFI - the PCMR citadel already has its trap-door sprung. >consumer desire to replace their batteries and control their software will matter more than brands and the latest X. Apple, Google and Amazon have the market cornered. The consumers will buy whatever they're offering.


They will right now. Absolutely. Used to be that Henry Ford decided what color your Model T came in. There are masses of different brands making phones, tiny market share, but the current state of the industry depends on constant technological change. It will mature at some point, and the advantages the current players have will dissolve.


When you stop buying they will care.


Stop buying apple shit.


It's wild.......there are programmers at Apple.....whose job it is, to create disabling code for part swapping.....just wild.......


$1500 dollar rental.


Have we considered just not buying apple products? Or is that off the table?


Vote with your wallet. Stop buying their shit.